July 2017 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 Yes, running in Florida is special, isn't it? If the heat and humidity don't getcha, that bright hot sun searing your eyes and skin definitely will! Where in Florida are you? I'm in St. Pete.
    I am a little north of Orlando -- Longwood. I normally run in the dark because I run before school (teacher). So from August-May I start at 4:20am or so...
    But in the summer I run half dark/half light.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    ctlaws44 wrote: »
    I donated blood in the morning so I didn't quite know how these runs were going to turn out. The nice thing about donating blood at work is that I get 4 hrs excused leave so I was home relaxing by 10:30. I took a nice long nap and then headed out to run. I took it easy at first and wore my HRM and monitored it often to make sure nothing was going bad. I felt really good! It's good to know that if I'm ever out running, and I misplace a pint of blood, I can easily make it 10 miles or so. I'll see in the morning how I feel though. On another note The Red Cross said my blood pressure was 100/68 which is an improvement from last Oct. 146/92.

    the general recommendation is not to do exercise following a blood donation, but to rest for up to 24 hours. The loss of haemoglobin (from the missing blood) means that there would be a reduction in oxygen travelling to your muscles and organs. Last time I gave blood I tried running the next day and felt AWFUL - my legs felt like lead. I don't know if there would be potential for long term damage but it's probably not a great idea.

    I used to give blood 4x a year but after I started running my iron was always either too low or on the cusp of giving. A couple years ago I gave when my iron was right on the minimum level to give and then either the next day or day after I went for a run and it was like I could not MOVE! Exactly as @girlinahat said -- legs felt like lead. I had never felt anything like that. It lasted many days. And then on the weekend biking, I was dropped like a hot potato...couldn't keep up. I have been afraid to give since that time. There isn't really a time when I'm not running or cycling... so there's no time to give. And with my iron being right on the cusp... just didn't want to risk it anymore.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 Yes, running in Florida is special, isn't it? If the heat and humidity don't getcha, that bright hot sun searing your eyes and skin definitely will! Where in Florida are you? I'm in St. Pete.
    I am a little north of Orlando -- Longwood. I normally run in the dark because I run before school (teacher). So from August-May I start at 4:20am or so...
    But in the summer I run half dark/half light.

    My sister moved to Longwood about a year ago. But then she retired and she is moving back to Texas soon. I never did get a chance to come visit here when she was there.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2017
    Only having short runs. Was feeling rather tired due to catching cold today. Seems like skipping weightlifting has been detrimental to my stamina somehow. Have a 3 days trip to a hill station next week and still have 40 km left to my target. Want to cover as much distance as I can manage before that.
    Happy weekends to everyone!

    July Running Challenge
    Goal: 100 km
    Ran: 63/100

    21/7/17 Run 3 km
    20/7/17 Run 3 km (60)
    19/7/17 Run 5 km (57)
    17/7/17 Run 8 km (52)
    15/7/17 Run 7 km (44)
    14/7/17 Rest Day Walk 7 km
    13/7/17 Run 8 km walk 5 km (37)
    12/7/17 Run 7 km walk 5 km
    11/7/17 Run 8 km Walk 6 km (21)
    10/7/17 Walk 5 km
    9/7/17 Run 7 km (14)
    8/7/17 walk 2km
    7/7/17 Walk 4 km
    6/7/17 (Sick)Rest day
    5/7/17 Run 7 km + Yoga
    4/7/17 SL+ Walk 15 km
    3/7/17 Walk 7 km
    1/7/17 walk 8 km

    SL : Strong lift
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member

    7/1 4mi 39:56min
    7/2 rest
    7/3 6mi 56:06min
    7/4 7mi 67:36min
    7/5 rest
    7/6 10mi 1:38:49min
    7/7 5mi 47:19min
    7/9 4mi 38:35min
    7/10 rest
    7/11 6mi 57:54min
    7/12 4mi 37:22min
    7/13 rest
    7/14 6mi 58:45min
    7/15 5mi 48:28min
    7/16 10mi 1:41:20min
    7/17 rest
    7/18 6mi 57:17min
    7/19 7mi 67:29min
    7/20 rest
    7/21 6mi 57:11min
    7/22 4mi 37:16min

    Phew it's hot out there! I planned my route so that I finished near a golf cart stop - bathrooms and they have a cooler full of cold water with little paper cups. That's the nice part about running in a community nestled in a golf course. It's right along the sidewalk.

    10 miles tomorrow. I'm getting up at 5 am. Hopefully I'll be out the door running by 5:30 am. It's supposed to be 80 degrees at 5 am.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    7/1 - vacation
    7/2 - vacation
    7/3 - vacation
    7/4 - vacation
    7/5 - vacation
    7/6 - 5 mile run (FINALLY!!!)
    7/7 - 3 mile shakeout run in the lovely, light rain
    7/8 - Women’s Distance Festival 5k (24:03) - 72°F & 96% humidity (bleurgh)
    7/9 - 10 mile long run
    7/10 - rest
    7/11 - 6 miles w/a beatdown from the heat
    7/12 - 8 miles w/summer track workout: 2.5 mi wup, 400/800/1200/1200/800/400 ladder, 1 mi cd
    7/13 - rest
    7/14 - daily double - 5.1 mile negative split run/4 mile run
    7/15 - 5 mile recovery run
    7/16 - 4 mile slow run
    7/17 - 8.5 mile run (glorious weather, but .5 mile short due to lightning)
    7/18 - 4 mile recovery run
    7/19 - 8 miles w/summer track workout: 3 mi wu, 4x1200m w/recoveries, .5 mi cd
    7/20 - 4 mile slowwww recovery run w/a sinus infection

    July Total: 77.7/150
    844.5 miles/2,017 miles - goal for the year

    So, I've had to rearrange my running schedule this week yet again. Great way to kick off my first week of marathon training! Lol. As self-diagnosed, I have a sinus infection. Yayyyyyy. Got antibiotics yesterday afternoon, so I'm hoping they really start kicking in soon. My original rearranged plan was to try to get my long run (PR distance) in early this morning, but based on how I felt on last night's short, slow recovery run - complete and utter hot garbage, with breathing being a struggle - I decided that was a very very bad idea, lol. I am going to be away most of the weekend, so the new plan is to see if I can squeeze in a 6 mile run (or at least some distance), which I was going to do Sunday evening, early Saturday morning instead. Then on Sunday, I will try to do my long run in the evening. This will be after a 3+ hour drive home, so we'll see how that goes. Ugh. The best laid plans and all that. Oh well, c'est la vie.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    Whats the verdict on Darn Tough socks? I'm looking for socks, I use my socks for both running and everyday wear so I need something that can take the abuse. I'm getting tired of having to replace my socks every couple months because I've pounded holes in them. This would be my first time stepping out of a mid range prices sock ($12-$20 a 6 pack) to a full priced sock ($12-$15 each) and I want to make sure I'm getting something that will last all day every day.

    If you would have asked me 6 months ago "would you spend $12 for a pair of socks?" I would have said you're nuts... well I was desperate, my toes were sore and hurting. The pads of my toes felt bruised. So I got new sneakers and new socks - $12 belaga socks! $12!! But They felt like clouds on my feet! I haven't looked back. I think they are worth every penny! My running store offers them buy 3 get one free so I've got 6 pairs in my rotation. I tried a pack of asics socks (no go) and I gifted 2 pairs to a runner friend who was struggling with blisters. She's convinced now too!
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @MobyCarp thank you for the insight, I feel better about getting them now.

    @zdyb23456 yeah I have a pair of belagas that are holding up well but they are a little too short for my tastes. I'm heading to a REI to try on the Darn Tough socks today.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I picked up a couple of pairs of Balega Enduro low-show, and a couple of pairs of Balega Blister Resist quarter length. Just one 6.5 mile run last night has me singing the Enduro's praises from the rooftops.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Got my trekking poles today! Depending on how my Doctor visit goes today, I might try a hike tomorrow morning, if I'm cleared to do that. Got invited to a "Not Quite 50k" FatAss run on August 12, that happens to be the first half of the 100k I'm signed up for. I told them I'm slow, and might not be 100%, they said not to worry about it... so if my calf is good, I'll be going for it.
  • harmonyashlyn5
    harmonyashlyn5 Posts: 26 Member
    7/3: 2.1
    7/4: 1.6
    7/5: 2.2
    7/6: 0.8
    7/7: 0.0
    7/8: 2.4
    7/9: 0.0
    7/10: 0.5
    7/10: 5.5
    7/11: 0.8
    7/12: 2.0
    7/13: 1.0
    7/14: 3.7
    7/15: 0.0
    7/16: 2.2
    7/17: 7.9
    7/18: 4.0
    7/19: 6.9
    7/20: 2.0

    Total: 44.4 / 50 :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7/1 8 miles
    7/2 Forced rest day
    7/3 7 easy miles in high humidity
    7/4 10 easy miles in high humidity
    7/5 7 miles in high humidity
    7/6 Thunderstorms forced rest day :frowning:
    7/7 6 miles zone 2/3
    7/8 17 miles in zone 2
    7/9 Travel day no run
    7/10 7 miles zone 2
    7/11 Too hot to play
    7/12 6 miles zone 2
    7/13 rest
    7/14 5.79 miles Zone 2
    7/15 rest day
    7/16 Travel day
    7/17 7 miles 30% Zone 3, 60% Zone 2.
    7/18 Too hot to run
    7/19 7 miles 50% Z3, 50% Z2
    7/20 6 miles 60% Z2, 30% Z3
    7/21 6 miles - 26% Z2, 43% Z3, 29% Z4

    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    07/28/17 - Liberty Mile - 1 mile race just to see what a short run really is :)
    08/2017 - Cranberry Cup 5k. (plan for a PR attempt)
    10/14/17 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km

    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    Today was supposed to be an easy hour run. The dew point was 73F which is knocking on the door of STAY INSIDE YOU IDIOT. Despite that advice, I went and ran. It supposed to rain all weekend so might be a few days before I can get back out. So I start the good old left right left right and kept going.

    It was hot and hard, and I was drenched but I just kept going.

    A bumble bee crashed into me, trying to tell me to stop no doubt, but I kept at it.

    Eventually, I hit the hour I had for running and stopped. All my high tech super fabric clothes were drenched and I was leaving a trail of salt water behind me but I was not dead.

    After cleaning up, I pulled up my run on Strava and it said:

    26% Z2, 43% Z3, 29% Z4

    SO I guess I basically ran a tempo run by mistake :) Ops. Maybe should have listened to the bumble bee...
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    GOT MY HYDRATION PACK!! Unfortunately, work employment is getting in the way of me getting familiar intimate with it.

    So far I love how light it is. And the note from the designer with his personal suggestions. It's already 100 out so.... No guarantee I'll try it out today. We'll see.

    I didn't tell DH I bought it. But to be fair now, he just got a 110$ ticket. I think that makes us even. But if I break it out for our usual weekly longer run (not as long as @garygse 's runs) :wink: I'm obviously going to hafta 'splain. He already thinks I squirrel money away.*ehm, duh, 2nd marriage. I did learn something in the 1st. So, I may have to wait until Monday to try it. Unless I come up with a legit money having reason..... Oh, maybe someone knows a rep that got me a deal on it.... Mmm. Needs work. Hiding it in the boot for now.

    I could rub it in the dirt and claim a co-worker gave it to me? Might be suspicious that I mentioned I wanted this exact on though.

    Oh I've had this thing for ages? Nah...

    "i'm pretty sure I told you I was ordering that. You probably just forgot."
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    1/7-4.7 Miles

    Total -68.9/100
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,145 Member
    04/07 3.79miles
    05/07 4.80 miles
    06/07 3.45 miles
    07/07 3.23 miles
    08/07 3.26 miles - inhaled my first fly of the year.
    17/07 3.78 miles
    18/07 3.36 miles - that was a slow and steady slog (note to self- do not eat a steak a few hours before a run)
    20/07 4.53 miles
    21/07 4.16 miles


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2017
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    GOT MY HYDRATION PACK!! Unfortunately, work employment is getting in the way of me getting familiar intimate with it.

    So far I love how light it is. And the note from the designer with his personal suggestions. It's already 100 out so.... No guarantee I'll try it out today. We'll see.

    I didn't tell DH I bought it. But to be fair now, he just got a 110$ ticket. I think that makes us even. But if I break it out for our usual weekly longer run (not as long as @garygse 's runs) :wink: I'm obviously going to hafta 'splain. He already thinks I squirrel money away.*ehm, duh, 2nd marriage. I did learn something in the 1st. So, I may have to wait until Monday to try it. Unless I come up with a legit money having reason..... Oh, maybe someone knows a rep that got me a deal on it.... Mmm. Needs work. Hiding it in the boot for now.

    I could rub it in the dirt and claim a co-worker gave it to me? Might be suspicious that I mentioned I wanted this exact on though.

    Oh I've had this thing for ages? Nah...

    "i'm pretty sure I told you I was ordering that. You probably just forgot."

    Oh hell ya! I knew you had my back :wink: