What is the daftest weight related thing someone has ever said to you?



  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    edited February 2017
    I did once get told that I wouldn't be able to lose weight until after I had babies (the woman in question was constantly at me for not wanting kids) because "your body wants to have babies, so it's hanging onto the stores to grow and feed them".

    This was a new one to me and possibly my favorite. :D
  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    This thread is amazing. Hysterical. :D
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    The one I love is diet soda will make you fat.

    And I have to read all the weightless and diet articles on msn because they are so funny, "find out why diet soda makes you keep belly fat".
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    gotu52 wrote: »
    This was said to me at a dance class by a stranger, "you have such a pretty face, you shouldn't eat after 6:00."

    I've been trying to figure out how eating after six can make someone ugly... I got nuthin'!


    Lol, oh you get that thought too! :D
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Philtex wrote: »
    I always laugh when I hear that "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat".

    Never heard that one before.
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    Maybe I missed this one, but how about the whole starvation mode thing? Or that the body holds onto fat. Or manufactures it at a low calorie number. (How does the body manufacture fat from nothing?)

    I understsand doing everything right and when the scale doesn't move for several wks one starts wondering what is going on (that is, what is wrong). But there are a lot of replies to posts lately saying you have to eat more to lose weight after a 2 wk stall.

    Ummm, no.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 359 Member
    MFP posts seeking advice on the struggles of trying to eat 1200 or 1000 calories. "I feel so full I'm stuffed how can i get my daily calories in?" Just who do they think they're talking to?

    Those are hilarious. If they were stuffed after eating 1200 calories a day they wouldn't be overweight and wouldn't have ever heard of this site. :)

    I think about that ALLL THE TIME! If you have trouble eating that little, you wouldn't be overweight. Those are people who don't open up their diary and/or don't log anything correctly.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My endocrinologist told me (at 245lbs) that my body would just not let me lose weight, she said sometimes our bodies decide what's best for us, and that as far as she could tell I was as healthy as a horse, and that I should just maintain my weight because my body decided it is comfortable where it is and that I would always be around that weight. She said even if I lost weight that my body would try to regain it until it was at what it considered the proper weight (around 245)

    Wow! Just WOW!!!
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