Volume Eaters Thread



  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    Im curious if i could make them in cupcake form and freeze thm. I think ill try

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! You definitely can freeze them. I would use clear wrap and then put in a Ziploc with the date. They would probably taste good frozen too. Like a frozen birthday cake!

    Mmmmm. im going to find a way to get peanutbutter/filling in a cupcake version of these for work. Im now determined. Id start trying now but i feel like eatinh an entire carton of egg whites in one night sounds excessive xD
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    @JaydedMiss thank you for sharing the recipe again. I can’t wait to try this. Some ways I add volume to my meals with minimal calories is using pumpkin. I am obsessed with string beans too and add it to most of my dinners.
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I did it. Oh. My. God.

    Only issue i had was eggs are aparently really hard to crack nicely at room temp. Had to add a little Xanthan gum to thicken it slightly when one of my yolks half cracked in the mix. Otherwise. OMG. Used vanilla whey with caramel extract topped with fruits and light whip cream- 205 calorie cake 375 calories total. Its SO much beter thn i expected and has 39g protein. holy. The cake itself tastes like toasted marshmallow.

    Edit to add- The cake itself is good enough to eat on its own happily.... Seriously way beter thn i expected

    Can you please share the recipe? This looks so delicious!

    Was posted before a few pages back heres a video . I think this is a new few times a week thing for me. So filling and super easy lol. Remember cartoned egg whites dont work, And i believe it has to be whey protein i went out and got it just for this :p Worth it

    She used way more than 5 calories of the Reddi Whip cream :# ...js
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    @jaydedmiss that looks amazing! You’re on fire! (And your belly will be soon with all that delicious protein.)
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    @jaydedmiss that looks amazing! You’re on fire! (And your belly will be soon with all that delicious protein.)

    Worth it. Mmmm. Just need to find a source of fat and call it a meal lol

    Edit- Yeah this ones 54g protein other was 40....jeez ima never wana eat again lol
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    @JaydedMiss was the Peanut butter regular or powdered? Again, you’re really a great protein chef. So glad I found you and this thread!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    @JaydedMiss was the Peanut butter regular or powdered? Again, you’re really a great protein chef. So glad I found you and this thread!

    Its peanut flour, I mix it with a sprinkle of salt and some splenda. Its wonderful and way cheaper thn PB2 xD Higher protein lower cal and can make whatever flavor i want its yum

    Edit- This is bulk eater thread, Normal peanutbutter sadly isnt bulky :D
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Side note for those who said you were going to make the protein cake, The first one had a way beter texture im not sure if its because i added a bit of xanthan gum or the more likely culprit was the second one fluffed up alot more and was super thick in the tin. Didnt cook as nice XD Still delicious but to get the proper deliciousness make sure not to pile the fluff up to high to cook. I got greedy xD
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    It’s not exactly volume, unless it’s a big comfort food for you, like it is for me, but I’m shocked by how low calorie smothered liver is. I used my family recipe of simmering lightly floured, fried, liver with carmelized onions, mushrooms, and cream of mushroom soup, (I left off the bacon), and one lb of liver. It made six sevings at 270 calories. It tasted like over 500 to me tho.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Yay! I'm so glad someone else made the protein angel food cake!! I need more eggs and then I'll be making more! @JaydedMiss, if you come up with any other variations/flavors, please share your ideas!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Yay! I'm so glad someone else made the protein angel food cake!! I need more eggs and then I'll be making more! @JaydedMiss, if you come up with any other variations/flavors, please share your ideas!

    Will do! I love any and all excuses to make pretty food :D
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    This is ridiculous!

    Like it??
  • maisiba
    maisiba Posts: 66 Member
    I really need to get that cream of tartar now. I want to try the angel food cake too. It looks so good and hearing you all rave about it makes me "jealous." LOL

    Anyway, I finally got around to try out that rice pudding idea from a few pages back.

    It can't compete with the angel cake I'm afraid but it was actually better than I expected and pretty quick and easy to make. And it's the complete opposite to the protein ice cream in one regard - it gets served and eaten hot/warm. So ideal for cold weather.

    It's debatable how high volume it is but I find it quite filling. The volume in the bowl is probably around 400ml so it's not bad, especially for the amount of calories.



    The brown-ish color comes from cinnamon which I probably should have put on top of the pudding too. Anyway, the idea comes from a dish called "milk rice" which is eaten here often as a sweet full meal or as dessert. To reduce calories, white rice is replaced with shirataki/konjac rice and normal milk with unsweetened almond milk here. Consistency is slightly different because the konjac rice doesn't soak up the milk as milk rice does but there is still a reasonable resemblence.

    200 ml unsweetened almond milk
    200 g shirataki rice (drained weight)
    4 g guar gum
    Vanilla (extract or any other form of vanilla)
    Sweetener of choice - I used stevia
    Topping of your choice - I used raspberries and blueberries

    Put the almond milk in a pot, add the guar gum and stir to mix them. Turn on heat and add the drained and cleaned shirataki rice. Once the pudding is cooking, add cinnamon, sweetener of your choice and vanilla extract - be generous with the amounts since the shirataki rice doesn't have any flavor of its own. Stir at medium heat for about 3 minutes until the pudding has the desired thickness. Pour into a bowl and top with fruit.

    It's really quick and not bad. I wouldn't say it's amazing though. This was a first attempt however, so there is plenty of room for improvements.

    Further comments: the original recipe suggested konjac flour or carob gum as thickener but I didn't have that at home and usually guar gum does the same trick and it did work. If you have none of those, I would expect that xantham gum or soy flour works too.

    - Hot desert
    - Quick and easy to make
    - Filling
    - High in fiber
    - A calorie bargain

    - Konjac rice makes it a bit pricey
    - Not everyone likes shirataki rice
    - Hardly any protein
    - Flavor and consistency might be not distinctive enough

    To me, it was worth a try. I might experiment a bit more with it but not with high priority. If anyone else gives it a try, let me know what you think.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    So @nowine4me, you mean ridiculous as in amazing, right? I bought more eggs yesterday so I will be making another one today! B)
    @maisiba, the rice pudding looks good! I'm hesitant to try the shirataki rice because of my dislike for the noodles. I'm still not sure I would even find the rice as I've only seen the noodles here (to be honest, I've never looked though).
    @theyoginurse, your stir fry looks great! Definitely don't be ashamed of eating high volume!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    I just de-yolked my eggs im going to make this again in a few hours (no idea how long it takes to get to room temp, Cant soak them in water when deyolking first XD )

    Im going to try seasoning it a little more adding a bit of xanthan gum to counteract the extra liquid and attempting to make into muffins. I liked the outer bits the best nice and chewy and soft, My hope is in cupcake form itl cook nicely and be mostly outer edge :p I hope to make it nice and flavorful enough to eat just on its own no fancy toppings as a good breakfast base/addition

    I cant decide if i should make itty bitty baby cupcakes or just muffin sized yet. I think ill try itty bitty ones one day :p Cant be a bad thing to have bite sized like no cal baby cake muffins around. This will be interesting :p

    Edit to add: If anyone sees this before i make them any thoughts on how long it will take? Much less im sure i was cooking the cake at 350 for around 20-25 minutes i imagine cupcakes would be the same just take less time and keep an eye on em, Cook until the tops a nice golden brown and then possibly a few more minutes to be safe
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    Had two POUNDS of roasted cauliflower yesterday with S&P, garlic powder, and a TBSP of parmesan cheese. That stuff is so fun to eat when watching a movie. I pull it apart and pop it like pop corn.

    Does that officially make me a volume eater?

    Not sure, But it makes me jealous
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    This is ridiculous!

    That looks awesome! Once I get through a lot of my junk food seasonal treats I'll have to make this!

    Keep the low calorie dessert/volume eating desserts coming!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    They look so good!! I don't have any lemons/juice though! :frowning:
    My eggs are warming to room temperature now.
    I used Quest Salted caramel for the cake I made last time, but I'm all out now. My choices are (all Quest brand) peanut butter, strawberries n cream, or banana cream. I can't decide which one to do. Thoughts?
    I didn't use any toppings last time either. I thought it was fine on it's own.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    They look so good!! I don't have any lemons/juice though! :frowning:
    My eggs are warming to room temperature now.
    I used Quest Salted caramel for the cake I made last time, but I'm all out now. My choices are (all Quest brand) peanut butter, strawberries n cream, or banana cream. I can't decide which one to do. Thoughts?
    I didn't use any toppings last time either. I thought it was fine on it's own.

    Banana cream sounds amazing lol i seem to be in a tropical comforting taste kind of mood im craving bananas pineapples and lemons
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I have cartoned egg whites...how are they different from egg beaters? Just wondering cause I want to try the cake, but don't want to waste ingredients if it won't work
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ^^I'd like to know that too. I'd prefer to use cartoned whites as well. They specifically say that they won't work in the video
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2017
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ^^I'd like to know that too. I'd prefer to use cartoned whites as well. They specifically say that they won't work in the video

    They also say they won't work for meringues on every carton of egg whites I've ever purchased.

    I have some in the fridge right now. I'm going to go run a test on them, because that would be a huge thing if they did indeed work.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Awesome! Definitely let us know. I'll be pretty pumped if it comes out good!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I just tested the carton egg whites. They did whip, BUT... they didn't get quite as stiff as regular egg whites would.