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  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    As someone who has food and chemical sensitivities, toxins are real. I expect many are too young to have been inflicted with amalgam fillings, mercury in vaccinations and that sort of stuff. I'm one who's dentist describes as, "one of the canaries in the coalmine", keeling over before the rest of you do. Increasingly people are having difficulties with all manor of things and it is not always true that liver problems are self inflicted. There is so much which has made its way into the food supply either because it was used habitually or because "it was effective" at some stage in our history, chemicals to improve food harvests in the inter war, and war years and have never been tested for safety.

    In Europe we have a different approach to food production, in the US you have practices no longer used over here because of the potential for issues. Talk of special relationships and special deals should not include foods which are produced to lesser standards than we expect of our own producers here in the UK.

    I had my first issue with vaccinations when I was a few weeks old, something in it made my arm swell to a frightening degree, mercury is/was a common preservative. I went on to receive repeated rounds of antibiotics for tonsillitis when penicillin was the only antibiotic and the long term damage antibiotics in general could do, were not recognised by those who's jobs it was to know better than my parents, who trusted them implicitly. Recent research indicates early trauma as being linked to hypothyroid problems, itself a wide and complex issue which dedicated research is starting to get to grips with, leaving the local GP's far behind in their knowledge. Though best practice states the pituitary and adrenal status should be identified before treatment with t4 is instigated, yet nothing short of full Cushing's warrants adrenal investigations. With 300 potential symptoms and a person's own selection for being hypothyroid, it is under recognised. Hashimotos initially presents with antibodies only which breakdown the thyroid and possibly other tissue by molecule mimicry and only when its destruction is well underway does it present with skewed thyroid numbers which are not understood by too many. When the endocrine system works well, it does clear down all the residue of living, it is what it is there for but when the system is slowed by slowed metabolism from an endocrine imbalance the liver et.al suffer and the system clogs up unable to eliminate sufficiently to maintain a good balance things go badly wrong. Modern liver function tests only measure the levels of some chemicals, not actually how the liver is functioning, it is only indicative and not definitive until the liver is 3/4 lost. The body becomes less able to make the digestive enzymes it should and gradually one becomes less able to eat foods one grew up eating happily. Add because of repeated assault from antibiotics the digestive biome is compromised taking with it a vast part of the immune system which science is realising is/should be external to our bodies in the gut providing the microscopic particles we require to function properly internally.

    You are welcome to scoff and many manufactures will try to make profits from a perceived "hysteria". As someone who knows the problems of toxicity only too well, the muscular skeletal issues, the joint pain, difficulty in moving, repeated bouts of bronchitis, breathing difficulties which increase the mobility issues, the added weight because toxins which are not excreted, is stored within the hard pressed cells for want of something better to do with it all, it was not that I was eating too much, much of it was contaminated clogging things up, and that's before we get to the more personal cyclical problems I endured which were "what a woman should expect" but when the body's systems are correctly balanced are "blink and you will miss it". It was all consuming and debilitating.

    Toxins had built up in me over my life time. In my 68 th year, I'm healthier by far now than I was at 40 because I have worked/read, to discover what was going wrong and am taking steps to rectify what I can. My working life was cut short I did not work past 50, I could not. I'd retrained to live with the consequences of what I now know were due to an immense toxic load. I'm pleased for you that you have not experienced the restrictions I have, the needing to be within ones own home for fear of what ever is out there that makes you throw up because you smelled someone's laundry residue from their clothes in the open air. Please thank your lucky stars that you are living an existence better able to cope with toxicity.

    My mouth is full of amalgam fillings, I was vaccinated mostly in the 80s when thimerosal was still widely used etc. etc. No reactions and no health conditions, and I'm in excellent health by every marker my doctor uses. I have no joint pain, no issues with moving, no chronic sickness, no breathing difficulties, no mobility issues, no feminine cycle issues. I also don't blame my former weight gain on mystery 'toxins'.

    I actually think this is the first time I've heard of 'non-secreted toxins clogging cells', being used as an excuse for weight gain. That's ah, interesting....

    I was vaccinated in the 60's. While I have no amalgam fillings, I'd like to know how I managed to loosen or unblock all my toxins by starving them with a calorie deficit. They're hungry buggers!

    I do have chronic medical conditions (autoimmune, genetic and/or triggered by the stress of pregnancy), but I'm healthier now than I've ever been because I'm a reasonable weight and on proper medical treatment for those conditions.

    I was vaccinated in the (early) '60s also, have several amalgam fillings still in my teeth, and am of the age where mom used mercurochrome (Merbromin, which contains mercury) on all our cuts and scrapes. Yet I suffer none of the maladies listed in the quoted post, nor have I ever been diagnosed with a "toxic load" in my system. Heck, I'm not even dead yet, at least as far as I know! :D I gained weight because I ate too much, not because of the toxinzzz fairy.

    As science and medicine has progressed, so has the woo and fearmongering around it. Inevitable, I suppose.

    I forgot about mercurochrome! I was a horrible hangnail chewer and my mom used to paint all my fingers with mercurochrome...such a telltale sign of a bad habit!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Going by the pic you've posted... I'm going with wood rot.
  • LeoT0917
    LeoT0917 Posts: 206 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    I think the detox/cleanse things are just snake oil....a waste of money. Its no coincidence that these detox/cleanse regimes include not consuming toxins (fast food, alcohol, caffeine, etc). All it does is sell you the idea that some special tea or colon cleansing herb is doing the detox when actually it's the pause in consuming toxins and allowing your body's natural systems to catch up that is doing all the work.

    While I agree with you that detox/cleanses are a waste of money scam... I'm curious at your comment seeming to indicate that fast food, alcohol, and caffeine are toxins. What specifically is toxic about these substances?

    Are you seriously asking this? Alcohol is highly toxic and a carcinogen. Caffeine is an addictive chemical. Both alcohol and caffeine are mood altering drugs. Fast food is full of random artificial chemicals which are also toxins...preservatives, flavourings, dyes, trans fats, etc.

    The term toxicity has no meaning without specifying a dose/amount. BTW chocolate is also mood altering and most "artificial" chemicals added to fast foods are not random, but added intentionally to serve a particular function. I'm not making the argument that these are healthy or desirable, but the hyperbole in this reaction undermines the point you are trying to make
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I will try to address some issues raised. Firstly fat is a good medium in which to store toxins, the ability of the body to loose fat is compromised by the toxins it stores.

    An issue with eggs, is probably down to the loss/lack of an enzyme to digest them.... If you miss eggs it is possible to find a supplement from the medical/scientific world rather than business trying to take advantage.

    Not everyone will have issues to the extent I have and I would not wish what I have had to deal with on anyone. I was trying to put issues of toxicity out there. I am relieved I am at the edge of science because the rest of you may be able to spot the rot before too much damage is done. Know what you are doing and why, question to learn to keep safe. The level of salicylate I can naturally take now eliminates leaves honeydew melons, peas, onions, pealed pears and not much more. Salicylate is used by plants to protect themselves from moulds and mildews and is closely related to the common aspirin. The level toxic to me is far less than the average Jo.

    Since 1950 so very much more is known about health problems, dietary fat has been anathema for most of that time but it is being realised it is the principal building block for many hormones etc.

    Women take the pill which blocks the bodies natural rhythms many do not have issues but an increasing number are. Consider the iud also in common use, has had copper attached to it, coper is a form of antimicrobial/fungal/biotic. door handles made of the stuff transfer little to no virus compared to the normal ones.

    I want people to have a crumb of a thought to follow up on to keep themselves safe.

    Life calls. back later.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Lol, and as kids many complained "why do we need to learn about chemistry? We're NEVER going to use it in real life."
    We can see who failed chemistry class here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Are you saying the last time you studied chemistry was as a kid?
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    LeoT0917 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    I think the detox/cleanse things are just snake oil....a waste of money. Its no coincidence that these detox/cleanse regimes include not consuming toxins (fast food, alcohol, caffeine, etc). All it does is sell you the idea that some special tea or colon cleansing herb is doing the detox when actually it's the pause in consuming toxins and allowing your body's natural systems to catch up that is doing all the work.

    While I agree with you that detox/cleanses are a waste of money scam... I'm curious at your comment seeming to indicate that fast food, alcohol, and caffeine are toxins. What specifically is toxic about these substances?

    Are you seriously asking this? Alcohol is highly toxic and a carcinogen. Caffeine is an addictive chemical. Both alcohol and caffeine are mood altering drugs. Fast food is full of random artificial chemicals which are also toxins...preservatives, flavourings, dyes, trans fats, etc.

    The term toxicity has no meaning without specifying a dose/amount. BTW chocolate is also mood altering and most "artificial" chemicals added to fast foods are not random, but added intentionally to serve a particular function. I'm not making the argument that these are healthy or desirable, but the hyperbole in this reaction undermines the point you are trying to make

    Sigh, I was "parroting" detox company marketing/advertising because I was egged into doing it. The hyperbole is there on purpose.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    I think the detox/cleanse things are just snake oil....a waste of money. Its no coincidence that these detox/cleanse regimes include not consuming toxins (fast food, alcohol, caffeine, etc). All it does is sell you the idea that some special tea or colon cleansing herb is doing the detox when actually it's the pause in consuming toxins and allowing your body's natural systems to catch up that is doing all the work.

    While I agree with you that detox/cleanses are a waste of money scam... I'm curious at your comment seeming to indicate that fast food, alcohol, and caffeine are toxins. What specifically is toxic about these substances?

    Are you seriously asking this? Alcohol is highly toxic and a carcinogen. Caffeine is an addictive chemical. Both alcohol and caffeine are mood altering drugs. Fast food is full of random artificial chemicals which are also toxins...preservatives, flavourings, dyes, trans fats, etc.

    Natural, non-processed foods are full of chemicals which are also toxins. Should I not eat an apple because cyanide?

    First time I've ever seen anyone argue that alcohol is no more toxic than an apple........beggars belief. Besides the trace cyanide is in the apple seeds which hardly anyone actually eats..I certainly don't eat apple seeds.

    The point is that your body has every thing it needs to "cleanse" any "toxins" you may ingest. You do not need to drink a tea, or swallow a pill, or stick something to the bottom of your feet for this to happen. If your body was not doing it, you would be in immediate need of a doctor, not a tea.

    Why are you preaching to the choir? I distinctly remember calling these products "snake oil" and a waste of money.

    You're the one claiming there are any "toxins" to be scared of in the first place. Which there aren't.

    Er, no I didn't claim there were any toxins "to be scared of." I said that it's no coincidence that these detox products require users to abstain from toxins such as alcohol, caffeine and fast food so that people think it is the product doing the detoxifying when it fact it is their own body catching up.

    ok, but i don't think that anyone is arguing with most of that. but i think it's the notion that your body is full of toxins from fast food, caffeine, etc. that people are arguing against.

    A notion that I did NOT espouse in any way. I was asked to list what could possibly be toxic about alcohol, caffeine and fast food. So I did. I never for a second said that we're all laden with toxins. It was all about what these products tell people (suckers) to do whilst taking their products.

    So, you didn't say this?

    "Are you seriously asking this? Alcohol is highly toxic and a carcinogen. Caffeine is an addictive chemical. Both alcohol and caffeine are mood altering drugs. Fast food is full of random artificial chemicals which are also toxins...preservatives, flavourings, dyes, trans fats, etc."

    How is a person supposed to interpret that?!?

    Ok, I said that these detox diets tell people to abstain from caffeine, alcohol and fast food...as "toxins" I am asked what could possibly be toxic? So I answer the question with what the detox company would say... i thought it was a dumb question which is why I asked if they were serious.

    So you didn't mean to imply that those things were toxic?

    What did you mean when you said that ignorance was bliss and told us to enjoy our toxins or that a bottle of vodka had more toxins than an apple?

    Ignorance is bliss was about people who use detox products being all blissful because they think they're uber healthy.
    Enjoy your toxins was a joke...along same lines as everyone else jokes...hence the smiley face.
    The apple and vodka, also a joke...in response to joke about vetting sources and being happier.