Afraid To Be Too Attractive



  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I've always been skinny and came here to get healthy and fit. I don't really put myself out there, so I don't get attention I don't want. I could, if that's what I wanted, but its not, so I don't. Do you for you and you will be fine.

    ^this...but put yourself out there and it can be fun as hell! just be safe.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Are you ****ting me? I am DREAMING of the day that I can start dismissing losers who are looking at my tits instead of awkwardly at my face (and avoiding the rest of me). Bring it on, I WANT the attention :tongue:

    But like many others have said, simply because you are thinner does not automatically mean you're going to GET all this attention. Attractiveness is in how you dress, how you hold yourself (body posturing), and the attitude you convey to others. Chances are, as you lose weight, your self-esteem is going to skyrocket, and THAT is what will get the attention ;D
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    Wendy do you know who you remind me of?

    I'll tell you...

    I've been alone my entire ****ing life and after constant rejection I finally managed to date a girl for the first time in my life. We went out on a few dates, and we were friends for about a year before we started dating. She's still a virgin, but she does anal and oral so I was okay with it.

    About 3 weeks after we started dating she became distant and wanted to be intimate less often. For the last 3 days she's been crying in the middle of the night and she got back in contact with her ex. She told me she couldn't be intimate with me without thinking about him. That she really loved me but she wished she was together with him.

    Even though I was so ****ing afraid of being alone my pride couldn't handle it and I dropped her. Moral of the story? Don't ****ing date used wendy's. Don't date girls like "Wendy"

    Um... that was a dude... lights off I bet too...

    bwhahahahaha...nailed it!!!
  • UnleashingLovely
    When opening this i expected a GIF of I'm too sexy for my shirt and someone ripping their shirt off.
    That is all.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm thin and don't get a lot of attention. If you're ugly you'll be fine.
  • sexymuffintop
    IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.....Good lord this site.....I think i've seen every type of stupid on here now....:grumble:
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    What's wrong with just looking good because you like yourself and believing you are hot? Who cares who is looking or feeling jealous. How can that make you responsible for how others feel or react to your looks.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.....Good lord this site.....I think i've seen every type of stupid on here now....:grumble:

    I assure you... you haven't. There will be more.
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.....Good lord this site.....I think i've seen every type of stupid on here now....:grumble:

    I assure you... you haven't. There will be more.

    ^ This.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I'm thin and don't get a lot of attention. If you're ugly you'll be fine.


    I'd love to have a "problem" of worrying about accidentally becoming attractive. Someone please donate me a few thousand dollars to fix my face at a surgeon so I can post threads about how scared I am to be suddenly attractive after being a dog my whole life.


    The only thing more depressing than this thread are all the, "oh, i hate when i get hit on all the time" threads.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I didn't notice much difference in attention actually.
  • __delete
    __delete Posts: 245 Member
    I didn't notice much difference in attention actually.

  • sexymuffintop
    IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.....Good lord this site.....I think i've seen every type of stupid on here now....:grumble:

    I assure you... you haven't. There will be more.

    Sadly I know you are correct....
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    Well, I can relate, but only from past experience. There was a time when I was young that I had a very nice body and was paid a LOT of attention by men who apparently thought that just by nature of my having a nice body I should be available to them for sex and they were hurt or angry when I wasn't. Thirty years have passed since then and I'm long married. I am about 40 lbs heavier than I was 30 years ago, but I think I still have a nice shape overall, and the attention I used to get is non-existent now, as far as I can tell. I went to a bar with some girlfriends recently and expressed dismay that the only man who seemed interested was an old drunk. My girlfriends told me that there were others "checking me out." I didn't notice. So I couldn't tell you if being much slimmer would get me, or you, more attention. I think your age and attitude have something to do with how much attention you would get, in addition to your appearance. I think if you have confidence in yourself, even if losing weight or getting in better shape will garner more attention, you should be able to handle it. Don't let fear of that kind of attention stop you from looking your best and working toward being your best.
    From another perspective, there are studies that show that attractive people of both genders recieve more positive attention from other people of both genders in the way of different types of evaluation, such as for employment, requests for input or involvement in projects or activities. If it works that way for you, even if it seems unfair to the "unattractive" folks, that can still be a good thing.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I plan on wearing a gold bikini wherever I go. Beach, supermarket, movie theater, church, I dont care! Bring it on! I cant wait to be attractive! :happy:

    Will you complete the outfit with a steel collar and chain around your neck? Slave Leia right? That's going to be amazing in church.

    LMFAO I thought I might only wear the collar on Saturdays, you know.. I cant be blowing minds every day of the week. :laugh:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's difficult when you dont expect it. It makes you angry. Both sexes do it too you'll be surprised that all the sudden you have new girlfriends.

    I've come to the conclusion it's just the nature of humans arrogant, shallow, aholes. They cant help it. If you get uncomfortable you have every right to tell the person to back off.

    It's good your are prepared for it so it wont derail you. Just expect it and blow it off as stupid humans.
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    Uh, no. :sad:
  • paulieboy8390
    Anyone else feel like they'd be on top of the world if only they were thin? I mean on top of the relationship aspects, career, networks, opportunities, abilities, energy, influence....etc..

    I have a feeling that since I have been overweight all my life, that I will not know how to deal with the added attention I'd get.

    I'm somewhat between very introverted and a slightly extroverted, so being center of attention already feels uncomfortable. I've been pretty even though I'm bigger, but not FINE...or what someone might call HOT. And I know it'd get like that. My confidence would soar. I'd walk taller and prouder.

    This fear is unconscious, of course.

    Anyone feeling similarily?

    I'm new to this site, wouldn't mind a couple buds on here. Send a pm if you want to talk a little bit.

  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I didn't realize that I was using my weight as a shield until just recently when people are looking at me when before it wasn't happening. I was a size 16 for 5 years and I've been a size 6 since last fall. But it's the summer clothes that have really shown my new size. Now I'm getting people in trucks looking at me instead of the road and other strange notices that I didn't get before.

    On one hand I would like to stay hidden, but on the other hand I want to wear clothes that fit are business casual. I don't wear anything that shows much (no short skirts or low necklines).
  • iTrainHARD
    iTrainHARD Posts: 41

    Wendy do you know who you remind me of?

    I'll tell you...

    I've been alone my entire ****ing life and after constant rejection I finally managed to date a girl for the first time in my life. We went out on a few dates, and we were friends for about a year before we started dating. She's still a virgin, but she does anal and oral so I was okay with it.

    About 3 weeks after we started dating she became distant and wanted to be intimate less often. For the last 3 days she's been crying in the middle of the night and she got back in contact with her ex. She told me she couldn't be intimate with me without thinking about him. That she really loved me but she wished she was together with him.

    Even though I was so ****ing afraid of being alone my pride couldn't handle it and I dropped her. Moral of the story? Don't ****ing date used wendy's. Don't date girls like "Wendy"

    Um... that was a dude... lights off I bet too...

    bwhahahahaha...nailed it!!!

    you mean...nailed "him", right? lol