February 2017 Running Challenge



  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    2/1/17 - 6 miles

    2/3/17 - 12 miles
    2/4/17 - 7 miles
    2/5/17 - 7 miles

    2/7/17 - 7.5 miles
    2/8/17 - 6 miles

    2/10/17 - 12 miles
    2/11/17 - 4.5 miles
    2/12/17 - 7.5 miles

    2/14/17 - 7 miles
    2/15/17 - 7.2 miles

    2/17/17 - 14 miles
    2/18/17 - 3.25 miles
    2/19/17 - 7.5 miles
    2/20/17 - 2 miles
    2/21/17 - 3.25 miles
    2/22/17 - 8 miles

    2/24/17 - 15 miles

    2/26/17 - 8 miles
    2/27/17 - 5.75 miles
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Holy smokes, @skippygirlsmom that is tremendous news!! What a roller coaster of emotions, of all the possible outcomes you imagined I bet that wasn't one of them!

    @_nikkiwolf_ my Garmin Vivosmart does use barometric pressure to measure flights, so perhaps it's somewhat accurate. As I recall Garmin considers 10' a flight of stairs. I'll have to do some research.

  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @BeerRunner- When do you turn 45? I qualified as a 45 year old when I was 43 because they go by your age on the day of Boston, not the day of the qualifying race. However, I did not know this at the time that I qualified and I thought my qualifying requirement was a 3:45 instead of 3:55. You should have absolutely no problem getting there either way though. I ran my first solo marathon in January of 2015 and got 3:52:24. I ran the next one 9 months later at 3:38:26. I am absolutely certain that you can see that kind of improvement with the way you train.

    I'll turn 45 (29 again and again and again...) in September of 2018.

    That's a huge improvement!! If I could make that kind of improvement in my next marathon, I'd be ecstatic!! Now, you'll have to qualify again for 2019 so we can go to Boston together! ;)
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Best news!! How exciting!! I'm so happy for you!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Run outside today. It may have been short, but my pace is improving.

  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I like pie!!! Thanks @elise4270 and @lporter229

    @BEERRUNNER made some :wink:

    @skippygirlsmom and @Elise4270 I did make a Boston Cream Pie and it was delicious!! Just 2 pieces left!! At least I know I can now make one. Other than being time consuming, it wasn't that hard.

    Y'all need me on this Hawaii trip. You know if I trip and fall, it won't stop me and I can make Boston cream pie. :yum:
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @skippygirlsmom That's fantastic news; you must be absolutely elated!
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Awesome news!! So happy for you that you got a good report from the doc and you don't have to go through surgery!

    2/1: 2.2 miles walk, 6.3 miles bike
    2/2: Rest/PT
    2/3: 45 mins elliptical
    2/4: 10 miles bike
    2/5: 67 mins elliptical
    2/6: 9 miles bike
    2/7: 40 mins elliptical
    2/8: Rest
    2/9: 1.4 miles walk, 30 mins elliptical
    2/10: PT, 9.8 miles bike
    2/11: 1.9 miles walk/jog
    2/12: Rest
    2/13: 5.5 miles bike, 1.4 miles walk/jog
    2/14: 60 mins elliptical
    2/15: PT, 10 miles bike
    2/16: Rest
    2/17: 2.6 miles run/walk
    2/18: 3.1 miles hike/walk
    2/19: 2.5 miles run/walk
    2/20: 10 miles bike
    2/21: 2.8 miles run/walk
    2/22: PT, 9.7 miles bike
    2/23: 3.2 miles run/walk
    2/24: Rest
    2/25: 3.5 miles run/walk
    2/26: 2.8 miles run/walk
    2/27: 9 miles bike

    TOTAL: 22/22 workout days

    Ran two days in a row over the weekend for the first time post-injury. Sunday's run was fairly uneventful, which is good. I've been feeling a little tightness after my runs but nothing that some stretching and foam rolling doesn't take care of. This was no different after Sunday's run and didn't seem amplified by running two days in a row. I've met my February goal but I still have one more run planned for tomorrow morning.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @BeerRunner- When do you turn 45? I qualified as a 45 year old when I was 43 because they go by your age on the day of Boston, not the day of the qualifying race. However, I did not know this at the time that I qualified and I thought my qualifying requirement was a 3:45 instead of 3:55. You should have absolutely no problem getting there either way though. I ran my first solo marathon in January of 2015 and got 3:52:24. I ran the next one 9 months later at 3:38:26. I am absolutely certain that you can see that kind of improvement with the way you train.

    I'll turn 45 (29 again and again and again...) in September of 2018.

    That's a huge improvement!! If I could make that kind of improvement in my next marathon, I'd be ecstatic!! Now, you'll have to qualify again for 2019 so we can go to Boston together! ;)

    One year at a time. Right now, we're still in the 2018 qualification window. The 2019 window will probably start in September, in the middle of 2018 Boston registration. 2019 qualifying standards will be announced then, too. Qualification standards haven't changed in a while, but they're only announced for one year at a time.

    @BeeerRunner - You were able to qualify in ignorance? You must not have a lot of marathon running friends! I wasn't even going to look at BQ standards until after I ran my first marathon, but ended up not having that luxury. I posted online that I was running Buffalo 2015, and my sister posted back a blog with the title, "Three Hours and Forty Minutes." Yeah, she'd asked a running friend what the BQ standard was for a 59 year old man. The following Saturday, one of my running buddies told me, "You don't qualify for Boston based on running Buffalo at 59; you qualify based on being 60 when you run Boston." So my plan of just going to run to finish and look later got blown out of the water before I even got a chance to tell anyone about it. But on the bright side, a 3:55 target for a 60 year old man didn't look very intimidating given that I was doing long runs at about an 8:15 pace then.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Jees you miss a week because of work and then 4 days for a Ski Vacation and there is an obscene number of posts, skips to last page and skims the Hi/Lo Lights.
    WoHo to @skippygirlsmom and all the Injured/non hospitalized runners.
    I must confess my last run was on Feb 20, a 2 km slip/slide disaster on a trail covered in a skiff of snow and black ice. So between taper at the start of the month for my HM, recovery days afterwards, lost days to work and vacation there was no way I was going to make my 140km goal, but I left it as my running Avg goal.

    10km Slooow run along the riverbank trails. My legs were definitely rebelling after 4 days of Twists and Turns on the Ski Hill. Some fool who looks like me and ski's like me spent quality time with friends skiing up to the Boundary Rope and past it into our own little private wonderland of un-tracked powder. Of course I must qualify that I worked as a Volunteer Ski-Patroller there many years ago so know where all the hidden pockets of sweet sugar snow is located and the little tree covered ridge's that let you traverse safely from one bowl to another.

    02/05 21.2 km –21.2km –118.8 km – YTD 141.3 – Chilly Willy HM PB@ 2:12:36
    02/06 3.0 km –24.2km –115.8 km – YTD 144.3 – 3 km Recovery run
    02/11 3.0 km –27.2km –112.8 km – YTD 147.3 – 3 km Falling on the Ice
    02/13 5.25 km –32.42km –107.55 km – YTD 152.55 – 5.25 tempo on the riverbank
    02/18 16.0 km –48.42km –91.55 km – YTD 168.55 – 16 km Manzer Route
    02/20 2.0 km –50.42km –89.55 km – YTD 170.55 – Ice Run on the dike
    02/27 10.0 km –60.42km –79.55 km – YTD 180.55 – Run on the dike

    Time to get back on Track with my Training - Scheduled for the Jasper HM, Jasper National Park, April 8, 2017
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp I'm hoping that in 30 years I'll be able to run a 3:55...... but they'll probably lyrics have changed it by then and I'll have to come up with a different bucket list goal. Have I said your an amazing runner recently? You really are.
  • bmelb1
    bmelb1 Posts: 224 Member
    @skippygirlsmom that's great news! I'm so happy for you!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    2/1 6.3r 4.4w
    2/2 5.2r 5.3w
    2/3 0.0r 7.25w
    2/4 7.0r 0.5w
    2/5 4.2r 0.0w
    2/6 5.1r 4.6w
    2/7 5.05r 4.4w
    2/8 10.0r 0.5w
    2/9 0.0r 7.3w
    2/10 5.2r 6.1w
    2/11 7.5r 0.5w
    2/12 4.65r 0.0w
    2/13 7.1r 4.0w
    2/14 6.3r 5.0w
    2/15 5.2r 3.2w
    2/16 7.6r 5.6w
    2/17 0.0r 8.7w
    2/18 7.1r 0.75w
    2/19 5.2r 0.0w
    2/20 8.25r 4.0w
    2/21 0.0r 3.6w
    2/22 5.25r 4.5w
    2/23 0.0r 5.3w
    2/24 0.0r 4.6w
    2/25 7.1r 0.5w
    2/26 6.4r 1.0w
    2/27 5.4r 5.5w
    Total so far = 131.1r + 97.1w = 228.2 miles

    Hope my new shoes get here soon. My knees are starting to bother me more than usual.

    Wasn't sure if I'd get in a run today. I've been feeling pretty awful all day with depression and a generally *kitten* day at work. But I sucked it up and did it. Go me.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @BeerRunner- When do you turn 45? I qualified as a 45 year old when I was 43 because they go by your age on the day of Boston, not the day of the qualifying race. However, I did not know this at the time that I qualified and I thought my qualifying requirement was a 3:45 instead of 3:55. You should have absolutely no problem getting there either way though. I ran my first solo marathon in January of 2015 and got 3:52:24. I ran the next one 9 months later at 3:38:26. I am absolutely certain that you can see that kind of improvement with the way you train.

    I'll turn 45 (29 again and again and again...) in September of 2018.

    That's a huge improvement!! If I could make that kind of improvement in my next marathon, I'd be ecstatic!! Now, you'll have to qualify again for 2019 so we can go to Boston together! ;)

    One year at a time. Right now, we're still in the 2018 qualification window. The 2019 window will probably start in September, in the middle of 2018 Boston registration. 2019 qualifying standards will be announced then, too. Qualification standards haven't changed in a while, but they're only announced for one year at a time.

    @BeeerRunner - You were able to qualify in ignorance? You must not have a lot of marathon running friends! I wasn't even going to look at BQ standards until after I ran my first marathon, but ended up not having that luxury. I posted online that I was running Buffalo 2015, and my sister posted back a blog with the title, "Three Hours and Forty Minutes." Yeah, she'd asked a running friend what the BQ standard was for a 59 year old man. The following Saturday, one of my running buddies told me, "You don't qualify for Boston based on running Buffalo at 59; you qualify based on being 60 when you run Boston." So my plan of just going to run to finish and look later got blown out of the water before I even got a chance to tell anyone about it. But on the bright side, a 3:55 target for a 60 year old man didn't look very intimidating given that I was doing long runs at about an 8:15 pace then.

    @MobyCarp No...I didn't qualify since I don't turn 45 until Sept of 2018, but @lporter229 did!!
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @MobyCarp No...I didn't qualify since I don't turn 45 until Sept of 2018, but @lporter229 did!!
    @BeeerRunner You may not have technically qualified yet, but if you run a fall marathon after mid-September of this year and run the same race you did this past Sunday you will qualify. And if you do it without falling, you'll probably have a good enough cushion to ensure you'll be able to register ;)

    I'm thinking that for the price, I might just have to try this out


    @MNLittleFinn I don't want to discourage you from trying out that belt (especially at that price), but I have it and I hate it most of the time. I had one of the previous models that used velcro instead of the buckle and it was much easier to adjust. I'm not sure about others, but most of the time I can't tell how well my hydration belt is adjusted until I start running. The velcro model allowed me to adjust it easily while running until I found a spot that worked. This buckle model requires stopping and unrolling/rerolling the slack of the straps every time you adjust. Quite annoying. But hey, I'm sure it works for some people and they love it. I use it when necessary, but otherwise I use a handheld water bottle.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Oh @HonuNui I swear I'm part fish. I love swimming outside. I like the water on me belly!

    We went scuba diving (more like swimming) in Mexico, I kept looking for a big ol' shark to come outta the darkness! Haha!

    Was so cool though! We gotta do this hawaii trip! I can feel the sun and the sand or is it coral sand? Either way, sun, cool blue water, nachos and MFP MRC peeps probably a few laughs and drinks..... Ahhh! So much fun.

    My legs are toast tonight. I did lunges yesterday, leg weights this morning, then cycled this afternoon.. oh if I were a fish I wouldn't have sore legs... Just a wet belly.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - No surgery is fab news. Hope the recovery goes well.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    So went to see the surgeon today and you could have knocked me over with a feather. He did more xrays, moved me all over the table, talked to me for about 10 minutes and said "no surgery". I said what? He said on paper you definitely need surgery, but I don't treat paper or tests I treat people and yes you have tears of the labrum and IT band, and yes you have a bone spur and yes it would appear all is bad. However, the bone spur has been there your whole life and is "itty bitty", since all the pushing and moving I did didn't hurt, I didn't hear or feel any type of clicking I'm going to say we can fix this without surgery. He said he is pretty much positive that if they did the same tests on my right side, short of the bone spur, things would be the same. He said my hip joint is very inflamed and gave me meds for that, he wants me to go to PT for 4 to 6 weeks, come back to see him in 4 weeks. I can run whatever distances I can tolerate. If at the end of 4 weeks I don't feel better while running he will need to try a shot to block the pain and stop the inflammation.

    I just looked at him, he said don't get me wrong Dr. Thommason was right based on the tests, but like I said I don't care what they say, I care what your body says. Loved him, oh yeah and he's a runner. I told him I had a HM in April and he said you should be fine. Take your mileage up slowly and if you need to interval it do that.

    That's awesome news! So glad for you!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Although, its very possible I'll have surgery again this year...

    @Elise4270 Wait, what? :open_mouth: Do tell us more. xxoo

    My surgery side (left) is doing great. Weak, uncoordinated, still some nerve pain, but I'm like 87.9% better on that side.

    My right appears to have the same thing going on. A fibrous band (3 on the left) is tethered from sciatic nerve to something, not allowing free movement. It gets painful. Butt, the right is no where near as bad as the left was. So I anticipate it'll be a cake walk with lots of violin practice and cake.

    Steroid shot planned in a month. He wants me to work on stretching it out daily. Consertive care first. Figure I'm probably 6-9 months from surgery, if it goes that route. Steroid shots are awesome, so I'll be banging out some miles as soon as that gets started.

    ETA. He said I can run, just don't heel strike- pulls the nerve.

    I see what you did there. ;)

    I also laughed at 87.9%, but then thought that after all this time, I reckon you know exactly where you are on the improvement curve.

    I hope you don't need surgery again. Roll on the steroid shot. Pump it up!