July 2017 Running Challenge



  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @juliet3455 looks like a good day (I mean it kind of has to be with Saskatoons lol)!

    @BettyM1017 congrats on taking the AG win despite suboptimal conditions! Triumph is triumph baby ;)

    Ended up having to switch my long runs around due to kid logistics so I only ran 25 today and will run the 35 tomorrow- kind of felt like a lazy *kitten* switching it but that mom life takes the A1 slot. (Please tell me I am not the only one who comes home from every run to, "Mommy I want a milk cup/snack/cuddle/toy that I know we threw out nine months ago but I'm going to suddenly get really nostalgic for right.effing.now.")

    July 1- 9.7
    July 2- 5
    July 3- Off
    July 4- 11.7
    July 5- Off
    July 6- 12.1
    July 7- 7.6
    July 8- 21
    July 9- 20.5
    July 10- Off
    July 11- 18
    July 12 -19
    July 13- 15
    July 14- 20
    July 15- 30
    July 16- 17
    July 17- Off
    July 18- 13
    July 19- 14.1
    July 20- 16.5
    July 21- 20
    July 22- 25

  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited July 2017
    Okay, so my running group wants to run 14 miles tomorrow. However, the weather is very "seventh level of hell like" today. Tomorrow looks worse.


    Any tip for not dying of heat stroke? We are starting at 5am and have a route that includes frequent stop at gas stations for ice. I have my hydration belt (that will have pre-frozen PowerAid), sunscreen, and a hat.

    Dying of boredom on a treadmill is starting to sound better and better.....
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    7/1 - Rest Day
    7/2 -Rest Day
    7/3 - Rest Day
    7/4 - 2.98 (Based on Garmin distance) for local 5K… time was 26:22; not a PR at all, but I haven't run at all since 6/24 and won't be fat adapted for awhile yet.
    7/5 - 5.03 miles - not as fast as I planned :(
    7/6 - 3.01 miles treadmill. Plan was for easy miles, and these were scary slow.
    7/7 - Rest day
    7/8 - 7.37 miles. New trail running shoes! Went out on a trail I haven't visited for awhile, was hot and very slow. Very tall grass in areas made this very difficult as well.
    7/9 - Rest
    7/10 - Rest
    7/11 - 3.0 easy miles treadmill, very slow, before weight lifting. It's hot outside and it is just easy to run on the treadmill at the gym before lifting. I knew I was going to lose some speed when changing nutrition again, but this is really starting to scare me.
    7/12 - 5.02 miles, still slower than I wanted.
    7/13 - 3.0 miles treadmill before lifting weights. Still slow, but plan was for easy miles.
    7/14 - Rest
    7/15 - Rest
    7/16 - 9.08 miles, struggled with managing BG.
    7/17 - Rest
    7/18 - 3 miles, treadmill. Easy effort, but excellent pace. I've been struggling lately, even (especially) on the treadmill. This run brought back some enthusiasm. 2 things different this time: 1. The only food I had all day was coffee with HWC at breakfast, a piece of cheese for lunch, and 3 snack sized Slim Jims for a snack mid-afternoon (2 hrs. before running). Another explanation is that I'm finally more fat adapted again (intentional transition that should take longer than this) or electrolytes are better balance. This was warm-up before weight lifting.
    7/19 - 5.05 miles "at race pace." Heat index of 108F, but still faster than expected for the heat (9:51 avg mile). And I feel good about my pace again. This time, I also did not do much walking to start out (1 block), and I took a cold shower before heading out because of the heat.
    7/20 - 3.00 miles treadmill before weight lifting.
    7/21 - Rest
    7/22 - 6.00 trail run - heat, humidity, and hills made this a lot more walking than running; but I'm counting it anyway. FWIW, my HR looked like I was running.


    Upcoming Races:
    7/4/17 - Miner 5K
    7/29/17 - Dr. Dash 10K
    9/9/17 - Wabash Trace HM (Maybe)
    10/21/17 - Oregon Trail Run HM
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Okay, so my running group wants to run 14 miles tomorrow. However, the weather is very "seventh level of hell like" today. Tomorrow looks worse.


    Any tip for not dying of heat stroke? We are starting at 5am and have a route that includes frequent stop at gas stations for ice. I have my hydration belt (that will have pre-frozen PowerAid), sunscreen, and a hat.

    Dying of boredom on a treadmill is starting to sound better and better.....

    Start on time. Don't dawdle. Finish well before the heat advisory goes into effect. And all the classic heat stroke avoidance advice, that you already have under control.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7/1 8 miles
    7/2 Forced rest day
    7/3 7 easy miles in high humidity
    7/4 10 easy miles in high humidity
    7/5 7 miles in high humidity
    7/6 Thunderstorms forced rest day :frowning:
    7/7 6 miles zone 2/3
    7/8 17 miles in zone 2
    7/9 Travel day no run
    7/10 7 miles zone 2
    7/11 Too hot to play
    7/12 6 miles zone 2
    7/13 rest
    7/14 5.79 miles Zone 2
    7/15 rest day
    7/16 Travel day
    7/17 7 miles 30% Zone 3, 60% Zone 2.
    7/18 Too hot to run
    7/19 7 miles 50% Z3, 50% Z2
    7/20 6 miles 60% Z2, 30% Z3
    7/21 6 miles - 26% Z2, 43% Z3, 29% Z4
    7/22 11.5 miles - 80% Z2

    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    07/28/17 - Liberty Mile - 1 mile race just to see what a short run really is :)
    08/2017 - Cranberry Cup 5k. (plan for a PR attempt)
    10/14/17 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km

    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    So radar showed a break in thunder activity, so I ran. I ran a lot slower than I wanted, but the dew point in the low 70's I was more focused on just getting some miles.

    I had 2 water bottles with me. One had just my normal zero calorie propel (50% diluted), and the other had the Tailwinds stuff in it. Used 1 scope in 20 oz of water, which is about 50% strength. Was not horrible tasting, but tasted just a bit salty. After 2 hours on the road, my stomach seemed to tolerate it at least. I will have to experiment some more.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Okay, so my running group wants to run 14 miles tomorrow. However, the weather is very "seventh level of hell like" today. Tomorrow looks worse.

    Any tip for not dying of heat stroke? We are starting at 5am and have a route that includes frequent stop at gas stations for ice. I have my hydration belt (that will have pre-frozen PowerAid), sunscreen, and a hat.

    Dying of boredom on a treadmill is starting to sound better and better.....

    Start on time. Don't dawdle. Finish well before the heat advisory goes into effect. And all the classic heat stroke avoidance advice, that you already have under control.

    Aye, also stay out of the direct sun where possible. Make sure you wearing tech fabrics that wick well, and as little of that as modesty allows :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @amymoreorless Can you take a cold shower before you meet up with the group? I did that recently with a run in 106F heat index, and it made a noticeable difference.

    Also, drinking more water all the time - on rest days and when not running - seems to have helped somewhat, but it took some time to adapt.

    I bring a hankerchief to wipe away sweat to keep it out of my eyes.

    Remember sunscreen, of course - including lip balm sunscreen.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    20---3.41 walk
    21---3.12 early
    22---7.73 definitely love the pack.


    Upcoming races:

    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.

    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 10:04  5k 34.27 10k 1:20.25
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 - I guess I will be the counter voice here. I suggest you show him the pack and tell him how excited you were to find a deal on it and all that. And offer that he should get one too since you got the great deal (the discount). I advise against any deception. Just my thoughts on it. :smile:

    I get ya. But... That's the way "normal" people interact.

    :tongue: After 21 years (and counting) of marriage, I am confident my wife would disagree with using the label "normal" with regards to me. :lol:

    Well there is good "normal" and good "not normal". I don't consider myself "Normal" at all, but in the unique sort of way. Not in the "crazy" sort of way. Although one could argue...

    Well, I just ate two hot dogs with ketchup on them. So :tongue: :lol:

    Oh yes. That's right your ketchup hot dog normal :smiley:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Something to keep in mind in all this heat...

    What Dehydration Does to Your Body and How You Can Prevent It
    Shalane Flanagan's finish-line collapse at the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials reiterates the importance of hydration.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Thanks everyone for your congrats messages. It really was a race to remember!

    @MobyCarp I'm actually jealous! I haven't seen snow in18 years!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    July Goal: 85 mile (yeah, a REAL goal!)

    7/1 3.75
    7/2 3.52
    7/3 rest
    7/4 3.26
    7/5 5.18
    7/6 snorkel 3.5 hours
    7/7 3.40
    7/8 6.00
    7/9 anniversary wine and dine
    7/10 4.23
    7/11 3.25
    7/12 rest
    7/13 4.88
    7/14 3.25
    7/15 painted bridge
    7/16 6.50
    7/17 4.25
    7/18 snorkel 3 hours
    7/19 3.53
    7/20 4.36
    7/21 rest
    7/22 3.61

    Total 62.97
    @BettyM1017 Great job on the AG win! (and 10/17 was my son's birthday..... :'( )

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and progress to date:
    upcoming races:
    Fun in the Sun Virtual 10k 6/28/17
    Race to Cure Sarcoma Month of July
    Volcano Rainforest Runs 10k 8/19
    BlockThe Sun Run 5k Oct 14 (https://walk.aimatmelanoma.org/Hilo2017) (physical and virtual options available)

    A favor por favor: please consider sharing the link for the Aim At Melanoma run on your social media for any of your contacts who might be interested in the virtual option (or camping out on my lawn for the physical one!)

    Steve says: "Wear your sunblock and join our virtual run!"

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    10 miles! I was out the door just after 5:30 am and the temp didn't feel horrible. It was 79 degrees and muggy, but obviously no sun beating down on me. I felt good, but my pace was a bit slower than it has been.

    It struck me today that I've come a LONG way. Doing a long run used to wreck me the rest of the day - tired, sore, a bit dejected at how incredibly hard it felt... but today I felt good, energized, and not sore at all. I'm convinced people can be runners! I never thought I could do longer distances, but if I can do it, anyone can :smile: I still feel like marathon distances are out of my league, but maybe in a year I'll be changing my tune.

    @zdyb23456 I love the sound of that! Happy for you.

    nFoooo wrote: »
    Got new shoes! Nike Zoom Structure 18s. Have not run in a month though. My leg does not hurt anymore but I am scared of coming back too soon and aggravating my injury.

    @nFoooo Has your doctor/PT given the all-clear? It does sound like you should do a test run, but I don't know the background.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    Late night run this time, although it was just after midnight, so technically a very early morning run. :smile: Ran a mile to warm up, and then three miles at a little over tempo pace before slowing back down for the last one and a half miles as a cool down. This run combined with Friday's long run should hopefully get me back on track for meeting my goal this month.

    05 - 13.56
    06 - 9.72
    07 - 22.03
    10 - 13.55
    11 - 9.76
    12 - 13.11
    13 - 9.57
    17 - 13.56
    18 - 9.88
    19 - 13.80
    20 - 10.58
    21 - 24.89
    23 - 5.69

    Total: 169.70 / 250 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member

    For weekend runs, every 3 miles I stop to put my head in the fountain. And my feet in the cold spring. We use to jump in the 55° water, but lately there have been so many people in in, we just pass. I saw a show.... (Can't remember which one-time I usually only watched tv with he kids youngest boy thats out now).

    Putting a cold bottle of water on your neck will cool you fastest. And submerging in cool water gives you an amazing burst of refreshing energy. So I've tried to do that often.

    I got home yesterday from the run and my visiting neice said " y'all ran in the heat? You know the heat index is 111?" :sweat: well, no I didn't. But I played it off, I'm just that awesome. I did have a half frozen hydration pack for the first few miles.

    Are hot dogs a staple for you? I think I eat them once a year or so. And it's usually just the chili/cheese/onion combination I want. Last I heard those things are linked to childhood leukemia, even with ketchup.