Anyone else addicted to fast food?



  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    a lot of fast food places have healthier options... try something lighter than a burger and fries? even mcdonalds has some low cal salads that are really good.

    cue the mickey d haters...
  • Hollabauler
    Hollabauler Posts: 44 Member
    My name is Katie, and I am a fast food addict.

    I have three friends whom I know I can call or text any time a craving strikes. Believe, me I use them when I need them! Thankfully, I don't have to text them that often any more. I know it's on me to live right and eat right, but knowing that someone is there for you to remind you of your goals and encourage you is an amazing thing. I highly recommend finding someone who can be there for you.

    That said, I agree that planning some fun food in every once in a while is a great idea. I've come to find I don't even like the old fast food craves I used to have, but I know that if I want it, I can plan it in and not beat myself up for it later. :)
  • this_life_is_my_life
    If it's that important to you, you can incorporate it into your goals. Even daily. Keep within your caloric goals, hit your nutrient needs, and enjoy.

    You're not addicted to fast food, no one is. Habitiual, maybe, but not addiction.


    Allow yourself a treat every once in a while. Be accountable. Calling something an addiction is the same as saying 'it's not my fault'. Learn moderation.

    It''s difficult but we all have to do it.

    Calling something an addiction is a scientific fact my friend :drinker:

    It's not an excuse, even though I agree there are people who will use this as a "pass", but there are people in the world who seriously have mental instability when it comes to things like food and allow themselves to become dependent on the food whether it be for flavor, hunger, anger, whatever emotion they are trying to satisfy. Then they find themselves not knowing how to cope or get that satisfaction without doing the same thing again..the way most addictions begin, attempting to fulfill a desire or feeling of need for a satisfaction found no other way.
  • this_life_is_my_life
    a lot of fast food places have healthier options... try something lighter than a burger and fries? even mcdonalds has some low cal salads that are really good.

    cue the mickey d haters...

    Awww mc'ds. I love me some spicy chicken sandwiches lol..hold the lettuce of course! :flowerforyou:
    No seriously...I love McDonalds lol
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the chicken, apple, pecan salad from Wendy's. It's over 600 calories of pure deliciousness. I have it every once in awhile but make it work within my daily caloric intake.

    Other than that, I try NOT to each fast food. I cave maybe twice a month, but never get the french fries. I find that something in them (maybe the salt like someone stated above) makes me crave them so that once I have some I will have to have more and will crave them even the next day.

    My husband and I gave up fast food when we did the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University courses through our local church a few years ago. We were AMAZED at how much $$ we were spending on eating out (fast food, pizza delivery, sit down restaurants....) so now we keep it to a minimum. Eating at home.... it's healthier and it CAN BE cheaper when you're willing to eat leftovers or what's on sale.

    My advice....
    Ease yourself off of it. Have it every other day for a week, then go two days without it, and so on and so forth until you are up to just once a week or whatever is comfortable to you.

    Do it like we did. Just....say...No and give it up all at once.
    The cravings will subside in a few weeks.
    Now when my kids beg me for McDonald's I can go through the drive-thru just for them!! It doesn't even smell good to me any more.

    GOOD LUCK!! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    In the past, I have struggled with it, especially when I am by myself riding around, running errands, etc. I was constantly talking myself out of it.

    But... just yesterday, as I was out running errands, I realized I had not thought about it for a long time. I've had no desire for it. And this part may be complete coincidence but since I have been working out 6 days a week for the past 6 weeks, I have not had this desire.
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Although I agree that some people can allow themselves a fast food treat every once in a while, or even on a regular basis and fit it within their calorie limit. It sounds to me, however, that once you start, you have a very hard time getting back on track. So maybe it should be something you do not allow yourself at all. Just a thought.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    You want motivation? How about this?

    Try doing what you want -- six pack abs -- when you are three times your age. Mine. I told you how tough it is going to be for me. Do it now. While you can. You're young, you're strong. Willpower. Tough, I know. Anything worthwhile in life isn't easy. No one said it was going to be easy.

    But try doing it at 57. It's a hell of a lot harder. Do it now. While it is a hell of a lot easier.
  • aprilbeal1
    aprilbeal1 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the process of giving up fast food. I will still eat Subway, though....and, I really do need a fountain Diet Pepsi once in awhile. Okay, more like every day. Lol! But, I'm giving up greasy fast food.

    This is me, too! Giving up McDonald's was easy never really liked it anyway but there are many other fast food joints that were harder! I too still eat Subway but have switch from Spicy Italian to Turkey. I also fit in Chik-fil-a every once in a great while because I really like their chicken nuggets!

    Pack a lunch with small snacks throughout the day. If you don't feel food deprived, you'll want fast food less.
  • awesomeshark
    Thanks for all the helpful replies. After reading all the comments, I looked back at my food diary for the last 9 days and what I saw was pretty terrible. I consumed 16,658 calories from just fast food in only nine days. That is not even including junk food. I have decided to make a change and I'm starting a challenge to cut all fast food except for Subway. I hope it goes well this time around. Join the challenge with me and stay motivated. Feel free to add me for support.
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not addicted to it, but I do find myself still eating fast food 1-2 times a week. Before I started eating healthier, I was eating it 4-5 times a week. I still eat fast food, but I eat it differently than I did before. I almost never get fries. I will get just a burger and a water, and stay in a reasonable calorie range. If I really want fries, I only eat half of the fries, and half of the burger. Again, it keeps me within a reasonable calorie range. Another option, if you want a burger and fries, a way to keep your portions in check is to order a kids meal. At McDonalds, you will get a small cheeseburger, tiny fries, apples and 1% milk. Keep going! You can do it!
  • Ianharrison9988
    Ianharrison9988 Posts: 9 Member
    Thankfully my routine means fast food outlets are difficult to come by and it means going out of my way for a burger. Saying this, the freezer always holds those high calory foods. I have started to tale pleasure in my cooking and eating healthy. For me it is the portion size that has changed. I advise changing your daily routine (if you can....) to avoid the fast food outlets. This may not be easy though as work and environment may make this really difficult.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So I've been successfully been losing weight for four months now and every once in a while I fall back into my old habits of eating greasy fast food everyday. This past week has been really terrible because I've had burgers, fries, soda and junk food almost everyday. It's so tempting, easy and convenient. It's like I'm addicted to it. Does anyone have any tips to stopping this madness? It's really hindering my progress. I have gained back 5 of the 35 pounds I have lost my willpower and motivation all of a sudden. Just a few weeks ago I ran 80 miles in 20 days and this past week my exercise has been zero. Looking for some motivation and tips. Thanks.

    I'm not understanding. What does eating fast food have to do with you doing tons of exercise one week and zero the next?

    Anyhoo, instead of trying to quit eating food that's enjoyable and convenient, why don't you just incorporate it into your plan. I lost 50 pounds last year eating at McDonald's, taco bell, and KFC.

    Get the book, Eat This, Not That. It has just about every major fast food and casual dining chain listed along with a popular meal and something to replace it with at that location. And it's not a salad guide. Change this burger to that burger, this sandwich to that, this dessert to another and you're never look or feel like you're dieting but you're snipping 500 calories of your meals.

    It's crazy easy and I highly recommend it
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful replies. After reading all the comments, I looked back at my food diary for the last 9 days and what I saw was pretty terrible. I consumed 16,658 calories from just fast food in only nine days. That is not even including junk food. I have decided to make a change and I'm starting a challenge to cut all fast food except for Subway. I hope it goes well this time around. Join the challenge with me and stay motivated. Feel free to add me for support.

    I'm going to be blunt. This is a terrible idea. Your problem isn't fast food, it's overeating. And since you like it that much, making a decision to quit it cold turkey is likely to make you miserable, send you on a binge, and make you depressed when you break your new rule. Practice moderation instead.

    And that's only 1800 calories per day, btw. Not exactly criminal. Drop the fries and you're down to 1400 per day. Switch the sandwich for a recommendation from the ET, NT books and you're down to 1100 per day. This can be so easy and enjoyable if you let it
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    YUK!, nope, never, we are lucky to eat out once a year,
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I used to enjoy going to McD's and Burger King but due to a change in circumstances I wasn't going anywhere near those places for a good few years. Nowadays, whenever I walk past I wonder what that funny smell is. It is still the same smell but these days I can almost smell a plasticky chemical smell. Maybe I need to eat more Bigmacs. :laugh:
  • naughtyfushsia_wechnaged
    p.m. sent ;o)
  • amitglinkedin
    amitglinkedin Posts: 223 Member
    Ditto Story..I lost 6-7 pounds in first 40 days and then in next 30 I have gained back almost of it..the only reason addition to junk and fast tips dude on this
  • Isyss
    Isyss Posts: 1
    I would be able to give better recommendation if I knew more specifically what items you are "addicted" to? Me? It's Tacos and Cheeseburgers! But I have set up my own roadblocks for them; maybe a few can help you. What foods are most tempting? :)

  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful replies. After reading all the comments, I looked back at my food diary for the last 9 days and what I saw was pretty terrible. I consumed 16,658 calories from just fast food in only nine days. That is not even including junk food. I have decided to make a change and I'm starting a challenge to cut all fast food except for Subway. I hope it goes well this time around. Join the challenge with me and stay motivated. Feel free to add me for support.

    I'm going to be blunt. This is a terrible idea. Your problem isn't fast food, it's overeating. And since you like it that much, making a decision to quit it cold turkey is likely to make you miserable, send you on a binge, and make you depressed when you break your new rule. Practice moderation instead.

    And that's only 1800 calories per day, btw. Not exactly criminal. Drop the fries and you're down to 1400 per day. Switch the sandwich for a recommendation from the ET, NT books and you're down to 1100 per day. This can be so easy and enjoyable if you let it

    ^ This, and Dav's previous post also...seriously. Getting fit is hard enough on it's own without adding a bunch of rules and limitations that make it harder than it needs to be.