

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't read the books; I listened to the audiobooks! I hope I'm not "ugh" :laugh:

    No, the "ugh" wasn't because of the general "she didn't read the books." It was because she was commenting about how they're not "highbrow" literature as though she'd actually read them and she hadn't.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    You guys are making me even more desperate to read them. BAH! I am a terrible person when it comes to waiting, so I already Googled all the stuff that's going to happen, but I want to read and get in on this Jon Snow parent business. I love it.
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    I've read the series through three times but I actually only saw the first season and half or so. It's not as good as the books. I'll get around to it eventually.

    And yes, Tyrion is the best...I'm such a conformist. I also love Brienne, Jaime, Daeny, and since the last book, Theon. Theon is currently the most interesting character in the series right now. I mean obviously Tyrion is awesome but his story line at this point isn't as riveting.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You guys are making me even more desperate to read them. BAH! I am a terrible person when it comes to waiting, so I already Googled all the stuff that's going to happen, but I want to read and get in on this Jon Snow parent business. I love it.
    I read spoilers all the time. But somehow, even things I know are coming sneak up on me. Like, I don't realize I've reached that point. lol

    And I had known all about the Red Wedding, but last night when I was finishing A Storm of Swords, I learned something I hadn't known about some of the people involved in plotting and it totally broke my heart. Though I doubt the TV show wll even touch on that plot point because the show did some things very different and it wouldn't make sense. I'm not sure why they changed that specific thing in the show.
  • LordOberon
    LordOberon Posts: 73 Member
    You guys are making me even more desperate to read them. BAH! I am a terrible person when it comes to waiting, so I already Googled all the stuff that's going to happen, but I want to read and get in on this Jon Snow parent business. I love it.
    I read spoilers all the time. But somehow, even things I know are coming sneak up on me. Like, I don't realize I've reached that point. lol

    And I had known all about the Red Wedding, but last night when I was finishing A Storm of Swords, I learned something I hadn't known about some of the people involved in plotting and it totally broke my heart. Though I doubt the TV show wll even touch on that plot point because the show did some things very different and it wouldn't make sense. I'm not sure why they changed that specific thing in the show.

    That's part of joy of re-reading (or listening) to these books. There are so many plot points and arcing story lines that I notice. It's almost like a director's cut.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    You guys are making me even more desperate to read them. BAH! I am a terrible person when it comes to waiting, so I already Googled all the stuff that's going to happen, but I want to read and get in on this Jon Snow parent business. I love it.
    I read spoilers all the time. But somehow, even things I know are coming sneak up on me. Like, I don't realize I've reached that point. lol

    And I had known all about the Red Wedding, but last night when I was finishing A Storm of Swords, I learned something I hadn't known about some of the people involved in plotting and it totally broke my heart. Though I doubt the TV show wll even touch on that plot point because the show did some things very different and it wouldn't make sense. I'm not sure why they changed that specific thing in the show.

    That's part of joy of re-reading (or listening) to these books. There are so many plot points and arcing story lines that I notice. It's almost like a director's cut.

    When I finished all of the books, I immediately started reading theories about what would happen on fan sites. I realized how much I missed while I was reading because I wasn't paying enough attention on the first read!
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.

    Honestly, I'd like to see more progress on the war in the North rather than the squabbling in the South.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.
    I've only read the first three so far, but I'm pretty certain that what's happening at the Wall is really the most important part of the story. I think the climax is going to be something to do with that and everything else that's happening is setting up for why it's going to be a tough fight because they're fighting each other instead of the real enemy.

    Those White Walkers are important to where this is all going. And the dragons have to be some kind of key to defeating them.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.
    I've only read the first three so far, but I'm pretty certain that what's happening at the Wall is really the most important part of the story. I think the climax is going to be something to do with that and everything else that's happening is setting up for why it's going to be a tough fight because they're fighting each other instead of the real enemy.

    Those White Walkers are important to where this is all going. And the dragons have to be some kind of key to defeating them.

    Totally agree, and at this point, after 5 books of throne squabbling, I'd like to see it get more exciting.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member

    SPOILER - Hail Hodor !!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.
    I've only read the first three so far, but I'm pretty certain that what's happening at the Wall is really the most important part of the story. I think the climax is going to be something to do with that and everything else that's happening is setting up for why it's going to be a tough fight because they're fighting each other instead of the real enemy.

    Those White Walkers are important to where this is all going. And the dragons have to be some kind of key to defeating them.

    Totally agree, and at this point, after 5 books of throne squabbling, I'd like to see it get more exciting.
    I have a degree in English lit and aspirations to be a novelist one of these days, so I'm enthralled with the story-telling and that GRRM just really does an amazing job of putting words together, so the rest doesn't bother me. Plus his gift for writing interesting and unique characters. I just like to see what they're going to do next. The way Arya's attitude sort of changed toward The Hound was interesting and real, how she forgot to say his name that last night before she left him.

    Gosh, I love The Hound! And Samwell. I seriously love Samwell. Everyone loves Tyrion and Dany and Jaime and Robb and Jon -- the big, heroic, larger-than-life main characters. But these others are so much more interesting to me. I mean, I like all of the others just fine, but The Hound and Samwell are so cool.

    Though I'll see when I start A Feast for Crows if I change my mind.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    SPOILER - Hail Hodor !!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I would not complain about that ending. lol
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.
    I've only read the first three so far, but I'm pretty certain that what's happening at the Wall is really the most important part of the story. I think the climax is going to be something to do with that and everything else that's happening is setting up for why it's going to be a tough fight because they're fighting each other instead of the real enemy.

    Those White Walkers are important to where this is all going. And the dragons have to be some kind of key to defeating them.

    Totally agree, and at this point, after 5 books of throne squabbling, I'd like to see it get more exciting.
    I have a degree in English lit and aspirations to be a novelist one of these days, so I'm enthralled with the story-telling and that GRRM just really does an amazing job of putting words together, so the rest doesn't bother me. Plus his gift for writing interesting and unique characters. I just like to see what they're going to do next. The way Arya's attitude sort of changed toward The Hound was interesting and real, how she forgot to say his name that last night before she left him.

    Gosh, I love The Hound! And Samwell. I seriously love Samwell. Everyone loves Tyrion and Dany and Jaime and Robb and Jon -- the big, heroic, larger-than-life main characters. But these others are so much more interesting to me. I mean, I like all of the others just fine, but The Hound and Samwell are so cool.

    Though I'll see when I start A Feast for Crows if I change my mind.

    I love the storytelling up until the fourth book. I felt like the last two books started dragging a lot. To me, it felt like GRRM tried to extend the plot into 7 books instead of maybe 4 or 5 like it should've been, and a lot got stretched out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I love the storytelling up until the fourth book. I felt like the last two books started dragging a lot. To me, it felt like GRRM tried to extend the plot into 7 books instead of maybe 4 or 5 like it should've been, and a lot got stretched out.

    Give me a couple weeks and I'll have an opinion on the last couple books. lol

    They're so freaking LONG!
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I love the storytelling up until the fourth book. I felt like the last two books started dragging a lot. To me, it felt like GRRM tried to extend the plot into 7 books instead of maybe 4 or 5 like it should've been, and a lot got stretched out.

    Give me a couple weeks and I'll have an opinion on the last couple books. lol

    They're so freaking LONG!

    They are! I'm still optimistic for an exciting ending to the series. I really wish he would finish them though. It's rough having to wait years for new material.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I love the storytelling up until the fourth book. I felt like the last two books started dragging a lot. To me, it felt like GRRM tried to extend the plot into 7 books instead of maybe 4 or 5 like it should've been, and a lot got stretched out.

    Give me a couple weeks and I'll have an opinion on the last couple books. lol

    They're so freaking LONG!

    They are! I'm still optimistic for an exciting ending to the series. I really wish he would finish them though. It's rough having to wait years for new material.
    I know I'll have withdrawal when I finish book 5. But with the show going on, he almost has to start writing faster or the show is going to pass the books.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    My favorites: Tyrion, Arya, Dany, and Jon (in that order)

    I got really annoyed at the last two books so GRR better not write something boring for the last two.
    I've only read the first three so far, but I'm pretty certain that what's happening at the Wall is really the most important part of the story. I think the climax is going to be something to do with that and everything else that's happening is setting up for why it's going to be a tough fight because they're fighting each other instead of the real enemy.

    Those White Walkers are important to where this is all going. And the dragons have to be some kind of key to defeating them.

    Totally agree, and at this point, after 5 books of throne squabbling, I'd like to see it get more exciting.
    I have a degree in English lit and aspirations to be a novelist one of these days, so I'm enthralled with the story-telling and that GRRM just really does an amazing job of putting words together, so the rest doesn't bother me. Plus his gift for writing interesting and unique characters. I just like to see what they're going to do next. The way Arya's attitude sort of changed toward The Hound was interesting and real, how she forgot to say his name that last night before she left him.

    Gosh, I love The Hound! And Samwell. I seriously love Samwell. Everyone loves Tyrion and Dany and Jaime and Robb and Jon -- the big, heroic, larger-than-life main characters. But these others are so much more interesting to me. I mean, I like all of the others just fine, but The Hound and Samwell are so cool.

    Though I'll see when I start A Feast for Crows if I change my mind.

    I love the storytelling up until the fourth book. I felt like the last two books started dragging a lot. To me, it felt like GRRM tried to extend the plot into 7 books instead of maybe 4 or 5 like it should've been, and a lot got stretched out.

    I find Feast and Dragons to drag a little bit. They're still very good, but it just seems like they were both a little anticlimactic.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Mwahaha, I love that I see RML and DragonSquatter in here, too... my fellow obsessive fans.

    Just here to say I love the **** out of the books and show. Just finished the Dunk & Egg Tales (the three companion books to the series), AND GRRM just announced a release date for The Princess and the Queen (novella chronicling the original dance of dragons).

    I SHOP JON/SANSA NOT EVEN SORRY ABOUT IT. (In for the, "But they're brother and sister! Gross!" posts...ARE THEY?)
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Mwahaha, I love that I see RML and DragonSquatter in here, too... my fellow obsessive fans.

    Who you callin' "obsessive"??? MMMM????

    Oh nevermind... ;)


  • errorika
    errorika Posts: 89 Member
    GRR will probably kill off Tyrion in the first chapter of the next book anyway.

    I'd say, as a joke, that he'd kill off Dany, who is basically the one character guaranteed to live until the end (she IS the fire in "Song of Ice and Fire" right??), but he might actually do it. So it wouldn't be funny.

    I'm like 95% positive that Jon Snow is the Song of Ice and Fire.