What's your Bench 1RM?



  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.

    I'm not claiming to have a massive bench press but my numbers have increased significantly so I feel like I'm doing something right enough to answer.

    My programming currently has me competition benching 3x/week. Two out of those three days require barbell close grip work afterwards. The third day is heavy dumbell flat press after competition bench. All of this work is currently submaximal in this block. As I get closer to competing, load will increase and reps will decrease.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    In the beginning bench moves up every week as you get to heavier lifts of what your BW can handle you have to strengthen other muscles to get it going again. I would love to bench over 500 again but being 50 years old the percentage is low. But that's what I'm striving for. What works for one lifter may not work for another, you have to figure what works for you. No lifter is built the same or genetically equal. I listen to all and stay humble hoping to find things that will work better than what I'm doing.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    TR0berts wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    This may be the first time I've ever heard/seen 5/3/1 referred to as a brosplit. Back when I was doing full 5/3/1, I did squat volume after heavy deads and bench volume after heavy OHP and vice versa. I still follow that basic idea, although OHP is the only one I'm currently using 5/3/1 programming for.

    We're doing a bastardized Westside for bench. As such, it's almost all barbell work, but we do incorporate dumbbells from time to time - sometimes as our backoff/volume work, sometimes as our main work. The 2nd day I do is purely barbell volume - after OHP, as noted above.

    Its changed some with "Beyond" but most of the proscribed training plans are one movement a day with accessories, but actually training the main movement more than once isn't, unless you are running BBB -- Wendler does recommend that you can do the 5x10 sets on a separate day.

    I've shied away from Westside because I am still in that intermediate stage.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    This may be the first time I've ever heard/seen 5/3/1 referred to as a brosplit. Back when I was doing full 5/3/1, I did squat volume after heavy deads and bench volume after heavy OHP and vice versa. I still follow that basic idea, although OHP is the only one I'm currently using 5/3/1 programming for.

    We're doing a bastardized Westside for bench. As such, it's almost all barbell work, but we do incorporate dumbbells from time to time - sometimes as our backoff/volume work, sometimes as our main work. The 2nd day I do is purely barbell volume - after OHP, as noted above.

    Its changed some with "Beyond" but most of the proscribed training plans are one movement a day with accessories, but actually training the main movement more than once isn't, unless you are running BBB -- Wendler does recommend that you can do the 5x10 sets on a separate day.

    I've shied away from Westside because I am still in that intermediate stage.

    I found the same and have moved to versions/templated with 2x a week frequency minimum (the exception being right now due to the poverty cals).
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    edited January 2017
    I was a shoulder bencher back in the day because my arms were so long. Now after I've had rotator cuff surgery I'm a tricep bencher. Check your form, it may not be your routine.
  • Obeg
    Obeg Posts: 49 Member
    You get a lot of pressing work overhead in Crossfit and because of the Olympic lifting emphasis in CF, the bench press is little more than accessory for Crossfitters. For a powerlifter overhead pressing movements are a great accessory for us, that helps move the weight in a bench press. However, just think how strong to could be in the bench press if you benched two or three times a week?

    I did that for awhile. Back in the day I did the silly split routines of Leg day, back day, chest day.. then changed to a more traditional full body 4-5 days a week and then lastly a strict 5x5 where I was doing a lot of pressing - and this is what got my body all out of wack. My goals today aren't a massive bench or squat or dead lift or 5k time or 40 time or pull up time... it is a overall fitness level and CF has given me that with a bonus that my metric lifts are increasing as well.

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    This may be the first time I've ever heard/seen 5/3/1 referred to as a brosplit. Back when I was doing full 5/3/1, I did squat volume after heavy deads and bench volume after heavy OHP and vice versa. I still follow that basic idea, although OHP is the only one I'm currently using 5/3/1 programming for.

    We're doing a bastardized Westside for bench. As such, it's almost all barbell work, but we do incorporate dumbbells from time to time - sometimes as our backoff/volume work, sometimes as our main work. The 2nd day I do is purely barbell volume - after OHP, as noted above.

    Its changed some with "Beyond" but most of the proscribed training plans are one movement a day with accessories, but actually training the main movement more than once isn't, unless you are running BBB -- Wendler does recommend that you can do the 5x10 sets on a separate day.

    I've shied away from Westside because I am still in that intermediate stage.

    I found the same and have moved to versions/templated with 2x a week frequency minimum (the exception being right now due to the poverty cals).

    ^ Complains about poverty cals, deadlifts 405x10 this week for a PR.

  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    170lbs with a 280 1RM (actually set this morning). While I've always been active in lifting and fitness I stepped into bodyweight routines for quite awhile but I'm now working on my second cycle of 531 and enjoying it. Looking to hit 300lbs before I even consider slowing down.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Obeg wrote: »
    You get a lot of pressing work overhead in Crossfit and because of the Olympic lifting emphasis in CF, the bench press is little more than accessory for Crossfitters. For a powerlifter overhead pressing movements are a great accessory for us, that helps move the weight in a bench press. However, just think how strong to could be in the bench press if you benched two or three times a week?

    I did that for awhile. Back in the day I did the silly split routines of Leg day, back day, chest day.. then changed to a more traditional full body 4-5 days a week and then lastly a strict 5x5 where I was doing a lot of pressing - and this is what got my body all out of wack. My goals today aren't a massive bench or squat or dead lift or 5k time or 40 time or pull up time... it is a overall fitness level and CF has given me that with a bonus that my metric lifts are increasing as well.

    I still do heavy inclines( 345 max a couple of weeks ago), OHP sets of 10 most of the time with maxes every 6 weeks.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I need balls.

    I don't think I'll be able to bench 300 without them. sigh. damn this vagina.

    Same feels.
    Dudes will never understand the pee whilst deads/squats thing either.
    Life is unfair.

    no. they won't. :( I love being a woman- but gah- sometimes it massively sucks.

    I make it a point to talk about it(re the pee thing) so it's more normal- I'm tired of feeling like it's weird- it's not- it's a reality- and I"m not trying to have someone side eye me when it happens.

    I've heard Meg Squats talk on Mark Bells power cast that is something that can be corrected.
    How? Got me. I'm a guy.

    Peeing is not the only problem unfortunately. If you watched the MegSquats power cast I'm sure you know. (At least I think she talked about other lady problems on there? She was on Massthetics talking about it too.)
    I have yet to have issues with pee, luckily. But there are definitely times when I still think, "damn this vagina" (I will avoid further detail for the fellas who just came here to talk about bench press, but, you know....)
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    This may be the first time I've ever heard/seen 5/3/1 referred to as a brosplit. Back when I was doing full 5/3/1, I did squat volume after heavy deads and bench volume after heavy OHP and vice versa. I still follow that basic idea, although OHP is the only one I'm currently using 5/3/1 programming for.

    We're doing a bastardized Westside for bench. As such, it's almost all barbell work, but we do incorporate dumbbells from time to time - sometimes as our backoff/volume work, sometimes as our main work. The 2nd day I do is purely barbell volume - after OHP, as noted above.

    Its changed some with "Beyond" but most of the proscribed training plans are one movement a day with accessories, but actually training the main movement more than once isn't, unless you are running BBB -- Wendler does recommend that you can do the 5x10 sets on a separate day.

    I've shied away from Westside because I am still in that intermediate stage.

    I'm only on my first cycle with 5/3/1 but I've added the BBB benching after OHP (5x3 at 90%, doing them paused when I remember to) and joker sets after the plus set. Set my numbers pretty reasonable. It feels like work, I guess we'll see how it pans out. I'm doing it as an upper/lower, so full upper body accessories on OHP and bench days.
    I was doing Conjugate for a few months, which seemed to be great for my deadlift, but I felt like I needed to do more competition style benching/squatting myself, and more volume. Probably too much of a newb for it I suppose.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    We joke around at the gym about working major body parts, legs,chest, and back. We always throw tri's in there too,lol.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    I completely agree with you in regards to the frequency. That's why I opted to do PHAT, but use 5/3/1 for all of my compounds so that I can still get them in 2x weekly. I've definitely been working on my back a lot as well, the majority being pendlay rows (gawd I love those) but also dumbell and other row variations and pull downs.
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    I was a shoulder bencher back in the day because my arms were so long. Now after I've had rotator cuff surgery I'm a tricep bencher. Check your form, it may not be your routine.

    I'm hoping it isn't my form. I'm a bit of a form nazi on myself for all of the big lifts. No need for an injury. Maybe one of these days I'll take clip and get your guys opinions. It could be that my triceps are lacking in the necessary power. What is everyone's preferred tricep builders for strength/mass? I do a lot of skull crusher variations with close grip bench

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.

    I do all barbell training, no DB work at all. I do 5/3/1 and bench heavy 1x a week, volume 1x a week. Maybe close-grip and incline for volume sometimes when bulking? But usually just straight barbell bench. I've never really found the fluff exercises to give me anything, personally (other than tendonitis). Zero isolation work.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    For all of you massive benchers. Including you Jo. Do you guys do strictly barbell 2-3x a week or one of those days do you incorporate dumbell as well? All my lifts including OH press are moving, but bench has to be the most stubborn. I'm using phat with wendler currently so im not just jumping into it. Just curious if you guys do variations. I am going for astetics as well as strength, hoping to compete in both hence the strength/hypertrophy program.
    I run 531 too, and I love it but the only issue I had with it is that it is a bro split and I wasn't getting enough time under the bar benching and squatting. I modified the program to include two more squat and bench days by adding two more deloads of each throughout the week. Result: both lifts went up and the movement itself became more efficient.

    As with others, I've developed my back -- especially my lats -- to assist in my bench efforts.

    And yes, I still employed dumbbell (and bodyweight) work, but for hypertrophy.

    I completely agree with you in regards to the frequency. That's why I opted to do PHAT, but use 5/3/1 for all of my compounds so that I can still get them in 2x weekly. I've definitely been working on my back a lot as well, the majority being pendlay rows (gawd I love those) but also dumbell and other row variations and pull downs.
    Z_I_L_L_A wrote: »
    I was a shoulder bencher back in the day because my arms were so long. Now after I've had rotator cuff surgery I'm a tricep bencher. Check your form, it may not be your routine.

    I'm hoping it isn't my form. I'm a bit of a form nazi on myself for all of the big lifts. No need for an injury. Maybe one of these days I'll take clip and get your guys opinions. It could be that my triceps are lacking in the necessary power. What is everyone's preferred tricep builders for strength/mass? I do a lot of skull crusher variations with close grip bench

    Dips, tricep press down machine, nose busters, overhead tricep extention etc. Pullovers, straight bar and DB. Hit 9 reps with 315 on bench yesterday bombed on 10th halfway up. Disappointed. ..
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    I'm 130lbs... My max was 121 lbs last time I tried but I don't bench much.
  • OrdinaryDude300
    OrdinaryDude300 Posts: 51 Member
    I weight 190 age 55. Last time i tried it was 285. The bench is my best lift though i need work on many other lifts especially lower body. My gf weighs 135 lb her best bench is only 85 at 45 years young but she got the stronger lower body.
  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
    Body weight- 270
    Bench 1RM- 325
    I work out chest 1X this week, next week 2X, then 1X, etc...
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Before injuring my left shoulder (benching, tore middle delt) right before Christmas:
    305 TnG at 198. I've done paused at 290.
    Last spring at a BP comp did 305 at 190.

    Make sure when you go heavy to check and make sure your feet are solid. My foot slipped (think there was sweat on the floor). Once it slipped my whole left side got out of whack, shoulders unpacked. I corrected fairly fast but should have asked for assistance and called it. Happened very fast.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Never really tested it, as I train by myself. However, calculating off if my 5/3/1 rep PRs (for whatever that's worth) puts me at 200 at a bodyweight of 172. Started lifting in early August.