

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2017
    lhscapil wrote: »

    KAREN – thank you for another photo of Katie and Olivia. I had never heard of Compassion Fatigue so I looked it up. I admire all of you in any “helping” profession that have to deal with other’s needs on a daily basis. I have never been attracted to this job field and I wonder now if it’s that fact that I’m an ENTJ (Myer’s Briggs) or such a control freak I couldn’t accept dealing with things I can’t control. I know in the emergency services field, the dispatchers I worked with had pretty sick senses of humor from time to time and it was encouraged – wasn’t disrespectful, it was a way of coping. Good for you taking care of yourself! I so appreciate the insightful dialogue between Heather and you and others about this. And the “DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD” really resonates!

    So glad Olivia’s dialysis is done and plans for home-coming are in the works.

    CAROL – That Café sounds yummy. I loved the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” so I think of southern cooking in a place like that – watch out for the BBQ, lol. >:) Enjoy your meal!

    SW WA State

    Lanette Thank you for this thoughtful reply. I am an INF and evenly split on the P-J parameter, very different from you. I think people with your profile are supposed to be excellent attorneys, judges, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and professors. INFs are supposedly good mental health professionals, physicians, clergy, professors, childcare workers, and musicians.

    I do have a sick sense of humor. Fortunately my partner does, too, so she isn't shocked when I make a horrible joke. She just laughs. She thinks I'm funny. red-neck-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

    The BBQ reference, for example. Now that's funny...


    Karen in Virginia
  • annieoldie
    annieoldie Posts: 10 Member
    Feeling better and doing more. Daughter's scan not so good, twins will probably be born next week by C section at 33 weeks. I have to be well enough to drive there and look after my granddaughter. So, in times of stress, I got a manicure and bought some new makeup. I reckon if I can feel better about myself I will get better quicker. Not really counting calories, more concerned about eating good food and in fact just eating food after 3 weeks of oranges and yoghurt.

    Good luck to all of you experiencing such bad weather in USA.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited March 2017
    Rita congratulations!


    Heather great picture of Bea. Happy Birthday to her!

    Still adjusting to daylight savings time!

    Allie freezing rain on top of your snow! Yuck. Been there no fun!

    Took our taxes in today. We will get them back next Tuesday. Went well. We have the same person help up every year.

    :heart: Margaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited March 2017
    annieoldie wrote: »
    Feeling better and doing more. Daughter's scan not so good, twins will probably be born next week by C section at 33 weeks. I have to be well enough to drive there and look after my granddaughter. So, in times of stress, I got a manicure and bought some new makeup. I reckon if I can feel better about myself I will get better quicker. Not really counting calories, more concerned about eating good food and in fact just eating food after 3 weeks of oranges and yoghurt.

    Good luck to all of you experiencing such bad weather in USA.

    Prayers for DD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I checked out your information and it appears that sweet potatoes are higher in calories. My small baked sweet potato last night was 30 calories. I am satisfied that is okay for me. I usually season mine with nutmeg or cinnamon but seldom add fat such as butter or margarine. :smiley:

    Pip: I love the photo!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2017
    Heather Thanks for the "Bea's Bee" Fix. And yay for heat, so lovely and underappreciated until one is without. Even though we just have wind and cold here, many are without electricity. We have electricity but our house has a backup generator which I am eternally grateful for. That, along with the electric dog fence, will be a good selling feature when we get ready to sell our house someday.

    Every woman I see who has been a longtime smoker looks older than she really is.smoking.gif

    Karen in Virginia
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Going to log one hour of shoveling/ pushing a heavy snow blower! Wet, cold work but now I'm resting with a hot cup of coffee, nice. I think Connecticut is getting the brunt of the storm, we really didn't get the 2 feet they were calling for. Stay warm Rita love the pic of the RV, how exciting! I bet it feels real now!!


  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hey everyone! So today I have Ber trying to get on the TOPS website... I guess I logged onto it many years ago, but misplaced my user name and password! To then they needed my hotmail so they could sent me the user name. I never really have gone onto the hotmail acct, I had created it to start up the Amazon tablet. So the hotmail acct says that there is so much junk mail, that it was suspended. So they needed a phone number to message me a code to reactivate the hotmail acct. *insert long sigh* Oh for the love of God, just kill me now!! Have I told you all that I abhor technology?? Haha!!

    Well I reactivated my hotmail. Sent TOPS the email so they could message me the user name, and presently I am waiting for that...

    All this because tomorrow I have a program to do for the TOPS meeting. I had cut out a nice article in The Oregonian Sunday newspaper, but TOPS headquarters has stated that all programs be from the TOPS website or their bible er I mean handbook. Dangnabbit!

    Today I am fixing some catfish with honey and soy sauce and white rice. First time frying catfish, so I William let you know if it turns out. Yesterday I had made some soup I threw together. So it was kidney beans, green beans, celery, broccoli, chicken stock. Boy it was GREEN! I added 2 T of some spaghetti sauce I had leftover, didn't help! Anyway I ended up eating leftover spaghetti, and throwing the soup. Epic fail! Lol!

    Hugs to all!
    PS. My hair is grumpy greasy today. Will rinse it in a hot bath along with my tired body.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member

    Ref the Myer's Briggs, I'm actually becoming more "Introvert" the older I get - being around people is often too much info and saps my energy quickly. I can "turn on" the Extrovert for short periods of time.

    I was the only "thinker" in a family of "feelers" plus the middle kid. I remember being chastised "why can't you be like everyone else?" And I was a good kid, really - never got in trouble, good grades. Just didn't fit into the mold like my brother and sister.

    We tend to hang around our "type" - and there weren't many NTJ's in my little world back then.

    Learning about MBTI gave me great insight into my own and other's family dynamics. I still run into folks in their 80's and 90's - my parent's generation who don't "get" their kids and are angry about it - I try to explain to them, (often wasted breath,) that folks are just made differently and process the world differently - doesn't mean they are WRONG! Stop expecting them to be in someone else's mold!

    I have a lot of "feeling" folks in my world now (I married an INTJ :# ) and I so appreciate their insight and warmth in my life. I'll be explaining a situation to one of my INFP friends and she'll respond, "You must have felt (fill in the blank)" It's like someone hit me over the head. Yes, that's how I felt and it was neat to have that recognized as a feeling! Because I'd normally just file the experience away like Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang) or Mr. Spock, lol.

    If any of you are curious about this MBTI language we're talking, do a search on "Personality types" - Myer's Briggs or Kiersey/Bates (a little different but same idea.)

    SW WA State - just returned from a fairly dry walk!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lanette and Karen - Oooooohhhh, could not resist taking the test! >:)
    Turns out I am The Architect - INTJ-T
    It makes a lot of sense, although I always thought I was more of a creative type. ......... :blushing:

    Thanks for the fun, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello ladies: Gray and drizzly here again today. Horses hanging out in the shelters and making them a mess. Our winter supply of hay is getting low and we will have to buy more soon. No grass in the pastures yet. All of you who are in the storm's path please stay safe and enjoy your snow day.

    Rita - The RV looks like a winner. Hope you enjoy it immensely.

    Ginger - Thanks for posting your meal plans and pictures.

    DJ - I think you look very nice in your dress. I like the color and style.

    Sarah - Get things checked out and then you can stop needless worrying and imagining stories with unhappy endings.

    Karen - Yeah for Olivia getting to go home. What a relief for all of you.

    Kelly - Glad that pi-baby is finally on his way. Best wishes for an easy delivery and a healthy baby.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member

    It IS fun, that's for sure.

    You ARE an architect! The actual MBTI does give a slightly different interpretation. Sometimes schools/counselors can administer the MBTI if you want to dig a bit deeper.

    I think a lot of the on-line dating services are using a version of personality type testing for their match-up's, and it's not a bad idea.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lanette - I got DH to do the test. He is The Consul - ESFJ -A/T :laugh:

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Heather~ I took the test and I am the same as your husband ESFJ dont know what it all means, but that is my score
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Sarah ... you spoke your fears aloud and now they're out in the open, no longer able to torment you! Bravo! Share them with your doctor in April ... and put them to rest for good.

    I'll just say that life keeps getting weirder and weirder ...

    Tomorrow is husband's back surgery and we need to be at the hospital at 7:30 am. It's usually a 25 minute drive to downtown Buffalo ... we'll see if this snow causes any problems tomorrow morning. Just now, the house across the street was being plowed out and the plow driver backed into an oncoming car in the street. Looks like no injuries but lots of photos being taken!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    I was doing well, until March. I hit 151 pounds once in February, and weighed 151 on March 1, and thought that would be a great start to the month, but my weight's been creeping up and I'm seeing numbers I was hoping not to see again!!!! I went swimming today, though, so maybe I'll see some improvement as the week goes forward.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    kate UK