Calling all "Clean Eaters"



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Yes, sorry I wasn't more clear in my original post-the new way of eating for me (whole foods/plant based), is showing up low for the nutrients when I plug it in, not that I'm physically deficient in these things (except for D3, which I have tested deficient at 21 the past three years at least, since I've started getting it tested). Thanks for the info on mushrooms! I love mushrooms but just eat the cheapy button kind-I'll have to look for the portabella ones next time I'm at the store :) The weird thing about the D deficiency is that we have a sailboat and during the spring/summer months I'm on it all the time, as well as daily walking/running. But, even with all the sun exposure I still show deficient with the blood test, even when being tested in the summer. I have started waiting to put sun screen on, 30 minutes after we get out on the boat, to see if that will help and I don't put any on when I walk/run. I'm in MI, so we do have a lot of cloudy days and fall/winter can be very gloomy.

    Thanks for the info on iron/calcium! I'm still very new to paying attention to what I'm eating (lost my weight with SAD and IF and only tracked calories), so this is a new world for me :)

    I found a stat the other day (don't have the link offhand) that SPF 15 drops your Vitamin D production by something like 95%, 30 drops it by 98%, so any amount of sunscreen with pretty much kill your Vitamin D production. Living in MI doesn't help matters, between the cloudy days and long winters. Also, don't feel too bad, about 75% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, in no small part thanks to the scaremongering regarding the sun and skin cancer (you might be interested in the research between sunscreen use and cancer risk).

    Hang out outside for half an hour or so a day (give or take, depending on the conditions and time of year) before putting the sunscreen on.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm sorry, but you're ignorant about our food supply. After being diagnosed with cancer you're given a list of ingredients to avoid and encouraged to limit processed food. This isn't brain surgery. There are tons of nonbiased resources available to learn about additives. Or keep the blinders on.

    Go feed your kids a lunchable. Mine are eating real food.

    After being diagnosed with celiac, you're given instructions not to eat anything containing gluten...

    ...but that doesn't mean it's the same advice you'd give someone without celiac.

    After being diagnosed with diabetes, you're given special instructions on carbohydrates...

    ....but that doesn't mean it's the same advice you'd give someone without diabetes.

    (Oh, wait...hmmm...)

    ^^True..but to each, thier own choice..if they feel, they can sustain this lifestyle forever, good choice..personally, i can never not into clean eating :)
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I'm sorry, but you're ignorant about our food supply. After being diagnosed with cancer you're given a list of ingredients to avoid and encouraged to limit processed food. This isn't brain surgery. There are tons of nonbiased resources available to learn about additives. Or keep the blinders on.

    Go feed your kids a lunchable. Mine are eating real food.

    One of my friends was diagnosed with a peanut allergy. She was told to explicitly avoid anything containing, or potentially containing, peanuts or traces of peanut.

    Peanuts are therefore toxic. Or keep the blinders on.

    Also: another "clean eater" who says a bunch of common food is "toxic"........ yet has a closed diary. Makes you wonder.

    Peanuts may be more on the 'toxic' side of the continuum, actually.

    They contain lectins, which create holes in the intestinal lining (among other things), allowing larger-than-normal molecules (that would normally be broken down to smaller, more manageable molecules) to go straight into the bloodstream. This signals the immune system to attack the non-self molecules. If protein molecules that are similar to our actual proteins get through that hole, the immune system can get confused and start attacking our own protein molecules, which some studies are showing may be the root cause of a lot of autoimmune and other diseases.

    Peanuts are also very susceptible to a certain mold that contains alfatoxins, which have been shown to cause liver cancer, albeit in rats. The amounts of alfatoxin allowed in the US are pretty low, but long-term exposure to a known carcinogen (kinda like second-hand smoke- I know, not identical situations, but still) isn't really ideal for long-term health.

    I'm sure the guy who posted above me won't really care/will probably want to argue about this post, but I just wanted to throw this info out there! It's based on good research, so I think it's worth knowing.

    OP- to answer your original question, I take Co-q 10, magnesium, and a raw, organic multi.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Why does it have to be so polarized? Lunchables or boiled chicken and steamed veggies. Try doing something in the middle and I'll bet you get far. I suspect that's what "clean eaters" do anyways but I will never know because all of the really sanctimonious ones have closed diaries. The clean eaters that "don't always eat clean" which is pretty much IIFYM are the only ones with an open diary. Food for thought :)
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Why does it have to be so polarized? Lunchables or boiled chicken and steamed veggies. Try doing something in the middle and I'll bet you get far. I suspect that's what "clean eaters" do anyways but I will never know because all of the really sanctimonious ones have closed diaries. The clean eaters that "don't always eat clean" which is pretty much IIFYM are the only ones with an open diary. Food for thought :)

    I used to consider myself 'clean,' but I would probably go more with 'primal' now if there had to be a polarizing label.. although primal is a little broader and encompasses more of an entire lifestyle rather than just food. I also wonder about the people who post strongly in one direction or the other on this debate and yet have closed diaries. Definitely noms for thought.

    Either way, I don't eat highly processed other than nut butters and egg-white protein and occasional spice mixes, and my diary is open for those wanting ideas!
  • lauraleighsm
    lauraleighsm Posts: 167
    Why does it have to be so polarized? Lunchables or boiled chicken and steamed veggies. Try doing something in the middle and I'll bet you get far. I suspect that's what "clean eaters" do anyways but I will never know because all of the really sanctimonious ones have closed diaries. The clean eaters that "don't always eat clean" which is pretty much IIFYM are the only ones with an open diary. Food for thought :)

    We do usually 80 clean and 20 non clean due to eating out. I've never seen it so polarizing, except on here where people love to defend their pop tarts on threads about clean foods. I've never seen anyone IRL say the stupid things I've read on here. I think people can eat whatever junk they want, but I think they have the right to know what's in their food and certain chemical additives should be banned so that when people feed their kiddies toaster strudels at least some of the FDC colorants, high fructose corn syrup and gmos might not make it into it growing bodies. I could give a fig about the meatheads on these forums.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I think people have the right to know that just because the internet grants random people a worldwide audience doesn't mean the things they say are actually true.

    Don't listen to people who aren't actual educated experts. Don't listen to people who can't back up their claims with actual science. Don't listen to people who can't link you to original research.

    In other words, don't just trust internet yahoos no matter how smart they tell you that they are or how much you want to believe them. Especially when they're trying to make you scared of the world around you.