

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Completed my squats then realised I only had to do 120 so 30 extra (can't be bad) and held plank for 1 and 1/2 minutes Wow I'm getting stronger

    Having boiled bacon this evening with lots of green veg and a little butter (measured of course) DH will have potato I am well under cals so may have a little potato or carrot

    Kate UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    yo peeps -

    my knees have taken a beating. i will never be a knee model, calf and thigh model i could do, but no knees. when i wear my bike tights to ride to the gym then to the train station, i am peeling off scabs, OUCHIE. i even put medicine and Kleenex on my knees before putting on my tights and it doesn't help, the Kleenex sticks and peels. i am putting medicine on them and coconut oil. i've even tried Vaseline. oh well... they are getting better. just gotta keep yogi's tail away from my knees, he wacks them as he is walking by..
    love all the leggings. i've never been a print legging kinda person. i couldn't think about wearing then now cuz of my knees... last 2 days i've been wearing my bike shorts home. thank goodness it's been in the 50's

    valentines day is just another day at our house. kirby is always thoughtful and loving and considerate, he doesn't need one day to show me how much he loves me, he does it every day., no if he WASN'T that kind of guy, you bet your sweet *kitten* i would EXPECT him to buy me flowers, dinner, (no box of chocolates) and a gift!!

    later - welcome to all the new peeps

    hugs to all that need them.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Cheri how's the headache? Hope its gone. <3

    Lisa, praying for the best results for husbands surgery.

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Cheri how's the headache? Hope its gone. <3
    Janetr okc


    It finally went away. So here's the details: After suffering from chronic headaches for years and years I decided it was time to look into the reasons. Ya took me a bit but it wasn't until my late 40's that I decided to start taking care of myself first. Saw a wonderful headache specialist in Akron, Ohio who recommended physical therapy and put me on Elavil (very small dose). For the first time in forever I was nearly headache free! However, I continued to have this vague, fuzzy and off feeling in my head. Fast forward 3 years to now living in College Station, TX. Discussed with my new family dr. going off the Elavil. Was it the Elavil or the PT that "cured" my headaches? This dr. said I was on such a low dose that I could quit taking it and see what occurs. So stopped about 3 days ago. I've had many more headaches since moving here in general. So....my next step will be to see a Chiropractor as I know that my spine is all out of wack and could be the cause of numerous aches/pains/creaks I'm experiencing.

    in sunny, chilly BCS, TX
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy half-price candy day!

    Philip was sick, so we avoided the usual temptations by not doing anything for Valentine's Day. We'll probably do something special this weekend instead.

    Ginger - You are right, it's one day! You can just enjoy it and then get right back on track. Great job focusing on the good.

    Re - I usually leave my bed unmade too. I saw an article on BBC News awhile back about a study that said leaving it unmade may actually be healthier because it keeps moisture out of the sheets and makes it unattractive to dust mites. So I can claim I do it for health reasons!

    Cheri - Vegas, baby! What a nice surprise!

    Jayne - I admire your ability to "just wing it" in the kitchen. I'm an OK cook, but I don't have that kind of creative cooking skill. I've got to have a recipe.

    drkatiebug - Your Valentine's leggings are very festive. I love them with the black tunic and that fabulous long jacket!

    Lisa - While "Mayor Lisa" has a nice ring to it, it sounds like you made a happy return to sanity by putting yourself and your family first.

    Had an amazing weigh-in this morning! It's encouraging to see good progress. I've almost taken off all the weight I put on when I quit tracking after the accident. Being consistent with my exercise is important, but the second big factor for me is planning meals in advance so we don't make bad choices at dinner time. My slow cooker has really been getting a workout lately... last night we had white bean soup with andouille sausage and collard greens, and there's plenty left over for tonight.

    Hope you all have a lovely day.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Cheri - I hope you get your headache pain figured out. I dealt with migraines for several years due to my back and neck issues. Stumbled on Botox shots that were given around my eyes and forehead and for the last 10 years only get migraines when the Botox is wearing off.

    Yvonne - congrats on the weight-loss! I am still working on the last 6+ pounds that I put on when I injured my shoulder. Planning meals is a great way to make sure you stay on plan. I do that in advance.

    Pip- you're such an inspiration! I hope your knees healed quickly!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • tammyclf
    tammyclf Posts: 57 Member
    Leigh in France and Karen in BC - congrats on your weight losses! that's awesome!

    Pip - I never did find the post saying how you injured your knees! If you find you need to wear leggings over them, put some neosporin on them and then large bandage for barrier between injury and leggings. If you can't find bandages large enough, maybe some sheets of gauze? something that won't stick and shred onto the wounds?! ouch! looks so painful. Again, hope they heal quickly!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    MINTAMICHELLE ~ All you have to do is come and visit. We are a great group of like minded (most of the time) women. Tell us a bit about yourself.

    Carol in GA
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    The wind drove rain under the french doors so I had water in my livingroom last night. Not much but enough to mop up and I'll have to hang the scatter rug I had by the door to dry. No damage though. A couple of tornadoes did go through Houston yesterday and I guess they had all the people in my husband's office move to the center of the building at one point since it's an all-glass building. Didn't want to have flying glass shards hurt anyone. Nothing broke at their building though. My husband was in West TX (Midland) and got back late last night so he missed all the excitement. Although having lived in serious tornado country we weren't too stressed about it yesterday, we used to watch them go across the landscape and spent more time photographing them than hiding from them. Of course you could see them coming across the plains too... a different story with a pounding rain and the city buildings here.

    Went to the trainer. Going to be sore tomorrow. Taking months off for surgery and recovery means really out of shape.

    didn't blow away in Houston
  • jbrinker23
    jbrinker23 Posts: 88 Member
    Karen--Congrats on the loss! Way to go!
    Mintamichelle--I joined a couple of weeks ago and this group has made me feel so very welcome! From one "newbie" to another...welcome!
    Sarah in Ontario--my husband used to go to Lake of the Woods in Sioux Narrows-we stayed at Yellowbird Lodge. We went for the bass fishing! Absolutely LOVED the beauty of the area! Hoping that we can go back sometime in the near future!
    Lisa (in West TX)--sending you good thoughts and prayers for today.
    Yvonne--Congrats to you on the amazing weigh-in! We're doing the "Biggest Loser" at my school--my weigh-in wasn't amazing (up 1 lb.), but I'm determined to make it amazing next week! Good for you, though! Cheering you on!
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    I've enjoyed reading and catching up on everyone's news.

    Love the leggings and am working up to wear some myself one day. I wear lots of gray, black and subdued colors and think it would be fun to "step out" of my norm.

    Family stuff .... I can relate. My Mom died five years ago and I'm still dealing with my brother and other family members who suddenly went nutty and claimed they were entitled to everything. Mom left a will wanting everything to be divided equally among her three surviving children. I was named executor of her estate. It's such a shame and so unnecessary. We'll go to trial in November and let the courts sort it out. My sister and I never saw this coming from my brother and his family.

    Wishing everyone a good day... Off to enjoy the sunshine and take a walk with Ella. She's brought me her leash and is anxious to head out. Ha!

    Betsy.... NW Washington
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen – You’re not alone with ‘family drama’.

    Heather – I don’t consider myself ‘on a diet’; it is a ‘healthy life change style for me’. I have not [yet] reached my ‘goal’ weight; but, to do so after what I have been through. I think I will work very hard to keep it off. That and I have a good bit of $$$ tied up in doing so.

    Cheri – I try to eat my heaviest meal in the middle of the day; because that is when Louis usually eat his. Of course, I want to know, ahead of time, when we are going out to eat so I can ‘eat’ according to that. I will always eat something for breakfast; because that is what we did growing up. Breakfast is “Break Fast” … what you are doing when you sleep after your evening meal. Children especially do better in school with a full stomach, even if it is nothing more than a bowl of cereal. My kids ate breakfast. I’m not sure about my granddaughters. Chewing food slowly and thoroughly to end the food is great. I put my stainless down while I am chewing; that slows me down a lot. But, most of the times I do tend to ‘gobble’ … (eat too fast) … that only caused ‘bloating’. I will always drink coffee before going to bed; my GYN would love for me to change to decaf … that’s not happening. Hate the taste, don’t think I could get ‘used’ to it either.

    Re – That is my DDnL#1’s attitude about it. Her girls clean up the kitchen, griping all the time. Of course, if it were me … I’d be taking away all those things that she has to call them away from until it became ‘obvious’ they were not getting them back, if they did not do their chores. But, then ‘someone’ would wonder why she doesn’t do anything other than stay on FB (part of the ‘drama’).

    Michele – I think what I like about my computer is that it had “Cortana” on it; and it gives me a search engine to go to no matter what program I am in. It helps me when someone probably calls a thing something that I do differently without having to go out of what I am doing. It's down in the lower left-hand corner of my page; next to the Windows flag.

    Janetr and Lisa – My former DnL is all mixed up in drugs and other sort-of related activity. I think ‘if’ she had not gotten into ‘partying’ with the single women friends she had when dating, then marrying my son … and stayed out of trouble, she might have made a fairly decent DnL.

    Yesterday was the first time that Louis said that DDnL#1 had been unhappy very early in their marriage (probably from ‘taking care of DOGD, who wasn’t ‘her’ child) and left; then came back because ‘supposedly’ DOS talked her into it. Lordy, mercy; ‘ain’t it a shame’. Now they are ‘both’ unhappy; but, take up for one another if you happen to say anything about the other in front of the other. But, she is NOT happy with us as her ‘in-law’s’ and makes it abundantly clear that ‘she thinks that she is not good enough for son, or for us’. It’s not that; more than anything she is so negative that it rubs off on everybody around her. She loves to get all up in people’s business, and ‘telling them what they should do’; then gets mad ‘if they don’t follow her advice’. I want to tell her to ‘clean up around her door, before trying to clean up around someone else’s’. I’ve threatened to ‘whoop her @$$’ if she EVER posts on FB ‘anything’ about us; especially, if we find out she has. Would not be too hard to do, a friend reports it every time. Now I want to tell her, ‘I don’t care to hear about it’. Mainly, because ‘she is answering herself’. I am pretty sure that DOS does not have his FB ‘on’ at the times he is supposed to have answered it.

    He also said that 'her plan' was to 'leave our GMGD where she is going to school, because she wants to stay there; but, wants to 'home school' the youngest one. WTF? She has a HS education ... period; and, she is 'working a job with health insurance and retirement benefits (insurance will cover DOGD as long as she is 'in college', has not 'dropped out' or 'gotten married'. I can't believe that my DOS would 'ever' go for this (unless someone else was doing the home schooling). I have NO idea what she is 'thinking about'. DOS had already told her that 'if she up and quit this job', he was 'filing for a divorce the next day'. They ALL need the health insurance. She has her 'foot in the door with a state job' and has the ability to apply for any 'state job' that comes up (even if someone has more 'seniority' and would probably get it). She is complaining because they don't stay busy and they watch movies and work on FB. "SOoooooooooooooo?" What's the problem? They are paying you to do this, I think I would keep my mouth shut or they might say, 'you know right, and, we don't need you'.

    DDnL#2 ‘deactivated’ her account because Will wanted her to; and, she got tired of customers trying to make appointments; and, the day would go by and she has not answered them. She's put a big sign up on her mirror at the salon, NOT to try to make appointment on FB; she has 'deactivated her account'. The only time she works on weekends is to do ‘weddings’. Will said they had to limit DYMGD's after school activities because it was going to take too much time away from her work schedule. She is in 'dancing' that she loves and tried out (again) for 'cheerleader' because she went up a level. I'm pretty sure she made it, she loves it, too.

    Pip – We only do ‘cards’; and, ‘date night’ this past Sunday was my Valentine’s celebration, so I did not get a card.

    Yvonne – I could cook a ‘few’ things when Louis and I married; but, for the 2 years before, I worked in a deli and ate what they had there. I learned to cook from my DMnL who was a fabulous cook; I am not as good as she was; but, I did learn how to cook ‘less than quality meat’ and make it tender. Can I come eat supper with you tonight?

    I made 15-bean soup with Andouille sausage this last week; so we have some in the freezer. Since I have not eaten any lunch yet; maybe I can work it and rice into my daily caloric intake.

    Had to take Tux in to vet … he has a ‘cold’ and was given an antibiotic and a steroid shot. That way I did not have to catch him every day and give it to him and make sure he took it.

  • MeredithDeVoe1
    MeredithDeVoe1 Posts: 67 Member
    well I am having a depression day. working 9-6 and 9-6 the next 2 days..sometimes I get like this.. hope it goes away... I would personally like to take off to the weekend and decompress.. but dont even know where to go

    Mallie,what helps me is knowing that these days are part of life and it's okay. "This too shall pass." Good for you for showing up. Let us know how the day goes. ❤️

    KJ, sorry about your sister.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Grits- nah, we pass on the cards too
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Sitting in an imaging center ... emergency MRI for husband ... he was unable to walk this morning due to pain.

  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited February 2017
    Accountability Post Progress update of my Feb goals.

    Tuesday's Results
    ✔1. Log/COMPLETE the entry daily.
    2. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔3. Fiber 30g daily
    4. Walk 30 active Fitbit min daily.
    5. Declutter ✔clothes, books, office supplies.
    ✔6. In bed by midnight.

    Not a great day yesterday... I'll do better today.

    DH bought us a BowFlex Max Trainer M5. It is scheduled to be assembled today. It's an elliptical machine. I'm hoping he'll get more on board with a healthy eating and fitness lifestyle.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Oh, Beth! My goodness. Prayers for your poor DH.