


  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    abrubru wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    OMG! I want a dead Bigfoot hair sweater.

    Totally putting this on my Amazon wish list.

    But will it smell like wet bigfoot? Ewwww...

    If Bigfeet know how to dematerialize their dead and collect every nugget of poop to the extent of fooling scientists combing the vicinity with UV lighting and microscopic vision, then surely they know how to rinse out some collected dead hair.

    Still want one, do they come in pink?
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    abrubru wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »

    What do you mean?????? None of this makes much sense "their planets are no older then ours" there planets out there that are millions of years older then ours. Our earth is still a baby in the grand scheme of things. There is a very good chance that life evolved millions of years ahead of us.

    No. They are not. Where on earth did you get this? All space matter is the same age. Do you think some planets were "born" millions of years after the Big Bang or something? Space material cooled, were hit by meteors (and still are), broke into smaller parts (the moon may have once been part of the earth), became rounded due to simple scientific forces and so on but ALL space matter became "present" at the same time. Otherwise, where do you think Earth suddenly "came from"... "millions" of years after these mysterious other planets? This is information covered in any basic high school level science class. The Big Bang Theory is not ironclad but evidence shows it to be a current very good contender and to go the other way and assume planets took millions of years to suddenly somehow...I don't know, appear actually has NO support that I know of, not even theoretical.

    Simple question, where do you think Earth suddenly came from "millions" of years after other space matter?

    Even though "space matter" is all the same age based on the big bang theory (...remember it's a theory not a law), planets formed at different rates around stars that collected space matter based on their gravitational pull. So technically, Earth could be younger than other planets in our universe, but not in our galaxy as the planets in our galaxy formed from the gravitational pull of our sun. BUT if you believe in a multiverse then there could be very young planets with new stars, or very, very old planets with very, very old stars...stars form all the time...and all of them attract matter from space...

    So you see...maybe, possibly, potentially...if you stretch throwing in this unsupported multi verse thing...this is IMO a LONG way to go and plenty of zebras in Central Park in order to even vaguely make any of it fit.

    So again, sure, I feel it is *possible* given anything is possible, that there are loads of far more advanced civilizations flying around the universe impregnating animals with smart DNA, but I see no actual evidence of it yet, nor any reason to lean toward it being *likely,* by any stretch, v.: we earthlings evolved to be what we are just as those "smarter" aliens evolved to be what they are, and sure, there is likely life elsewhere which could be anything, not necessarily super smart mad scientists.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    abrubru wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »

    What do you mean?????? None of this makes much sense "their planets are no older then ours" there planets out there that are millions of years older then ours. Our earth is still a baby in the grand scheme of things. There is a very good chance that life evolved millions of years ahead of us.

    No. They are not. Where on earth did you get this? All space matter is the same age. Do you think some planets were "born" millions of years after the Big Bang or something? Space material cooled, were hit by meteors (and still are), broke into smaller parts (the moon may have once been part of the earth), became rounded due to simple scientific forces and so on but ALL space matter became "present" at the same time. Otherwise, where do you think Earth suddenly "came from"... "millions" of years after these mysterious other planets? This is information covered in any basic high school level science class. The Big Bang Theory is not ironclad but evidence shows it to be a current very good contender and to go the other way and assume planets took millions of years to suddenly somehow...I don't know, appear actually has NO support that I know of, not even theoretical.

    Simple question, where do you think Earth suddenly came from "millions" of years after other space matter?

    Even though "space matter" is all the same age based on the big bang theory (...remember it's a theory not a law), planets formed at different rates around stars that collected space matter based on their gravitational pull. So technically, Earth could be younger than other planets in our universe, but not in our galaxy as the planets in our galaxy formed from the gravitational pull of our sun. BUT if you believe in a multiverse then there could be very young planets with new stars, or very, very old planets with very, very old stars...stars form all the time...and all of them attract matter from space...

    BTW, I was answering the poster who stated unequivocally that "our earth IS still a baby" (caps mine) and that there is a "very good chance" (really? Based on what?) that such life evolved "millions of years" ahead of us.

    I mean based on what? LOL.

    For now this is ALL fantasy. There is a good chance that there is other life. Whether it's smart or has one eye sensor and a 12-hour life span on any given potentially life-inhabiting planet is literally still up for grabs.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    As a sex addict, do you have dirty thoughts about Bigfoot?

    I do.

    I mean come on, you know what they say about big feet.
  • Buk30
    Buk30 Posts: 67 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    Buk30 wrote: »
    This has been an eye opener lol. that one guy who thought all planets were the same age lol that other turtle guy who fancied his odds at 1 in 60billion pmsl night hahaha

    And there was that one guy who literally looked at an avatar of two extra-large lavender boobs yet still called the person a "guy," hahahahaha

    Oh that dude was a scream.

    I think that may have been the same guy who believed the earth suddenly popped up magically into the universe millions of years later than loads of other planets.


    Good times.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Buk30 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    So then you too discount the "millions" of "eyewitnesses," pretty much ALL of whom have described these aliens as very much like us indeed, right down to being bipedal, two eyes facing frontally, walking gait, emotion shown via facial expression, etc., etc.?
  • Buk30
    Buk30 Posts: 67 Member
    Buk30 wrote: »
    I live directly next to a graveyard, no ghosts here.

    Why would there be? Think about it? if your a ghost the last place you'd want to be is in a graveyard

    That's the first place I'd be

    No your physical body would be, but your physical body is the exact opposite of what a ghost is . So no you wouldn't
  • Buk30
    Buk30 Posts: 67 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    So then you too discount the "millions" of "eyewitnesses," pretty much ALL of whom have described these aliens as very much like us indeed, right down to being bipedal, two eyes facing frontally, walking gait, emotion shown via facial expression, etc., etc.?
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    So then you too discount the "millions" of "eyewitnesses," pretty much ALL of whom have described these aliens as very much like us indeed, right down to being bipedal, two eyes facing frontally, walking gait, emotion shown via facial expression, etc., etc.?

    Nope not at all. They very well could be like us. But to assume they can only ever be like us and not have green skin or 4 eyes is ludicrous
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited May 2017
    I used to have vivid dreams about Alien abduction back when my eldest child was a baby, and that one child would always go through bouts of fear when she was a child always seeing the faces of an aliens in her sleep at which time we lived in a very secluded cabin in the woods, and she suffered from night Terrors as an adult, which finally ended in her thirties after she had her child. I've also had to have a very tiny mysterious piece of metal cut out and removed from my inside wrist .

    I sometimes wonder... :fearful:
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    An octopus is just 8 eels stapled to a basketball


    I KNEW it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited May 2017
    Buk30 wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    So then you too discount the "millions" of "eyewitnesses," pretty much ALL of whom have described these aliens as very much like us indeed, right down to being bipedal, two eyes facing frontally, walking gait, emotion shown via facial expression, etc., etc.?
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Buk30 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »

    Aliens.....highly unlikely. The thought of them is enough to scare anyone to death, probably just made up to add a bit of spice to the universe. And sell loads of films etc

    For me it's all about the odds.

    Billions of planets + billions of years....we're here, why not something else?

    It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an impending doom that these aliens want to suck out our brains and do experiments on us poor humans. Heck some people even claim to have been abducted! It's all too far fetched for me. I think you grow up hearing about aliens and for some reason it sticks. Humans have inhabited the earth for ages and all we've got so far with regards to aliens is a wee green man with 3 eyes it's ludacris
    why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    So then you too discount the "millions" of "eyewitnesses," pretty much ALL of whom have described these aliens as very much like us indeed, right down to being bipedal, two eyes facing frontally, walking gait, emotion shown via facial expression, etc., etc.?

    Nope not at all. They very well could be like us. But to assume they can only ever be like us and not have green skin or 4 eyes is ludicrous

    How weird, since you just said...

    To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded

    I'm not being judgmental in saying the following...most of us have done this at one time or another. But have you noticed that you continue to change your stance and avoid answering certain questions in order to keep your beliefs? If you're truly interested in getting to some larger truth (I don't know for sure that you are) then you may want to guard against this. You're moving the goal posts all the time, probably in order to not have to re-think your beliefs. This is common in religion but it's not weird in a scientific or at least quasi-scientific arena, either. Just something worth noting for your own reference going forward.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I used to have vivid dreams about Alien abduction back when my eldest child was a baby, and that one child would always go through bouts of fear when she was a child always seeing the faces of an aliens in her sleep at which time we lived in a very secluded cabin in the woods, and she suffered from night Terrors as an adult, which finally ended in her thirties after she had her child. I've also had to have a very tiny mysterious piece of metal cut out and removed from my inside wrist .

    I sometimes wonder... :fearful:

    Wow! @FabFan50...have you ever explored this in hypnosis? You should...
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    So I have a ghost story... and this is no *kitten*, I swear this happened.

    After high school, I moved to San Diego to be closer to my mom. While searching for a my own place, I was staying with her. She was a live in care given to an older gentleman that suffered from COPD.

    My second night sleeping in the house, I woke up to see an image of a woman at the foot of my bed. I thought it was a dream at first, but it felt so real I second guessed it. The woman was just standing there, looking at me like she was evaluating me. The next morning I told my mom about this "dream." She said "oh that wasn't a dream, that was Hazel." I was like who the hell is Hazel? She went on to tell me Hazel was the older gentleman's deceased wife. And she was making sure I wasn't going to hurt her husband and make sure he was ok. My mom told me the same thing happened to her when she first moved in. But Hazel was able to tell we were there to take care of the old man.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    The year is 2017 humans have created self driving cars, robot limbs, hoverboards, immense advancements in medical science, mfp forums, and the fidget spinner

    Who built the pyramids, mounds, and other ancient structures?
