Any recommendations for a good colon cleanse?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    dale050467 wrote: »
    Halo Top

    doesnt work that way for me lol
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Haribo sugar free gummy bears.

    Agree - you just need to go slow and find your magic number or you will be very, very sad.... Try 10 at one time and then add a few each day until you go. This is not a long term solution.

    I am assuming that this isn't about purging (which is bad) and an inquiry about bowel health in general.

    Long term it's better to create the environment where your gut works as it's supposed to (input, process, output) and the weight (solid, liquid, real perceived) will literally fall off because you are more efficiently digesting your food and it's not rotting in your colon.

    Something that helps to get your bowel moving is melatonin powder (bulksupplements on Amazon) 1/32 of a teaspoon, because it increases peristalsis (bowel motility) and literally increases the natural antidepressants in your gut and makes you happy. (It's actually recommended for IBS-C patients.) I have no feeling of fullness, sense of can't go, or cramping - I was amazed.

    I also try to take at least two teaspoons of pure psyllium seed husk (Bob's Red Mill) and two tablespoons of rice bran powder (Now Brand) every day. I incorporate 1 each psyllium seed husk and rice bran powder in my morning smoothie (pretty much undetectable) and the other dose at night whipped up in warm water (I don't mind the taste) if I don't have it in my lunch (explained below).

    This seems to help me immensely to be regular on my low carb diet. I was in a world of hurt before and actually went for a colonic to get things moving again (it worked short term but didn't work long term); so, I went the sugar free gummy bear route the next time just so that I would go until I figured things out. I was literally at the point that all I though about was #2... (TMI - LOL) .

    In my searching for a more permanent solution I found things that helped to balance the "bowel milieu":
    • liquid probiotics (I like American Health unflavored in High Fat Greek Yogurt);
    • fermented vegetables like Kimchi and Miso paste (I get these at the local Asian market because they have them cheaper) that I blend with seasonal greens, especially parsley, and veggies and raw apple cider vinegar.

    I make up a kind of blended "raw vegetable soup" that I eat at lunch during the week and it's like clock work now.

    Another thing to look at adding is sodium butyrate (smells like stinky cheese) because it jump starts your bowel flora and makes things work so much better.

    Like good compost, a well-digested #2 smells very different than what you may have been used to.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    kavahni wrote: »
    Having a regular poop every day is a really fabulous colon cleanse. And as a bonus, it doesn't cost anything more than your regular diet.

    Awesome, I have 4 cleanses a day!


  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    A vindaloo generally does it for most people, or some castor oil mixed with pure orange juice.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Haribo sugar free gummy bears.

    Gummi bears
    Pooing here and there and everywhere
    High adventures that are beyond compare
    They are the gummi bears

    And there went my whole childhood...
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I don't know if this thread is serious or not, or if there was a resolved concensus... but you can buy an enema kit at the drug store and do an in home enema with just warm water. Do it once a day for 2-3 days and your colon will be sparkly clean on the inside.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I don't know if this thread is serious or not, or if there was a resolved concensus... but you can buy an enema kit at the drug store and do an in home enema with just warm water. Do it once a day for 2-3 days and your colon will be sparkly clean on the inside.

    Also makes for a fun response when coworkers ask, "What are your plans tonight?"
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    rdridi12 wrote: »
    And OP - I know we're poking fun, but all of these very silly suggestions for things that will give you diarrhea are just as legitimate as anything that markets itself as a colon cleanse.

    It's nothing more than a way to get you to pay money to spend hours on the toilet with cramps. Ask yourself why something which, when unplanned and unexpected is a sickness, is suddenly beneficial when you slot it into your calendar.

    No one ever gets over a case of food poisoning and celebrates how clean their colon feels and how detoxed they are.

    Never said I was doing it to detox. There are benefits to getting rid of build up in your colon. I'm not talking about doing some salt water flush type of thing to spend 6 hours back and forth between the toilet, I'm talking about a cleanse to help eliminate any build up in my colon to help with nutrient absorption.

    No worries though. I'll go elsewhere

    I almost never fray into these discussions but I'm going to on this one because you people clearly have misconceptions about what a colon cleanse is/does. First off, I've never had a colon cleanse give me diarrhea. I'm sure there are some out there that do that, but a decent one will not. Second, every colon cleanse I've ever done has resulted in nothing more then extra trips to the bathroom to empty the bowel of normal, everyday, waste that has collected and not passed well. Someone is going to say, then why do one? Because the body does get build up in the colon/bowel and a good cleanse will take away the excesses faster and easier then many other methods. After a detox/cleanse I generally experience clearer skin, feel better overall, and have more energy. Fasting will do the same thing. So there is more then one way to skin a cat. Third, I clearly see some people coming here wanting to detox/cleanse as a weight loss method. THAT, does not work, nor does it even make sense.

    The body does have its own detox pathways. What y'all fail to "get" is that our bodies also take in via the skin and air (and even the crappy food we sometimes eat), chemicals and waste that are not good for our bodies, nor are our bodies good at eliminating etc. If this weren't the case, then they wouldn't have issues with water contaminated with hormones and antibiotics affecting people's health because everyone would magically eliminate them out. But we don't eliminate out everything. In a perfect world, maybe, but not in this one. An occasional juice detox, fasting (a day or two) detox, whatever, is not necessarily bad for the body. There will always be extremes on both ends of the spectrum, but you guys are on the extreme on the opposite end of a good detox/cleanse. There is a middle ground. It would do you well to find it.

    I absolutely support taking probiotics while you're doing a cleanse because you can (and will if you're not careful) kill off your good bacteria which is not the goal. So if you're going to do an herbal cleanse of any type (in particular), always take a good probiotic at night on an empty stomach to replenish your gut (heck, a probiotic daily is just a good idea). This is not so much an issue if you're doing a fresh juice cleanse or regular fasting for a day or two. It is mostly an issue for herbal types of cleanses.

    OP, as for a good cleanse, the best one I have ever used is Dr. Schulze's cleanse. It does not taste bad - most are awful. It's really easy to do (it's not time consuming). And it never gave me diarrhea. He makes some crazy claims and I don't endorse his stuff because I believe what he is saying (beyond just it's good for a general detox). I like his cleanse products because of their ingredients and they have been the gentlest and least time consuming of the ones I've tried over the years. The unfortunate reality is that a lot of natural health stuff makes claims they shouldn't because it's the only way to catch people's attention to try alternatives. The true reality is, there are a lot of good natural health things out there that do work well but never gain traction because their voice isn't the loudest and the cost of studies to prove their effectiveness are horribly expensive. And just like the medical world, people are out to make money. Discernment is always a must. Nonetheless, you asked about a cleanse and this is the one I would recommend above others I've used.

    As with all things in this world, do your research, know your body (if you're one that does tend easily toward diarrhea then any cleanse you do should be cut in half dosage wise), and be well.

    As for the rest of you, I don't even want to hear it. OP asked for an answer and I gave him one. A thorough and balanced answer.

    All the best, OP.

    $58 for Curaçao and Cape Aloe Leaf, Senna Leaf and Pod, Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Garlic Bulb, Habanero Pepper.

    Senna is a laxative, ginger is supposed to help calm the stomach, habanero will make it burn on the way out to make you really feel like you got rid of toxins, and the rest are to ensure you don't get nasty tasting burps after taking it.

    Also, your probiotics don't do what you think they do. You should be thankful your stomach acid prevents microorganisms from going further down your digestive tract. The best way to replenish the good bacteria in your intestinal tract is a poop transplant.


    I cringe whenever I hear anyone looking for a colon cleanse/detox/probiotic.

    Eat sauerkraut. Yogurt has a marginal impact. Roughage and fiber to keep the traffic moving, but that's about it.

    None of the current medical treatments currently available are above 40% effective. Far too many variables at play in syntrophic gut bacteria relationships and anyone claiming to have a solution is just marketing crap - literally.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    Bizarrely, I really would like to see a "sparkly clean colon." Sounds like it's lined with gems or stars.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    kavahni wrote: »
    Bizarrely, I really would like to see a "sparkly clean colon." Sounds like it's lined with gems or stars.
    Don't google it though! You may regret it!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kavahni wrote: »
    Bizarrely, I really would like to see a "sparkly clean colon." Sounds like it's lined with gems or stars.

    Ask for photos at your next colonoscopy. They can do that now.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    kavahni wrote: »
    Bizarrely, I really would like to see a "sparkly clean colon." Sounds like it's lined with gems or stars.

  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Try a very long bottle brush.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Taco Bell and a hose.
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    Something about Japanese hibachi grill does it for me every time