

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    Sorry I didn't check in last night..
    Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.. and I did keep busy..
    Claudia is young and inexperienced ,so I am not to worried.. im old enough to be her mother for goodness sake.
    Today is my kidney dr appt..going down late morning. my friend Doris is coming and we will go to lunch after..
    Heather! was so glad to see you were not effected. but still so very sad that there are such horrible people in this world...
    Lenora~ Happy Belated Birthday..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    DH and I were stunned by our tax bite this year :#. And oh yeah, I come home to find masonry falling off the chimney onto the porch, chunks of masonry are falling off our chimney :(

    Rori (( <3 ))

    Beth last nite I was rummaging for something sweet to eat while DH was out playing soccer--nothing seemed right, tried making granola but burned it in the oven--no sweets for me but ate microwave popcorn which is incredibly horrible and bad for you. Time to start over today, one positive choice at a time.

    Made a big food delivery -6 very large boxes- of food for our food drive, lots of calorie burn! Also I have my final push for collecting cold hard cash donations from our teachers, worth the effort, every dollar is quadrupled buying power for the food pantry, they have fresh produce and quality protein choices.

    Have a positive day everyone. NYKAREN
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Becca: You shouldn't feel bad. It is great to try new things, but if they are not right after a while, that is good too. I have many friends who are constantly trying new approaches to healthier living. Before one couple comes to dinner, I have to ask whether they are now vegan, pescatarian or flexitarian. One thing works for a while and then they try another. Trying new things is good for the soul.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited March 2017
    Re: Loved the time-lapse photos, you look lovely at any weight. Pleased for you that you’re grabbing for the brass ring. They might be very happy to accommodate the hours you prefer to work. I know most bosses would love to have more extended coverage.

    Allie: Glad you’re getting some perspective on your new office manager. Hope you can develop a good relationship with her.

    Lois: Congrats on the ten-inch loss around your waist!

    Becky: I’m sorry about the loss of your mother. Writing about it helped me through much of that initial time—and a friend who was a shrink convinced me, a couple years after Mama died, to take her journals with me to a hotel, away from everyone and everything, and just read and write myself through her life. It was a big step forward in dealing with that overwhelming grief. Your own strength in taking your niece in is something I’m not sure I could have ever done. The most exhausting thing may be dealing with the system that should be helping care for them. I’ve watched my sister fight that fight since her son, who is profoundly Down’s, was born 32 years ago.

    Glo: glad you took Zac in to be seen, and hope the news continues good as he goes to a specialist. On the job front, check out www.indeed.com if you haven’t already, it’s an aggregation site that allows you to search in your specific area for exactly what you’re looking for—and pulls in every job advertised online. Searches hundreds of sites for you.

    Beth: Hope things continue going well for your father, and that the new aide works out well for your son. She sounds quite good.

    Lenora: Hope you’re done chewing nails… the good news is, they’re high in iron, and low in calories, at least the ten-penny ones, anyway. :) The bad news is, you’ll be with Lois at the dentist! Hope your birthday was happy.

    Kate: LOVED all the pictures from Benidorm.

    Becca: Forgiving ourselves may be the hardest thing we ever do! Think of it as weight loss for the soul. And the only one who can shed that weight, just like any other weight, is you.

    TNToni: We’re taught to be people-pleasers from the moment we exit the womb, and that’s reinforced all our lives. Taking care of ourselves first is a learning curve. You can get there. And Yellowstone is amazing. Been there about a half dozen times, and still haven’t seen anything close to all of it. The fact that a large part of it is the caldera of a volcano can get a little nerve-racking on occasion! :)

    Sharon in Lethbridge: gorgeous daughter, grandkids, and son-in-law.

    Rita: Hope the SSI decision is in your favor. You deserve a break.

    Jolene: Glad the situation resolved on campus. Scary stuff. Lived through a bomb scare in base housing during the Gulf War that etched itself on my brain.

    Leigh in France: congrats on the 3.5 pound weight loss!

    Carol/Peach: Corey and I both struggle with the noise level and constant movement of our grandkids, too. We try to go visit them there, rather than have them here, for that reason. You probably feel much worse about it than they do—they’re resilient little critters.

    Rori: glad the clothes are giving you the truth, even if the scale won’t. Aging is hard—and as I think I’ve said before, I’m seriously pleased that I married a man nine years younger. Wish I had advice for what's to come, but am honestly hoping my husband needs the advice more than I do. :)

    Barbie: Glad your Jake is back home.

    Joyce: love your rambles!

    NYKaren: We got a popcorn popper with a rotating sweep that goes on top of the stove. You can add as little as a teaspoon of oil, and it tastes SO much better than the hot air poppers. Takes almost exactly as long as the microwave, and has none of the bad chemical stuff and massive overdose of sodium. We love it, this is a link to the one we bought on Amazon, and use it two or three times a week…

    Heather: Glad you were nowhere near London. So relieved to see your post when I got up this morning. Glad, too, that you had a good visit with your son.

    Everyone: Thank you for the reaction both to the news of my interview coming up Monday and your comments on my tribute to Mama. She’s been gone almost 20 years now, and I’m only beginning to think about who she really was instead of simply mourning her loss. Even as she left, she was still teaching me how to be as strong as she was. Surviving the first years after her death taught me I am strong enough to deal with anything.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Lisa- you make me laugh. I've never heard the word "frownie" people but I have seen them.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning ladies! Still fighting the crud; but I expect this battle to last a week or more (as usual). Getting my water intake in through drinking tea is helping a lot. Soothes the throat and warms up my sinuses/eases the pressure a bit. I have had an interesting thing happen with my Egyptian Licorice tea...it is gone. LOL! My hubby has always drank his coffee like a liquid candy bar. Lots of flavored creamers and sugar to cover the taste of coffee. I gave him a cup of the Egyptian Licorice tea last week, when he asked if there was something hot he could drink other than the sweet, unhealthy coffee. He loves it! He has been drinking 2-4 cups a day! It is also keeping him from eating candy. I know a week is no "habit", but it's a start!
    Heather - so glad you are okay and enjoyed your visit with your son.
    Toni- I love the idea of a study group! For me that is even better than a "book club". I like to pick out my own books to read because what I read on any given day/week all depends on my state of mind. But I ALWAYS love learning about something new. Maybe I will see if I can get some local ladies interested in forming a study group. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Beth-So happy to hear that you have good news on both fronts! Here's hoping your dad continues to improve and the potential "help" for your son works out!
    Rori and all looking into care or caring for aging parents: Have you read Being Mortal by Atul Gawande?! It has been out (and on the best seller list) for a few years. It was really an eye opener for myself, as we began caring for my MIL. It explains the thinking of our parents and loved ones. When we think they are being childish or selfish or difficult, it is just recognizing the loss or diminishing of their mental/physical capabilities, wanting to have the familiar around them and to have the control to make their own choices. I really think Being Mortal is one of the top 10 books I have ever read.
    There are more of you I wanted to reply to; but time marches on and the kids are here and ready to get busy. ttfn KJ
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    Becca - I totally agree with Leigh. Your "no poo" experiment was very interesting and we are glad you shared that with us! I know hearing about it from you validated some new ideas I had about my own hair care.

    Beth, glad your dad is recovering. Hope he can get up and start walking today.

    Lisa, loved your update. Hope Corey is healing up just fine. Had to laugh at your comment on "frownie" people and "being an old lady who bites people." I remember when I made the firm decision to leave my job and gave 2 weeks notice, it's like a veil was lifted and I realized all the stuff I had been "putting up with" at work.

    Barbie, I ordered a couple Susan Cain books on quiet and introverts from the library. And a couple Gretchen Rubin's! Thank you for mentioning them. Glad Jake is home safe and sound.

    Rori, I also ordered that "How to Say it to Seniors". My DH is 71... 6 years older than me and also creative in the ways he "helps". And what you said about their behavior being the need to hang onto control REALLY hit home with me.

    I'm getting an overwhelming case of cabin fever being home with him 24/7 now that I'm not working the couple days a week and the weather continues to be crappy - all we can do is watch the grass and weeds grow and I try to hoe a few out between the raindrops.

    Yesterday he was on the 2nd day of an argumentative funk (and he hadn't been sleeping well/arm pain for a couple nights) so I climbed into the car at 9 am and announced I was going to the gym/grocery shopping. Ran a lot of errands and got a lot of steps in at the gym, also met a very sweet and inspiring young lady (24) on the treadmill next to mine who is living with and helping care for her grandmother in addition to working full time.

    I got home at noon with a couple orders of Kobo Teriyaki (1 chicken and 1 beef) - we actually get about three meals each plus enough left over for fried rice! I always have a few pieces with a huge salad, DH has his with bean salad. I am amazed to think I used to polish off a huge container of this at lunch and then eat a big supper! And stay slim! Where did my metabolism go, lol???

    It's a better day today! <3 (Aim to keep it that way!)

    SW WA State

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Are you all right? Missing your comments. <3

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ I for one am glad you decided to wash your hair. :) Now, just move on and stay with your great new way of eating.

    Becky & Beth ~ My heart goes out to both of you who are doing your very best to care for your son and niece. You are angels.

    Gloria ~ Glad you got an appointment for Zac. You too are an angel. Working full time and caring for the two boys.

    I gave in to a bag of Fritos last night. Up a pound this AM but will work to get it back down today.

    Lisa ~ So glad to read your posts. They lift us all up.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Who's Lenora, if it's grits, happy bday grits!!!! If not, happy birthday Lenora!!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    edited March 2017
    AND NOW.... wanted to mention something about dog teeth.

    Our little Sophie is now 9, and her teeth had a lot of smelly plaque = icky dog breath too. The groomer would brush them but I had a terrible time as she's small (18#) and getting a toothbrush in there was an ordeal, let alone having DH put her in a strangle hold to get the job done, lol.

    So when she went in for her yearly check-up a month ago, I discussed this with the vet. Since she's getting older, we don't want her to be "knocked out" if we can help it.

    The vet said that's totally understandable and lots of his clients feel that way and recommended something called PetZLife Oral Care Gel. I got a container (pressurized can) of it from him - instructions are to put a dab on my finger and rub it onto her back teeth twice a day for a month. After than a couple times a week.

    It has enzymes that dissolve the plaque.

    Well, it's been a month and seems to be working. Her breath is much better too. I'm going to put some baking soda on a damp cloth and "scrub" those back teeth a little to see if that helps break off some of the remaining softened debris. Some doggies who chew rawhide bones are able to work off the softened stuff, but Sophie isn't a chewer like that.

    I see they sell it on Amazon - the vet sells a larger container of it and it's a bit less expensive.

    Just an idea. Vet said this works on cat teeth too. I'll take his word for it - no way I'd get close to those claws. :#

    SW WA State

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-20X 10 X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    It's going to rain today! I am still walking! Getting ready for the first of my 2- 2 mile walks.

    I'm still losing weight. Just a little slower lately. I dropped 0.2 pounds yesterday and another 0.4 pounds today. I am going to do a carb re-feed on Saturday.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: You seem to be awfully hard on yourself, my friend. You wouldn't have washed your hair if it wasn't bugging you. We've had so many gray, wet days that it can be hard for anybody to keep a happy outlook. (((HUGS)))

    Joyce: I miss Miriam, too. :sad:

    Cheri in TX: I've been wondering how you're doing. Thanks for posting. :smiley:

    Pip: Lenora is Grits. :smile:

    Betsy in NW WA: Enjoy your Alaskan summer. :flowerforyou:

    I haven't figured out how I want to spend my day. The river is still in its banks, so all is okay in my world. DH just woke up and came downstairs. I'll see what he has in mind for the day and then make my plans.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James