

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lenora!!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Beth Glad your dad is stable.

    Heather Glad you are safe & sound.

    Karen in Virginia
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Lois: Thank you for the support - definitely not "trite". We had a meeting in our home earlier today with a service coordinator from the ARC (a local agency that provides various services for mentally challenged), now that we finally were able to get her reinstated under Medicaid & what's called Medicaid Waiver (was wrongly dropped when we adopted her & her service coordinator at the time neglected to handle it properly so she wouldn't be) - both of which are needed to access most services for disabled. So we can now start the process of getting some different things set up. At the meeting today, we basically just talked about what we want to try to set up & now have to wait for the agency to do their part. Hopefully that will help if we can get some types of respite or community habilitation services for her & will also be good for her to be able to take part in some programs in the area for kids with disabilities like her. There are also more programs that will be an option for her after she's 18, but that's still 3 yrs away. Not as many things for kids/teens, but he's going to look into a program I asked about that I saw online that I think is one or two Friday evenings each month where we can leave her to do activities with other kids & then pick her up again a couple of hrs later (ran by the agency he works for - not sure why he doesn't already know about it). Just hope this doesn't take forever to get these things set up. It's taken almost 2 yrs just to get to this point in the process. Trying to stay hopeful. At least it's finally some progress. Reminds me of my wt loss efforts. Any progress is still progress. :p

    I haven't watched the news at all today, so didn't know about the terrible news in the UK either until I read about it on here. Had to ask my DH about it - he saw it online when he got home, but hadn't mentioned it yet. My heart goes out to all who've been affected by this terrible tragedy. :'(<3:'(

    Glad I was feeling better this afternoon. After the caseworker left, I did an hour on my treadmill. Yay! Then ate a light dinner & packed my gym bag to go work out after work & TOPS meeting tomorrow. Increased my wts on some machines yesterday & really feeling it in my inner thighs today. Reminds me I'm making positive progress, though.

    Gonna have a few strawberries I logged earlier, but haven't actually eaten yet, then make salad for tomorrow's lunch & get to bed soon.

    Goodnight all.

    -- Becky (NY)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    edited March 2017
    stats for the day:

    wahoo hrm not working, all applewatch-
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.54min, 13.7amph, 2.9mi = 96c
    SPIN CLASS- 48min, 80ar, 83aw, 10-14g, 19mi = 350c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 7.59min, 11amph, 1.4mi = 52c
    jog station 2 wk- 5.07min, 9.47min mi, .5mi = 52c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.38min, 10.11min mi, .4mi = 47c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 21.33min, 7.3amph, , 15mph winds!!!, 2.6mi = 145c

    total cal 747
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Leigh in France: Congratulations on your great weigh in. :smiley:

    Heather, Kate, Sharon, and others in the UK: I am so sorry about the terrorist attack. Sending prayers for the safety of all. :sad: Check in when you can so we know you're safe.

    Becca: Get yourself some Vitamin D3, aka the sunshine vitamin. It helps combat the blues. (((HUGS))) I vary the amount I take daily from 2000IU to 6000IU, more in the dark days of winter and less in the longer days of summer. I like capsules best. It isn't that costly. Freddies would have it, but Walmart is likely cheaper. :heart:

    DJ: Thanks for asking about DH's eyes. H'es healing well and will get new glasses on the 30th.

    Heather: Thanks for checking in. It is good that your son has canine companions. Dogs aare great at healing our worries. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: I'm glad you've read about the need for all of us to have some control so we can feel secure.

    I'm not done reading, but I need to go work on dinner. I'll be back when I can.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    edited March 2017
    Beth: One of the things we discussed with the MSC that came today was wanting to find eventually find possible residential placement for her for the long term. As my husband said, we're getting "old" (he's 56 & I'm 54 1/2). Also discussed wanting some respite for more than a day. The guy just said there are long waiting lists & it wouldn't be considered an emergency in her case. I just feel like, yeah I know there's long wait - that's why I want to start the process as soon as we can - not wait until she's older. For now, though, we'll just focus on what we can get set up now. Not sure how helpful this guy's going to be. Seems nice, but our experience so far is that he's not very on top of things & doesn't really seem to be very knowledgeable. He was the original intake worker, so also not sure if we'll be dealing with someone else eventually, too. Will see. It's also kind of different now, I guess, in how things are handled. Started with the OPWDD & then had to go through a thing they call "Front Door" now & then pick an agency (we chose the ARC) to coordinate things (we've been waiting for over yr just for this part) & then they're supposed to help us coordinate setting up things with other agencies. The RCIL (Resource Center for Independent Living) in Utica is the agency we asked him to contact to set up the Community Hab worker. We've already been in contact with them on our own & have been able to get some respite reimbursement $$ from them to help with cost for us to get a sitter. That's been helpful, but doesn't really help when we don't have a person on our own to watch her. Need a person - or better yet, a place - for her.

    Would love to find someplace that could watch her for a week at a time. Don't know if there's anything like that in our area. I mentioned to him a place in Utica (that's where the ARC is) I heard about that does care for one or two nights & limited number of days per yr, but he said he thinks it's only for adults. I think I may have to do more research myself & try to find places & then just tell the MSC about it so it can get set up. At least we finally have the Medicaid, etc in place so we can access them. Now just need to find out what's available.

    Also, hope your dad is doing better. I know how tough that can be when a parent is ill.

    -- Becky (NY)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    t3354.gif Lenora

    <3 Thank you to all of you who share the stories of your challenges. You have helped me get right sized with the challenges in my life. When I figured out that our new dog can't go all night without having to pee, I reminded myself that walking dogs at midnight was a small challenge compared to what many of you deal with every day.

    :) Jake is home and we are all happy. He decided that he doesn't want to watch this season of DWTS so he went out to do errands and I stayed home and watched my recording of Monday's show and rode the exercise bike.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful, gradually warming, NW Washington
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla. Thanks for the vitamin hint! One thing that has gotten be blue was that I quit my no shampoo journey. Washed my hair last Saturday, and now feeling bummed about just one more thing I don't follow thru on. I put self induced pressures on me, I realize this, but it doesn't stop the process.
    Trying to take one day at a time in
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs and prayers to all who need them. Take care of yourselves ladies.

    Paula Y.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lenora. Hope it was a good day.
    When I read Heather's post this morning I had a chill run down my spin when I realized she could be in harms way. Glad you are well and had a good visit with your son.
    Got my hair colored and cut today so I am getting ready for our big trip. Had a good weigh in this morning. Only .6 away from 20 lbs. hope it lose that this week.
    So tired, better head to bed.
    SueBDew in TX
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Wow! I think I'm somewhat caught up.

    Re, looking good, girl!

    Becky, good luck with your quest for some respite care and way to go being proactive. A good friend of mine has an adult daughter with Down Syndrome who is in her forties. She sometimes goes to sleep away camp for a week at a time. I'm not real sure how she got hooked up with that. I guess my friend is also lucky in that she is divorced from her daughter's father, both are now married to different people, and her daughter can go stay with her father in emergencies or when my friend and her husband need to get away. Even so, the weight of the responsibility can be overwhelming at times. I feel for you and your DH. My 8-year old grandson has autism, and my prayer continues to be that he will be able to be a fully functioning adult who can live independently.

    Heather, I'm glad you are safe.

    No time or energy to comment on any more posts. Hugs and love to all,

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becky, thank you for your very heart felt post. I always appreciate it when one of our sisters feels comfortable to empty out her heart with us. Can you tell us about the illness and how it manifests itself? I highly admire you for stepping in and caring for her. You and your husband knew your own hearts and knew it had to be you. I sure wish an older member was still here. Miriam (with cats) used to be a member here. She also adopted I believe her nieces. or it could have been her grand children. She was a huge advocate for rights for children with special needs and helped us a lot with her huge amount of knowledge and huge heart.

    Glad Heather was not in harms way today and even had such a good time today that she didn't even know about the attacks until she was here.

    Happy birthday Lenora.

    Choir practice was good tonight. I love preparing for our Easter service. Some of the music is music we have sung before but never gets old. One song which is sung very quickly we are singing without piano or organ or even our sheet music, just our voices. Luckily the words are very repetitive so easy to memorize. Then we continue to practice the multigenerational choir that will be singing for Mothers Day. Childrens choir has a narration and they sing, then the entire sings. Then the youth choir does the same and the whole choir sings. Then the rest is the whole choir together. There are parts of it that adult choir starts a measure then the other choirs come in at a different timing. That part it real tricky since most of the kids don't know how to read music. I feel sorry for the director, she looks like a director of an orchestra pointing to each section. There is one duet in the choir and it is our pastor and his teenage daughter. She normally is an introvert and the only other time she has sung out was when she sang with her Mom and you coulnd't even hear her. But she is singing out much more. She is in choir at school and wanting to be in the show choir and musical. Her little sister who is just as cute as a button is an extrovert and the church just loves her.

    Well as usual I just went rambling along and took you along with me!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • therwil
    therwil Posts: 19 Member
    This morning I felt really good in my clothes. By this evening I had too many calories and feel like a loser. I need to maintain perspective and keep realizing that I get to feel successful tomorrow Joyce in Alberta Canada
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    My heart is saddened for the people in London. This is a crazy world we live in.

    Heather - I am so glad that you are safe and sound.

    Sharon In Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Ate much too much last night - way over on calories . But ............today is a new day. Tomorrow we have lunch out with my DB and DSIL but I know the menu well and can usually find something .
    I love seeing my son, but I find it stressful. Hence the calorie overload. I'm glad I'm not going to spend more time with him today as I have good memories of last night. <3 I think he has lost a little weight, but a new microbrewery opening up nearby doesn't help. He's on the geeky/obsessive side, but very loving. The dogs and time have definitely helped with his depression. Still no job though.
    Just got a text from him - ( I sent love to the dogs which we took for a walk ) - "They are worn out! Still sleeping and not nagging me! Fab to see you. Had a great evening. Feel very blessed. Xxx"
    Aaaawwww <3

    Going down to a sensible breakfast in a minute. :o Then will walk to the station if it's not raining.

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx

    Becky and Beth - Your special needs assistance sounds a bit like our NHS. You have to be very proactive to get what you need and want. You have to really work the system. Hard work! And you always have to be on top of your game when you don't feel like it. I really admire you. <3<3
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3