Eating When Hungry vs. Sticking to a Calorie Plan



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    sarko15 wrote: »
    Masculinity is embarrassing and unnecessary. I'm not saying I have trouble being a guy, but this is ridiculous. I'm half a foot taller than the average guy. I have hair on my stomach, chest, shoulders and back (and don't think for a minute I would ever date without getting rid of at least the hair on the latter two regions). I think I'm average build despite being fat and that means that even if I have no belly, I'll still have broad shoulders and when I sit down on the train, I'll have to hunch and nobody will want to sit by me (not that I'm really desiring company) because I'm the big wide guy taking up all the space.

    I don't want to date a girl who wants a really masculine guy. I don't want a girl who loves a big or tall guy. Definitely not a girl who actually - ugh - prefers a bald guy. I would rather a girl who said, "I've never been into big bald guys, but after talking to you..." Most of the girls I've found into big bald guys want someone blue-collar and tough. I'm not interested in that.

    So the vibe I'm getting is you don't want someone who would want you? You prefer the chase?

    Not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to understand. As a woman, who knows other women well, I am pretty sure that there are girls out there who would be attracted to you, as you are. But if a girl is attracted to you, what then? Would you give her a chance?

    Of course she wouldn't get a chance because clearly she is worthless:
    Having someone find me attractive is usually not good news, both because of what they find attractive and who they turn to be (e.g., desperate, not well-educated, no career, etc.).
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    Like I said in my earlier post, you really need to do your own research and find out why you have such low self esteem. Just by reading what you wrote, I see you re-laying one sign of low self esteem after another. If I was a betting woman, and I'm not, I would bet you never had much much of a positive male role model growing up. It's really none of my business and I don't mean to get all psychological on you, just something to think about. What in your life has made you think being masculine is embarrassing? You have no reason to be embarrassed about all of these body traits you have described, they are perfectly normal for MANY men.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    Hey, here are some people trying to be nice to you and now you're calling them dicks. You're probably going to get blocked. Enjoy.
  • dominique_paul
    dominique_paul Posts: 8 Member
    I stick to my calorie goal. Listening to "hunger cues" doesn't work for me because I'll under eat a lot.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Anvil - What I don't understand is how people cannot comprehend beyond their own personal beliefs, e.g., "I find this girl hot...why don't you?"

    So you wish that you were really that means you cannot understand how another guy would not want to be big? Would not see the big meathead look as not something to emulate?

    Whether I understand it or not isn't relevant. I'm not you, so I don't have to understand or agree with your thoughts or goals and you don't have to understand or agree with mine. My friends and I disagree all the time about things and it's not a condition of our friendship that we think the exact same way and understand everything about what each other are doing. We still get along just fine.

    The question is, what are you going to do to make yourself happy and comfortable in your own skin? What do you think your options are? You've painted yourself into a corner and it doesn't look like you've left yourself any way out. You find being tall repulsive, but you're tall. You find being bald repulsive, but you're bald. You find masculinity repulsive, but you're a man. Where do you plan to go from there? I'm curious about how you think you're going to resolve your issues.

    I settled on insightful, but this is awesome, too. And I like it.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Anvil - What I don't understand is how people cannot comprehend beyond their own personal beliefs, e.g., "I find this girl hot...why don't you?"

    So you wish that you were really that means you cannot understand how another guy would not want to be big? Would not see the big meathead look as not something to emulate?

    Whether I understand it or not isn't relevant. I'm not you, so I don't have to understand or agree with your thoughts or goals and you don't have to understand or agree with mine. My friends and I disagree all the time about things and it's not a condition of our friendship that we think the exact same way and understand everything about what each other are doing. We still get along just fine.

    The question is, what are you going to do to make yourself happy and comfortable in your own skin? What do you think your options are? You've painted yourself into a corner and it doesn't look like you've left yourself any way out. You find being tall repulsive, but you're tall. You find being bald repulsive, but you're bald. You find masculinity repulsive, but you're a man. Where do you plan to go from there? I'm curious about how you think you're going to resolve your issues.

    I settled on insightful, but this is awesome, too. And I like it.

    It's also quite inspiring. ;)
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