Obese babies



  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Seen it before. poeple introduce foods like soda to babies. I remember a family ordering 2 kids meals and a dessert just for their 5 year old. She was already morbidly obese and her parents were very overweight as well. it made me feel bad for her, because what chance does she really have if she eats so terrible from the beginning?

    Just look at the rising rate of juvenile diabetes.

    Its a 10 moth old, it would hardly be eating solid food.....lordy.
  • KY2022runner
    KY2022runner Posts: 72 Member
    i know it's not eatting solid foods yet. i was making a general comment about many children in the US today.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.
    Agree. I once saw a 1 year old drinking coke out of a baby bottle...Really???
    My mom did that to my daughter. I about beat her for being stupid.

    I understand with the older kids, and feeding them crap while overweight. But the OP is griping about a 10 month old, and acting as if she can deduce how much that kid is going to weight 2-8 years from now because of the baby's current weight.
    I really think the OP just wanted to open a discussion--I don't think that she meant to condemn the child. And people do feed babies crap. If the mother was doing it at the age of 1, she might have done it earlier (not saying that she did, but it is in the realm of possibility). And someone else on this thread talked about putting cereal in a 2 wk old's bottle...I have always heard that that is a big no-no, and can lead to weight problems b/c by drinking calories we don't realize how much we are taking in (even babies). And we all know how many calories are in some "smoothies"...My husband was a big fat baby who didn't walk until he was almost 2 b/c my MIL put all kinds of blended food in his bottle. He is thin today b/c he has good eating habits, but I think that some people can get set up for a lifetime of eating badly...I am not saying that it will happen, but it might increase the probability..Even my own mother always telling me to "clean my plate" has stuck with me, and it is a habit that I would like to break.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Seen it before. poeple introduce foods like soda to babies. I remember a family ordering 2 kids meals and a dessert just for their 5 year old. She was already morbidly obese and her parents were very overweight as well. it made me feel bad for her, because what chance does she really have if she eats so terrible from the beginning?

    Just look at the rising rate of juvenile diabetes.

    Its a 10 moth old, it would hardly be eating solid food.....lordy.
    Baby food is "solid food". So at 10 months, it is probable that it would be eating solid food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have to agree with some other posters that there are probably going to be numerous MFPers who already have a lot of disordered thinking going on and already have a very negative relationship with food and body weight who will starve their little babies now because they have a little baby fat.

    There is a huge difference between an obese toddler or a five year old child and a 10 month old baby that still has most of their baby fat on them...please don't be stupid and starve your babies because they have baby fat and you have a bad relationship with food and body issues. They're just babies and they need their food...they're growing and developing...please don't harm your babies. If you think you may have a problem, please seek help.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I have to agree with some other posters that there are probably going to be numerous MFPers who already have a lot of disordered thinking going on and already have a very negative relationship with food and body weight who will starve their little babies now because they have a little baby fat.

    There is a huge difference between an obese toddler or a five year old child and a 10 month old baby that still has most of their baby fat on them...please don't be stupid and starve your babies because they have baby fat and you have a bad relationship with food and body issues. They're just babies and they need their food...they're growing and developing...please don't harm your babies. If you think you may have a problem, please seek help.


    This X100!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.
    Agree. I once saw a 1 year old drinking coke out of a baby bottle...Really???
    My mom did that to my daughter. I about beat her for being stupid.

    I understand with the older kids, and feeding them crap while overweight. But the OP is griping about a 10 month old, and acting as if she can deduce how much that kid is going to weight 2-8 years from now because of the baby's current weight.
    I really think the OP just wanted to open a discussion--I don't think that she meant to condemn the child. And people do feed babies crap. If the mother was doing it at the age of 1, she might have done it earlier (not saying that she did, but it is in the realm of possibility). And someone else on this thread talked about putting cereal in a 2 wk old's bottle...I have always heard that that is a big no-no, and can lead to weight problems b/c by drinking calories we don't realize how much we are taking in (even babies). And we all know how many calories are in some "smoothies"...My husband was a big fat baby who didn't walk until he was almost 2 b/c my MIL put all kinds of blended food in his bottle. He is thin today b/c he has good eating habits, but I think that some people can get set up for a lifetime of eating badly...I am not saying that it will happen, but it might increase the probability..Even my own mother always telling me to "clean my plate" has stuck with me, and it is a habit that I would like to break.

    that would be me.. i put cereal in my son's bottle at 2 weeks old.. because he was drinking 8 oz so fast that i didn't have a chance to burp him, then throwing it all up and screaming for more food. Even when I did get a chance to burp him in the middle of eating, he still threw up most of it and wanted more. Nope not intolerant to the forumla (cause I switched it up a lot and same reaction) He was eating every hour or two and not sleeping. Its' not like I turned it into oatmeal. just made the formula thicker so it would settle his stomach and he'd keep it down. The 1st day I did it, the throw up stopped and we went to 4 hours between meals and we both got some sleep. I'd say that was a big yes-yes in my instance. My son still eats non-stop, but he's healthy, fit, happy, a good weight and not obese. So it didn't set him up for a lifetime of bad eating habits.. I actually lol'd when I read that statement. My son walked before he was 1, and has been in every sport and activity imaginable. So I'd guess that your husbands results are due to something else. Not cereal in his bottle.

    Also.. babies stop eating when they are full... they dont' know any better. Toddlers mostly will too.. it's mostly young kids and teens that will eat something that tastes good regardless of hunger if you don't instill good habits in them. that's what casues obesity, not cereal in a bottle when they are a baby.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    What pisses me off are the obese toddlers and you still see parents feeding their children crap. Im sorry but it is their damn fault and yes I am judging them. Poor kids.
    Agree. I once saw a 1 year old drinking coke out of a baby bottle...Really???
    My mom did that to my daughter. I about beat her for being stupid.

    I understand with the older kids, and feeding them crap while overweight. But the OP is griping about a 10 month old, and acting as if she can deduce how much that kid is going to weight 2-8 years from now because of the baby's current weight.
    I really think the OP just wanted to open a discussion--I don't think that she meant to condemn the child. And people do feed babies crap. If the mother was doing it at the age of 1, she might have done it earlier (not saying that she did, but it is in the realm of possibility). And someone else on this thread talked about putting cereal in a 2 wk old's bottle...I have always heard that that is a big no-no, and can lead to weight problems b/c by drinking calories we don't realize how much we are taking in (even babies). And we all know how many calories are in some "smoothies"...My husband was a big fat baby who didn't walk until he was almost 2 b/c my MIL put all kinds of blended food in his bottle. He is thin today b/c he has good eating habits, but I think that some people can get set up for a lifetime of eating badly...I am not saying that it will happen, but it might increase the probability..Even my own mother always telling me to "clean my plate" has stuck with me, and it is a habit that I would like to break.

    that would be me.. i put cereal in my son's bottle at 2 weeks old.. because he was drinking 8 oz so fast that i didn't have a chance to burp him, then throwing it all up and screaming for more food. Even when I did get a chance to burp him in the middle of eating, he still threw up most of it and wanted more. Nope not intolerant to the forumla (cause I switched it up a lot and same reaction) He was eating every hour or two and not sleeping. Its' not like I turned it into oatmeal. just made the formula thicker so it would settle his stomach and he'd keep it down. The 1st day I did it, the throw up stopped and we went to 4 hours between meals and we both got some sleep. I'd say that was a big yes-yes in my instance. My son still eats non-stop, but he's healthy, fit, happy, a good weight and not obese. So it didn't set him up for a lifetime of bad eating habits.. I actually lol'd when I read that statement. My son walked before he was 1, and has been in every sport and activity imaginable. So I'd guess that your husbands results are due to something else. Not cereal in his bottle.

    Also.. babies stop eating when they are full... they dont' know any better. Toddlers mostly will too.. it's mostly young kids and teens that will eat something that tastes good regardless of hunger if you don't instill good habits in them. that's what casues obesity, not cereal in a bottle when they are a baby.
    So my husband just got fat by osmosis? Not by being fed too much? He doesn't have a weight problem now, so I would guess that he was fed too many calories, which is easier to do by ingesting them through a bottle.
    It sounds like your son had reflux. Yes, babies stop eating when they are full, but if we load a bottle with too many calories, they might not realize that they are full until they have already ingested too many. Recommendations exist for a reason.
    Maybe your son is special and does not need to go by what is recommended for all other babies, I don't know. I don't agree with giving a 2 week old cereal, which is my right, but it is your right to do it if you want to. My point is that babies can be overfed and gain more weight than they should.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Are you seriously calling my 32 lb. 40 in. 3 year old obese? Go to medical school lady.

    No, I am calling a 10 month old, 28 in, 32 lb baby obese. Try reading the OP.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Most ten month olds won't overeat though. Many 10 months old still wake up in the middle of the night to eat too. It really isn't uncommon. I highly doubt he is obese or being overfed.

    Now by 2 or 3 when children should be active and are eating food it very easy for them to become overweight or obese if they consume too much food.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Good grief. This whole mess is ridiculous. OP talked about a 10 month old BABY!! Babies cannot be obese. That is ridiculous. Children can be, yes, but a baby? No. Some babies are big others are small it all tends to even out in the end unless when they are old enough to develop eating habits you teach them bad ones and they get no exercise. Again, this is well after their first year of life. Babies need some pudge. And imagine if all you did was eat sleep crap yourself and lay/roll/maybe crawl a little. You'd be pretty damn fat too.

    Unfortunately they can be:/
    It is a phenomenon brought on by baby milk powder being full of fructose.
    watch the lecture on your tube called "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" It is explained very well, and yes they do talk about the obesity trend in babies and the reasons why it is happening. It might shock you. There is a difference between a health little fat baby and an obese baby.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    This thread is mildly ridiculous.

    A 10 month old would be barely weaned - I guess the earliest you take them off the breast is 6 mos, my daughter was weaned at almost exactly 12mos.

    Babies should be fed ad-lib, thats why they cry.

    It is, what we would call in farming a 'good do-er' nothing more.

    Bottle fed babies can become obese due to what is in the milk formula.
    Parents need to learn to read those cans as much as they read cans designed for themselves.
    High fructose corn syrup will make your baby obese. It cannot/is not processed like glucose.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OP you are just having an emotional reaction to someone calling your baby "tiny". You are trying to justify your babies size and are boomeranging all the way to the other side of criticizing the other person's baby. This is the thing with babies, the questions start innocent and the next thing you know someone is making their kid seem superior for something or other.

    It's just a whole lot of mom angst getting weirder than it has to be. Brush it off. You already know your babies fine. The opinion of a stranger should not matter. You shouldn't even have known the details of any of her kids. In the future maybe don't let people like that bait you into conversation if you can't handle what comes of it. If she asks a question like that pretend not to hear it while you grab a pack of gum and ask how much it costs. Even if it's almost obvious that you heard the question it might help her remember to mind her own business. Don't let her words matter to you. They shouldn't.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    My child was measured at the 125 percentile within weeks of her birth.

    FYI by definition no one can ever be at "125th percentile".

    haha.. tell that to my sons peditirican! that's where my son was. Just means my son was 25% taller then the highest average height//weight of kids his size.

    Time for a new pediatrician and for you to brush up on basic math. 25% taller than the "highest' "average" dude....

    no, im sorry, your wrong. there is no "125th percentile". it goes to 100 percentile, and thats it.

    If you want to get real technical it only goes to 95 on the charts as there is no database that compiles an absolute 100th percentile given that every child born is not plotted into a data base, there fore you are correct but with each child over 95th percentile, depending on the variance, the other children at 75 and 50 are no longer correct per se, therefore it is MUCH simpler to extrapolate any child over the 95th percentile into higher percentiles including over 100th percentile. It really makes no difference and I highly doubt anyone in here is educated enough on statistics to declare that they are outright correct.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OP you are just having an emotional reaction to someone calling your baby "tiny". You are trying to justify your babies size and are boomeranging all the way to the other side of criticizing the other person's baby. This is the thing with babies, the questions start innocent and the next thing you know someone is making their kid seem superior for something or other.

    It's just a whole lot of mom angst getting weirder than it has to be. Brush it off. You already know your babies fine. The opinion of a stranger should not matter. You shouldn't even have known the details of any of her kids. In the future maybe don't let people like that bait you into conversation if you can't handle what comes of it. If she asks a question like that pretend not to hear it while you grab a pack of gum and ask how much it costs. Even if it's almost obvious that you heard the question it might help her remember to mind her own business. Don't let her words matter to you. They shouldn't.

    Lovely thought...I had not thought of it from the OP's own feeling.

    I just took the visceral gut reaction and had a horrible though of some poor person w/ an ED looking at their baby and putting her or she on a diet.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Don't you agree though that the maternal inheritance matters?The egg you developed from , with half of your chromosomes, was created in your mother's ovaries while she was still in your grandmother's womb. New research shows that that when our grandmothers passed those epigenetic signals to your mother she was also passing those signals to the egg that would provide half of your DNA.

    You don't think that the early nutrition influenced the establishing of epigenetic marks?

    * i was fed bottled milk and my health is oh so fine.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Someone say fat behbehs?
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