Nerds Unite!

Hey everyone, my names Chris, I am 24 and I am a nerd. Don't get me wrong, I love sports as well but video games and such...that's where it's at. I enjoy superheros, playing Steam games, 360 games, computers, and geeky stuff in general. Was wondering if anyone else on here is a nerd like myself that would like to help motivate each other.


  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Did your wallet cry during the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm Jorean. Total nerd. Comics, games, books, Doctor Who and Joss Whedon love. Nerd stuff.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    in the realm of nerdom i most closely identify with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. if that's the nerd you're lookin for add me! lol (ocd issues and all just to forewarn lol)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Yep. Older (and possibly fatter) than the rest of you so far, but a huge nerd. Gamer (yes, both Steam and 360), bookworm, math wiz, browncoat, et cetera.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    I'm a nerd... but not that kind. More of an "in the library", history, and reading nerd.
  • StarPanic85
    StarPanic85 Posts: 45 Member
    Total nerd here! I love Steam, the Sims, Tera Online, Minecraft, I also play xbox 360 and PS3. I love anime, manga, super heroes, comics, Doctor Who, and pretty much anything sci fi or zombie related. :) Also a book nerd.
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    Well, technically I'm a geek rather than a nerd. I've got degrees in Genomics and Molecular Genetics and Linguistics. I work in a bioinformatics laboratory. <3

    But, besides work, I've been playing a ridiculous amount of Skyrim these when I'm not running in my free time, I'm making my Khajit theif do some running!

    I prefer RPGs and JRPGs, and prefer the xbox360 though I have a PS2, PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS, and Sony PSP and play them all as well. PC gaming is a bit out of the question for me as I have a laptop rather than a desktop like the hubby.

    Oh yeah, forgot to say that I'm an otaku. Love anime and manga and I translate manga from Japanese to English when the mood strikes.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Did your wallet cry during the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm Jorean. Total nerd. Comics, games, books, Doctor Who and Joss Whedon love. Nerd stuff.

    I just listened to Joss Whedon on The Nerdist pod cast!!!!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I wear glasses and love to game on my galaxy s3! Favorite is candy crush saga!!

    But for reals, major fan of: Anime, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Big Bang Theory, Warehouse 13, Tolkien (books & movies), Mercedes Lackey, fanfiction, reading in general, and I cried when I had to give my brother his SNES back.
  • TheRainQueen
    TheRainQueen Posts: 43 Member
    Big nerd. And we are friends already, haha. I love pc and xbox 360. I will play almost anything.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    My husband calls me a nerd cause I get the jokes on the Big Bang Theory

    Also love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Warehouse 13, Watched Torchwood my daughter is heavy into Anime and Cos Play so i am very well versed ....
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Unashamed nerd here. Educational & work history include both nuclear and software engineering.

    I love Dr. Who, Sherlock, anything Joss Whedon touches...

    Most recently got into playing League of Legends and look forward to playing a few rounds every evening. (Incentive to get my workout done!)
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    OMG - I have my weight loss in a spreadsheet as well, so I can project what my weight SHOULD be by a specific date.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Haha, I didn't do a spreadsheet (and am not quite ready to admit how many things I do spreadsheets for), but I did put a target weight at the first of each month in my calendar to plan things out properly...
  • ChrisBrockway12
    ChrisBrockway12 Posts: 32 Member
    Did your wallet cry during the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm Jorean. Total nerd. Comics, games, books, Doctor Who and Joss Whedon love. Nerd stuff.

    Oh Yeah, my wallet was hurting after the Summer Sale -_-
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I'm a gamer! who loves to play PS3,PSP & PC games! and an otaku! who loves to read manga and watch anime!

    I'm happy and proud of it! :D
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    Engineers, unite!
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    OMG - I have my weight loss in a spreadsheet as well, so I can project what my weight SHOULD be by a specific date.

    Ah, yes, remember using The Hacker's Diet before social media existed. Most awesome :)
  • croakey88
    croakey88 Posts: 1 Member
    Nerd here! Full on gamer: Board Games, xbox, some steam, and seldomly magic. Fantasy reader and Zombie move enthusiast.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Did your wallet cry during the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm Jorean. Total nerd. Comics, games, books, Doctor Who and Joss Whedon love. Nerd stuff.

    Oh Yeah, my wallet was hurting after the Summer Sale -_-

    This is the first Steam Sale that *didn't* hurt my wallet. But only because I already have everything I wanted that went on sale this time. I find myself slightly disappointed, somehow, that I didn't have the normal, "I spent HOW much?!" problem.