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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • MsChewMe
    MsChewMe Posts: 130 Member
    It’s click bait
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    *sigh* I was in the company of some folks yesterday who I had not seen in a while, and they noticed I had lost weight. That led to an in-depth discussion with one gentleman on weight loss methods, and revealed to me that apparently, my opinion that when a person does a low carb diet like the Atkins diet and goes into ketosis, that the body simply switches from using carbs to using stored fat, releasing ketones,and that whether you are doing high carb or low carb, that energy balance and CICO were what caused a person to lose weight, not necessarily what they were fueling their bodies with - I mistakenly made the claim that even if you are doing the paleo or Atkins diets, you still had to watch the calories in verses calories out in order to lose weight. He actually made the claim that when you are doing low carb and are in ketosis, you could eat a million calories a day and would lose weight!

    Amazing! And here I thought that the point was energy balance, whether I was using glucose or ketones to power my body, when all along, it wasn't necessary at all to count calories and watch my intake! Well, at least I know it now before the holidays! *note: that was stated VERY tongue in cheek......*

    This just in: prolonged ketosis leads to death from starvation!
    The dude didn't really think his argument through there.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2017
    It's really common to hear claims that one can lose regardless of calories on keto. And even if they don't directly claim it or back down/hedge when pressed, that's clearly the concept behind all the "calories don't matter" assertions from diet gurus of all stripes (not just keto). Similarly, the "it's insulin, not calories" thing. On the whole MFP low carber/ketoers don't seem to buy into that koolaid, but you see it among some percentage of newbies who show up here and the occasional drive-by ketoevangelist who pops in to tell us all how to do it.

    I've also seen plenty of people pushing keto as a good way to eat indefinitely (and I have no problem with that, if that's how someone likes eating). Tim Noakes is one example or even Phinney and Volek, who discuss keto as a way to eat, not just a way to diet. I listen to some keto podcasts (sometimes, I listen to vegan ones too), where the hosts are all about eating keto while training and so on, and not for weight loss specifically.

    (I'm sure Jimmy Moore is also pushing keto for life, and while I have issues with him, since I find it bizarre he's supposed to be a diet expert, I suspect he may be responsible for a high percentage of newbie keto-ers, however much I don't get it. He seems popular and gets referenced a lot among newbies, including his over-the-top warnings about too much protein.)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    I don't think yoga is real exercise or actually burns any calories.

    There are different types of yoga. The yoga I do is definitely hard work.

    Also, what is your definition of "real exercise" ?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    I don't think yoga is real exercise or actually burns any calories.

    You've never done Yoga have you...2 10 min sessions and my own husband is dripping in sweat and he isn't out of shape.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    @sardelsa @SezxyStef @quiksylver296 I absolutely have done and currently do yoga. I love bikram but I don't think it's a fat burning exercise as much stretching. And sweating a lot is not a gauge of how many calories you're burning, it's your body cooling down. I think my definition of real exercise is when my heart rate goes up, I'm out of breath, and I feel like I really worked. I do know yoga is work but it just doesn't feel the same, it does not give me that same sense of accomplishment or make me feel like there's going to be any sort of calorie deficit when I'm done.

    Well sounds like we have a different definition of exercise. My heart rate doesn't go up that much and I am not out of breath when I am in the gym.. and my exercise actually does not put me in a calorie deficit. To me, exercise has nothing to do with calorie burn.

    Totally agree with that.

    I can do a 5k run and not be out of breath or "feel" like I have worked...I can squat 140lbs x12 and be fine to.

    Exercise for me is something you do to increase your fitness level and aid in being healthy...

    calorie burns just mean I can eat more food...so yah no deficit after exercise.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    @sardelsa @SezxyStef @quiksylver296 I absolutely have done and currently do yoga. I love bikram but I don't think it's a fat burning exercise as much stretching. And sweating a lot is not a gauge of how many calories you're burning, it's your body cooling down. I think my definition of real exercise is when my heart rate goes up, I'm out of breath, and I feel like I really worked. I do know yoga is work but it just doesn't feel the same, it does not give me that same sense of accomplishment or make me feel like there's going to be any sort of calorie deficit when I'm done.

    Well sounds like we have a different definition of exercise. My heart rate doesn't go up that much and I am not out of breath when I am in the gym.. and my exercise actually does not put me in a calorie deficit. To me, exercise has nothing to do with calorie burn.

    I respect that.
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ccruz985 wrote: »
    Yes I have done yoga, thank you. I love bikram but I don't think it's a fat burning exercise as much stretching. And sweating a lot is not a gauge of how many calories you're burning, it's our bodies cooling down.

    I get what sweating is...but I also know this.

    That I lift weights...heavy weights and can bench press my body weight and I am not strong enough yet to get into a lot of the yoga poses out there and hold them...so when you can and you believe those aren't real exercise or burns calories (btw just laying burns calories) come talk to us.


    ETA these images...for example...tell me that these are not exercise... :D:D:D

    Good for you. I'll stick with what another person wrote, we have a different definition of exercise. It would also appear that our goals are very different as well.
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