July 2017 Running Challenge



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @MNLittleFinn As to the point @MobyCarp made on medical mileage - if you have a flex plan for medical, you can turn in the mileage for reimbursement from your plan.

    cool. Good to know. I'll have to ask my wife about that, she works in the industry, and we are insured through her work.

    It's not from insurance, it is if you have a flex plan (where you set aside before-tax wages to be used for medical expenses) - sometimes known as a "flexible spending account" or as a "125 plan" (named after Internal Revenue Code Section 125, which regulates such plans).

    You opt into these if available and money is held from paychecks before tax and put into a fund. When you have co-pays for medical visits, prescriptions, etc., you would turn these in to the flex plan for reimbursement from the fund. Some plans offer debit cards so that the reimbursement process is more automated because you just use the debit card whenever you can, such as at pharmacies or at dr. visits where they can take your card. Rather than reimbursing, you spend money directly from the flex fund through that card.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2017
    20---3.41 so hot walk


    Upcoming races:

    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.

    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 10:04  5k 34.27 10k 1:20.25
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member

    08/07 3.26 miles - inhaled my first fly of the year.

    Oh my! Sounds terrible but I love your determination! Out there the next day, no problem!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2017
    Azercord wrote: »
    Whats the verdict on Darn Tough socks? I'm looking for socks, I use my socks for both running and everyday wear so I need something that can take the abuse. I'm getting tired of having to replace my socks every couple months because I've pounded holes in them. This would be my first time stepping out of a mid range prices sock ($12-$20 a 6 pack) to a full priced sock ($12-$15 each) and I want to make sure I'm getting something that will last all day every day.

    Edited- duh, I should make sure I understand the post before responding. :blush:

    Good luck on your sock quest.

    ETA @MobyCarp is the go to on the Darn Tough socks
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    This Florida heat and running .... wow... it's killing me. I decided to weigh myself before and after my run -- 3 pounds exactly the difference. I have been drinking a TON of water w/Ultima Replenisher since then but still feel that little nagging dehydration headache creeping its way in.

    Wow! 3 pounds! I run, walk or bike and I weight more! I am not heat conditioned
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    WK 7.17.17 - 7.23.17

    M - 10 m.
    T - 4.9 m. Ez day
    W - 10 m.
    T - 7.2 m.
    F -
    S - Planned LR of 17 miles.
    S -
    Total - 32 running Miles * Goal is a 60 + mile running week.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp Great write up as usual. I'm living vicariously trough your daily reports as I'm on my running lay-off. You have enough detail that I can kind of feel the runs... Thank you for that!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    7/1 - Rest Day
    7/2 -Rest Day
    7/3 - Rest Day
    7/4 - 2.98 (Based on Garmin distance) for local 5K… time was 26:22; not a PR at all, but I haven't run at all since 6/24 and won't be fat adapted for awhile yet.
    7/5 - 5.03 miles - not as fast as I planned :(
    7/6 - 3.01 miles treadmill. Plan was for easy miles, and these were scary slow.
    7/7 - Rest day
    7/8 - 7.37 miles. New trail running shoes! Went out on a trail I haven't visited for awhile, was hot and very slow. Very tall grass in areas made this very difficult as well.
    7/9 - Rest
    7/10 - Rest
    7/11 - 3.0 easy miles treadmill, very slow, before weight lifting. It's hot outside and it is just easy to run on the treadmill at the gym before lifting. I knew I was going to lose some speed when changing nutrition again, but this is really starting to scare me.
    7/12 - 5.02 miles, still slower than I wanted.
    7/13 - 3.0 miles treadmill before lifting weights. Still slow, but plan was for easy miles.
    7/14 - Rest
    7/15 - Rest
    7/16 - 9.08 miles, struggled with managing BG.
    7/17 - Rest
    7/18 - 3 miles, treadmill. Easy effort, but excellent pace. I've been struggling lately, even (especially) on the treadmill. This run brought back some enthusiasm. 2 things different this time: 1. The only food I had all day was coffee with HWC at breakfast, a piece of cheese for lunch, and 3 snack sized Slim Jims for a snack mid-afternoon (2 hrs. before running). Another explanation is that I'm finally more fat adapted again (intentional transition that should take longer than this) or electrolytes are better balance. This was warm-up before weight lifting.
    7/19 - 5.05 miles "at race pace." Heat index of 108F, but still faster than expected for the heat (9:51 avg mile). And I feel good about my pace again. This time, I also did not do much walking to start out (1 block), and I took a cold shower before heading out because of the heat.
    7/20 - 3.00 miles treadmill before weight lifting.


    Upcoming Races:
    7/4/17 - Miner 5K
    7/29/17 - Dr. Dash 10K
    9/9/17 - Wabash Trace HM (Maybe)
    10/21/17 - Oregon Trail Run HM
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    ctlaws44 wrote: »
    Just realized that there are only a week and a few days until my next race. It is a mile race. I have not run any race shorter than 5k in more decades than I care to remember (not since High School). No idea how I will do. Have not trained for it at all, but I looked at last year and in the mere mortal division the winner last year was like 5:50something. I think I could beat that, if not come close... but it has been so long since I have run anything that short at pace that I am not sure - the LAST mile of my last Marathon was at a 6 and change pace. So I should be able to do at least a 6:00 right?

    I plan to start with the leader(s) and stick with them till the last 1/4 or so. Then kick it full - but with my luck a 4:27 miler will show up :lol: and I will try to keep pace with them :lol:

    Probably run a 5:40, and trip 5 feet from the finish line and crawl across at 6:30! :lol:

    Any tips?

    IMO I wouldn't push yourself if you haven't been running that speed in a long time. That's the fastest way to get hurt.

    Thanks for the warning, but I have run in the 6's for final segments kicks in races. So I think I will be okay. :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    This place is rocking. Been in a mood for the last 5 days. Going from 40+ miles a week to zero has had some major effects on my temperment.... my poor poor students...lol.

    Have a doctor appointment tomorrow, and just talked with a private PT place that specializes in working with athletes and takes my insurance. I'll be making the 80 minute drivee there for a 0745 appointment on Tuesday.

    In the mean time, I'm doing a lot of thinking about myb100k and basically have come to thr point where, if I'm not running in another week, I won't be doing it. It's billed as the toughest 100k in the Midwest and I need all the training time I can get for it. Back up is, if I get running within 3-4 weeks after injury, to try an 8 hour race at the beginning of November, in the hopes of getting in 50k (15min/mile avg) so i can try to register for a certain 50 mile that's next year fall.....

    If I can't run for longer, I'll just put off race thoughts, work core and strength and plan a killer comeback next year.

    And I feel fat.... I'm up to 132 pounds and hate it!

    Sorry for the whining, this is thr only place I can do it where people understand.

    Dude, sorry you are laid up. I get really antsy and impatient when I can not get out. Can not imagine weeks worth of that! :frowning:
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited July 2017
    July 1- 9.7
    July 2- 5
    July 3- Off
    July 4- 11.7
    July 5- Off
    July 6- 12.1
    July 7- 7.6
    July 8- 21
    July 9- 20.5
    July 10- Off
    July 11- 18
    July 12 -19
    July 13- 15
    July 14- 20
    July 15- 30
    July 16- 17
    July 17- Off
    July 18- 13
    July 19- 14.1
    July 20- 16.5


  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    I think I was saved from myself today. I got mad and stubborn - some part of my brain decided that if doc didn't think things were worth answering back for days, then I may as well do another run. I was like 1-1.5 in, and a friend and her sister saw me, and wanted me to lift with them. They were even doing same muscle groups I was planning on and everything. So, I aborted the treadmill plan. Which, based on how things feel currently.... was a VERY good thing.