May 2017 Running Challenge



  • HRKinchen
    HRKinchen Posts: 202 Member
    Super busy day for work and other reasons, so rather than trying to fit in another treadmill run as I had considered, I stuck with my planned rest day. And then ate entirely too much sushi for dinner, so maybe I'll be amazingly fast tomorrow morning. Or amazingly fat and sick. Either way. :lol:

    5/1: 2.0 (2.0/30)
    5/2: 2.25 TM (4.25/30)
    5/3: 2.75 TM (7/30)
    5/4: 2.5 TM (9.5/30)
    5/5: Rest
  • HRKinchen
    HRKinchen Posts: 202 Member
    edited May 2017
    I signed up. :naughty:

    I sent my wife a text saying that apparently I was going to SF on 7/22-7/23. I doubt she will complain...well except for the part about her not going. I'm going to hand her a big jar of peanut butter when she gets home since she's going to be so jelly.

    Well I'm definitely jelly - both that your employer is paying and that you'll be racing in one of my favorite cities. Can't wait to read more about it!
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Thanks again everyone for your advise. I am younger run with music tomorrow since I have never run without it. Maybe over the next few weeks I will take a run without it and see how it goes. But I am not going to change it tomorrow since I don't have to. Now I am just going to go to bed and try to sleep.

    I typically run and race with music but will have to nix the earbuds for an upcoming trail race - my first - so I've been running some without the music. Definitely strange at first and not something I'd want to do for the first time on race day. Race how you've trained. That said, I will also add: Don't be afraid to turn down the volume for the first couple minutes and take in the excitement of the crowd. That's part of what makes racing fun. Just be mindful of your pace and adjust as needed if you find you've begun a bit faster than your target. Have a great race!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    May goal is 50 miles.I am running a half marathon tomorrow. It was a taper week. I ran 3.66 miles yesterday on the treadmill. My legs were tight after working a couple of night shifts. My legs felt so much better.
    It has been raining hard this week in Indy and I am concerned that it is going to rain during the race. I don't mind running in the rain but hate getting my feet wet.
    Meb was at our expo today but the line was cut off before I have could get a picture of him. I planned to have him sign my book. I guess that I will have to wait until next time. Of course I spend too much money at the e p.o.. I always do.
    @kgirlhart It should be a lot of fun tomorrow. It will be my fourth time at this event. You will love the race much fun. I have run with and without my own music. I will run with my own music tomorrow. I have a few songs that I play toward the end that really inspire me to push harder.

    May 4....3.66 miles (treadmill)
    Goal 50 miles

    Indianapolis mini-marathon May 6th
    Geist marathon. May 207th
    Women's Half marathon (tentative)

  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @ereck44 Good luck with your HM tomorrow!

    Right now, I'm watching the Breaking 2 attempt, and it'll be interesting to see if they make it. The controlled nature of the event means they may actually pull it off, but I wonder if the 'sterile' course environment (that is, no cheering crowds and so no real atmosphere) will affect them psychologically?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Packing up my tent for camping in the so called 'affletes village'

    Said I'd help on an aid station for one of the events today and then have to try and get some half decent sleep in preparation for my first Half Marathon tomorrow. I'm a bit worried about shoes - the ground is pretty hard but I'm not confident if wearing my Kinvaras over the distance, what do you think? Shall I stick to trail shoes? It's mostly fields.
  • SweetSassyJen
    SweetSassyJen Posts: 129 Member
    May goal - 50 miles

    May 1 - Rest Day
    May 2 - 3.58 miles
    May 3 - 3.58 miles
    May 4 - 3.59 miles
    May 5 - Rest Day
    May 6 - 3.6 miles

    May total - 14.35 miles
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    @WhatMeRunning omg thanks for the Hal Higdon recomendation!! It's a pretty good reference but I don't understand why the low number mileage for long runs in this 10k intermediate program You're not supposed to have a larger mileage in the easy runs, much longer that the race itself?

    I'm not sure for what to train now so if you or anyone has suggestions welcome! Let me tell you my background I did cardio in elliptical for most than 3 years, sightly more than 1 hr daily but the rest of my day can be considered sedentary, then like 3 months ago I've started jogging 2-3 days a week for 20 min, and finally last month started running at more than 6mph and increased drastically my running times from 20 min to an hour, and my speed from 6 to 7.5 mph. I ran 3 days a week with 1hr elliptical in between days, sunday is my rest day and ended feeling wornt out because didn't knew about intensity and recovery. :p This week I've been running erratically 1hr, 1:30 min at easy pace (5.5mph) or 20 min at 8mph, my goal hs been to reach 1000 calories of excercise. I'd like to improve my speed and train for something according to my current activity levels, from my volume of running I think I'd adjust better to halfmarathon program and maybe skip it to intermediate.

    I changed my goal to a more challenging 150k


    My first ticker aw looks so awesome. :D
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    5.1.17 - 5.7.17 - Continue taper for 3 marathons over 4 weeks.

    M - 1 m. Plus Elliptical/Biking/Walking/Steps.
    T - 3.5 m.
    W - 4.5 m. I'm not yet even back to my recovery pace :)
    T - Rainageddon
    F - 5 m. EZ Pace. The sun made a late day appearance :)
    S - 3.1 m. Shake Out run for tomorrows Pig.
    S - Flying Pig Marathon, Cincinnati OH.
    Total - miles for the week


  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Internet still out. In the 4 hour waiting window for repair person to show.

    Did a 10 mile long run this morning in the pouring rain. Could not have been more soaking wet from head to toe. But I did it. HM in 2 weeks.

    26 out of 75 miles for may
  • nFoooo
    nFoooo Posts: 136 Member
    +4 km from two 10+ minute runs on the treadmill to end my workout at the gym on Tuesday and yesterday. Should get one more of those today + I am hoping to run 5K tommorow.
