April 2017 Running Challenge



  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    4/1 8mi 1:14:29min
    4/2 rest
    4/3 4mi 34:55min
    4/4 4.55mi 43:06min
    4/5 rest
    4/6 5mi 46:47min
    4/7 3mi 25:53min
    4/8 9mi 1:24:34min
    4/9 rest
    4/10 5mi 45:44min
    4/11 7mi 1:03:31min
    4/12 rest
    4/13 4mi 35:51min
    4/14 3mi 26:07min
    4/15 10mi 1:35:12min
    4/16 rest
    4/17 5mi 46:22min
    4/18 4.3mi 38:55min
    4/19 5mi 43:06min <- my fastest 5 miler in a long time!
    4/20 rest
    4/21 4mi 35:46min
    4/22 9mi 1:28:18min

    My 9 miler felt very hard today :neutral: I did not have cool weather, rather it was 75 degrees. I'm hoping that is why it felt so hard. I'm also dealing with a weird chest/cough/sore throat thing that started a few days ago. My husband says I have to get used to it - it is only going to get hotter and muggier as the days go by.
  • hesfeld
    hesfeld Posts: 95 Member
    Broke in my brand new Brooks Glycerin 14's today. Pure love. Got 2.8 mi in and feeling good for my 5k next week. If only this wind would go away, the gloomy weather can stay though!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Apr 02     5.0        5.0
    Apr 05     4.3        9.3
    Apr 07     6.4       15.7
    Apr 08     4.3       20.0
    Apr 09     5.0       25.0
    Apr 11     5.1       30.1
    Apr 13     5.1       35.2
    Apr 15     5.1       40.3
    Apr 16     5.1       45.4
    Apr 20     5.1       50.5
    Apr 22     5.1T      55.6

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited April 2017
    Walked half a mile then ran a bit before starting hill repeats (maybe 1.5 mile). I was kinda hot but then I turned north for hill repeats and brrrr! Into the wind and mist, each repeat got colder as I got sweatier and also the mist collecting on me. I'd get hot again every time i turned back downhill.

    Going down the 4th time my left hip flexor started to cramp. I stretched and went for a 5th repeat then continued to run toward home until i had run 5 miles total plus the half mile walk. But I was still .75 mile from home and knew I would get cold so I did walk/run for another half mile with the crampy leg then finally walked .25 home for 6.25 total miles.

    3 houses down from me this guy let his big slobbering dog charge me :s I didn't even know they had a dog and it scared the crap out of me until he called the dog off. Sheesh.

    Stretched and foam rolled and hopefully the hip flexor was a freak thing.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @WhatMeRunning YES! Today was great weather! So glad it fell on a race day for you! I always think of your come back on my "runs". Thanks for offering your support! Congratulations on the half!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @shanaber I know some bikers who call anything on 2 feet walking......
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @shanaber - Great to hear you had a good feeling run! Definitely not rude. They needed correcting.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited April 2017
    I was on my way to Grande Prairie (2 hr drive one way) for a 20km trail run/course review (not a race). I got called back for work. By the time I had the trouble fixed it was to late to for GP.
    Impromptu Trail run in PR. From Tim's; Up Misery Mtn, Down the South Face on Camels Back and picked up the Freeland's Trail around the West Shoulders back to Tims. The wettest part was the on the west side of the Freeland trail with all the deep holes right full of water. Tip Toe around the H2O in the trees, rose bush's, thorns etc.
    It was only 8.15 km and took a full 65 minutes - typical of Trails, Hills and Water challenges. Still a lot of Relaxing Fun.
    The resident Black Bear family is finally out from Hibernation - lots of tracks and scat but never did see the mother and her 2 cubs from last year. She has been on Misery Mtn for 10 years so she is used to humans/dogs and just walks into the closest bush when ever she see's us. Haven't heard of anyone having a negative/bad experience with her, even with her cubs close by. The crocus's were just starting to open up and you can see where she has cleaned up some of the patch's and dug out a few ant hills.


    04/01 0.0 km – 140. km – 0.0 km – YTD 300.05
    04/02 6.5 km – 135.5km - 6.5km
    04/05 5.2 km – 130.3km - 11.7km
    04/08 21.3 km – 109.0km - 33.0km Jasper HM 2:13:33
    04/12 5.0 km – 104.0km - 38.0km
    04/15 12.1 km – 89.9km - 50.1km
    04/16 5.0 km – 84.9km - 55.1km
    04/17 5.3 km – 79.6km - 60.4km
    04/19 14.0 km – 65.6km - 74.4km
    04/19 8.15 km – 57.45km - 82.55km – YTD 382.55 Misery Mtn & Camels back & Freelands Trail

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @juliet3455 it's too bad you missed out on your original planned run, but I'm glad to see you were able to get a run in nonetheless.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    @autumnblade75 - Here is the link where I downloaded the Daniels Tables in spreadsheet form from a couple years back, shared to me by @SonicDeathMonkey80 back when he was posting here. Get your wayback glasses on though, this website looks like it is straight out of 1995. The only thing missing is a midi file playing Macarena while you browse. Look towards the bottom of the section talking about the Daniels Tables for the link.


    Thanks! I downloaded the spreadsheet, but don't have a program to open it with. Then I got sidetracked with all the other information and links. Lots to read. I'm sure I'll learn something!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @angmarie28 Awesome pictures, and even better run!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,015 Member
    edited April 2017
    4/3/17 - 3.8 miles
    4/5/17 - 3.2 miles
    4/6/17 - 4 miles
    4/9/17 - 3.2 miles
    4/10/17 - 1.2 miles
    4/11/17 - 3.3 miles
    4/13/17 - 3.7 miles
    4/16/17 - 3.2 miles
    4/18/17 - 3.5 miles
    4/20/17 - 3.5 miles
    4/22/17 - 3.2 miles

    35.8/40 miles for April

    Today is my scheduled rest day. But with the temperature at 65 I could not not run. Tuesday the forecast says the high will be 98 so there is a good chance I will miss my Tuesday run. I really felt that I needed to take advantage of the weather today. Besides, I just really wanted to run. Tomorrow is a scheduled run and it should be 70/75 so I am expecting another great day for running. I'm still not sure what I am going to do when summer gets here. I know I will have to readjust my schedule somewhat. I don't want to be a wuss, but the temperatures here are often in the 100's. I have known people who have suffered from heat exhaustion and heat stroke so I know that it is something to take seriously. Last summer I just waited until after about 8:30 pm to walk. I could probably do the same this year, I would just need to eat dinner a lot earlier so I won't be running on a full stomach.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @kgirlhart we all have those days where we can not not run. Taking advantage of weather and adjusting your schedule because of it is a great thing to do. Keep it up!