Nerds Unite!



  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    I have a degree in nerdism. Not only did I start on an original Nintendo, currently have all gaming systems, grew up and married someone who is sitting behind me playing on the PS3, I also birthed kids who grew up reading like books were oxygen, pre-ordered at Game-Stop so much the people who work there know them by name, and my son is in college now, with the ambition of working at Google someday!
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    I honestly don't know if I classify as nerd...maybe almost nerd? or sort of nerd? but I'm heading to Comic-con this year, so I'm trying to nerd-up a little more :)

    I'm assuming you don't mean SDCC since that was *last* weekend... :tongue:

    I wish :) Nope, Chicago is next month!
  • livingdeadgirl99
    I hear ya! Total gamer geek here too! and cosplay geek too hehe! I find cosplaying a great motivator for weight loss, as you don't want to show up at a gaming convention as FF X-2 Rikku with a flabby belly!! Good luck on the weight loss :)
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    After reading all the posts, I realize I'm different geek. Use to play second life, but only to be in the Star Wars section. Major sci-fi geek here. Star Wars, Stargate, anything to do with sci fi or time travel! Lovin' BBT also!
  • thisoldroutine
    Hello :)
    Gamer/Sci-fi nerd/geek here.
    Totally hooked on Starcraft!
    Anyone feel free to add :)
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    Nerd here. But I'm not a gamer. Love History, rocks, foreign movies, 60s French pop, and books.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Nerd here. But I'm not a gamer. Love History, rocks, foreign movies, 60s French pop, and books.

    Ooooh, foreign movies. Another favorite thing. I live in the middle of nowhere these days, so no good art-house theater nearby (I can drive to the nicer ones in Sac or SF, but that's a sucky drive), but I do try to get my fix from netflix as best I can.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Nerd yes. Gamer, no, hubby is though. Engineer, also no, but my brother is! My nerdiness comes from my love of reading, and sci-fi, especially Dr. Who, classic & current. But also love Warehouse 13, Big Bang Theory, Torchwood, Eureka, and pretty much any superhero movie. And as a crafty nerd, I could probably make any cosplay outfit desired. Hubby loves that, makes Halloween fun for him :bigsmile:
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nerd pedigree:
    • Atari 2600, NES, SNES, DreamCast, Wii
    • Apple II, Commodore-64, Mac (pre-OS X), PC (80286 to current gen, including building from scratch))
    • Comic collector since 1983, mostly superhero genre (Marvel, DC, Image, etc.). At my "worst", I had a $300-400/mth habit and would spend $500 during last week of year during local store's "50% off ALL TPB". I'm much better now since the owner moved away.
    • Anime (Otaku wannabe): All 500+ DragonBall eps across 3 series, Inuyasha, Naruto, Kenichi, etc.
    • Ol' school gamer: Gimme a coin-op "Marvel vs." anything or a copy of MAME, and I'll wax dat azz!
    • Sci-Fi: Star Trek (seen all 700+ eps from all TV series including animated), Star Wars
    • Sci-Real: Big Brain Theory, MythBusters, The Universe, Through The Wormhole, and most physics/astrophysics shows on Discovery networks
    ...and yes, I've seen every ep of "The Big Bang Theory" and get all of the jokes!

    ETA: Am currently in year 20 of my IT career and have personal computer lab setup at home (servers, PC, laptops, tablets, multiple routers/switches/UPSes, etc.)
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    <<<<Does this tattoo Qualify me as a nerd?
  • Danalynn39
    Danalynn39 Posts: 38
    I think I'm semi nerd being a mother of a nerd, who was dating a nerd that got her involved in nerding activities. So I've had my share of nerding in my house. I'm now weaned off of building virtual houses, harvesting bacon, wool, hiding from zombies, driving a wagon shooting people and who knows what else I was set up to do. But even better I haven't farmed in a few years. Once I realized that I could grow the heck out of veggies and hire people to pick them, however my family was still somehow starving. :ohwell: So now I just spend my time on MFP, blogs searching out hints, the gym and work. I would suggest this blog if you are interested in fun ideas. This one is awesome! And my daughter and her BF loved it!
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    i've seen every harry potter, LOTR, and star wars.
    i've beat every final fantasy, along with pretty much every series of games to exist.
    i like comics.
    *turns into a potato and rolls away*
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I am an engineer so that makes me a nerd by default. Yes, I graphed my weight loss in Excel because MFP was not detailed enough and MFP could not do projections...also graphed the inches lost, calculated BMI, weighed in daily, etc.

    I also experimented with a lot of foods to get the calories down while maintaining flavor and still had that "full feeling" when done eating. My current favorite is much improved version of the Subway flat-bread with egg-white and ham.

    Being an engineer isn't all bad. You can have poor social skills and dress poorly and when someone asks whats wrong with just shrug and say "engineer" and get a total pass. lol Also, I totally get Big Bang Theory. <g>

    OMG! I am the female you!!! I, too, am an engineer and have an excel spreadsheet graphing all those things (had it for 5.4 years) AND I totally use being an engineer as excuse :)
  • shortmomma81
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    Nerd here too! With a list way too long to say but here are a few of my favorites... Buffy, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Firefly, LOTR, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Red Dwarf, Star Wars. I also like going to cons and collecting lots of geekery, and playing PS3 and I used to play WoW.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Did your wallet cry during the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm Jorean. Total nerd. Comics, games, books, Doctor Who and Joss Whedon love. Nerd stuff.

    I just listened to Joss Whedon on The Nerdist pod cast!!!!

    I have it downloaded, although I have not listened to it yet. Sorry, first I listen to Howard Stern, then Hardwick.
  • juiletflt
    juiletflt Posts: 159
    I've always considered myself more of a dork than a nerd, but I do have a lot of nerd qualities as well.

    Harry Potter changed my life. I also love LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Batman, Spiderman, etc, etc, etc.

    I am a tax accountant. Was president of Kappa Kappa Psi, band fraternity... marching band for 8 years... oh yeah!
  • justdoit2322
    justdoit2322 Posts: 32 Member
    I would consider myself a nerd! Definitely part of the random : Harry potter Sherlock..etc but I absolutely love doctor who and the walking dead especially the comic feel free to add me!
  • iyerritsegan1
    I like sherlock, doctor who, skyrim, game of thrones, and anything even remotely related to harry potter. XD
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm a nerd. I stay away from the games though, because I'm afraid I'll get sucked in and never do anything else. I'm a reader and a bit of a writer (not much lately). Love Doctor Who (classic and new); Defiance, Big Bang Theory, Warehouse 13, Red Dwarf, Harry Potter, LOTR and the Hobbit, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Sadly, I have yet to see Sherlock. Was a huge fan of Highlander (the series and the first movie... the other movies? Meh). Was also a big fan of "Forever Knight," "Hercules" and for a time, "Xena" (although I was more a fan of Ares, than Xena. Hahaha). Also "Kindred the Embraced." I like board games and some card games.