Possibly going vegetarian.



  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    She probably lost a lot of lean muscle mass. Just keep that in mind when you seek out vegetarian protein sources.

    Again, stop the misinformation. This is wrong.

    No, not wrong. Most first time vegans don't do it right and lose lean muscle mass in addition to fat.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    She probably lost a lot of lean muscle mass. Just keep that in mind when you seek out vegetarian protein sources.
    You can get proteins from vegetables but vegetarians eat eggs and cheese which provides a good amount of protein. Also, the amount of cheese is monitored so it does not become counter productive.

    Yes, I know vegetarians can get protein from those sources but the OP was talking about going vegan.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Definitely give it a shot. Even just consuming less meat (especially red and pork) is not necessarily a bad thing.

    WTF??? Pork is one of the best meats to eat. Fish, Chicken and Pork FTW!!!!!!! Now red meat, yes you should consume less of that but you don't need to stop eating it, you just need to choose the right cuts.
    For the record...pork is considered to be a red meat by dieticians and by the food industry. That "other white meat" was just a marketing gimmick.
  • RingTailedFox
    RingTailedFox Posts: 53 Member
    I'm vegan and I love it. I've hired nutritionists occasionally over the years to evaluate my diet. The primary things to really push are protein (I have a protein powder I love), iron and calcium. I work out everyday. Going vegan was more than about losing weight, it was about becoming healthier. When I went in with that mindset, I did lose weight. About 40 lbs all in all. I worked hard in the gym, tried to eat all natural foods and eliminated processed foods.

    I'm not going to tell you it will be easy. It does get easier with time. One of the most difficult parts is dealing gracefully and politely to the people that are rude about my lifestyle choice. I usually chalk it up to them having their own set of issues. If someone is unkind and disrespects me based on what I choose not to eat, then well... That just makes them an intolerant jerk. I don't agree with eating meat, but I do respect that it is their choice. You won't hear me say a peep about it. I don't judge them or think less of them. I expect them to extend me the same courtesy.

    It ultimately comes down to you. If you feel like this is the best course for you, or even if you're curious, try it. There are groups here that are very supportive. Good luck!
  • VioletNightshade
    I prefer not eating meat for various reasons. If you're considering it, I'd certainly give it a try.

    Purely from a weight loss perspective, I lost probably 15lb just from cutting meat out of my diet, which I did permanently in January.

    Just make sure to up your intake of things like beans / legumes and nuts, so all the 'you need protein!' people won't have anything to brow-beat you with. Quinoa also has a lot of protein.

    Welcome to the tribe! =^_^=
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    if u want to. however there are alot of fat vegetarians
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    She probably lost a lot of lean muscle mass. Just keep that in mind when you seek out vegetarian protein sources.

    Again, stop the misinformation. This is wrong.

    No, not wrong. Most first time vegans don't do it right and lose lean muscle mass in addition to fat.

    Seriously though, do you know? Do you know she's not some crazy vegan powerlifter and not an emaciated bed-ridden weakling? You don't! So why would you even make that statement? Sure, MANY (not most) first time vegans can suffer from lean muscle mass loss, but so many of ANY type of diet when you don't include resistance exercise into your routine. Thats just how it works. Calorie deficit without challenging the muscles will almost always result in muscle loss, but if you eat enough food (don't get too crazy on the deficit) and challenge your muscles, different story. Please please PLEASE don't make blanket statements when you have no idea the OP's relatives situation in losing her weight. It is just silly.
  • milesvictors
    milesvictors Posts: 83 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.

    Orange juice has fish oil in it? Thats a new one for me...
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    100% all vegan right here. I eat 80/10/10 high carb - low fat and I'm losing weight with minimal exercise

    I took up this diet overnight but not everyone can do that. There are also things to know about food combining that will make your life more manageable when it comes to digestion.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.

    YOU - are an idiot. There is no fish oil in OJ and a vegan wouldn't want to take a fish oil supplement for omega 3 and 6, we can get that from eating hemp seeds or something similar. I would suggest you do a little research before you talk about things that you don't know about.
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    Is there a reason that you still feel the need to tell me I'm an idiot and bite my head off? I apologize that my information was incorrect. My intention was not to scare anyone. From what I have read and heard some soy products, like tofu do have a higher amount of estrogen and is linked to that increase in breast cancer. If that's wrong, then I'll humble accept that I was incorrect.

    Is there anyone else that wishes to tell me I'm an idiot? Anyone? It's not like you'll hurt anything. I'm just a dumb early 20's female that knows nothing of the world.

    I'm not going to tell you that you're an idiot, but soy contains phytoestrogens, not estrogen. I don't know enough about the topic, but there is some debate as to whether or not it's a problem. I personally drink coconut and almond milk instead of soy milk, but I still eat tempeh and tofu occasionally. If you want more information, I would suggest checking out PubMed. There is lots of very good information on PubMed, but it takes some work to find what you are looking for.

    PubMed - Soy Phytoestrogens

    Thanks, I'll take a look at it when I can. And I apologize with my mini rant. I was getting irritated with the other person and their 'I'm older therefore know everything' attitude.
  • RingTailedFox
    RingTailedFox Posts: 53 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.

    Sadly, Tropicana does fortify their orange juice with fish oil. However, I hesitate to call that orange juice anyhow. I drink freshly squeezed OJ. The other day I was at my friend's house and took a swig of her super processed OJ. Man, that stuff was nasty. It tasted like straight up chemicals.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.

    The omega 3 and 6 are easy ones to cover, with a bit of flax-seed :) The kind I have per 2tbsp is 2800mg, which equals 2.8g. The AHA recommends up to 3g, but doesn't recommend going over because it can cause an increased chance of bleeding http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/omega-3-fish-oil-supplements-for-high-blood-pressure

    Other sources are legumes, leafy greens and other nuts and seeds. Here's a few lists that I've found, that have been helpful for me as I've started the transition to a plant based diet-
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Vegan is a huge jump. I'd suggest starting with lacto-ovo vegetarianism and then slowly cutting out animal product. You have to be careful about what you consume because for example, oj has fish oil in it. Also, if you're vegan make sure you supplement your omega 3 and 6 fatty acid and are taking a multi-vit daily.

    YOU - are an idiot. There is no fish oil in OJ and a vegan wouldn't want to take a fish oil supplement for omega 3 and 6, we can get that from eating hemp seeds or something similar. I would suggest you do a little research before you talk about things that you don't know about.

    A little googling goes a long way :tongue:

    Another one to be aware of
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have been vegetarian basically since I was a child. I don't really remember eating meat at all... ever. So for me it is all I have ever known, but for others it's a hard transition. I have thought about going vegan but I think it would be too difficult for me as I live in a hick town where even the mention of the word 'vegetarian' is a crime... so none of the stores have great vegan alternatives. Give it a go! I kinda own my weight loss to being vegetarian.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The omega 3 and 6 are easy ones to cover, with a bit of flax-seed :) The kind I have per 2tbsp is 2800mg, which equals 2.8g.

    From a chemical standpoint, the omega-3 fats in seeds are not the same as the omega-3 fats found in salmon or grass-fed beef, because they're in a different configuration, and we are not able to convert them. That conversion is done by bacteria in the digestive systems of salmon and cows. Therefore, you can't get the same omega-3 fatty acids from flax seeds, or any other seed, that you can from eating fish. Some yeasts contain it, but I don't know of any yeast on the market that provides omega-3. (If you want to check it out, on Google Scholar for example, search for the conversion of alpha linolenic acid to EPA and DHA.)

    This is one of the reasons that I eat meat, even though I like vegetarian food well enough not to. My other reasons are that I want to get enough protein while keeping my carbs on the low side, and I travel to interesting places and want to be able to accept the hospitality of people who cook for me. Still, I get some of my protein from vegetarian sources, by conscious effort.
  • healthyeating555
    i agree i am getting turned off by the vegan thing because i have a family member who has become obsessed to the point where images of animals are all over her FB page. Getting sickening. I am abstaining from all meats since July 5. I have not seen much difference in the scale . I cant say i miss eating meat but if you put a steak in front of me i would eat it without question.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    The omega 3 and 6 are easy ones to cover, with a bit of flax-seed :) The kind I have per 2tbsp is 2800mg, which equals 2.8g.

    From a chemical standpoint, the omega-3 fats in seeds are not the same as the omega-3 fats found in salmon or grass-fed beef, because they're in a different configuration, and we are not able to convert them. That conversion is done by bacteria in the digestive systems of salmon and cows. Therefore, you can't get the same omega-3 fatty acids from flax seeds, or any other seed, that you can from eating fish. Some yeasts contain it, but I don't know of any yeast on the market that provides omega-3. (If you want to check it out, on Google Scholar for example, search for the conversion of alpha linolenic acid to EPA and DHA.)

    This is one of the reasons that I eat meat, even though I like vegetarian food well enough not to. My other reasons are that I want to get enough protein while keeping my carbs on the low side, and I travel to interesting places and want to be able to accept the hospitality of people who cook for me. Still, I get some of my protein from vegetarian sources, by conscious effort.

    Thanks for the info, I'll have to look into this more :)
  • healthyeating555
    I like that . This guy at my job was a physical fitness junkie. He is in his mid 60's and looks like 35. Diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.the other day. You are what you eat is all bull****. If god looks out for you, you can eat almost anything you want meat pizza cheese blah blah and still live till 100