May 2017 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2017
    @shanaber - It's been a couple years since I used free Strava, so things may be different now. Back then it would gather your HR data but not offer the "suffer score" or show the breakdown of your run within your customized hr zones. It also never captured cadence or other running metrics despite both my HRM and phone being capable of providing it, had to use other apps for those. Things may be different now.
  • mirelaavdich
    mirelaavdich Posts: 41 Member
    May Goal: 38 miles

    5/2/17 - 3.1
    5/4/17 - 3.1
    5/7/17 - 3.1
    5/9/17 - 2.0 - Treadmill :/
    5/11/17 - 2.0 - Treadmill :/
    5/14/17 - 3.1
    5/16/17 - 3.1
    5/18/17 - 3.1 - Best 5K time :smile:
    5/20/17 - 3.1 - First 5K Race 27:28 (My best time ever!!)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    5/1- 8.1
    5/2- 4.6
    5/4- REST
    5/5- 5.7
    5/7- 5
    5/8- 8.2
    5/9- 4.7
    5/10- 10
    5/11- REST
    5/12- 5.7
    5/13- 20
    5/14- 5
    5/15- 8.2
    5/16- 4.6
    5/17- 10.1
    5/18- REST
    5/19- 5.7
    5/20- 20.3
    5/21- 5.2
    5/22- 8.1

    Total: 168.3

    May Goal: Get through most of the last 5 weeks before taper healthy
    Nominal mileage goal: 220 Miles.

    Today's notes: Monday's are becoming my most dreaded day, despite them not being my hardest. There's something about waking up at 0400 on the first day of the work week for an 8 mile run that just wears on me.

    Today's assignment was the normal 8 miles with miles 4-6 "at marathon pace" which, today, meant 9:04. Mile 7, coming off the GMP miles was the slowest of the run, clocking in at 9:39 so, overall, it was a decently paced run. Once again, my average HR amazed me, coming in at 152. I really am amazed at the paces I can l keep while in z2.

    It was a good run.

    Have a Runderful day all!

    2017 Races
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon (Full!)
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 50k
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for May
    5/1 REST DAY
    5/2 REST DAY
    5/3 REST DAY
    5/4 REST DAY
    5/5 REST DAY
    5/6 REST DAY
    5/7 REST DAY <<<<<<< marathon recovery
    5/8 4.25 miles - 4.25
    5/9 5 miles - 9.25
    5/10 REST DAY
    5/11 5 miles - 14.25
    5/12 REST DAY
    5/13 12 miles - 26.25
    5/14 REST DAY
    5/15 6.2 miles - 32.45
    5/16 7.25 miles - 39.7
    5/17 4 miles - 43.7
    5/18 7 miles - 50.7
    5/19 REST DAY
    5/20 14 miles - 64.7
    5/21 REST DAY
    5/22 7 miles - 71.7


    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (unofficial) - 1/21 << 1:46:48 2 OA
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (rescheduled) - 2/18 << 1:41:04 1 in AG & 24 OA
    Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon - 4/29 << 4:09:59

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    What a great race weekend for everyone! Congratulations to all.

    Thank you all so much for the congrats and encouragement for my race. Still feeling on cloud nine after that experience. Next week I start official training for my fall half and I really wonder what I'll be able to accomplish.

    Having a great lazy morning and just booked a spa visit for tomorrow as further post-race pampering. Love it!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Way to go on your PB @NikolaosKey

    @MobyCarp Awesome on your #1 AG.

    Congratulations @mirelaavdich on your best 5K.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    5/1 - 5.1 miles. Fizzled a bit at the end of April, but good start to May.
    5/2 - 4.1 miles of track/speed work. Then quick upper body weights.
    5/3 - 5 miles. Nice, comfortable run.
    5/4 - Rest day.
    5/5 - 5 miles. Beautiful morning!
    5/6 - 10 miles with a ridiculous amount of incline/decline. My *kitten* hurts!
    5/7 - Rest day. See yesterday.
    5/8 - 4.8 miles. Perfect weather at 4:30 a.m.
    5/9 - 5 miles of track / speed work. Then upper body weights / abs.
    5/10 - 3.5 miles. Overslept, so had to cut it short.
    5/11 - 2.8 miles. Girls on the Run practice 5k with my daughter.
    5/12 - Pre-race rest day.
    5/13 - Market to Market Relay! So much fun! ~75 miles over 17 "legs" with a team of 6 other running friends. 5.3 miles (Leg 3), 5.1 miles (Leg 10) and 4.0 miles (Leg 17 + team finish). Total of 14.4 miles. Most I have ever run in one day. After the 5th leg, it was HOT! 80° F and sunny.
    5/14 - Rest day.
    5/15 - 4.8 miles.
    5/16 - Unplanned rest day. A/C died and sleeping in 85-90° house did not go well for kids and dog.
    5/17 - 4.0 'mill miles and upper body weights.
    5/18 - 5 miles through storm detritus.
    5/19 - Another rest day. Looking tight for my goal.
    5/20 - 5.5 'mill miles, then abs/stretching. Group run moved inside because of storm. New Asics Cumulus...hurt my feet.
    5/21 - 9 mile solo long run. Cut it short a little because shoes were painful. They are going back.
    5/22 - 4 miles. Old shoes immediately felt better.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2017
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn - I always heard that you're not a real runner until you full on crap your shorts. :lol: I guess I'm still working on that. Came close a couple times, and have even had to dart off into the woods once. Maybe that should count.

    Oh crap!!! You mean I am not a real runner yet? :wink:

    Holding my head down at the TMI, I'm a real runner ha ha

    @mobycarp super job - I agree on the bling, kinda blingless but awesome job!!
    @shanaber thanks for the link to the blog can't wait to read it, just wow she is impressive
    @ddmom0811 sounds like a great run
    @karllundy sorry your new shoes didn't work out

    Decided to take an unscheduled rest day, couldn't sleep last night the brain just kept running. Looks like I finally sold my mom's house, which is a yeah and a boo, last physical tie to her. Now I need to plan to get to Florida in July to finish packing it up and moving the rest out. Yeah again I only came down $5,000 on the price I listed it at. Brought myself a new to me car over the weekend. Allen is home from Europe so I he needed his car back. Skip has been driving our car. I brought a 2014 Ford Escape Titanium edition and OMG it does everything but the laundry, well it might do that too I just haven't found the button for it yet.

    Skip's XC coach sent out the running schedule last night ha ha he's so funny. So some of the kids have been running T&F but honestly have been running like 10 miles a week, he told them to take off 3 weeks, Skip has been running like 8 - 10 miles a week. The schedule starts today with a 35 mile week WTF are you insane. That is what almost 30% increase in a week (for Skip who has been running) when they actually haven't been running in 3 weeks. I just shake my head. Skip is like 10% rule Coach!! After the first week he goes up a mile a week basically to 320 miles total over the summer, much better than the 500 last year. What is funny is he just started running again and told me he's making sure to follow the 10% rule ha ha
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn - I always heard that you're not a real runner until you full on crap your shorts. :lol: I guess I'm still working on that. Came close a couple times, and have even had to dart off into the woods once. Maybe that should count.

    Oh crap!!! You mean I am not a real runner yet? :wink:

    Holding my head down at the TMI, I'm a real runner ha ha

    I'm a real runner too! Plus have returned sockless a time or two. :wink:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited May 2017
    @karllundy ha ha!!! When trail running or at the greenway I can step off the trail, the problem is the neighborhood, no where to step off except 1 empty lot. ha ha
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Am I a real runner?

    I've only had to poop once during a run, but I was able to hold it until I got home.

    Once, I started out on a run, didn't get very far, suddenly had to poop, turned around and went back home, did the deed and returned to my run.

    Yesterday during my long run, I got a bit of a stomachache in the last mile but didn't think much of it until I was home and immediately had to poop.

    And now, just thinking of all this pooping is making me have to poop. BRB.... :smile:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @respectthekitty ha ha!!!
  • hesfeld
    hesfeld Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their races! Love reading the race reports.

    I haven't run in over a week. Every so often I get burnt out on all forms of exercise and just need an easy week. I did go to what was supposed to be Aqua Zumba Saturday, but we had a sub and it was an hour of pure HIIT in the water. I laughed when a new person said "I can't believe I am sweating in the pool!" Tonight is spin class with hopefully a run tomorrow. Make it a good week everyone!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @ereck44 , @katharmonic , @midwesterner85 , @MobyCarp , @NikolaosKey , @Bakins929 , @mirelaavdich and anyone else who I may have missed, Huge congrats on many outstanding race performances this weekend. There are some hugely impressive PRs in that group...way to go!!
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    5/1= 3 mile run + 1 hour kettlebell workout
    5/2 = rest day
    5/3 = 6 mile run
    5/4 = 6 mile run
    5/5 = forced rest day due to work schedule :(
    5/6 = 7.5 miles
    5/7 = 11 miles
    5/8 = 5.5 miles & strength training
    5/9 = Vinyasa yoga class
    5/10 = 6 miles
    5/11 = 6.5 miles & strength training
    5/12 = 7 miles
    5/13 = vinyasa yoga class
    5/14 = 10 miles
    5/15 = 5.5 miles & strength training
    5/16 = Vinyasa yoga class & 6 miles
    5/17 = Rest Day
    5/18 = 8.5 miles
    5/19 = 5.5 miles & kettlebell class
    5/20 = Hatha yoga class
    5/21 = 12 miles
    5/22 = 5 miles & strength training

    May Goal 111/125 miles
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    6 Training Habits That Lead to Boston Qualifying Times, According to Strava

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Another day of discovery with the tempo running. Today I discovered that my high end cardio is kaput, non-existent, obliterated, null, and otherwise not up to par. OK, that may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but despite being able to endure lots of miles, I can't run with my HR up for very long at all. So I have a LOT of work to do here, and really should be tackling this instead of focusing on longer and longer distances. If I want to improve my fitness or otherwise change myself for the better, here is the big, fat, out of shape elephant in the room.

    Today's workout was an 8 mile run, with the first 2 miles at easy effort, and then up to 6 repeats of 1/2 mile tempo effort (87% to 92% HRMax or 97% to 104% LTHR) with 1/4 mile cool downs in my easy effort HR range (60% to 80% HRMax). I wasn't sure I could do 6 intervals at that effort yet, but was determined to give it an honest, fair shot and see how many I could do. I made it through 3 and most of the way through #4 before I crapped out. Looking back at the data that means I spent 15 to 16 minutes pushing myself up into LTHR and just slightly beyond for just a few of those minutes. That was as long as I could last, so there is a lot of room for improvement. All of this is assuming, of course, that my estimated LTHR really is 164, it might be a point or two off.

    I spent the rest of the run in easy effort HR range. I felt a lot better after a couple miles cooling down and can see that in the first mile after the last interval I slowed down by about a minute/mile, but recovered in the miles afterwards. I guess that's a good sign, indicating that perhaps I had flooded my muscles with lactate and needed that time to recover. Or maybe it just shows that I was a big wuss and had to whimper around for a mile before getting back to normal. Either way...I need to work on this.

    It's possible I may even continue focusing on this during my next 6 week cycle if I don't quite get some good, honest, tempo workouts in that challenge me for an appropriate time. I know 20 minutes is a nice, short end number, and I didn't quite get there today. I'm looking for more in the 45 minute range though before I can say I'm at least able to run with regular tempo efforts. Then I'll start looking at building mileage again.

    5/1 - 8 miles
    5/2 - 4 miles
    5/3 - 8 miles
    5/4 - 4 miles
    5/5 - rest
    5/6 - 9 miles
    5/7 - 4 miles
    5/8 - 6 miles
    5/9 - 4 miles
    5/10 - 6 miles
    5/11 - rest
    5/12 - more rest
    5/13 - 13 miles (plus 0.1)
    5/14 - 4 miles
    5/15 - 8 miles
    5/16 - 4 miles
    5/17 - 8 miles
    5/18 - 4 miles
    5/19 - rest
    5/20 - 13.5 miles
    5/21 - 4 miles
    5/22 - 8 miles

    119.5 of 180 miles completed
