May 2017 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited May 2017
    Although I'm a little confused how you can heel strike with an underbody foot fall.

    Ask Meb.

    Actually the picture in the second link shows a really bad over stride combined with a heel strike. Yikes, how did he win the Boston Marathon running like that? LOL
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I am eagerly awaiting the publishing of the book @Stoshew71 is going to write someday on running. :smile: Maybe us MFPeeps can get a signed copy? I've learned a lot from that blog. Not to mention this forum!

    I agree. oh, and I'm going to need to get some pictures of myself running, to see what my stride actually looks like, as I have no clue. My run cadence is pretty high (185 average according to my Forerunner, including walking during strides) so I'm curious to what my form looks like now.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    May Running Challenge

    5/1: 8.69 miles biking, Strength training
    5/2: 4.1 mile run
    5/3: 5.2 mile run
    5/4: Strength, 6.4 mile trail run
    5/5: Tex Mex and a rest day
    5/6: 6.2 mile super late night run
    5/7: 12 mile super hot run
    5/8: 10.24 miles on the bike
    5/9: 4 mile run
    5/10: 6.3 mile run, 6.87 miles cycling
    5/11: 4 mile run, 6.98 miles cycling
    5/12: 2.2 mile dog walk
    5/13: 14 mile run
    5/14: 6 mile run, 6.94 mile bike ride
    5/15: 10.33 mile bike ride, strength, 2.2 mile dog walk
    5/16: 4 mile run

    Running: 72.2 / 100
    Cycling: 50.05 / 60

    Upcoming Races:

    Chicago Spring Half Marathon: May 21 (Registered)
    Run the Rails 5K June 3 (Tentative)
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative)
    La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul 22 (Tentative)
    Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon: Oct 1 (Tentative)
    POOP Trail Run (HM) Dec 2

    Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day weekend. I've enjoyed reading about your races.

    My runs and cycling have been going well lately. Still not doing speed work yet since my calf is still tight, and Im getting more comfortable on the new bike. I'm getting better at scratching itches although it's still very scary to me.

    New shoes arrived today!! Yay!!! The new Altra Escalantes have been getting awesome reviews, so I had to buy them. So far, they worked really well in the house. I don't think I can wait until tomorrow morning to try them so Spotty McSpotterson gets to go on a short run with me tonight. ;) I also am trying injinji socks since I'm still getting blisters on my toes.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    A slow 8km - recovery run. Was feeling my legs more than I expected after my 10km Race on Sunday.
    Definitely tells me that I put out max effort or close to it.
    Had a hard time to get down to sub 6:00min/km tonight - no juice left in the legs.


    05/01 0 km – 160 km - 0 km – YTD 420.15
    05/01 11.5 km – 148.5 km - 11.5km
    05/02 5.5 km – 143.0 km - 17.0km
    05/03 10.0 km – 133.0 km - 27.0km
    05/04 7.5 km – 125.5 km - 34.50km
    05/07 7.0 km – 118.5 km - 41.50km
    05/08 11.5 km – 107.0 km - 53.0km
    05/09 6.0 km – 101.0 km - 59.0km
    05/08 7.7 km – 93.3 km - 66.7km
    05/14 9.9 km – 83.4 km - 76.6km
    05/14 8.0 km – 75.4 km - 84.6km – YTD 504.75 Riverbank Recovery Run
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    WK 5.15.17 - 5.21.17

    M - Rest
    T - 10 @ 9:50
    W -
    T -
    F -
    S -
    S - * Cleveland Marathon 4:55 Pacer
    Total - ## Miles
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited May 2017
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Gearing up for RDM had taught me that taper is not for my temperament- pray for my husband, haha! Not 100% if I will be able to check in again until after the marathon as we are tenting out that way for the long weekend with the kids.
    @JessicaMcB Hope the weather holds for you. Considering that May Long weekend is the traditional Heavy Spring Snowfall Weekend when it comes to weather. Just seen the weather Report 10-20 cm of snow along the foothills, should miss you in RD by a whisker. Either way have fun at RD with your Family.
    I have 2 FamDamly events about 200km apart so Travel-Travel for me.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,030 Member
    May goal: 50 miles

    5/1/17: 4 miles
    5/3/17: 3.5 miles
    5/4/17: 3.1miles
    5/6/17: 3.1 miles
    5/7/17: 3.5 miles
    5/9/17: 4.1 miles
    5/10/17: 3.5 miles
    5/12/17: 2.5 miles
    5/14/17: 3.5 miles
    5/16/17: 3.8 miles

    34.6/50 miles

    I had a good run tonight. I did sign up for a 5k on Saturday. I'm a little worried because there are thunderstorms in the forecast, I'm just hoping the weather will be ok. I'm planning to run unless they cancel it, but I have never really run in real rain. I've had a little bit of light rain, but we tend to either have drought or thunderstorms with hail etc so I don't have a lot of experience with rain. I did run without music today. It was different, but not unbearable. If this race, or any future races, don't allow music I think I will be ok. I'm looking forward to Saturday's race. It will be at Possum Kingdom lake which is a really nice lake that isn't too far from home. I will have to get up pretty early though for a Saturday but surprisingly I don't mind.


  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    edited May 2017
    5/16 - 8 miles in 3 separate runs


    traveling for work, but a coworker is running the same half as me and usual run buddy. So, ran to meeting point, ran with her, and ran home. May or may not have have detoured route home to go past the wine store- but it made run home longer- balance, right?

    I am game for joining facebook group whoever was heading that up. Might make me more likely to post pics, I understand that bit better at this point.

    @MNLittleFinn - my usual running buddy is a nurse for the OR at the hospital. At least once a month we have to plan our long runs (and frequently our weekday runs)to a loop that allows her to not only get back to her car, but to the hospital in 30 minutes or less, as she is on call. So, we do loops, a lot. Our original loop was .9 miles around the lake at a park- I kept telling her I felt like a race car. Someone luckily taught us a new option about the time we passed 8 miles that is a 2.5 mile figure 8. So, to answer your original question - BOTH!! But in terms of logistics, we are not always good pedestrians, often break the with vs against traffic rules, and will cross the street away from the light if we happen to observe a break in traffic. But we also live in Wyoming - a city in Wyoming, but it's not like we are jaywalking on horribly busy roads.

    Edited because I can't type and needed to fix at least some of it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7---2.4 walk

    10th-15th in Georgia- lots of walking and ghost tours.

    14---5.23 beach run



    July 8- XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run, 5K.  Glen Rose,TX
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    May goal: wear sunblock

    5/1: sat on my okole. All. Day. Long.
    5/2: 3.13
    5/3: 6.06
    5/4: 4.08
    5/5 rest
    5/6: 4.15
    5/7 3.56
    5/8 snorkel 3.5 hours
    5/9 4.58
    5/10 3.38
    5/11 rest
    5/12 3.25
    5/13 life
    5/14 6.40
    5/15 4.13
    5/16 3.30

    Total: 46.02

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and progress to date:

    upcoming races:
    Volcano Rainforest Runs 10k 8/19
    BlockThe Sun Run 5k Oct 14 ( (physical and virtual options available)
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    @MobyCarp @WhatMeRunning @ctlaws44 @Stoshew71 your post were very insightful any novice runner like me can learn a lot from you thanks!

    @NikolaosKey also, thanks, I only knew about recovery runs

    I ran at 8.5 mph in the less deteriorated threadmill my gym has. I was happy keeping the pace but the machine couldn't reach the goal speed after 15mins and was slowly reducing some digits until I ended running at 7.5, it was annoying. When the payment expires I want to buy an activity tracker and run outdoors instead.

    Also I felt a lot happier after running, like felling the endorphins flowing throught my body, does that has happened to some of you? is it a runner high?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Oh! I forgot to mention... I'm going to be starting up bowling again. I was a pretty serious bowler for a long time, but I took last year off for various reasons (I just needed a break, basically). Well now it's time to get back to it. I'm starting a summer league tonight. Bowling is actually pretty good exercise for me. It has a lot of strength elements to it (albeit only on one side of the body).

    The only trouble is, I will be out late tonight, and therefore getting to bed late, which means getting up at 5:30 might be extremely difficult tomorrow. Therefore, I have decided to designate Wednesdays as a cross training day, so I can wake up a little later and do yoga or strength training before work. And of course all the walking I do during the work day.

    If I use the Hal Higdon HM plan, I will have to adjust the schedule to account for various life aspects such as the aforementioned bowling. The program has the LR on Sunday, but I would much prefer to do it on Saturday and take Sunday as a rest day. I don't know, maybe Hal Higdon isn't the right program for me. I may have to research other plans.

    @RespectTheKitty Yay on the bowling!

    You can so do a HM!

    Free plug for @Stoshew71 's blog!

    For my first HM, I read Stan's blog and loosely based my training on a Hal Higdon plan, plus a Strava Premium training plan, and on how I'd been doing at the time.

    Even training plans written specifically for an individual still need tweaking as time passes. Am I right, @MNLittleFinn ?
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    Really hoping on building on this total this week!!

    3/5/17 4.7K
    6/5/17 5K
    9/5/17 2.7K
    10/5/17 5.1K
    13/5/17 5K
    15/5/17 3K
    16/5/17 4K (TOTAL for May 29.5K)


  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited May 2017
    @Bakins929 Your new shoes look great! The well-known "red is faster" was also why I bought a red bicycle last year :wink:

    @BeeerRunner Also yay for your new shoes! I tried toe socks in hiking boots, since that's when I get blisters, but they didn't help me. I hope you have more success.

    @RespectTheKitty Bowling is fun, but I always fail horribly at making the ball go where I want it to go :tongue:
    Hal Higdon also has the "HM3" plan which includes two crosstraining days, three running days and has the long run on Saturday. Maybe that fits what you are looking for?

    @MNLittleFinn I never thought about clockwise or counter-clockwise for loops. On long runs I usually (i.e. almost always, unless I feel particularly crazy that day ^^) plan the run so that the majority of the uphills is in the first half. That usually means running north first; and then it depends on whether I want to go west or east if that ends up being clockwise or not. And on short runs it doesn't matter where the hills are anyway, so I sometimes go in one direction and sometimes in the other, to have a bit more variety.

    @MobyCarp Thanks for sharing all the photos, it's always great to see where other people run!

    @Orphia LOL on the "I like it" :mrgreen:
    I just switched to a new phone last week, and the last two runs I had a man's voice saying random numbers or things like "fantastic" between music clips, so weird! I just figured out after coming home yesterday after my run that it imported all sound files it found on my old phone as "music" on the new phone, including the sound files from the "Wings for Life Worldrun" app that I used for their virtual race two weeks ago.


    I didn't run a lot in the last week and a half, even less than in the Hal Higdon marathon recovery plan, because I want to make sure my knee has a chance to recover. Only 20km in 10 days! I did sneak in a few bike rides of ~25km each on four of those days, so at least I got a bit fresh air and exercise anyway. And I'm dreading the day the DVDs I ordered get here and I have to start doing some kind of strength training again...

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @Orphia that's right. Even custom plans may need tweaking. I was told to try to follow the plan 80%+ of the time, but that still allows for some changes. He told me no plan is a silver bullet, but a tool to guide training.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    5/1- 8.1
    5/2- 4.6
    5/4- REST
    5/5- 5.7
    5/7- 5
    5/8- 8.2
    5/9- 4.7
    5/10- 10
    5/11- REST
    5/12- 5.7
    5/13- 20
    5/14- 5
    5/15- 8.2
    5/16- 4.6
    5/17- 10.1

    Total: 129.0

    May Goal: Get through most of the last 5 weeks before taper healthy
    Nominal mileage goal: 220 Miles.

    Today's notes: Today's assignment was to run 10 miles, with miles 3-7 at Tempo pace.

    Miles 1-2: Ran these part by feel, part by pace. Result was a 9:11 mile 1 and a 9:01 mile 2 with an average HR around 154

    Miles 3-7 got interesting. For some reason, my pace alert on my Garmin (to keep me in nominal T range) was not alerting, and boy did it show. Splits were 8:16, 8:14, 8:14, 8:08, 8:08, when normal Tempo range is 8:20-8:35. That said, my average HR over the tempo miles was 167.6, so decently in the HR range I want for a tempo run, with a max HR of 176.

    Miles 8-10 brought me back to more normal E pace, with splits of 9:30, 9:20, 9:21, and HR 164, 156, 158, so a little high, but not bad.

    This was a great run and, according to Strava, I broke the 52 minute mark for 10k... by one second.... still, I feel pretty good after the run, not as tired as I would have thought.

    Have a Runderful day all!

    2017 Races
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon (Full!)
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 50k
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - 5.1 miles. Fizzled a bit at the end of April, but good start to May.
    5/2 - 4.1 miles of track/speed work. Then quick upper body weights.
    5/3 - 5 miles. Nice, comfortable run.
    5/4 - Rest day.
    5/5 - 5 miles. Beautiful morning!
    5/6 - 10 miles with a ridiculous amount of incline/decline. My *kitten* hurts!
    5/7 - Rest day. See yesterday.
    5/8 - 4.8 miles. Perfect weather at 4:30 a.m.
    5/9 - 5 miles of track / speed work. Then upper body weights / abs.
    5/10 - 3.5 miles. Overslept, so had to cut it short.
    5/11 - 2.8 miles. Girls on the Run practice 5k with my daughter.
    5/12 - Pre-race rest day.
    5/13 - Market to Market Relay! So much fun! ~75 miles over 17 "legs" with a team of 6 other running friends. 5.3 miles (Leg 3), 5.1 miles (Leg 10) and 4.0 miles (Leg 17 + team finish). Total of 14.4 miles. Most I have ever run in one day. After the 5th leg, it was HOT! 80° F and sunny.
    5/14 - Rest day.
    5/15 - 4.8 miles.
    5/16 - Unplanned rest day. A/C died and sleeping in 85-90° house did not go well for kids and dog.
    5/17 - 4.0 'mill miles and upper body weights.
