Have you ever been insulted about your weight loss?



  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I've been asked by an elderly, obese neighbor if I was sick because it seemed to her that I "melted off", and when I answered that no, in fact I'm trying to become and stay healthy, she snorted and asked me why would I do that when in the end I'm gonna die just like her, who's more than double my weight for more or less the same height.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    what's more insulting is when people tell you that you don't need to lose weight...when you quite clearly do.

    (my profile picture is not me)
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    "Well it's easier for you to lose weight because you are so overweight"

    I had someone say that to me when one week I lost 5 lbs and she lost 2. No *****, I just worked my *kitten* off while you didn't.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    Got accused of having Anorexia a couple of times by my mother, also the usual "You don't look good this skinny" and "You don't look like a woman", also by my family. Otherwise I haven't received feedback, neither positive nor negative, so I'm fine.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    My all time two favorites and quite harsh at that!

    "You look like you have cancer"

    "Have you got Aids?"

    The people were kidding but pretty depressing to hear. (I have quite noticeable cheek bones naturally)
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Some people said I am ugly on my body now or if i lose weight more,, but in reality they are just haters,jealous & insecure people :)
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    My boss called me a skinny b!tch.. meaning I was too skinny and my hormones are off balance, resulting in b!tchiness. :laugh:

    Point is im 5'4 126 pounds.. hardly qualifies as 'too skinny'. Lol.
    B!tch stands for Babe In Total Control of Herself. So they were paying you a compliment really. :glasses:
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I've heard "you must be starving yourself" and your too skinny !! A bunch of times. I'm 5'10 180...I mean really. I
    think it's because overweight has become the norm in our society.

    I get this a lot too. And because I wear a UK size 6 in some shops, my mother is getting seriously concerned. I haven't even toned up properly yet!
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    I love when a person makes negative comments bout my weight loss... it lets me knw ppl are looking, they see the change in my body, a boost in my energy, attitude up lift and the possibility of HATERS :laugh:

    So I say hit me with that girl dnt loose nomore weight and you fine the size you are now type statements I love them... lets me know I'm on track and you hate it :laugh:. ...
  • forgetmenot1000
    I get a mixed bag. Friends and colleagues are either really complimentary, or the comment is you're loosing weight to fast. All you want to hear at the beginning is the positives! if i start getting into normal BMI territory then we can talk about how fast I am loosing it! lol 43 pounds in 32 weeks is not too fast! Especially if I can keep it off!
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    I've gotten the "you look a little sick" or "your face is starting to look old"..
    this is usually from a friend or family member..BUT on the positive side, strangers or acquaintances will usually compliment me. I don't really let it bother me. Being called too skinny is a compliment to me! lol
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Yeah, it's really rough for me to hear at my 55 year old bald head hippie self when playing music or doing a seminar on stress reduction (I do have 3 college degrees).... "Hey Big Sexy, you are lookin' goooooooooood!" Yeah, it really sucks. As I tell some of my clients, "Chill out...this is supposed to be fun."

  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I get the usual 'don't lose any more weight' from my mum. It made me upset and concerned at first but I've just chosen to ignore it. I'm shooting for a healthy weight and BMI for my height so whats the problem?

    She also keeps inviting me over for BBQ's and cooking me 4 sausages and 2 burgers and then handing me a bowl of ice cream and cake. I find it kinda insulting that she seems to feel the need to fatten me up again when I've been working really hard!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Yup, someone else i was on the same journey with and he was doing a low carb diet and training like a made man but then having intentional binge fests which is the opposite to my approach, and he would criticize my way of doing it despite the facet i've lost more weight then him and haven't gained any during that time, also when i try to share what i've learned with some people, or if it seems i'm being overly restraint, i get the No you are doing it wrong . Really!!! i've lost 22Kg in 5 months and have toned up aswell and reduced my health risks considerably in just 5 months yet i'm doing it all wrong? Really!!! Really!!!

    I do obsess at times but towards my own actions not what other people do with themselves
    Still, I chalk it down to jealousy or lazyness to accept that what they are doing is not the only way.
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    What did people say to you?
    I've been told to not lose anymore weight, but I'm still considered overweight at 194lbs and I'm 5'8".

    Giiiiirrrrrrl, yep, yep, yep, I can fee you. Although I didn't begin my healty/fit journey on MFP, I got talked about, lied on and "insulted." I had aids, cancer, etc. when I began my journey Feb of 2006. Although I wasn't shooting for weight loss and was trying to get my type ii diabetes under control, aw well as the things that going along with having diabetes, six months into my journey, the claws came out. I was also cussed out by a former co-worker who I had a chance encounter:

    Her: OMG, Ramona how are you doing? You look wonderful.

    Me: I'm doing great, and thank you? What are you up to?

    Her: I work in the area and ...

    Me: Funny we haven't run into each other before.

    Her: So what are you doing to look so fabulous?

    Me: Began working out and then changed my eating habits ...(couldn't finish the sentence)

    Her: What the h@ll do you ..., witch with a "B" , ##$@$!, #$$%#*"&$, stuff.

    Me: (Shocked)

    But this stuff happened when I,

    1) When back to school,

    2) Got a zoning variance for my son to go to another school not in our neighborhood .

    3) Graduated College

    4) Began flying to the west coast to visit my son every two/three months. (New York City/Seattle Washington)

    The issue is with self-improvement and not really the weight loss or improved fitness. Folks have a relationship with the old you and now are angry that they have to find out who they are again based on the changed you.

    All change is confrontational, especially the change that is happening to someone other than them.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    I love that a lot of these comments pertain to people's mom's. mines exactly the same. No matter if I'm slim or fat, she always has something to say...
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I've not lost enough to have any negative comments about my appearance. But the rare times I mention my healthy eating plan my friends and family all say that I should be careful, don't starve myself, don't get ill, etc. I don't find it particularly helpful, but I appreciate they just care about me.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I think people say the darndest thing. I get the "are you going to keep eating goofy" from one of my favorite clients. I was staring down a huge salad with cold boiled shrimp, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce and radicshes. With a made from scratch vinegarette.

    Just becasue I don't eat bread or cheese with my salad doesn't make me a "goofy" eater.
  • M8R5on8ym
    M8R5on8ym Posts: 23 Member
    I got ... "Aw, are you sick? ... you look sick!". Hate that ... *kitten* off I lost 16 pounds working my *kitten* off, I didn't magically contract an illness that made me thinner. :explode:

  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I had a friend/coworker tell someone else when they asked her, that I only lost 20 pounds when in fact I'd lost 50. Not exactly an insult but still kind of pissed me off. Why can't you give me credit for all the weight i lost?