


  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    Buk30 wrote: »
    All of a sudden this thread gained a more serious tone. Thank god

    Thanks to this thread iv been chatting to people all day about alien appears most people believe it to be true. Or at least possible.

    Iv been slightly swayed by my hair dresser. I guess the universe is MASSIVE. As he pointed out, I guess it's possible other beings exsist.

    Think I gave up on perusing this idea of aliens long ago when I realised I'd never actually find out so my attention drifted.

    There is a lot of universe out there and we definitely don't have the funds to explore it all. I am usually someone that needs all the facts before making a conclusion, but I also say that there is no evidence proving there isn't other life form out there. Am I obsessed with the thought and let it run my life? No way! But I do enjoy documentaries and hearing other peoples thoughts on it.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    This thread helped me pass a good half hour out of my boring work day.

    Quite entertaining.

    Two thumbs up!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    Buk30 wrote: »
    All of a sudden this thread gained a more serious tone. Thank god

    Thanks to this thread iv been chatting to people all day about alien appears most people believe it to be true. Or at least possible.

    Iv been slightly swayed by my hair dresser. I guess the universe is MASSIVE. As he pointed out, I guess it's possible other beings exsist.

    Think I gave up on perusing this idea of aliens long ago when I realised I'd never actually find out so my attention drifted.

    There is a lot of universe out there and we definitely don't have the funds to explore it all. I am usually someone that needs all the facts before making a conclusion, but I also say that there is no evidence proving there isn't other life form out there. Am I obsessed with the thought and let it run my life? No way! But I do enjoy documentaries and hearing other peoples thoughts on it.

    I take this sort of practical outlook too.

    There ISN'T evidence that life outside of Earth DOESN'T exist and although you can't prove a negative, we can take this one step farther by saying there IS evidence that life can exist somewhere in the universe: Earth, specifically. Ergo that's some support that there could be life elsewhere. Evidence of the possibility (not literal, direct evidence of it existing) mounts via the fact that there are a staggering number of floating bodies in the universe, a percentage of which appear to have some or all conditions that we on Earth have come to equate as life-supporting, at least potentially.

    It's when people take it to Promethius Dude jacking into an ocean, otherwise Man would never have existed, that I kind of get lost on the "supporting evidence" thing. Because there IS no supporting evidence that aliens of a distinct intelligence have been here for any reason at all, much less that any life form of that level of intellect exists anywhere (if life does exist on other planets there isn't any solid reason to believe they'd be as advanced as or more advanced than us and/or that if such a society ever existed, it has not become extinct, as most species do over time). There's supporting evidence that it could exist - namely, in the form of us, an ever intellectually expanding species - and indeed possibility of SOME form of life increases closer to probability just given the sheer number of planets across the universe. However, there is ZERO evidence that this not only has happened but that that particular (currently entirely theoretical) super-intelligence has come here, for any reason at all, much less that it came here to turn proto-apes into future NASA nerds.

    Millions of accounts of "seeing" aliens, or sensing them or whatever (there are those accounts too), unfortunately do not constitute evidence. There have been literally millions of accounts of people achieving communion with Vishnu. Does that mean Vishnu exists?
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    As a fan of Sci-Fi and such, I want to believe. As a scientist, I am skeptic. I have things I believe and want to be true, then there is reality.

    When a species not of this planet is presented to the world via a body or living being, I will accept. Until then, its speculation. The same goes for Bigfoot, ghosts, chupacabra, good tasting low sugar chocolate and smart politicians.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    zcjj1138 wrote: »
    As a fan of Sci-Fi and such, I want to believe. As a scientist, I am skeptic. I have things I believe and want to be true, then there is reality.

    When a species not of this planet is presented to the world via a body or living being, I will accept. Until then, its speculation. The same goes for Bigfoot, ghosts, chupacabra, good tasting low sugar chocolate and smart politicians.

    So agree with this.

    I am a giant sci fi nerd. Always have been. But that's because sci fi speculates. It asks us, "What if?" and then many times, bright, tech-y people pick that up and say "Indeed, what if? Let's try to make it."

    Old-world stories about people flying through the air ultimately became people flying in planes. A desire for brightness at night that wouldn't burn out with the kindling yielded controlled electric light. Crazy 50s room-sized computers that spit out a single-line typed answer to a gigantic 30-minute input equation became us today, tapping away with ease. Remember when the Star Trek guys would punch the communicator on their chests and just talk...with NO wires, nothing at all? Now we do that every day...even middle-schoolers do...except they hopefully don't punch the darned $700 thing, else their parents will likely punch them.

    I love love love scientific, futuristic speculation and going backward, speculation on origins but to be so serious-minded as to put others down for being "narrow", meanwhile giving out false information and myths is just, to me, not good and could even be harmful. I mean there literally are people sitting in their homes at night terrified the aliens or Bigfoot are going to come get them or that their toddler's temper tantrums are because she's possessed by an agitated spirit, so let's call for an exorcism on the tot. It happens. I just can't see the merit in spreading speculation as truth. Spreading speculation as speculation? Fine, and fun. :) (Hint: "Oh, I'm just generating fun conversation but by the way, you're A Giant Stoooooooopid if you even DREAM there aren't brilliant aliens leagues ahead of us in time and intelligence, oh hahahahahaha! And by the way, no, I'm not willing to address or even acknowledge your follow-up questions to me" - does not actually fit into the "just speculation, not intimated truth're all welcome. :) )

    p.s. I'm going to go ahead and put "smart politicians" behind Yeti on the believability scale, who's with me?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Buk30 wrote: »
    All of a sudden this thread gained a more serious tone. Thank god

  • Buk30
    Buk30 Posts: 67 Member
    This thread helped me pass a good half hour out of my boring work day.

    Quite entertaining.

    Two thumbs up!

  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    There's a possibility that aliens might be more advanced but 'advanced civilizations and beings'
    Is a western thought. I always think what if there are aliens somewhere millions of years ahead of us but had no need to create flying technology(we only went to the moon due to competition with other countries) or weapons because of lack of competition or maybe they are an egalitarian society living in peace. OR maybe they never needed to evolve past a single cell organism because of the conditions of the planet. I dunno I think aliens would be dealing with their worldly *kitten* than come here. But they gotta exist....i mean were floating in infinitely expanding
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    ZodFit wrote: »
    There's a possibility that aliens might be more advanced but 'advanced civilizations and beings'
    Is a western thought. I always think what if there are aliens somewhere millions of years ahead of us but had no need to create flying technology(we only went to the moon due to competition with other countries) or weapons because of lack of competition or maybe they are an egalitarian society living in peace. OR maybe they never needed to evolve past a single cell organism because of the conditions of the planet. I dunno I think aliens would be dealing with their worldly *kitten* than come here. But they gotta exist....i mean were floating in infinitely expanding


    Now THIS ^ is thought, and thought-provoking.

    Fascinating insights here.

    Bravo. :)
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    aliens exist. big foot and ghosts do not. /thread.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    If we are saying the universe has lots to offer us as our human race, how do you guys feel about astrology & star signs etc is that real ?

    I have a tattoo with my star sign only to symbolize my birth plus I really like space.

    If you're talking horoscopes.. it's all bologna. They are Barnum profiles and are made for anyone to relate to. I'd stay clear of them.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    ZodFit wrote: »
    There's a possibility that aliens might be more advanced but 'advanced civilizations and beings'
    Is a western thought. I always think what if there are aliens somewhere millions of years ahead of us but had no need to create flying technology(we only went to the moon due to competition with other countries) or weapons because of lack of competition or maybe they are an egalitarian society living in peace. OR maybe they never needed to evolve past a single cell organism because of the conditions of the planet. I dunno I think aliens would be dealing with their worldly *kitten* than come here. But they gotta exist....i mean were floating in infinitely expanding


    Now THIS ^ is thought, and thought-provoking.

    Fascinating insights here.

    Bravo. :)

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    If we are saying the universe has lots to offer us as our human race, how do you guys feel about astrology & star signs etc is that real ?

    I've never believed in this influence in a metaphysical way.

    1. I can't believe the date, time and location of your birth will literally influence you in some numerically-planned out way for the entire rest of your life.

    2. I have met people who were literally born minutes apart, in exactly the same locale, not on a "cusp" astrologically per the minutes' difference (or at all), IOW - twins, whose personalities were very different indeed and who would, if anyone were to interview them separately but they didn't give their sun sign, act like "different" sun signs. (As for moon, rising, etc., obviously most of those would be identical. The twins I am thinking of were C-section and literally I believe 2 minutes apart?)

    3. Watch The Amazing Randy explain how he "reads" kids in a classroom based on astrology. He has them read "their" sun chart. They MOSTLY are absolutely amazed at how ACCURATE their reading is. Then they're told they were given someone else's sun sign. Sure, you could hummana-hummana hem-haw about how that's because the sun sign isn't everything, etc. but that doesn't explain how most were so willing to, in a very human way, draw a parallel to WHATEVER they were told with authority metaphysically defined them, personally. Humans naturally draw parallels and toss out inconsistencies as we rely heavily on patterns in order to interpret our world. So a psychic who tells you one "accurate" thing (even if it would be accurate for anybody) but who gets the next three wrong will still be seen as "amazingly accurate" by the reader. Same with astrology, IMO.

    Now, do celestial bodies impact us physically as a globe, influence the weather and so on, and therefore potentially affect emotions due to such changes? Sure, I can't see why they wouldn't.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    edited May 2017
    Anytime NPR any media outlet says something biased you drink. Alcohol poisoning.

    Fixed for truth

  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Just thought I'd weigh in on this thread, FWIW...

    Re: Bigfoot, et al., ..."meh"...if anyone ever comes up with a specimen, dead or alive, I'll bite.

    Re: Ghosts and spirits...I am willing to accept that there is a part of me that is not physical, but without that physical substrate on which to run, is it really "Me"? Is Microsoft Word a 'thing' until it's loaded onto the right chip set? I'm pretty sure the energy dissipates when my brain ceases to function. When it comes to an afterlife, either I'm going to be pleasantly surprised, or I'm not

    Re: Aliens, sure the galaxy is bigger than most of us can conceive, never mind the rest of the universe. I it Carl Sagan who said in his fictional work Contact, "If we're the only ones here, it seems like an awful waste of space." Or something like that. I'm willing to believe, and hope, that there is intelligent life elsewhere. Whether or not they give AF about coming here or contacting us, I can't guess.

    Re: Ancient alien theory, or the idea that we were either seeded here or created here, is as plausible an explanation as any of the world's religion's stories about how we got here. In fact, to my mind, it's a little MORE plausible because it doesn't depend on any hocus-pocus or metaphysics or allegory.

    Re: drinking games...why play games? Just drink.

    Just my two cents. I'm willing to debate or discuss any or all. Feel free.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    After my mum died I had a vision of her, it was not a dream at all. Rather a very short flash of just my mother looking at me, she was totally healthy and happy. And I actually felt her personality. Like a sudden bolt right through my being, I will never forget it. And the fact is she was very poorly before she died and in this vision she was back to being her old self.

    All I know is that didn't come from me....that was from something outside of me and I felt it

    I have all the proof I need in an afterlife and I'l live the rest of my life happy in the knowledge of that. Just thought I'd share I'm in a sharing mood lol

    Well, thank you. This was really nice.