No sugars and no carbs



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I try to do no sugar, but I need my carbs.. they are my fuel, I burn 1000 calories a day.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    kaytbugz09 wrote: »
    I've been doing keto/low carb since Halloween and it's been GREAT! Everyone who is freaking out on @microwoman999 needs to stop. A lot of people are on a similar diet, Low Carb/High Fat, and have had great success. I'm not extremely strict on the diet. If I want to eat a sandwich with real bread, ice cream, etc., I go ahead and have it. Only if I really want it. Otherwise, my sugar/carb cravings have practically disappeared. All symptoms from my bad gall bladder have disappeared. My bloodwork, taken just before Christmas, shows great improvements in cholesterol in the past year. I've also lost 15 pounds and two pant sizes! Sure, it sounds sketchy, but it is sustainable and it does work. Don't just automatically assume that a doctor is crazy for suggesting such a diet!

    If anyone is suffering from gallstones or has had their gallbladder removed please, please, please seek medical advice before trying a high fat diet. It's generally recommended to avoid fat if you have gallbladder issues and many of those who have had their gallbladder removed end up unable to cope with anything fatty with quite spectacular results (there is a name for the condition but I can't remember what it is), I can't even drink full fat milk without experiencing similar to the side effects of Alli+too much fat. It's all rather unpleasant and painful.

    I don't have gallbladder issues, but I have those digestive issues if I eat a lot of fat.

    I need to keep my fat intake low because I have familial hypercholesterolemia anyway, so no worries.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm low carb too.......
  • addicted2cola
    addicted2cola Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not reading through 10 pages of comments, so I don't know if it's been posted, but have you tried They've got some fantastic low-carb recipes! Seriously, there's a Bacon Cheeseburger Soup recipe that's probably one of the best things I've ever eaten (I added onion and red pepper, so not quite as low carb, but still delish).
  • Susie_Magoozie
    Susie_Magoozie Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017
    My dietician has put me on something similar. I'm only allowed a total of 105g of carbs a day. And they have to be consumed in small 15g increments except lunch which is 30g.
    It is because I am insulin resistant, and have hypothyroidism. Making it very difficult to lose weight, even on a calorie deficit

    If your hypothyroidism is being properly managed through medication, it's really not more difficult to lose weight than for a 'normal' person, since the med supplements what your thyroid would be producing if it was working properly. The medication levels the playing field, if you will. I have Hashimoto's and I lost 75 lbs within a year, and reached my goal weight.

    And you *will* lose weight if you are actually in a calorie deficit - everyone does, regardless of their medical issues. The trick is in finding out what a calorie deficit is *for you.* If you aren't losing weight, it's because you really aren't in a calorie deficit. And when you do, it's because you are.

    It really isn't more complicated than that. :)

    An endocrinologist explained to me, (I have hashimoto's and take thyroid hormone), that with hashimoto's (which includes hypothyroidism) that we can eat the "exact same thing" as someone else and we our bodies do not take it the same; the other person may lose weight while we struggle to lose any; because both our metabolism and our digestion is slowed.

    I've read about people who do massive workouts, count calories and more, I've read about people who have to go down to 800 calories (unhealthy) to lose weight... There are other issues related to thyroid that can make things so tough.

    Some people have thyroid chemical inbalances that cause it to be horribly painful to lose weight. It has to do with T4 and T3 and conversions... Some people don't convert the T4 into the T3 well, it means issues. I highly recommend Stop the Thyroid Madness website, book and group on Facebook called FTPO (For Thyroid Patients Only) as they can fully explain this. You can also research it.

    Finding a good doctor who knows about these issues, the imbalances, T4 that doesn't convert (for some) and more is a really important helpful thing. Some of these sites (including Thyroid Sexy and Hashimoto's 411 on Facebook) also have some great help for suggestions for doctors who might be able to help.