July 2017 Running Challenge



  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Closing out July on a better note than May and June (praise Jesus, haha!). See everyone in August!

    July 2- 5
    July 3- Off
    July 4- 11.7
    July 5- Off
    July 6- 12.1
    July 7- 7.6
    July 8- 21
    July 9- 20.5
    July 10- Off
    July 11- 18
    July 12 -19
    July 13- 15
    July 14- 20
    July 15- 30
    July 16- 17
    July 17- Off
    July 18- 13
    July 19- 14.1
    July 20- 16.5
    July 21- 20
    July 22- 25
    July 23- 32
    July 24- Off
    July 25- 16
    July 26- 25
    July 27- 16
    July 28- 15
    July 29- 35
    July 30- 13.3

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2017
    241 (a prime number) miles for the month of July. I love it when I end the month with a prime number.

    And wow, there are some huge milage numbers posted for July. Great job everyone.

    Lol! Way to go!!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @KeepRunningFatboy - love that you had to end on a prime number! Nice total for a hot month!
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    I had vacations this month and I walked a lot but didn't found time to run in the two weeks I was traveling so sadly I didn't completed the challenge. Anyway I had some achievements I'm proud like a PR of 5kms at 15km/h and 31kms (3 hours run) my max distance.

    162.5kms out of 200. I'll compensate them in my next month

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited August 2017
    7 km - 12 ft Davis Hill Climb. 218 m Elevation gain. Had to do a little side loop to get the extra distance to hit 7km. 22C is just a little to hot for this Northerner. This puts me at 176.8 km for the month = 16.8km past my goal so a very good month for me. Especially when you consider I had a 2 week holiday at the start of the month that set my schedule back.

    A few steep sections in this hill which makes it a good challenge and training for my Emperor's Challenge Mountain event (not the steepest hill in town). I actually had my watch Auto-Pause in June while doing a Hill Climb as the Garmin Algorithm just couldn't believe/understand that I was still moving.

    07/01 0 km – 160 km - 0 km – YTD 686.27
    07/01 15.0 km – 145 km - 15km
    07/04 13.5 km - 131.5km - 28.5km
    07/06 13.6 km - 117.9km - 42.1km
    07/09 6.7 km - 111.2km - 48.8km
    07/10 5.5 km - 105.7km - 54.3km
    07/14 10.0 km - 95.7km - 64.3km
    07/16 12.5 km - 83.2km - 76.8km
    07/17 7.0 km - 76.3km - 83.8km
    07/19 9.5 km - 66.8km - 93.3km
    07/20 12.0 km - 54.8km - 105.3km
    07/22 16.0 km - 38.8km - 121.3km
    07/25 9.5 km - 29.3km - 130.8km
    07/27 11.0 km - 18.3km - 141.8km
    07/28 6.0 km - 12.3km - 147.8km
    07/29 13.5 km - +1.8km - 161.8km
    07/30 8.0 km - +9.8km - 169.8km
    07/31 7.0 km - +16.8km - 176.8km - YTD 862.57km

    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Real Goals: Stay healthy. July goal assessment: Blew past the nominal mileage goal, because *nothing* happened to make me miss any distance the training plan called for.
    And now on to August, which will have different goal challenges than July did.

    To Quote @MobyCarp the Real Goal for the month was to stay healthy, I had no injuries-niggles to sideline me for any recovery days which allowed me to pass my km distance goal. The month started out on July 1 with a 15km Canada Day Race - that was a lot of fun and the Biggest Event I have ever been in. Then off to support my Club Members at the Great White North Tri-Athlon ( someone has to keep the beer from getting warm B) ). Finished my holidays by heading into the mountains where I managed to get in two high altitude Mountain Runs and quite a few hikes/scrambles. Then lots of mid-distance runs around my community with a few of them being hill climbs as training for my August Emperor's Challenge Mountain run event to be followed a week later by the Tri-River Triathlon.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    Well, I tried to be proactive today. Found out my insurance would cover PT without doctor's actual referral, particularly since I had the message that eluded to that being the plan. However, apparently the providers here will not schedule an appointment without an actual referral. Ugh. *rolls eyes* This would indicate I need to try and get the crazy lady to actually talk to me again.

    Today though, I had a significant amount of snarky/cranky/spazzy/frustrated/Monday/whatever (and possibly some donuts) to burn off before I grabbed a barbell or else my attitude was going to get me hurt while lifting.... so, I popped some ibuprofen and I went for a run.... and stopped 6ish miles later because I ran out of water, not because I ran out of attitude.

    So, after that result - probably going to go back to the plan I had before June's half marathon. (Which is the non plan of trying to keep the swelling down in the left, add some extra stretch time on the right to it, and assume I am overreacting and everything is fine.) I may decide to be more logical later... but currently, as mentioned, did not manage to out run the attitude issues.

    So yeah, I guess I need to go figure out an August goal now.

    Aww you poor thing. But dang! 6ish gimpy is something. In my area is it not so hard to get to PT. I can walk in and if they want to see me for longer than 30 days, they get ahold of my PCP, who signs off- cuz he's just awesome.

    Any chance of getting in with a different doc? Or sweet talking some folks with cookies?
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    holy crap! I got sick, missed my goal and seem to have missed several fantastic conversations about running watches and pigs...gotta try to catch up.

    7/1 - 7 miles. Beautiful morning to run!
    7/2 - Rest day.
    7/3 - 5 miles. Kinda sloggish.
    7/4 - 5 miles. Humid.
    7/5 - Nothing so far, we'll see. Fireworks hangover, slept in.
    7/6 - 5 miles. Crazy humidity level...so sticky.
    7/7 - 4 miles.
    7/8 - 7.2 miles.
    7/9 - Rest day.
    7/10 - 5 very sweaty miles.
    7/11 - Unplanned rest day. Hammies were not in good shape. Painful even.
    7/12 - 4 treadmill miles, then quick upper body weights.
    7/13 - 5 miles.
    7/14 - 5 miles.
    7/15 - Sick day...ick.
    7/16 - 7 miles.
    7/17 - 5 miles.
    7/18 - 4.7 miles. Super sticky! 76° and 96% humidity = running through soup.
    7/19 - 4 treadmill miles, then upper body weights.
    7/20 - Rest day.
    7/21 - 3.1 'mill miles, then upper body weights and abs.
    7/22 - 4 miles.
    7/23 - 5 miles.
    7/24 - 4.9 miles with some speed work. First day with HM training group.
    7/25 - 4.6 miles.
    7/26 - 5 miles of mostly hill repeats with HM training group.
    7/27 - Planned rest...took oldest soon for some medical tests
    7/28 - 3.3 miles, then upper body weights and abs
    7/29 - 5 miles.
    7/30 - Nasty virus / cold...stayed in bed almost all day.
    7/31 - Still sick. Missed goal. 111.1/114

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Wow, again I feel like such a slacker. 189 messages since I posted on Sunday. First day back for teachers so no time to even think about catching up. Excited I hit my goal 2 months in a row!
    See you in August!

    7/1 - 5.5 miles - Barcelona!
    7/2 - 7.5 miles - Barcelona again!
    7/3 - 2 miles (Treadmill on cruise)
    7/4 - rest - lots of walking in Nice, Monaco and Monte Carlo
    7/5 - 3 miles - 22 laps on cruise running track. Set out for 5 miles, but it wasn't fun.
    7/6 - rest - lots of walking in Rome
    7/7 - rest - Amalfi coast and Pompeii
    7/8 - 4.1 treadmill on cruise
    7/9 - rest - travel day
    7/10 - 7 miles in Munich
    7/11 - 6 miles in Munich
    7/12 - travel day
    7/13 - 4.2 miles back home w/daughter
    7/14 - 6.0 miles
    7/15 - 45 miles biking
    7/16 - 28 miles biking
    7/17 - 4.6 miles
    7/18 - 5.1 miles
    7/19 - strength training
    7/20 - 5 miles
    7/21 - 5 miles
    7/22 - 34 miles biking
    7/23 - 66 miles biking
    7/24 - 5 miles
    7/25 - Strength training
    7/26 - 7.5 - goal!
    7/27 - rest day - supposed to be strength training but too tired.
    7/28 - 5 miles
    7/29 - 43 miles biking
    7/30 - 5 miles (rain so no biking)
    7/31 - strength training

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member

    New July goal....keep up with the posts, and retry to get 60 miles this month.

    July 3....9 miles, average heart rate at 85%.
    July 8...9 miles, average heart rate at 83%..max at 90%.
    July 17...9 miles, average heart rate at 88%, max at 97%.
    July 21....4 miles, average HR at 82%, max at 90%.
    July 22...8 miles,average HR at 86% max at 96%.
    July 28...6 miles, average HR at 81%, max at 100%
    July 29th...9 miles, average HR at 79%, max at 86%.

    Total.... 54 miles

    July 28....rainy day, I managed to get a run in between rains. I kept it shorter due to the threatening weather. I finished at 6 miles. It was cooler weather. Very humid still. I was able to stay in the zone for all but 4 minutes. No body aches noted.

    June 29th....much better running weather...cooler with cool breezes. Stayed in the zone all but one minute. My body ached throughout this run....lower legs, in particular right hip....just ached. It subsided in miles 5 and 6 only to return. Bleh.

    Fell short of monthly goal, but the trip to Grand Rapids to see "The Who" was a last minute decision. Well worth it. I think that Grand Rapids was the only Midwest city on their tour.

    No way I able to keep up with the posts....not making THAT mistake again.

    July was a great month....on to August.

  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    As a new runner, 6 _8 miles a week. Do you recommend distance or speed, not sure how to go about it . I want to drop pounds, only 8 and don't know what to concentrate on. Any ideas guys?? Have a great day wherever you are :)
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited August 2017
    scarlet67 wrote: »
    As a new runner, 6 _8 miles a week. Do you recommend distance or speed, not sure how to go about it . I want to drop pounds, only 8 and don't know what to concentrate on. Any ideas guys?? Have a great day wherever you are :)

    For new runners it is generally recommended to focus on distance vs speed. You should be running slow, at a conversational pace (i.e. you could comfortably hold a conversation or sing along to your music without getting out of breath), and slowly increasing mileage. You will find that as you continue to increase your overall distance it will actually make you a faster runner as well.

    Also, if you are interested, most of us here have moved over to the August 2017 Running Challenge thread here! It's a fantastic community with tons of knowledgeable, awesome people!

    ALSO, I forgot to add, that weight loss really comes down to how much you're eating vs how much you're burning. Make sure you don't fall into the trap of thinking, 'oh, I'm running now, I can eat lots more food!', lol. Make sure that, for at least a while, you continue to track your intake with MFP, to make sure you're maintaining a deficit.
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    scarlet67 wrote: »
    As a new runner, 6 _8 miles a week. Do you recommend distance or speed, not sure how to go about it . I want to drop pounds, only 8 and don't know what to concentrate on. Any ideas guys?? Have a great day wherever you are :)

    For new runners it is generally recommended to focus on distance vs speed. You should be running slow, at a conversational pace (i.e. you could comfortably hold a conversation or sing along to your music without getting out of breath), and slowly increasing mileage. You will find that as you continue to increase your overall distance it will actually make you a faster runner as well.

    Also, if you are interested, most of us here have moved over to the August 2017 Running Challenge thread here! It's a fantastic community with tons of knowledgeable, awesome people!

    ALSO, I forgot to add, that weight loss really comes down to how much you're eating vs how much you're burning. Make sure you don't fall into the trap of thinking, 'oh, I'm running now, I can eat lots more food!', lol. Make sure that, for at least a while, you continue to track your intake with MFP, to make sure you're maintaining a deficit.

    Thank you for your reply :smiley: all advice is great x
  • hartlinet
    hartlinet Posts: 13 Member
    July I didn't really get my running groove in place. I am working on building for August. I will run one mile each Sunday to check my progress. Going for 10 miles per week, 40 for the month.
    Ran 2 today.

    Any tips on posting? It seems to be a long running reply. Is that just a MFP thing?