May 2017 Running Challenge



  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    5/2: 7k -Urban-
    5/3: 9k -Urban-
    5/5: 10k -Intervals-
    5/6: 5k -as c/d from strangth training-
    5/7: 7.7k -easy-
    5/8: 2k -as c/d from legs training-
    5/9: 17k -LR-
    5/12: 7.5k -regeneration run-
    5/13: 8.5k -fartlek-
    5/15: 9.1k -trail-
    5/18: 10k -intervals-
    5/20: 6.2k -shake-out run-
    5/21: 21.1k -HM-
    5/23: 8.1k -recovery run (plus 5k walking)-
    5/26: 10.2 -intervals (light)-
    5/27: 5k -very slow recovery run-
    5/30: 17.2k -Long run-

    Body felt tired on this one. Probably some active rest will do the trick.

    Aim: 161.0/140k

    Stay free of injuries!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Hi guys! I'm still in the process of catching up on this thread but was looking for some Garmin product advice. I have determined that my chest strap has gone bad, as replacing the battery in the transmitter has not helped. Either that or I have actually died and am a zombie right now, seeing as how apparently my hr shot of from 163 to 204 yesterday in the span of 20 seconds :D

    Anyway, I am not overly impressed with the durability of this chest strap. I have this one .

    I only ordered it last July, so it hasn't even lasted me a year. Does anyone have any experience/recommendations with other options that would work with the Garmin Vivoactive?

    I'm currently looking at this one since some of the reviews say they like it better than the one I have

    Thanks for any info anyone might have!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited May 2017
    @KatieJane83 - I'm happy with the HRM strap that came with my Garmin 630. It paired with my legacy Garmin Vivofit just fine, so I can see my HR on my right wrist without giving up other fields on the 630 on my left wrist. I had followed the instructions to rinse and wash it, but failed to realize that I shouldn't wring it out; so the contact pads separated and it stopped recording my HR. Got that one replaced under warranty, and treated the replacement better. A year later it's still fine. It looks like this:

    The down side is, it's pricier than the models you linked. $93? Really? Getting the 630 with the monitor as opposed to without was only a $50 difference, 14 months ago. At full retail price, because I needed the watch in a hurry.

    Edit to add: If you've had yours less than a year, it's worth a phone call to Garmin to see if it's replaceable for free under warranty.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Whew I catch up on everything from the past few days.

    @katiejane83 I certainly hope it's the chest strap and you are still with us.
    @osubuckey906 sorry about that HM even as bad at it sounded the time was still a great one. That is really weird about the hives.
    @juliet3455 Love the "if you swim into the boat" ha ha way off course
    @orphia I think the way to get the 5K swag is once you get $50 in donations it will trigger the swag being sent to you. I have to admit I laughed at loud at the thought of your mom being allergic to your dad and getting hives.
    @girlinahat beautiful pictures
    @respectthekitty how is your tummy feeling now?
    @garygse ha ha ha on the 14.99 miles
    @hanlonsk great race!!
    @elise4270 you already did it, but go ahead an restart the PRs :smiley:
    @honunui love the course preview, you are making it really difficult to do this race in Alabama and Hawaii
    @karllundy great race for you and your daughter
    @runtimer super rugged maniac any excuse for new shoes right?

    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement on my disaster 10K and Skip's run. It's appreciated!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @mirelaavdich great job!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @ddmom0811 and @skippygirlsmom ! I haven't hit reset yet. I will though!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp That's awesome
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on all the miles in May!
    Orphia wrote: »
    Hahaha, that's awesome!

    Weird story about hives... Mum started getting hives soon after she married Dad and got pregnant with my older sister in the sixties. She had to take antihistamines when she got hives for years.

    The hives went away when Dad died in the late nineties. She now thinks she was allergic to something about Dad!
    @Orphia Haha, how strange! I've tried to relate my hives to everything possible and have been allergy tested for everything under the sun, but nothing so severe that it would cause hives like this for this long has come up positive. We're pretty sure it's an unidentifiable autoimmune problem.

    @zdyb23456 Sorry to hear about your hip! Hope it heals quickly.

    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I've slowly come to realize that the dominant philosophy with marathon training (which has been extended down to half marathon training for the masses) is to work up to peak performance on race day, without expecting the race distance to be a normal distance to run. I've always been more attracted to training for an increased normal running distance, which is what you are doing. I didn't know where it would take me, but I can sure run a lot further on short notice now than I could when I started building the mileage.

    My attitude toward marathons is a bit different. After starting 4 and finishing 3 marathons, I'm still not sure I like running marathons. But I LOVE training for marathons, so I'll keep trying to get the races right.
    @MobyCarp I feel like my feelings are a little bit of the reverse. Don't get me wrong, I love the day-to-day running but if I could get fully supported aid stations and a route full of cheering spectators on all my long runs, that would be fabulous. :D I think I'm just a little too anxious for the main event throughout my training and know that the marathon will be a little more exciting (I guess it helps that all of my full marathons have been out of town, on a new-to-me more interesting course). I ran my first four marathons in 2014 and my last one of that year (Chicago) holds my PR. Since then, I guess I would say that I've become a bit lazy with my just wasn't exciting anymore, which has been reflected in my times. After my most recent Chicago marathon this past fall, I started to question why I was still running marathons if I wasn't going to put in the time and effort to try to meet my goals. I vowed to turn things around by fully committing to training again. Joining this group as well as doing a few other things (becoming more active in local running community, buying a fancy to me new watch, etc.) has helped me get excited about putting in the daily miles again. Sorry this turned into a novel!

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    5/1: rest
    5/2: 5 miles
    5/3: 6.3 miles
    5/4: 4.1 miles
    5/5: rest
    5/6: 10 miles
    5/7: 4 miles
    5/8: rest
    5/9: 3 miles, 4 miles (daily double)
    5/10: 7 miles
    5/11: rest
    5/12: 4 miles
    5/13: 9 miles
    5/14: 5 miles
    5/15: rest
    5/16: 5 miles
    5/17: 7 miles
    5/18: 4 miles
    5/19: rest
    5/20: 12 miles
    5/21: 4 miles
    5/22: rest
    5/23: 4 miles
    5/24: 5 miles
    5/25: 3.1 miles
    5/26: rest
    5/27: 13.1 miles (New Moon Half Marathon)
    5/28: rest
    5/29: 4 miles
    5/30: 4 miles

    TOTAL: 126.6/120 miles

    4 miles of hills this morning in 38:15 (9:32 min/mile). Coincidentally, this was the same exact time I ran yesterday's 4 recovery miles. Most of the Columbus area is either flat or has small rolling hills. The area near where I live has more rolling hills. After growing up in the flat Chicago area and then running on the flat streets of Columbus when I started running, I have considered the area I've lived in the past few years to be "hilly." Because of that, I haven't done much hill work other than running my normal routes on the nearby small rolling hills. However, I've come to terms with the fact that my area isn't really all that hilly, so I'll be trying to seek out some bigger hills for my weekly hill work. I found a street in a nearby neighborhood that is a mile long and has a pretty sizeable elevation gain/drop (depending which direction you are running). Perfect for hill intervals. I ran the hilly street back and forth for 4 miles with an elevation gain of 250 feet.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    Tired run today... I thought about not going and calling today a rest day but I got it done, slowly! Hit my goal for the month and tomorrow is a planned rest day that I seriously need! My trainer scolded me tonight for not giving myself enough rest days. Guess I need to work more on that.

    05/01......0.00........0.00 - Agility trial
    05/02......0.00........0.00 - Rally/Obedience trial
    05/03......4.78........4.78 - Del Mar run
    05/05......0.00........8.92 - Spin class
    05/06......0.00........8.92 - Spin class followed by Barre class
    05/07......0.00........8.92 - Much needed rest!
    05/08......5.68......14.60 - + Agility Class
    05/09......6.22......20.82 - + Strength Training
    05/11......0.00......20.82 - + Strength Training
    05/14......2.00......37.09 - Dog Beach Mother's Day
    05/16......5.28......47.65 - + Strength Training
    05/18......5.47......53.12 - + Strength Training
    05/19......0.00......53.12 - Migraine
    05/20......6.62......59.74 - Terrible run...
    05/23......5.40......68.54 - + Strength Training
    05/25......0.00......74.00 - + Strength Training
    05/28......2.25......91.77 - Dog beach run!
    05/30......4.55....102.65 - + Strength Training


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon
    10/14/17 - AIM for the Cure Melanoma 5K Walk/Run
    12/16/17 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    9.0 km along the River Bank Trails. Legs are still sore from my Kayak time on Sunday.
    Slow Recovery run tonight. 29C / 84F today so waited until the sun set and Temp Dropped to 22C / 72F before heading out for a little run. I know it's just an average temp for so many of you, for me the 70/75F would be closer to our Average temp so the 84F is >:) . 1 Day left and 1need 7.4 km to meet my May Goal.

    05/01 0 km – 160 km - 0 km – YTD 420.15
    05/01 11.5 km – 148.5 km - 11.5km
    05/02 5.5 km – 143.0 km - 17.0km
    05/03 10.0 km – 133.0 km - 27.0km
    05/04 7.5 km – 125.5 km - 34.50km
    05/07 7.0 km – 118.5 km - 41.50km
    05/08 11.5 km – 107.0 km - 53.0km
    05/09 6.0 km – 101.0 km - 59.0km
    05/10 7.7 km – 93.3 km - 66.7km
    05/14 9.9 km – 83.4 km - 76.6km Brian Harms 10k Race GP PB 54:29
    05/16 8.0 km – 75.4 km - 84.6km
    05/17 8.2 km – 67.2 km - 92.8km
    05/20 11.4km – 55.8 km - 104.2km
    05/22 10.0km – 45.8 km - 114.2km
    05/24 5.5km – 40.3 km - One Hundred Nineteen.7km – YTD 539.85 12Ft Davis Hill
    05/27 10.2km – 30.1 km - 129.9km DHT Press Run 57:41 1st/7 in AG & 16/57
    05/28 8.2km – 21.9 km - 137.9km
    05/29 5.5km – 16.4 km - 143.4km
    05/30 9.0km – 7.4 km - 152.4km

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    11 PMs answered! Looks like I have to be your FB friend to add you to the MFP Monthly Running Challenge Facebook group.
    PM me to join.

    Our 5k Virtual/Physical run for a Melanoma Cure has now raised $476!!!!