Looking for friends...75lb+ to lose



  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    I have *so many* pounds to lose. This isn't my first round on MFP, I've been lurking for 4 years and before that, I successfully lost 40-50 pounds. Which came back with interest. Lets do it!
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    i have like, almost exactly 75lbs to lose! im down 53 so far and im trying to stay on point and would love a friend. no one gets it, what its like to lose so much weight and have to lose so much weight. i know its boring to people but it isnt boring to me. i feel like health is such an important journey

    I agree with you 100%! I'm definitely not saying that losing 10 or 20 pounds is hard, but it just can't compare to the long long looooooooong road to lose 10x that much. I'm adding you! :)

    P.S. And congrats on the major weight loss so far!!
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    PinUp2014 wrote: »
    I have *so many* pounds to lose. This isn't my first round on MFP, I've been lurking for 4 years and before that, I successfully lost 40-50 pounds. Which came back with interest. Lets do it!

    I doubt this is the first rodeo for the majority of people (unfortunately). I've also lost 40+ pounds before and then fell off that dreaded wagon and got dragged behind it picking weight up along the way. Struggling to stay ON it can be rough!
  • rrgoswick
    rrgoswick Posts: 4 Member
    Well I have been using MFP for a little over a week now. I have not weighed since starting but I can tell by the way my clothes fit I have lost something. Using MFP has made me aware of what I am putting in my mouth. It isn't easy but I am working on it. I also walk on the treadmill at least 5 days a week. It isn't much but I know I have to start somewhere. I would be happy with loosing 50 lbs but I have set short term goals and long term goals. Would like to loose 10 lbs by my cousins daughters wedding. Work towards 50. Then ultimately shoot for 75, but if I can make it to 50 I would be ecstatic.
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    edited March 2017
    You can add me! I lost almost 70lbs and have 60 more to go!
  • wbutterchip
    wbutterchip Posts: 11 Member
    I have 120 to lose...smh...add me!
  • mahalukie5
    mahalukie5 Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2017
    add me! i am on the intermittent fasting diet i have lost 24lbs so far since january. starting weight was 210lbs i am 31yrs.
  • Mandafaye80lbs
    Mandafaye80lbs Posts: 24 Member
    Great job thus far
  • srjfos
    srjfos Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on losing what you have so far! Add me! I am trying to lose 30-50 pounds.
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    rrgoswick wrote: »
    Well I have been using MFP for a little over a week now. I have not weighed since starting but I can tell by the way my clothes fit I have lost something. Using MFP has made me aware of what I am putting in my mouth. It isn't easy but I am working on it. I also walk on the treadmill at least 5 days a week. It isn't much but I know I have to start somewhere. I would be happy with loosing 50 lbs but I have set short term goals and long term goals. Would like to loose 10 lbs by my cousins daughters wedding. Work towards 50. Then ultimately shoot for 75, but if I can make it to 50 I would be ecstatic.

    I think starting those smaller goals is a great idea. I cut all mine up in 10 pound increments and I know it makes it all feel a little less scary! :)
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    shans34 wrote: »
    You can add me! I lost almost 70lbs and have 60 more to go!

    Wow, grats on the loss so far - over halfway there!! :)

    Adding you!!
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    75 down in 10 months ...25 to go in the next two months.
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    I'm gonna add you! I'm 34 y.o. Starting weight was 268 lbs. Current weight is 246. Goal weight is 150. I'd love to add more friends who are on the same journey! :smile:

    Over 40 pounds so far - very nice!! <3

    Adding you! :)
  • gatsovictim
    gatsovictim Posts: 6 Member
    Like you, I've been a user for a while but I yo-yo when I stop paying attention.
    Feel free to add me. I've only got about 24lbs to lose but I just can't get it off.
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    I have 120 to lose...smh...add me!

    Long road, but going to be worth it, right!? :)

    Adding you!
  • hilhilbean
    hilhilbean Posts: 92 Member
    mahalukie5 wrote: »
    add me! i am on the intermittent fasting diet i have lost 24lbs so far since january. starting weight was 210lbs i am 31yrs.

    I'm hoping to be in the 100 club with you soon! :)
  • netwatcher
    netwatcher Posts: 26 Member
    Keep pushing! I went from 320 to 270. Stayed there fer a year (lack of effort) then recently down to 250. With a goal of getting to 200. What i learned is when you need to stop losing fer a bit. Go on maintenance, dont gain it back. But give it a predetermined length if a break. And just maintain till yer ready to proceed.when losing a lot. The occasional break can make it easier.
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    anyone can add me. I am a strong supporter! Very nice work!
  • Adele516
    Adele516 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me to!
  • aimerspenguin
    aimerspenguin Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. If you have tips on stopping soda and sugary drinks, I welcome your input. I've stopped cold turkey for 3 months before, but started back up again last year. Had a hysterectomy last November and put on weight. I've always done the yo yo diet. I just need to realize I'm worth it to feel better about myself and I'll get there, just need support and encouragement. Thank you