May 2017 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @WhatMeRunning - wow - huge mileage!

    Travel /rest day for me. Back to the heat and humidity.... :neutral:
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Only time for 2.5 before work this AM.

  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    WK 5.22.17 - 5.28.17

    M - 7.1 Recovery
    T -
    W -
    T -
    F -
    S -
    S -
    Total - Miles

    No real plans this week except to recover and rebuild.

  • mirelaavdich
    mirelaavdich Posts: 41 Member
    I going to start training for a 10k this afternoon with a C10K app. I am planning on running my first 10k in October this year. Then half marathon spring 2018 and full marathon fall 2018. I am new at running (I just started running in March) and have loads of questions. Two I am obsessing about now are:

    Will I be able to do this as I planned? - I am one of those people that plans everything and I have to have deadlines and definite dates. I can run only 3 days a week because I am strength training 3 days a week too and I just do not have the energy to do both in one day. Since I enjoy running a lot more then strength training I will start running more soon. I have to lose 12 more pounds and tone my jiggly parts a bit more :smiley:

    Do runners take walking breaks when running full/half marathons or just run/jog?

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    5/1 5.5mi 53:51min (interval run)
    5/2 5mi 44:35min
    5/3 rest
    5/4 5mi 44:20min
    5/5 4mi 37:27min
    5/6 11mi 1:43:14min
    5/7 rest <- but I spent 7 hours painting!!!
    5/8 7mi 1:06:29min
    5/9 5mi 45:31min
    5/10 rest
    5/11 5mi 43:55min
    5/12 4mi 36:09min
    5/13 12mi 1:54:33min
    5/14 rest
    5/15 5mi 43:03min
    5/16 5mi 45:31min
    5/17 rest
    5/18 5mi 44:53min
    5/19 4mi 37:04min
    5/20 11mi 1:52:05min
    5/21 rest
    5/22 10mi 1:37:34min

    Had a great 10 mile today. I was only scheduled to do 9, but felt really good that I decided to keep going. After my disappointing long run on Saturday I felt like running the extra mile today would make up for it :smile:

    I ran at the state park through the trails today and it was pleasant, 73 degrees and cloudy. I bought bug spray but forgot to put it on! Thankfully it wasn't bad. Only one small area that seemed to have attacking bugs. The squirrels were out in full force, I can't believe how many I saw on the trails. Lots of dragonflies too, they don't bother me even though they can be quite large and intimidating looking as far as bugs go.

    5 miles tomorrow.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @mirelaavdich- Yes, I think it's definitely doable! I think you will be fine running 3 days per week for your 10k and "possibly" your half marathon, but you will probably want to plan on running 4-5 days for marathon training, mostly because you will need to get accustomed to running fatigued in addition to building a stronger base. At this point, you will likely need to significantly decrease your strength training load as well. When training for a marathon, I usually do mostly body weight exercises because heavy lifting can really affect your running performance.

    Also, plenty of people walk during half and full marathons. In fact, there are programs out there (Jeff Galloway being the most famous) that are designed around the principle of run/walk intervals (like 4 minute run, 1 minute walk). I have seen plenty of people utilize this method and finish with impressive times, so it might be something to consider.

    Good luck!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @mobycarp I agree with you 100% on your take on article. I did a lot of no kidding, wow really profound there with that info type of thinking too. Then my thought was I should write for this magazine too, I can write the obvious.

    @katharmonic what a beautiful place to run
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Remember the olden days, back before we had the internet, when you would see a magazine in the store and the teaser on the front would sucker you in to buying it, only to find out that the article had nothing to do with the title? I would have been pretty ticked off if I had shelled out the $5 or whatever for that one!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    My training took another half step today. I emailed to get Fitzgeralds opinion on me going for a faster marathon. Long story short, I'm waiting to hear from my wife to drop the money on it.

    Thank you to all the folks who have been giving me advice. If/when I flame out running, it will be because I'd rather fail gloriously than wonder if I could have done better...... Lol

    I don't think you will flame out. You have been killing it in training! But I am confused, what are you planning to drop the money on? An additional marathon entry or an additional plan? Because if it's an additional training plan, I would just save the $. I think you would be fine to target a sub-4 with the training plan you have been doing. At this point, what more would you add?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    6. "BQers aren't taking midrun or postrun selfies." Or maybe we just don't post them to Strava. When I take a selfie, it's usually at a scenic spot on a FF paced run, and it gets posted to the FF closed FB group for training. Strava wouldn't see those.

    I only follow a few people on Strava... mostly the professional athletes I stalk on Strava and inspire me despite that I don't expect to ever be able to reach their level. They post a lot more photos than I ever do. And they are faster. Meh.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    I don't think you will flame out. You have been killing it in training! But I am confused, what are you planning to drop the money on? An additional marathon entry or an additional plan? Because if it's an additional training plan, I would just save the $. I think you would be fine to target a sub-4 with the training plan you have been doing. At this point, what more would you add?

    Sorry for the confusion. I set up a one on one call with Jason Fitzgerald to talk marathon strategy/pacing and to make some adjustments to the plan to reflect my going for a sub 4 attempt, mainly planning a marathon specific test Long Run. I've been working extra teaching hours so, even though I normally am a penny-pincher, I thought it might be worth it, to get his perspective, since he's done awesome making then modifying my plan, and dispensing other advice ( for free) as training went on.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @lporter229 isn't that the truth, well too many "fake" headlines
    @mobycarp I never heard that story before, wow
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    May 2 - 2.29 miles
    May 4 - 2.25 miles
    May 6 - 2.39 miles
    May 8 - 2.3 miles
    May 10 - 2.66 miles
    May 14 - 2.01 miles
    May 16 - 2.65 miles
    May 18 - 2.55 miles


  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    I have been a little overwhelmed with work/life lately so haven't been on here or even getting in my runs as planned lately. But I can almost see a light starting to glimmer at the end of the tunnel. Not sure I will be able to make my goal this month - but the left over miles from my marathon training will keep me on track for the year.

    5/4- 3.2
    5/11 - weight lifting training session then 6 mile run - felt like I had lead legs. Shins were cramping up at 2 miles, ugh.
    5/13 - 7 miles
    5/22 - 12 miles

    I hope to be able to add some miles in at the end of the week and get back on track - but these will all be gravel roads and steep hills, since we are headed to the middle of nowhere for the weekend.

    May total 47.4/80


  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    I going to start training for a 10k this afternoon with a C10K app. I am planning on running my first 10k in October this year. Then half marathon spring 2018 and full marathon fall 2018. I am new at running (I just started running in March) and have loads of questions. Two I am obsessing about now are:

    Will I be able to do this as I planned? - I am one of those people that plans everything and I have to have deadlines and definite dates. I can run only 3 days a week because I am strength training 3 days a week too and I just do not have the energy to do both in one day. Since I enjoy running a lot more then strength training I will start running more soon. I have to lose 12 more pounds and tone my jiggly parts a bit more :smiley:

    Do runners take walking breaks when running full/half marathons or just run/jog?

    I am not the most learned runner and definitely not the fastest runner on here. But I have little doubt you can accomplish those things. I am MUCH older than you, could not run a mile when I started and essentially did all of what you are mentioning on a similar timetable while running no more than 3 days a week. I also incorporated strength training - but often only one day a week - sometimes 3 days a week - but for a large part of my training - 3 days a week was all I had for running and strength - so I would do them both on the same day. Now, it took me longer to do the full marathon - but that was because it took me longer to decide I was crazy enough to want to try. Once I decided and signed up for it - I still only had 3 days a week to train and I still managed to get there with 15 weeks of training. Now, I did not BQ - it took me just under 4 hours and 15 minutes (BQ for me would be 3:55) to finish that Marathon - but I think you should be able to accomplish all of what you want - as long as you remain healthy. Of course, it would still probably be better if you could devote more days each week and time to running.