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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    What would cause you to lose fat and not weight?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    The concept of intuitive eating. The idea that we are somehow supposed to know when to start or stop eating to maintain a subjective weight is entirely absurd. The endless threads of people leaving MFP and starting up again give a small degree of insight into this.

    Expecting people to manage a checkbook without balancing is a little more plausible because once your expenses overtake your income, the consequences are immediate and direct. There are no such immediate consequences in weight management.

    So calorie counting - not very popular, but by far the most logical and efficient means to manage weight.

    While I don't disagree with your last statement. I lost weight through intuitive eating. In fact, I maintained a healthy weight for about 40 years through intuitive eating and it was only when I stopped eating intuitively that I got fat for the first time. Went back to it and lost back down to a healthy weight.

    I never balance my checkbook either. But seriously, who uses checks nowadays?

    I did the same, but it was largely through my calorie output that established my deficit/maintenance. Some people do this naturally, the same manner that a small percentage handle finances without any awareness, but to extend this to a population? That's what I find absurd.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    Blaming your metabolism is such a cop-out.

    Nothing drives me crazier than someone telling me they can't lose ANY weight because their metabolism is too slow. It's simple, CICO. Yes there are cellular differences in how your body metabolizes things, but at the end of the day, if you burn 2000 calories and only put in 1500, you're going to lose weight. Your metabolism is not some magical thing that defies the laws of thermodynamics.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you obviously haven't hit menopause yet.

    Menopause or not, you still will lose weight if you eat 1500 calories, and burn 2000 calories.

    You REALLY have no idea what women's hormones do to our bodies, do you love? Decreased estrogen, slower metabolism, affects our ability to metabolize sugars...all medical facts.

    From the Mayo Clinic:
    "The hormonal changes of menopause make you more likely to gain weight around your abdomen than around your hips and thighs."

    But apparently both my GP and my OB/GYN don't know what they are talking about, either. It's not as simple as CICO once you cross 40. It's so much more complicated now that our hormones are shutting down. That's science, friend.

    Fun Fact: Men have the same problem, they are now starting to call it MANopause. Just wait.

    Fat loss is as simple as CI<CO in menopause. But it may also be harder. Hormones regulate so much regarding hunger and metabolism. Your BMR may lower meaning that CO is lowered and you now have to eat less than before to lose. That doesn't negate CI<CO. Still if you consume less than your CO you will lose fat. But you may also gain and lose water weight constantly which makes it very hard to even know if you are losing fat.

    Determining your CO is usually what makes losing during menopause harder. And the hormone swings. Sometimes it's like having PMS, including all the cravings, for weeks at a time or several times a month.

    I agree with everything you're saying EXCEPT for saying that CICO will guarantee fat loss.....

    I thought you were saying you may have trouble during menopause because you may be catabolizing muscle and not able to lower your fat because of your hormones being out of whack. If you're losing fat, at some point, you will lose the weight once the water weight comes off....
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    rdridi12 wrote: »
    What would cause you to lose fat and not weight?

    Menopause. :p
    Seriously. This *kitten* is crazy. You have no idea, it's like your body has been hijacked by schizophrenic aliens. I eat perfect, put on 2 pounds. I eat M&Ms all weekend, lose 6. WUT?

    I get that menopause changes things, and it no doubt does, but it doesn't keep your weight steady while losing fat.....
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