May 2017 Running Challenge



  • SweetSassyJen
    SweetSassyJen Posts: 129 Member
    May goal: 50 miles
    May 29: 3.61 miles
    May total: 54.19 miles

    Goal met 5/28!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @SweetSassyJen great running this month!
  • SweetSassyJen
    SweetSassyJen Posts: 129 Member
    @MNLittleFinn thank you!
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Got 4 in this morning to barely meet my monthly goal. Happy Memorial Day everyone! Please remember what this day is about, and be safe out there!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2017
    Today's 8 mile speedwork assignment was a 2 mile warm up followed by six 1/2 mile intervals at 85% to 90% HRMax with 1/4 mile recovery, and 1.5 mile cool down.

    All was good through the warm up and the first interval. The second interval has a big hill that I stopped on at the top then continued. After that it became fast moving fartleks through the rest of the speedy stuff.

    I haven't yet been able to last to my target of 90% HRMax, usually really starting to crap out at about 85%. I'm beginning to wonder if my estimated HRMax is too high. If so...that would really be depressing, meaning I'm not even as fast as my super slow current pace.

    For now, I'll just keep trying to get there.

    5/1 - 8 miles
    5/2 - 4 miles
    5/3 - 8 miles
    5/4 - 4 miles
    5/5 - rest
    5/6 - 9 miles
    5/7 - 4 miles
    5/8 - 6 miles
    5/9 - 4 miles
    5/10 - 6 miles
    5/11 - rest
    5/12 - more rest
    5/13 - 13 miles (plus 0.1)
    5/14 - 4 miles
    5/15 - 8 miles
    5/16 - 4 miles
    5/17 - 8 miles
    5/18 - 4 miles
    5/19 - rest
    5/20 - 13.5 miles
    5/21 - 4 miles
    5/22 - 8 miles
    5/23 - 4 miles
    5/24 - 8 miles
    5/25 - 4 miles
    5/26 - rest
    5/27 - 13.5 miles
    5/28 - 4 miles
    5/29 - 8 miles

    161 of 180 miles completed

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @juliet3455 great story behind the username. I spent a while on a daoist forum with everyone convinced I was make sure to a misunderstand (which I deliberately didn't correct) so it happens!!

    I've just got through ten pages, and sorry if I didn't read through in detail. Some good runs going on. @HonuNui I've been careful to wear plenty of sunscreen on my recent holiday, and thought of your request. Nice tat. It looks like international registration for your virtual 5k is possible so will sort it out tomorrow. Although I am looking for somewhere to travel to in around September/October.......

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    So yesterday I wound up having enough time for a long run, so I set out for 8 miles. It was a gorgeous day. 76F and no humidity and mostly sunny.

    8 miles was tough, especially in the last 2.5 miles. And then at right about the exact 8 mile mark I got a really odd pain in my upper abdomen. Not a side stitch. It was a definite abdominal pain and it went away when I slowed to a walk but started up again when I started running again. So at that point I had to stop.

    Not sure what caused this abdominal pain, and I'm a bit discouraged that it happened. It makes me worry that I won't be able to get back up to 10 miles and longer when I start HM training. The only thing I can think of is that I didn't have much to eat that day so I probably wasn't fueled properly. I was also drinking a lot of water, stopping at all the fountains on the Path, so maybe that contributed. I don't know. Any advice is welcome.

    Anyway, 14 miles over the weekend constitutes a rest day today. My right achilles is a bit tight so I will be doing some yoga and stretching today.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Where at on the abdomen @RespectTheKitty?
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Where at on the abdomen @RespectTheKitty?

    @WhatMeRunning Upper abdomen, above the navel and right below the rib cage. It wasn't on one side, kind of all over that area.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    2/5 - 3.2
    4/5 - 3.2
    6/5 - 3.3
    8/5 - 3.3
    9/5 - 3.2
    11/5 - 4.0
    13/5 - 4.0
    15/5 - 4.0
    16/5 - 4.0
    18/5 - 5.5
    20/5 - 5.7
    22/5 - 5.4
    26/5 - REST
    total - 81/80 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2017
    7---2.4 walk
    10th-15th in Georgia- lots of walking and ghost tours.
    14---5.23 beach run
    24--- gym: stairs, abs, elliptical, Bring Sally Up
    29---6.31 redeeming attempt at the 6 mile run that took me 2 hours in the heat. Made it in 1:24 today. I'm still so slow- but feel better about my progress.

    And I have a new chaffing issue, my arm fat rubs my bra fat. Ordered more body glide. :sweat: Oiselle 20$ off new customer



    AIM for the Cure- 5K, virual run
    July 8- XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run, 5K.  Glen Rose,TX
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    And once again, just for the OCD types out there...I did 14.99 miles. Happy Memorial Day!

    Darn you.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    And once again, just for the OCD types out there...I did 14.99 miles. Happy Memorial Day!

    Darn you.

    Double darn you. :)
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited May 2017
    5/1= 3 mile run + 1 hour kettlebell workout
    5/2 = rest day
    5/3 = 6 mile run
    5/4 = 6 mile run
    5/5 = forced rest day due to work schedule :(
    5/6 = 7.5 miles
    5/7 = 11 miles
    5/8 = 5.5 miles & strength training
    5/9 = Vinyasa yoga class
    5/10 = 6 miles
    5/11 = 6.5 miles & strength training
    5/12 = 7 miles
    5/13 = vinyasa yoga class
    5/14 = 10 miles
    5/15 = 5.5 miles & strength training
    5/16 = Vinyasa yoga class & 6 miles
    5/17 = Rest Day
    5/18 = 8.5 miles
    5/19 = 5.5 miles & kettlebell class
    5/20 = Hatha yoga class
    5/21 = 12 miles
    5/22 = 5 miles & strength training
    5/23 = vinyasa yoga class
    5/24 = 9.5 miles
    5/25 = 5.5 miles & strength training
    5/26 = 5 miles
    5/27 = REST
    5/28 = 13 miles (walk/run)
    5/29 = 6 miles

    Six miles through my neighborhood. Nothing much to report except my daily *kitten* about the stupid weather. I am so glad tomorrow is indoor yoga class day - air conditioned yoga. I will never understand the Bikram "hot" yoga trend. All yoga is hot yoga for me. No need to turn off the AC and make everything suckfest with the stink and heat. I get enough of that on my runs.

    May Goal 150/125 miles