What is something way too high in calories but you cant resist and how often do you have it?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    active562 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    active562 wrote: »
    Exercising to burn off calories is not really a disorder BUT if you eat something and then feel guilty AND force yourself to exercise to remove your guilt , then you are just punishing yourself. Enjoy to freakin cheesecake and make up for it by reducing your calories by 200 for the next 2-3 days. Seriously , whats the big deal ? Why should you deprive yourself off delicious food for the rest of your life ? To me , thats just being cruel and too hard on yourself. I cant imagine me turning down my boyfriend/friends for a night out with snacks / junk food / drinks with my excuse being '' I cant fit those in my calorie goals , so I am gonna stay in tonight'' .
    It just doesnt make any sense. With that logic , every person who goes out to eat and drink , would be overweight.

    But a lot are overweight, lol!

    But for me, reducing my calories by 200 for a few days is more punishment than doing 30 extra minutes of exercise for a few days.

    So most of the people who go out and eat and have fun every weekend are overweight ?

    At least half, if you look at America's obesity rates, lol.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    But for me, reducing my calories by 200 for a few days is more punishment than doing 30 extra minutes of exercise for a few days.

  • active562
    active562 Posts: 135 Member
    active562 wrote: »
    Exercising to burn off calories is not really a disorder BUT if you eat something and then feel guilty AND force yourself to exercise to remove your guilt , then you are just punishing yourself. Enjoy to freakin cheesecake and make up for it by reducing your calories by 200 for the next 2-3 days. Seriously , whats the big deal ? Why should you deprive yourself off delicious food for the rest of your life ? To me , thats just being cruel and too hard on yourself. I cant imagine me turning down my boyfriend/friends for a night out with snacks / junk food / drinks with my excuse being '' I cant fit those in my calorie goals , so I am gonna stay in tonight'' .
    It just doesnt make any sense. With that logic , every person who goes out to eat and drink , would be overweight.

    Well, if exercise means that to you, then ok, I guess you are punishing yourself. It's not that to me. I've been working out regularly for over 30 years. It's a normal part of my day. That said, I like to have a little time here and there that I can spend doing other things too.

    And how well you can "make it up" over the next few days completely depends on how many calories you "splurged" on and what your budget is. My gosh - I turn down food all the time. And I never make plans to go out and have a "snack/junk food night". Why on earth should I do that? Why would you think that I would want to? FWIW, I am perfectly capable of going out with friends, and drinking water all night for that matter. It's about exercising some discipline. I do NOT "deprive myself of delicious food", nor did I say that I did. I said that I prefer to lose weight by staying within my daily calorie budget. Period.

    I seriously don't understand people who think that they have found the only method of managing their diet that works, and that everyone else should do the same as they do.

    Exercising per se is not a punishment. I workout for 45 mins everyday as well. For me , its a punishment when you eat a slice of cake and instead of enjoying it , you start feeling guilty and go workout for an extra two hours to make up for it.
    If you are happy going out and drinking water then yes , I agree that you should do whatever makes you happy and go and drink water all night. But for the majority of people , constantly turning down food and drinking only water is not the ideal way and well , this thread is in fact about high calorie delicious foods.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    active562 wrote: »
    active562 wrote: »
    Exercising to burn off calories is not really a disorder BUT if you eat something and then feel guilty AND force yourself to exercise to remove your guilt , then you are just punishing yourself. Enjoy to freakin cheesecake and make up for it by reducing your calories by 200 for the next 2-3 days. Seriously , whats the big deal ? Why should you deprive yourself off delicious food for the rest of your life ? To me , thats just being cruel and too hard on yourself. I cant imagine me turning down my boyfriend/friends for a night out with snacks / junk food / drinks with my excuse being '' I cant fit those in my calorie goals , so I am gonna stay in tonight'' .
    It just doesnt make any sense. With that logic , every person who goes out to eat and drink , would be overweight.

    Well, if exercise means that to you, then ok, I guess you are punishing yourself. It's not that to me. I've been working out regularly for over 30 years. It's a normal part of my day. That said, I like to have a little time here and there that I can spend doing other things too.

    And how well you can "make it up" over the next few days completely depends on how many calories you "splurged" on and what your budget is. My gosh - I turn down food all the time. And I never make plans to go out and have a "snack/junk food night". Why on earth should I do that? Why would you think that I would want to? FWIW, I am perfectly capable of going out with friends, and drinking water all night for that matter. It's about exercising some discipline. I do NOT "deprive myself of delicious food", nor did I say that I did. I said that I prefer to lose weight by staying within my daily calorie budget. Period.

    I seriously don't understand people who think that they have found the only method of managing their diet that works, and that everyone else should do the same as they do.

    Exercising per se is not a punishment. I workout for 45 mins everyday as well. For me , its a punishment when you eat a slice of cake and instead of enjoying it , you start feeling guilty and go workout for an extra two hours to make up for it.
    If you are happy going out and drinking water then yes , I agree that you should do whatever makes you happy and go and drink water all night. But for the majority of people , constantly turning down food and drinking only water is not the ideal way and well , this thread is in fact about high calorie delicious foods.
    active562 wrote: »
    active562 wrote: »
    Exercising to burn off calories is not really a disorder BUT if you eat something and then feel guilty AND force yourself to exercise to remove your guilt , then you are just punishing yourself. Enjoy to freakin cheesecake and make up for it by reducing your calories by 200 for the next 2-3 days. Seriously , whats the big deal ? Why should you deprive yourself off delicious food for the rest of your life ? To me , thats just being cruel and too hard on yourself. I cant imagine me turning down my boyfriend/friends for a night out with snacks / junk food / drinks with my excuse being '' I cant fit those in my calorie goals , so I am gonna stay in tonight'' .
    It just doesnt make any sense. With that logic , every person who goes out to eat and drink , would be overweight.

    Well, if exercise means that to you, then ok, I guess you are punishing yourself. It's not that to me. I've been working out regularly for over 30 years. It's a normal part of my day. That said, I like to have a little time here and there that I can spend doing other things too.

    And how well you can "make it up" over the next few days completely depends on how many calories you "splurged" on and what your budget is. My gosh - I turn down food all the time. And I never make plans to go out and have a "snack/junk food night". Why on earth should I do that? Why would you think that I would want to? FWIW, I am perfectly capable of going out with friends, and drinking water all night for that matter. It's about exercising some discipline. I do NOT "deprive myself of delicious food", nor did I say that I did. I said that I prefer to lose weight by staying within my daily calorie budget. Period.

    I seriously don't understand people who think that they have found the only method of managing their diet that works, and that everyone else should do the same as they do.

    Exercising per se is not a punishment. I workout for 45 mins everyday as well. For me , its a punishment when you eat a slice of cake and instead of enjoying it , you start feeling guilty and go workout for an extra two hours to make up for it.
    If you are happy going out and drinking water then yes , I agree that you should do whatever makes you happy and go and drink water all night. But for the majority of people , constantly turning down food and drinking only water is not the ideal way and well , this thread is in fact about high calorie delicious foods.

    If I eat a slice of cake, yes, I want it to be within my budget. For me, that means I prefer to not eat a whole slice, probably a small couple of bites would be what I would choose. "Constantly turning down food" was not stated by me. I said that I turned down good all the time. Meaning, someone bakes brownies and brings them into work (this happens frequently) and I say no thank you. I do prefer to drink water water when I go out, but I don't always. This IS the ideal way, for me. And since you can't understand that, then we should just leave it at that.
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I was a lot more strict about staying within my day's calories when I was actively losing weight. I'd go over on special occasions sometimes, but not otherwise. Now that I'm (trying to be) in maintenance I'm a lot more laid-back about it. I go over regularly, stay under other days, and... well... I still seem to be losing at a rate of around 0.1kg/week. Hmm.

    Anyway, as for those foods I absolutely can't resist...
    1. Cheesecake, closely followed by other well-made cakes. Last Saturday, I had small slices of THREE different cakes. Yummo. So yeah, I probably have cake once or twice a month, at birthday parties.
    2. Beer... I probably drink once or twice a week, usually a couple of beers each time (always between one and three). Obviously three beers is like having an entire extra meal, kilojoule-wise, but I generally fit it in over the week.
    3. Chocolate mousse! I buy this brand that has less than 700kj per tub (~167kcal). Not too hard to fit that in once or twice a week. (Unless I had lots of cake on the weekend prior, then I give it a miss, haha.) There's a brand that has less than half that number of kj but it doesn't taste as nice.
    4. Home-cooked Indian food. Every time I go to one of my partner's family events, I overindulge like crazy. Not only is the food so delicious, but there's always so much of it, it feels downright wasteful not to serve myself a generous portion.
    5. Take-away restaurant food (be it Greek, Indian, Thai, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese - and in my parents' suburb, also Malaysian, Korean, Pakistani...). My family and I choose one restaurant a week to order from.

    Then there are others that it turns out I actually can resist, like pizza and Red Rock Deli potato chips.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I don't eat anything calorie dense on the regular. When I'm in maintenance...maybe avocado. Everything in a deficit is low calorie.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    edited January 2017
    Kettle Chips. The Kettle Brand ones. All the flavors. Strangely, I can have unopened bags in my cupboard with no crazy desire to eat them, but rip the bag open and pretty soon I'm licking out the crumbs at the bottom.

    Yes, I fit them in once a week or so, but usually make the husband take them to work once the bag is open.

  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    active562 wrote: »

    Exercising per se is not a punishment. I workout for 45 mins everyday as well. For me , its a punishment when you eat a slice of cake and instead of enjoying it , you start feeling guilty and go workout for an extra two hours to make up for it.
    If you are happy going out and drinking water then yes , I agree that you should do whatever makes you happy and go and drink water all night. But for the majority of people , constantly turning down food and drinking only water is not the ideal way and well , this thread is in fact about high calorie delicious foods.

    Unless I missed fitmom say she exercises out of guilt, you're putting words/motivations in her that were never stated. Of course some people are driven by guilt and not simply being responsible with their TDEE, but it's unreasonable to assume that bc part of how she manages her TDEE is with exercise that she's disordered. People can manage their TDEE in their own way, you know.

    I apologize if she said her motivation was guilt, don't feel like going back to check. What I did see was her and another reasonably explain that it's about making their numbers work. You're making an issue where there isn't one.

    this was an earlier post...which is what keyed on to that part of the discussion - Either that or I have to go do an extra 2 or 3 hours of cardio!
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member

    this was an earlier post...which is what keyed on to that part of the discussion - Either that or I have to go do an extra 2 or 3 hours of cardio!

    Yeah, I saw that part. But that was just her talking about the math of TDEE.

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,626 Member
    sausage, but the turkey one is only 100 cal instead of 190, so I switched to that one
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    What You're making an issue where there isn't one.

    My thoughts exactly. Sheesh.

  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Kettle Chips. The Kettle Brand ones. All the flavors. Strangely, I can have unopened bags in my cupboard with no crazy desire to eat them, but rip the bag open and pretty soon I'm licking out the crumbs at the bottom.

    Yes, I fit them in once a week or so, but usually make the husband take them to work once the bag is open.


    Yeah I just don't buy the darn things anymore. Salty snacks are just a trigger food for me, and potato chips are the worst. My BF saw those Moscow Mule ones the other day. He really wanted to buy them, but I refused to even pick them up. :p Did you try them yet? I was wondering what sort of flavor that was.
  • TAMoore54
    TAMoore54 Posts: 5 Member
  • GoldenGirlLiv
    GoldenGirlLiv Posts: 19 Member
    White chocolate bread pudding, the extra cheese macaroni pizza- burger from a local place (just saying the name adds weight lol), dunkin donuts double chocolate donut and any krispy kreme...... the list goes on lol but I have learned I can have it all with that "moderation" thing they talk about- that's the best thing about cico- there are unlimited options
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Kettle Chips. The Kettle Brand ones. All the flavors. Strangely, I can have unopened bags in my cupboard with no crazy desire to eat them, but rip the bag open and pretty soon I'm licking out the crumbs at the bottom.

    Yes, I fit them in once a week or so, but usually make the husband take them to work once the bag is open.


    Yeah I just don't buy the darn things anymore. Salty snacks are just a trigger food for me, and potato chips are the worst. My BF saw those Moscow Mule ones the other day. He really wanted to buy them, but I refused to even pick them up. :p Did you try them yet? I was wondering what sort of flavor that was.

    Yeah salty snacks I stopped buying altogether and I don't even try moderation with. Just not satisfying at all to eat a pitiful serving, and I guess I'd rather save my calories for sweet things anyway.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Typical carnival goody from around here (and it's the season for them too... HELP!):


    Imagine a deep fried crepe with a healthy dab of powdered sugar on top... It's around 200 calories per and there's no way I stop at one...
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    this was an earlier post...which is what keyed on to that part of the discussion - Either that or I have to go do an extra 2 or 3 hours of cardio!

    Out of "guilt"? Where are you getting that from? I was referring to how I would address managing my calories if I consumed a big ol' slab of cheesecake that goes for 1000 - 1500 calories. First off - I wouldn't do it in the first place. Because it's too damn hard for me to work off, and even harder to reduce calories the rest of the week. Clearly you misread/misunderstood my posts. Guilt has not one thing to do with it.

    perception..and you weren't talking about cheesecake...you were talking about a splurge on doritos...but obviously - we are just going to continue agreeing to disagree...