April 2017 Running Challenge



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited April 2017
    @lporter229 & your pup definitely misses running with you, maybe a few short walks with her until you get your Running Legs Back.
    Like others a Welcome to @beeraxdidit ( great name ) and @MrsBoney12 . Doesn't matter if it is walk/run you are working on a better you. In my little community we have multiple people who do a Walk/Run and some of them are active Marathon or Ultra runners so it is a tried and true method. My last HM I walked every 2nd Aid Station with good results.
    @7lenny7 How strange but normal that you meet your Running Neighbor at an out of town event. I met a guy this winter that we have passed/crossed on adjacent trails for 2 years. He is trying to organizing a local open course self supported 50k Ultra + Relay option with a central crossover point for the 4 loops.
    @midwesterner85. Glad you were able to recognize the source of the problem. When one of my shoes failed I experienced shin and calf pain. Just re-enforced the concept of having multiple pairs in rotation so I could determine whether the problem followed a pair of shoe's or the terrain.
    @WhatMeRunning Sounds like you are starting to suffer from Rest Day or Taper Angst.
    @JessicaMcB Now that's a 4 yr old with a great attitude. Love the photo, could really see that they did a Fire Guard by removing the deadfall and lower branch's from the trees. This also makes it safer for runners as it makes it harder for creepers to hide behind a skinny tree with no low branch's.

    If I don't get called for work Tomorrow morning ( my turn for On-Call emergency coverage ) is a planned 21k trail run/course preview & then " give the organizers a brutally honest review ".
    Have never seen the course or any GPS maps so promises to be interesting/fun. That's actually one of the reasons they asked me to do a test run on it. There are other runners with more experience/mileage/faster who will also be out. A potential for a new event :p
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @Orphia I don't have Strava premium, but I used Training Peaks premium for a trial period a bit ago, that had a similar feature. I remember having problem #3 from @WhatMeRunning 's list:
    ever since my HRM started acting up, the values started going up and down like crazy.
    e.g. one day the HRM would give me 200+ HR for an easy run, and my fitness went down a lot, the next day it showed a HR around 100 during a tempo run and fitness shot back up...

    So maybe check that you didn't change the HRmax settings, and that the values during the last runs all look okay.

    Hmmm, my HR data is very often weird. I did change my Max HR to 218 (I'm 50). My readings are either very low, very high, or somewhat normal, in roughly equal measures over all runs. I figure they balance each other out, but the data is probably unreliable in small time periods.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    21/04 - Caveman special - 3.2mile Interval, Biceps/Triceps Superset & Core
    22/04 - 6.2mile Taper run #3 (avg 8:16, which is too fast (again)), followed with 2 mile Interval, Legs & Core


    11/03 - 10K Run The Solar System (thanks for the tip) - 52:01
    12/03 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 1  ) - 1:54:02
    25/03 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 2  ) - 1:53:53
    15/04 - TM Easter Bunny support run (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 2  ) - 1:59:03
    Coming up:
    • 01/05 - Milton Keynes HM
    • 18/06 - Run-Bedford-Run - 10K
    • 02/09 - Bedford HM
    • 24/09 - Windsor HM
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    So when I do look at all these addicts talking about 50K/100K runs, I must be missing a trick or 20, for me the HM distance is (probably) as far as I am willing (which is different from capable I guess) to go ... as mentioned before, one day i might become a runner, but not if that is the standard.
    @ournakedbarefootrunner - I would seriously reconsider if I were you, as the dangly bits might either be very uncomfy or seriously hurt :wink: ... let alone the feet :)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    @autumnblade75 - Technically, I just go by HR. I also use Jack Daniels tables to keep things honest, but I tweak those tables until the HR matches up with actual paces at that effort on my runs, then I can see what my paces can be for races.

    I looked a bit at what Google pulled up for "Jack Daniels tables" until I was very confused, then found a calculator that said "You dummy, run it at least a minute per mile slower than you're doing."

    I had the device set to yell at me if I exceeded "Zone 2" and it was doing a whole lot of yelling. I'll try for "Zone 1" next time, anyway. The average for the run was under the limit, barely. The maximum was only about 4 bpm too high. Not the worst I could have done. The zones look a little high for the standard estimate, so I'm guessing I set those up myself back in 2012, when I had a refurbished Garmin. I'm getting a kick out of seeing the old data too. Just in case I'd forgotten how much progress I've made - I have a PR for distance on there for 4 miles. And a 5k PR of over 36 minutes. I'm still proud of 2012 me, too. She did all that with another 20 lbs on this body.

    I also played a bit more with the settings on the Garmin Connect site. I can't figure out if it isn't meant to add activity calories or if there's still just a checkbox that I haven't noticed. But they're definitely selling the Vivosmart line as activity trackers, so I feel a little bit cheated that only yesterday's run added anything, and after deleting the additional activity (sent by RunKeeper, where I had to delete a second copy of the run as sent by Zombies, Run!) I was only working with 2100 calories, as opposed to a similar day with the Fitbit, which would be 2800. But even with my substandard degree of compliance, that ought to make the weight loss actually happen, right? Feels like too much of a jump, to me.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

  • Freck135
    Freck135 Posts: 50 Member
    Goal - 40 miles
    4/3 - 2 miles (gotta start somewhere)
    4/5 - 2.5 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 1 mile then crosstrained
    4/10 - 2 miles and strength train
    4/14 - 5 miles
    4/15 - 2.5 miles
    4/20 - 2 miles
    4/21 - 3 miles
    4/22 - 5 miles (tough one;calf hurt
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Whoo else is blessed with an amazing cool day today? It's 50 here. That's like a 9 mile run just waiting to happen!

    Perfect timing since I've been eating cake and cake and pizza!

    47 here!
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hello fellow runners!

    Aim: 130k

    4/2: 13.1k -casual run-
    4/3: 1.5k -cause I am lazy, that's why-
    4/4: 4k -as c/d of leg day training-
    4/6: 5k -after gym-
    4/7: 8.5k -intervals-
    4/8: 9.1k -various surfaces-
    4/9: 12.5k -trail-
    4/11: 4.5k -c/d from strength training-
    4/13: 9.7k -intervals-
    4/14: 14.8k -various surfaces-
    4/19: 2.5k -c/d from strength training-
    4:20: 4.1k -c/d from legs day-
    4/21: 1.5k -w/o for upper body strength training-
    4/22: 7.6k -casual run-


    Stay free of injuries!
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    WK: 4.17.17 - 4.23.17

    M - Rest / Recover Day
    T - 10.8 m. 9:35 pace.
    W - 9.8 m. 9:40 pace.
    T - yucky weather
    F - 9.9 m. EZ
    S - 4.1 EZ
    S - Glass City Half Marathon
    Total - miles for the week.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Whoo else is blessed with an amazing cool day today? It's 50 here. That's like a 9 mile run just waiting to happen!

    Perfect timing since I've been eating cake and cake and pizza!

    Same here!! Wore my arm sleeves probably the last time for a while and went on a very fun 10 miler!!

    I'm ready to go. Two shirts in case I get hot I can take the long sleeve off. DH is still in his house coat.... I'm Waiting.... trails​ will be muddy!!!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @MNLittleFinn - Go for the gusto, my friend! I think I have a similar disorder when it comes to doing things. I go all in!

    @iofred - I don't think any normal people would ever claim you have to do full marathons or more to be a runner. In fact, there are strict entry criteria you must meet to sign up for those distances. The first is that you must be insane. If you check yes on that box then you are welcomed with open arms.

    @autumnblade75 - I'll dig up the link to a Jack Daniels spreadsheet with the magically delicious tables when I get home. I saw a table online once that seemed very different.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: April MTD (goal = 95)
    04/01/17 :::: 7.7 :::: 7.7
    04/02/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 11.2
    04/03/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 13.7
    04/04/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 13.7
    04/05/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 17.2
    04/06/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/07/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/08/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/09/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 20.6
    04/10/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 23.6
    04/11/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 23.6
    04/12/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 26.8
    04/13/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 26.8
    04/14/17 :::: 4.0 :::: 30.8
    04/15/17 :::: 6.2 :::: 37.0
    04/16/17 :::: 2.7 :::: 39.7
    04/17/17 :::: 3.7 :::: 43.4
    04/18/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 43.4
    04/19/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 46.6
    04/20/17 :::: 2.2 :::: 48.8
    04/21/17 :::: 4.7 :::: 53.5
    04/22/17 :::: 7.8 :::: 61.3

    Chilly morning here too, in the 40s (I would not say blessed as I am tired of being cold, but it was good for running once we got warmed up). Nice long run catching up with my running buddy who I haven't seen in a couple of weeks. Good for the mental and physical health, and longest run I've done for the last couple of months. Finally strung together a decent running week of over 20 miles.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2017
    @autumnblade75 - Here is the link where I downloaded the Daniels Tables in spreadsheet form from a couple years back, shared to me by @SonicDeathMonkey80 back when he was posting here. Get your wayback glasses on though, this website looks like it is straight out of 1995. The only thing missing is a midi file playing Macarena while you browse. Look towards the bottom of the section talking about the Daniels Tables for the link.
