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Have you ever been insulted about your weight loss?



  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    About 7 years ago I did Weight Watchers and I lost about 50 pounds. Also, I have a butterfly lower back tattoo (don't judge). One of the other members said to me, "It's a good thing you lost weight. That butterfly was getting REALLY stretched out!!" I said, "Excuse me?" She said it again and this time added hand gestures for emphasis. "Your tattoo. The butterfly. It was getting HUGE!!" She genuinely thought she was complimenting me.

    The one I seem to get a lot that kills me is, "Well, you're tall, you can carry more weight." Gee thanks :-|
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    My favorites are
    "You don't know what it's like to be fat, you just don't understand" - ummm don't make that assumption since I was 50 lbs overweight and hated my body and myself in the past, I've just made the change and kept it.

    "You can eat whatever you want and not worry about it, you don't get it"- NO I CAN'T! As soon as I revert back to my old eating habits ( and yes it has happened even 8 years later) I start to put the weight back on just like you.

    "Oh, I thought you had an eating disorder you got so skinny"- This came from a coworker, I had worked there when I was in high school and moved away, then when I moved back home I got a job there again and was about 40 lbs. lighter then when I last saw her. Nope, no eating disorder, I just stopped eating Wendy's everyday and started weight training.

    My biggest find from my journey is that you can't assume that all thin people have been thin forever, you can't assume that all "fit" people didn't have to work very hard to get where they are, and you can't assume that all "fat" people are slobs or don't care. I know plenty of people that are overweight that are soooo much healthier than my thin friends. If I could wish anything on anyone I would wish understanding and health on them.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I've noticed men are usually very positive about my weight loss. They tell me how great I look and that my husband better watch out. I let it be known that I don't have a husband.

    Women aren't so nice about it. They tell me I'm losing too much and I'm going to disappear. Some of them say I shouldn't have started diet and excercise to begin with. I was only 2 lbs away from over weight for my height and I had been gaining about 5 lbs a year since my daughter was born (she is 3 1/2). I just didn't see why I should wait until I was legitimately over weight before making healthy lifestyle changes. Crazy!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    As a guy I usually just get the "you don't need to lose more weight" comments, despite the fact that I'm just barely below "overweight" BMI. Even my target BMI is above the midpoint in the "healthy" BMI range. It's amazing how standards have changed in America, where what used to be average weight is now considered "too skinny."

    I remember the "can you pinch an inch" commercials for Special K cereal in the 1980s. When I started losing weight, I could pinch several inches, and now I can still pinch an inch. No question there is still weight to be lost.
  • bijouchocolat
    bijouchocolat Posts: 164 Member
    I was told that you didn't want to look as if you are experimenting with drugs. Another coworker expressed that "some people just were not built to be skinny" LOL
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Not insulted but just annoyed by people's comments.

    I mean they ask me my workout schedule to then b**ch about me lifting weight and how bulky I will get and how I should eat bread and pasta and not so much protein.. o_o

  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I've heard "you must be starving yourself" and your too skinny !! A bunch of times. I'm 5'10 180...I mean really. I
    think it's because overweight has become the norm in our society.

    This is very true. I am 5'11, 184, 7lbs away from a healthy BMI and 30ish lbs from goal and I've been getting comments like this. Ridiculous. I've even been told to go see my doctor because I must be sick, "because eating healthy and exercise doesn't work..." :noway:

    Do we know the same people? Your stats and goals and goals are identical to mine. I'm currently a loose size 12 working my way back to a size 6, which is hardly wasting away.

    Whenever someone tells me that I don't need to exercise or eat right because, "you're so skinny already", I'm tempted to pull up my shirt to show them my 31" waist, pot belly, and back fat rolls. If they meant it in a complimentary way, I wouldn't mind, but it's usually in the tone of a passive aggressive dig. Like when I turn down treats at work and one of my coworkers says, "Oh, she doesn't eat cake (or cookies). Like they follow me around 24/7. I just roll my eyes and think of the ice cream that I have for dessert three nights a week.

    The best part is that I had a coworker who got lipo and a tummy tuck when she was on vacation and when she got back, the same people who criticize me for trying to get in shape the healthy way were oohing and ahhing and gushing over the changes in her. Sugery good. Exercise bad. Unbelievable.

    Thankfully, my mother is very supportive.
  • zrjp9
    zrjp9 Posts: 86 Member
    I started at 246, I am now 221, and trying for 205. A buddy that I seen for the first time in a few months asked if I had gotten sick. At first I was like oh my. But I thought it was funny anf took it as a compliment.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    People make comments implying I must be anorexic which isn't true. I am not underweight (My BMI is 19.0 so definitely above 18.5) and I didn't even lose that much (15lbs).
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I hear comments such as "You're too thin or you need to eat all the time." At 5'5 and 147 pounds I doubt I am too thin.
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    People make comments implying I must be anorexic which isn't true. I am not underweight (My BMI is 19.0 so definitely above 18.5) and I didn't even lose that much (15lbs).
    I am getting the same kind of response from some people these days! And I am a 125 lbs! Lol can't see how that is anorexic! But then none of them ever told me that I needed to lose weight when I was fat and eating everything that's unhealthy, so I just ignore them now :-)
  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    I wouldnt say insulted but a guy told me not to loose anymore weight.... Really I didnt think I was loosing any!! lol:smile:
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    "You're going to have pancake boobs if you keep losing weight." Insulted... Yes!
  • LennyLifts
    LennyLifts Posts: 21
    You look sick, but i went from 250 to 180 and was skinny and saggy....

    At 177 and muscular its a lot different :)
  • mrshoneydew
    mrshoneydew Posts: 253
    I get similar comments like that from my family. My mom was upset because the other day I casually mentioned that I had lost some more weight, and she was like "You're still losing weight?? Don't lose any more! You are too small!". She is happy that I took charge and am trying to be more healthy, but she keeps saying I'm skinny and I don't need to lose any more weight.
    My husband gets freaked out about it too sometimes.
    I'm 5' 5" and 148 lbs. I'm doing ok!

    However, I do have some insight into why I think friends and family members might say things like that and show concern. They have been around us for a long time and are used to us being at a higher weight, So when that changes drastically, while a stranger who doesn't know us would consider us average or healthy looking, those people who are around us more aren't used to us looking that way so it scares them.
  • het100
    het100 Posts: 20 Member
    I was recently told by an old friend that "you looked more handsome when your face was fuller." People tell me all the time not to lose more weight. I don't take it as mean spirited. I think it comes more from their shock at my appearance at a healthy weight after being used to seeing me very overweight for so many years. I'm very often asked if I've lost the weight for the right reason, as if to ask in a polite way "are you dying?" I take that as a compliment!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    When my mom told me not to get rid of my "fat pants" in case I needed them again. I know she didn't mean it in a bad way....but still :ohwell:
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Some random guy at the gym asked me "How my recovery was going from weight loss surgery"

    Thanks for the concern, I didn't have surgery. I've been busting my *** here for 6 days a week for the past 7 months.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Maybe not insulted but I have had friends ask me to not loose anymore weight which they know I am not trying to do now. One friend said I now look old! Ah...thanks! :( She has always seen me at 270 pounds as most people that know me have and I guess it is a big change to see me at under 130 pounds now. I have had people walk right past me and do not even recoginize me also.
    My Mom has also said I look to skinny but I am at a health BMI for my 5'4" height.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I've never been insulted. Twice, I've had people ask about my health though. One was my best friend. He lives in LA and we met up in Vegas. He said I looked so much different than I used to look that he was worried about whether I was healthy. It wasn't snotty or beligerent or anything. I'd lost 90 pounds between then and the last time I saw him. The other time was the head of the Division in which I work. His secretary is our time keeper. A few hours after I sent a schedule change to her regarding a doctor's appointment, he commented on all the weight I had lost and asked if I was doing okay health-wise. I think it was because he knew I had a doctor's appt more tha he thought I was sickly looking.