
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    well my DD just posted that she and Taliah's father are engaged... Uggggh I love my daughter and grandaughter .. but he is a thug.. he did propose to her in central park... they all went down for the day yesterday..
    I cant say I am Happy for her, but will help with what I need to..
  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    Can I join your group? I have 15lbs to go and I have been struggling for quite some time. I need help and support.
    I am 63 years old, love to line dance (3-4 times a week), walk a bit (but not enough) and I am not very good at tracking.
    Reading the posts here is giving me motivation to change my ways!
    Goals for the rest of this month:
    Track every day (even if it's not good)
    Increase exercise by walking extra blocks home after my daily coffee with my gal pals.

    Jenn from beautiful BC, Canada
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie – Yes, I am going to be VERY vocal here, only because I have seen a LOT of things dealing with domestic cases. I agree with Beth, that a silent TomCat is not a safe TomCat. Sounds like he is getting desperate; and, desperate men do desperate things. Sometimes they get more abusive or start being physically abusive. We even had a client who, rather than lose things to his wife, did the most desperate thing you could ever imagine. Murder and Suicide - we never saw that coming because he was so calm otherwise; he just snapped!. Just be safe and if you have to ‘call 9-1-1’. If he talked to an attorney; he might have found out that what you are asking or demanding to get is what the court would probably award you under the circumstances. Be very strong in what you want, and, especially about the things you want to take from him. Believe in your attorney and her abilities to see through any ‘con’ that TomCat has tried to pull over your eyes. Especially, if TomCat has been overly ‘vocal’ in the past. I’d hide any guns in the house; or better yet, give them to your attorney for ‘safe keeping’. Then tell him, he’ll get them back when the Settlement Agreement and Decree have been agreed to and taken. Let the attorneys do the work, that’s what they are getting paid to do. Do NOT under any set of circumstances agree to use the same attorney – you cannot have the attorney be fair to you if you are not paying her, he will have the advance and if it gets really messy you might lose out on having the ‘best’ of attorneys. Tell him that he ‘must’ have his own. So what if it costs him. You can always ‘ask’ that your attorney’s fees be ‘paid’ or ‘reimbursed’ to you. BULL$#*T with him staying there – go for the FL home because that is what he wants most. Don’t keep the house up there, it will turn out to be a “Money Pit” with all the stuff that has to be done to keep a house up with the weather up there. Why in Heaven’s name would you allow him to ‘stay there once you are divorced’? Having him coming and going and knowing ‘where and why’ will only ‘eat at you’ and you will be miserable. Why give him the FL home without a good fight over it. Sounds like he will have a year of making you totally miserable as he is already doing. Get his sorry @$$ out of the house ASAP. Then make it so that he cannot keep the house in FL (which I think I remember you saying it was paid for). IF necessary demand that all assets be sold and all assets divided. Just IMHO. But, you are, I’m sure, going to do as you please, regardless of what any of us say.

    I want to ‘kick him’ a little further up than the shins. He is going to press you into doing something that will NOT be in YOUR BEST interest. Do NOT sign anything that you have not taken to your attorney first; and, then make copies of it. He will wear you down in a lot more ways than one. He has already proven that. You can get ‘temporary things that would be set out in the complaint you have had him served with' … you can amend it to have him have to leave the house and make the payments on it. He'd be a 'fool' to NOT pay the mortgage, he would only cut his own throat and the payments on it thus far would be lost. In other words, he isn't going to let it go into 'foreclosure'. He has a girlfriend that he can go ‘stay with’. So it isn’t like he has to make a mortgage payment AND pay rent on an apartment. IF he asks you ‘why’ tell him it is because he has a ‘girlfriend he can go stay with, you are NOT going to continue to being ‘maid and cook’ or have to constantly have to listen to his verbal abuse. I’d say that I was ‘fearful’ of him, and you should be. I

    Michele, DamitJanit, and DJ – I had resistant bands, and over-the-door pully; but, sent them to my DBnL after he got home from having his stroke in Miami to help with some exercises and told him to ask his PT and OT if he could use them.

    Leigh – Our insurance on house is on an installment plan with our insurance company; but, we have to come up with the property taxes which run about $1700 on the house and 90+ acres.

    We go to Bonefish Grill every time we get together in Daytona. Service and food has always been good; but, being a chain restaurant, I am sure that not all of them are always good. This last year we went to a ‘really’ fancy restaurant … two waiters, linen napkins, linen table cloth, and meals brought out one by one. We all ordered something different and passed our plates around for everybody else to have a bite or two; then, they came back to us. Coffee and dessert to ‘kill for’. Louis got sick before we left and by the time we got home he was somewhat better; but, refused to let the men take him to the ER. He now has a DVD that his Urologist has given him to watch. So far, he hasn’t. I’m going to watch it with him. I told him that his MD would NOT have given it to him if he thought that it might be something that would have to be done in case of an emergency. That might entail having them admit him into the hospital (mainly because of his age).

    Pip and Becca – I also type very fast. Don’t have to ‘hunt and peck’. Can type without looking at my hands.

    Carol – Glad your brother is out of the hospital. Are they going to have to do a surgical implant of a pacemaker?

    Dana – When we are planning on eating out or grilling out (like today to celebrate DOS’ birthday … I only eat breakfast and my nightly ‘snack’. That way I don’t go over my daily intake of calories, at least not by much.

    Joyce – I did sing in the choir in HS; not so much opportunity anywhere else. Sing it in Mass when we go. I don’t worry about it there. I just wish I could sing and hit the ‘high’ notes and hold them for a long time. I guess that is why we watch “The Voice” … so many great singers on it, so much talent … it has to be a close call on any of them.

    Heather – What a beautiful gift she gave y’all. I agree, such a nice way to remember her for years. I have a funny story about kids screaming all around, maybe if I haven’t deleted it I will post a copy of it; if not I will try to recreate the gist of it.

    It just started raining again, and Louis hasn't stopped mowing yet. Surely, he will soon.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Temperature is supposed to be 11 degrees today. Blast furnaces are more comfortable... But the art show is at 4 pm. The owner of the coffee shop has already today me she wants one of mine ... Flattering. Have six paintings in the show. Fingers crossed!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Lenora~ Dont you worry Ol Allie ,will not back down.. I will get what I want and I trust my attorney will get it for me.. I have put up with enough you know what that. after 20 yrs and taking all sorts of stuff.. I WILL get what I want...and go on to enjoy the rest of my life... believe me .. if he starts anything my phone will have 911 on speed dial..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Oh my! Just had the most lovely and delicious Spanish stew outdoors in our beautiful garden, with red wine. Watched the horse mothers and their foals whickering to each other and the birds that are nesting in our nest boxes collecting seeds from our feeders. A perfect evening with the perfect company - my DH. <3 It is so rare that it is warm enough to eat outside in the evening. We often did in London, where the temperature is 5° higher, but in the countryside it's usually too cold once the sun has gone down. Not today. Perfect.
    Living here gives us the perfect opportunity to observe animal life. I have amazed at and humbled by the wonderful mothering that the mares are giving their foals, right outside my windows. And I can watch the birds all day long. Plus a squirrel, a rabbit, a badger and a fox.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Louis is going to 'grill out' sausage that he and DOS bought yesterday; cooking red beans and rice, and have some red potato salad. That should be enough and good, too. On weekends and sometimes during the week I only eat 2 meals and make them count. Usually eat my big meal of the day about 2:00pm. It rained early and will probably rain some later on.

    I guess Trey and Jenn and the girls went over to some friends' house to celebrate Trey's birthday which was yesterday. I called him about 10 minutes before 5 and told him I was wishing him a Happy Birthday a little early; he did not come until 5:31pm ... he was happy to remain 40 for that bit of time. LOL!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Kim in N Cal, we had the nicest neighbors to the side of us. The rental house butted up to a bike trail, so we had no people looking down on us. So I would be out sunning, and dear Nadine would yell over the fence, "are ya nude"! I would answer as quietly as I could, " why yes Nadine I am". She grew great tomatoes so I did a lot of bargaining with her!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    jennymo wrote: »
    Can I join your group? I have 15lbs to go and I have been struggling for quite some time. I need help and support.
    I am 63 years old, love to line dance (3-4 times a week), walk a bit (but not enough) and I am not very good at tracking.
    Reading the posts here is giving me motivation to change my ways!
    Goals for the rest of this month:
    Track every day (even if it's not good)
    Increase exercise by walking extra blocks home after my daily coffee with my gal pals.

    Jenn from beautiful BC, Canada

    :) Welcome , Jenn. Yes we have room. Keep coming back and join in the conversation. I line dance three mornings a week and walk every day. I live on the north Olympic Peninsula in Washington. I lost weight with the help of MFP and have kept it off

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nothing much to say today except to say I agree with what everyone is saying. Allie, I don't even know why you are allowing Tom to stay now. Why wouldn't he even want to stay? He has been served for divorce, and he still wants to live there? Kind of wrong. Does your lawyer know he is trying with you?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello ladies: Things are going pretty well here,horses are out in the pasture. DD has gone to the horse racing with her DB and his fiance, so things are quiet here at home. I am doing well on my eating. I love this time of year when we can get fresh local fruit and vegetables.

    Janetr - Glad your sister is improving and hope that it continues.

    Becca - Happy belated birthday!!!

    Ginger- Sorry you lost your streak. Now just make the next one longer.

    Beth - Keep hitting that gym.

    Heather - Lovely pictures. You look like a happy group.

    Lisa - Kitties are so cute when they are sleeping.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    A lazy afternoon in the front pasture. This is my horse Jule. My DD's two are in the backround, Suni on the left and Ruby on the right.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Chris from MA. Wonderful event!!! I showed my Navy husband!