Does Slim Fast really work? Well it has for me..



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I understand what everyone is saying about the shakes, but sometimes you need something like that just to get you started. I'm someone who needs to see result quick at first so i usually do a week of original Atkins, not new atkins with veggies. Obviously that isn't a sustainable diet but it gets me in the right frame of mind to keep going. I think that's what the Slim fast shakes do for you. It's all good. I figure when i get to goal I just need to over all eat better, and keep exercise up but change my eating maybe week to week so I don't get bored. Atkins one week, SlimFast another, fruit and veggies another. I hate cooking so it's hard for me but I know I have to eat healthy as well.

    Have you ever asked yourself why you need a quick result?

    I second this...quick results usually end in quick failures. I'm much more proud of myself now that I've been putting in hard work, dedication and exercise and making it a lifestyle change than just some quick fix that doesn't last. I know that I'm NOT going to go back to how things are...I've lost weight and gained it back and then some - all because I didn't make it a lifestyle change. I got to my goal weight and then okay I'm done. Granted the weight loss lasted a few years, but there I was in the same boat before I started this a year ago. I'm done going back and forth.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Please explain to me this logic of my metabolism slowing at age 30.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Not silly, honest. If you like putting chemicals your body can't really digest in your body, have at it! Because I agree, that ingredient list is frightening.

    Personally, I don't promote quick fixes like this product, HOWEVER, scare-mongering is a truly ugly technique that sends people to another completely different extreme that could lead to orthorexia.

    Did you actually read the ingredient list?

    Above are just the ingredients used to make it a shake. There is really nothing scary here. Most of it is sweeteners and protein. You might have a problem if you are trying to "eat clean" but obviously that isn't the OP's goal.

    And this part of the ingredients are the vitamins and minerals. I took the liberty of bolding the header for you since you apparently missed it. There is nothing here that wouldn't be found in a multi-vitamin.

    Honestly, there is nothing here that OP can't find in whole foods. Slim-Fast is just convenient. Just because you don't know the chemical compounds that comprise your whole foods does NOT mean that the food is scary or dangerous. It just means you need to educate yourself about nutrition a little better.

    Thank you!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well thank you for your "overwhelming" words of support.. lol BTW, I don't plan on doing Slim Fast forever.. You shouldn't assume someone who does these shake diets is completely ignorant of the fact that they are not a forever thing.. DUH... Most of us know this already. Sometimes what you may call the "right way" to lose weight doesn't always work for everyone..

    That's the point. These shake diet things don't teach you good habits. They are quick fixes and since habits aren't changed, the effects are often short-lived. I congratulate you on your weight-loss, but I do not agree with fad dieting.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Did you actually read the ingredient list?

    Why yes I did read the ingredient list...

    Not sure in what world you think things synthetically made are good for you...

    Carrageenan is actually bad for you, especially if you have IBS.
    Dextrose is usually synthetically made.
    Aspartame isn't natural either...

    So yes, those are just a couple of things in the ingredient list that do scare me. I wasn't trying to "scare-monger" anyone. I was stating in my opinion the ingredients scare ME. Maybe you missed the word ME in it....
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Here is what ticks me off more than anything else on here. Those of you who are pooh poohing the slim fast and 1200 calorie diet don't have a clue. You haven't factored in her determination. EVERYONE is different and she sounds like she knows what she has to do once she goes back to eating, but really it doesn't matter when she goes back to eating 3 meals a day because as long as she stays within her calorie goals then she's good. What ALL those other people who failed didn't do correctly was know and understand that no matter what you do to lose the weight you can NEVER EVER go back to eating the way you used to eat. All of us, doing this new life style change, can fail at anytime. We can decide to go back to our previous lifestyle because reality is the need for those Burger King whoppers with bacon and cheese will fill our heads and take over our tastebuds once again. But we hope to have determination and the will power to stay away from those daily trips to the pizza shops and fast food places. HOPE being the keyword. Each and everyone of us here are here for the same thing.....A HEALTHY ME. Just because someone else failed on the slim fast diet or the 1200 calorie diet or the 1800 calorie diet does not mean she will fail. It does not mean I will fail, it does not mean you will fail. I've seen a couple of you on here posting and you never ever EVER have anything nice to say to someone who isn't eating to "your" standards. Your not telling them the truth or being honest with them, your issue is they aren't eating the way "you" think they should be eating therefore they will fail in their attempt to be a healthier human being therefore they will fail. A study was done on a gentleman who needed to lose a lot of weight. So under doctor supervision he lived on vitamins and supplements for a year...that's right people no food. And guess what they kept track of him for 10 years and he kept it off when he went back to eating food. I saved the study but can't find it but I will continue to look for it, but the point is the odds were against him to, but he prevailed. His determination to get to a healthy weight and stay there won out over the need to feed on all the unhealthy stuff when he went back to eating. His hair did not fall out and he did not lose as much muscle mass as people would have you believe. Yes this is one man out of who knows how many others. So instead of ramming YOUR thoughts of failure down her throat why don't you congratulate her on her loss so far and tell her you hope that she can keep it up and keep it off, wish her luck and go on your unhappy way. Always remember, your diet your way, her diet her way. She's doing what works for her and so far it's working. I for one think it's awesome she's found something that works for her and that she's smart enough to understand that at some point she'll be replacing food for those shakes and she'll have to be ready for that change, but really what's the difference in 1200 calories with shakes and food or 1200 calories in food, either way she's within her calorie goals and that's what matters.

    Everyone is not on this site for the same reasons. And a "study" done on one individual cannot be generalized for the entire public.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Here is what ticks me off more than anything else on here. Those of you who are pooh poohing the slim fast and 1200 calorie diet don't have a clue. You haven't factored in her determination. EVERYONE is different and she sounds like she knows what she has to do once she goes back to eating, but really it doesn't matter when she goes back to eating 3 meals a day because as long as she stays within her calorie goals then she's good. What ALL those other people who failed didn't do correctly was know and understand that no matter what you do to lose the weight you can NEVER EVER go back to eating the way you used to eat. All of us, doing this new life style change, can fail at anytime. We can decide to go back to our previous lifestyle because reality is the need for those Burger King whoppers with bacon and cheese will fill our heads and take over our tastebuds once again. But we hope to have determination and the will power to stay away from those daily trips to the pizza shops and fast food places. HOPE being the keyword. Each and everyone of us here are here for the same thing.....A HEALTHY ME. Just because someone else failed on the slim fast diet or the 1200 calorie diet or the 1800 calorie diet does not mean she will fail. It does not mean I will fail, it does not mean you will fail. I've seen a couple of you on here posting and you never ever EVER have anything nice to say to someone who isn't eating to "your" standards. Your not telling them the truth or being honest with them, your issue is they aren't eating the way "you" think they should be eating therefore they will fail in their attempt to be a healthier human being therefore they will fail. A study was done on a gentleman who needed to lose a lot of weight. So under doctor supervision he lived on vitamins and supplements for a year...that's right people no food. And guess what they kept track of him for 10 years and he kept it off when he went back to eating food. I saved the study but can't find it but I will continue to look for it, but the point is the odds were against him to, but he prevailed. His determination to get to a healthy weight and stay there won out over the need to feed on all the unhealthy stuff when he went back to eating. His hair did not fall out and he did not lose as much muscle mass as people would have you believe. Yes this is one man out of who knows how many others. So instead of ramming YOUR thoughts of failure down her throat why don't you congratulate her on her loss so far and tell her you hope that she can keep it up and keep it off, wish her luck and go on your unhappy way. Always remember, your diet your way, her diet her way. She's doing what works for her and so far it's working. I for one think it's awesome she's found something that works for her and that she's smart enough to understand that at some point she'll be replacing food for those shakes and she'll have to be ready for that change, but really what's the difference in 1200 calories with shakes and food or 1200 calories in food, either way she's within her calorie goals and that's what matters.

    Everyone is not on this site for the same reasons. And a "study" done on one individual cannot be generalized for the entire public.
    The OP didn't say "oh it worked for me so it must work for everyone so that's the way to go!" She was just letting people know that it worked for her so other people may consider it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The OP didn't say "oh it worked for me so it must work for everyone so that's the way to go!" She was just letting people know that it worked for her so other people may consider it.

    She isn't done yet, though. So she doesn't know if it worked for her, only that it is currently helping her lose weight. She may or may not have long-term success. The problem with Slim Fast is you really don't learn portion control, which is the key to keeping the weight off. It's the same reason people who opt for WL surgery usually regain the weight once they're able to eat more again.

    As for the 1,200 calories thing, it does work and is sustainable for some people. I remember constantly being told a specific poster on here did so well eating far more than 1,200 and look how good she looks, so everyone should follow her lead! Well, yee, this particular MFP member looks fantastic and has made great progress eating more than 1,200 calories. She also is 5'10". I am 5'3". Don't tell me that I need and can eat the same calories as someone 7 inches taller than I am and get the same results.

    And some people might be able to, but the simple fact is that while burning more than you consume to lose weight is a universal truth, people vary in their metabolic rates and not everyone can follow the exact same plan and get the same results.

    I'm perfectly satisfied most days on 1,200 calories or fewer, even when I exercise. I don't even deliberatelt eat that little. I just eat high volumes of low-calorie foods (fruits and veggies) and I'm not hungry enough to eat more.

    And, yes, I used to eat more than that, thus weight gain. But I was eating higher-calorie foods, so it added up in smaller quantities.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Here is what ticks me off more than anything else on here. Those of you who are pooh poohing the slim fast and 1200 calorie diet don't have a clue. You haven't factored in her determination. EVERYONE is different and she sounds like she knows what she has to do once she goes back to eating, but really it doesn't matter when she goes back to eating 3 meals a day because as long as she stays within her calorie goals then she's good. What ALL those other people who failed didn't do correctly was know and understand that no matter what you do to lose the weight you can NEVER EVER go back to eating the way you used to eat. All of us, doing this new life style change, can fail at anytime. We can decide to go back to our previous lifestyle because reality is the need for those Burger King whoppers with bacon and cheese will fill our heads and take over our tastebuds once again. But we hope to have determination and the will power to stay away from those daily trips to the pizza shops and fast food places. HOPE being the keyword. Each and everyone of us here are here for the same thing.....A HEALTHY ME. Just because someone else failed on the slim fast diet or the 1200 calorie diet or the 1800 calorie diet does not mean she will fail. It does not mean I will fail, it does not mean you will fail. I've seen a couple of you on here posting and you never ever EVER have anything nice to say to someone who isn't eating to "your" standards. Your not telling them the truth or being honest with them, your issue is they aren't eating the way "you" think they should be eating therefore they will fail in their attempt to be a healthier human being therefore they will fail. A study was done on a gentleman who needed to lose a lot of weight. So under doctor supervision he lived on vitamins and supplements for a year...that's right people no food. And guess what they kept track of him for 10 years and he kept it off when he went back to eating food. I saved the study but can't find it but I will continue to look for it, but the point is the odds were against him to, but he prevailed. His determination to get to a healthy weight and stay there won out over the need to feed on all the unhealthy stuff when he went back to eating. His hair did not fall out and he did not lose as much muscle mass as people would have you believe. Yes this is one man out of who knows how many others. So instead of ramming YOUR thoughts of failure down her throat why don't you congratulate her on her loss so far and tell her you hope that she can keep it up and keep it off, wish her luck and go on your unhappy way. Always remember, your diet your way, her diet her way. She's doing what works for her and so far it's working. I for one think it's awesome she's found something that works for her and that she's smart enough to understand that at some point she'll be replacing food for those shakes and she'll have to be ready for that change, but really what's the difference in 1200 calories with shakes and food or 1200 calories in food, either way she's within her calorie goals and that's what matters.

    Everyone is not on this site for the same reasons. And a "study" done on one individual cannot be generalized for the entire public.
    The OP didn't say "oh it worked for me so it must work for everyone so that's the way to go!" She was just letting people know that it worked for her so other people may consider it.

    I wasn't talking about the OP....I clearly stated it those on here pooh poohing her diet :happy:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Well thank you for your "overwhelming" words of support.. lol BTW, I don't plan on doing Slim Fast forever.. You shouldn't assume someone who does these shake diets is completely ignorant of the fact that they are not a forever thing.. DUH... Most of us know this already. Sometimes what you may call the "right way" to lose weight doesn't always work for everyone..
    The "right" way is with calorie deficit. As mentioned any DIET will work if followed. Sustainability is the issue afterward. 90% of people who use a diet to lose weight REGAIN. That's the statistics.
    All this plan is doing is reducing your intake. What's so different than the "right" way?
    The main difference is that liquid diets really don't teach you how to eat food in the same calorie counts as the drink. I say this from 30 years of experience and with clients. Most don't worry about it now because they're seeing success. It's when they reach goal or close to it and weight regain happens when they eat regularly again. Then of course since the last diet worked, they'll do it again, and again, and again.
    This is what the diet industry bets on......................................and it's a good bet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • UnleashingLovely
    The OP didn't say "oh it worked for me so it must work for everyone so that's the way to go!" She was just letting people know that it worked for her so other people may consider it.

    She isn't done yet, though. So she doesn't know if it worked for her, only that it is currently helping her lose weight. She may or may not have long-term success. The problem with Slim Fast is you really don't learn portion control, which is the key to keeping the weight off. It's the same reason people who opt for WL surgery usually regain the weight once they're able to eat more again.

    As for the 1,200 calories thing, it does work and is sustainable for some people. I remember constantly being told a specific poster on here did so well eating far more than 1,200 and look how good she looks, so everyone should follow her lead! Well, yee, this particular MFP member looks fantastic and has made great progress eating more than 1,200 calories. She also is 5'10". I am 5'3". Don't tell me that I need and can eat the same calories as someone 7 inches taller than I am and get the same results.

    And some people might be able to, but the simple fact is that while burning more than you consume to lose weight is a universal truth, people vary in their metabolic rates and not everyone can follow the exact same plan and get the same results.

    I'm perfectly satisfied most days on 1,200 calories or fewer, even when I exercise. I don't even deliberatelt eat that little. I just eat high volumes of low-calorie foods (fruits and veggies) and I'm not hungry enough to eat more.

    And, yes, I used to eat more than that, thus weight gain. But I was eating higher-calorie foods, so it added up in smaller quantities.
    She stated herself Slim Fast is not permenant. So if she wanted to use it to begin her diet and has lost weight and can now start working out her own plan then it has worked for her.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I like meal replacement shakes. If I don't have time to prepare a calorie-controlled meal, they are very convenient. I don't think they are a long-term solution, but an ok way lose the weight while educating oneself about proper nutrition.

    I think discouraging the person who originally posted this is a bit mean. All I would say to that person is, while losing the weight on what is well-known to be a crash diet, try to familiarize yourself with proper long-term nutrition so you can gradually taper off of the liquid diet without gaining back all of your hard work.

    Good luck.

    It is really discouraging to busy your *kitten* trying to lose weight by denying real nutritious and healthy, filling food in favor of a meal replacement only to have the weight come back on when you discontinue the SlimFast diet. I think people are trying to save OP a little heartache.
  • UnleashingLovely
    Here is what ticks me off more than anything else on here. Those of you who are pooh poohing the slim fast and 1200 calorie diet don't have a clue. You haven't factored in her determination. EVERYONE is different and she sounds like she knows what she has to do once she goes back to eating, but really it doesn't matter when she goes back to eating 3 meals a day because as long as she stays within her calorie goals then she's good. What ALL those other people who failed didn't do correctly was know and understand that no matter what you do to lose the weight you can NEVER EVER go back to eating the way you used to eat. All of us, doing this new life style change, can fail at anytime. We can decide to go back to our previous lifestyle because reality is the need for those Burger King whoppers with bacon and cheese will fill our heads and take over our tastebuds once again. But we hope to have determination and the will power to stay away from those daily trips to the pizza shops and fast food places. HOPE being the keyword. Each and everyone of us here are here for the same thing.....A HEALTHY ME. Just because someone else failed on the slim fast diet or the 1200 calorie diet or the 1800 calorie diet does not mean she will fail. It does not mean I will fail, it does not mean you will fail. I've seen a couple of you on here posting and you never ever EVER have anything nice to say to someone who isn't eating to "your" standards. Your not telling them the truth or being honest with them, your issue is they aren't eating the way "you" think they should be eating therefore they will fail in their attempt to be a healthier human being therefore they will fail. A study was done on a gentleman who needed to lose a lot of weight. So under doctor supervision he lived on vitamins and supplements for a year...that's right people no food. And guess what they kept track of him for 10 years and he kept it off when he went back to eating food. I saved the study but can't find it but I will continue to look for it, but the point is the odds were against him to, but he prevailed. His determination to get to a healthy weight and stay there won out over the need to feed on all the unhealthy stuff when he went back to eating. His hair did not fall out and he did not lose as much muscle mass as people would have you believe. Yes this is one man out of who knows how many others. So instead of ramming YOUR thoughts of failure down her throat why don't you congratulate her on her loss so far and tell her you hope that she can keep it up and keep it off, wish her luck and go on your unhappy way. Always remember, your diet your way, her diet her way. She's doing what works for her and so far it's working. I for one think it's awesome she's found something that works for her and that she's smart enough to understand that at some point she'll be replacing food for those shakes and she'll have to be ready for that change, but really what's the difference in 1200 calories with shakes and food or 1200 calories in food, either way she's within her calorie goals and that's what matters.

    Everyone is not on this site for the same reasons. And a "study" done on one individual cannot be generalized for the entire public.
    The OP didn't say "oh it worked for me so it must work for everyone so that's the way to go!" She was just letting people know that it worked for her so other people may consider it.

    I wasn't talking about the OP....I clearly stated it those on here pooh poohing her diet :happy:
    Fair enough. My apologies. :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Here is what ticks me off more than anything else on here. Those of you who are pooh poohing the slim fast and 1200 calorie diet don't have a clue. You haven't factored in her determination. EVERYONE is different and she sounds like she knows what she has to do once she goes back to eating, but really it doesn't matter when she goes back to eating 3 meals a day because as long as she stays within her calorie goals then she's good. What ALL those other people who failed didn't do correctly was know and understand that no matter what you do to lose the weight you can NEVER EVER go back to eating the way you used to eat. All of us, doing this new life style change, can fail at anytime. We can decide to go back to our previous lifestyle because reality is the need for those Burger King whoppers with bacon and cheese will fill our heads and take over our tastebuds once again. But we hope to have determination and the will power to stay away from those daily trips to the pizza shops and fast food places. HOPE being the keyword. Each and everyone of us here are here for the same thing.....A HEALTHY ME. Just because someone else failed on the slim fast diet or the 1200 calorie diet or the 1800 calorie diet does not mean she will fail. It does not mean I will fail, it does not mean you will fail. I've seen a couple of you on here posting and you never ever EVER have anything nice to say to someone who isn't eating to "your" standards. Your not telling them the truth or being honest with them, your issue is they aren't eating the way "you" think they should be eating therefore they will fail in their attempt to be a healthier human being therefore they will fail. A study was done on a gentleman who needed to lose a lot of weight. So under doctor supervision he lived on vitamins and supplements for a year...that's right people no food. And guess what they kept track of him for 10 years and he kept it off when he went back to eating food. I saved the study but can't find it but I will continue to look for it, but the point is the odds were against him to, but he prevailed. His determination to get to a healthy weight and stay there won out over the need to feed on all the unhealthy stuff when he went back to eating. His hair did not fall out and he did not lose as much muscle mass as people would have you believe. Yes this is one man out of who knows how many others. So instead of ramming YOUR thoughts of failure down her throat why don't you congratulate her on her loss so far and tell her you hope that she can keep it up and keep it off, wish her luck and go on your unhappy way. Always remember, your diet your way, her diet her way. She's doing what works for her and so far it's working. I for one think it's awesome she's found something that works for her and that she's smart enough to understand that at some point she'll be replacing food for those shakes and she'll have to be ready for that change, but really what's the difference in 1200 calories with shakes and food or 1200 calories in food, either way she's within her calorie goals and that's what matters.

    Everyone is not on this site for the same reasons. And a "study" done on one individual cannot be generalized for the entire public.

    Exactly, one person's failure or success can NOT mean everyone will succeed or fail so glad you got my point:laugh:
  • UnleashingLovely
    Well thank you for your "overwhelming" words of support.. lol BTW, I don't plan on doing Slim Fast forever.. You shouldn't assume someone who does these shake diets is completely ignorant of the fact that they are not a forever thing.. DUH... Most of us know this already. Sometimes what you may call the "right way" to lose weight doesn't always work for everyone..
  • UnleashingLovely
    I used Slim Fast 3-2-1 to kick start my diet. It helped me to learn some self control.
    I think the Slim Fast 3-2-1 is awesome.
    And obviously not forever.
    Silly people thinking they're smarter than anyone... Haha. :wink:

    That's all I am using it for too.. Not gonna do it forever.. My weight loss was stalled and I wanted to kickstart things and that is what Slim Fast has done for me...
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm a little disturbed by how vicious some of these replies are. Aren't we all supposed to be adults, here?

    I know, right? I've only been here about a week and already I'm tempted to write off the forums for so much negativity.

    As to the OP, I don't drink Slim Fast but that's more of a financial reason. I have had some of them before and did enjoy them, but I'd only drink half of it because it made me feel so full. Now I'm more of a Carnation Breakfast drink mix when I can buy it on sale. I've also enjoyed Special K cereals which my grandmother swore by. Now if only the generic brands would do more than the strawberry one....

    From what I've read from your later comments, you do know that it's mostly a lower caloric intake with the shake and you make up with it with other foods to reach at least 1200. And still you're losing weight. Greatness! It also seems like you understand that you'll eventually slack off on the Slim Fast and replace with real food. All I gotta say is to keep up with the caloric intake and keep doing what you're doing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    If you don't recognize an ingredient, your body won't either...
    Your body is smarter than you think. Your body can't tell the difference between a steak and a protein shake when it comes to absorption. Just sayin'.
    Not touting the Slimfast, but misinformation should be corrected.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Not silly, honest. If you like putting chemicals your body can't really digest in your body, have at it! Because I agree, that ingredient list is frightening.

    Personally, I don't promote quick fixes like this product, HOWEVER, scare-mongering is a truly ugly technique that sends people to another completely different extreme that could lead to orthorexia.

    Did you actually read the ingredient list?

    Above are just the ingredients used to make it a shake. There is really nothing scary here. Most of it is sweeteners and protein. You might have a problem if you are trying to "eat clean" but obviously that isn't the OP's goal.

    And this part of the ingredients are the vitamins and minerals. I took the liberty of bolding the header for you since you apparently missed it. There is nothing here that wouldn't be found in a multi-vitamin.

    Honestly, there is nothing here that OP can't find in whole foods. Slim-Fast is just convenient. Just because you don't know the chemical compounds that comprise your whole foods does NOT mean that the food is scary or dangerous. It just means you need to educate yourself about nutrition a little better.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Not sure in what world you think things synthetically made are good for you...

    Carrageenan is actually bad for you, especially if you have IBS.
    Dextrose is usually synthetically made.
    Aspartame isn't natural either...

    So yes, those are just a couple of things in the ingredient list that do scare me. I wasn't trying to "scare-monger" anyone. I was stating in my opinion the ingredients scare ME. Maybe you missed the word ME in it....

    The OP obviously doesn't have IBS since she pointed out that it hasn't caused her any constipation. Dextrose is a modified sugar, and the research on aspartame does NOT indicate any harmful effects for one's health.

    Like I said, if you are a "clean-eater" then you obviously wouldn't want to use this product, but if the OP were a "clean-eater," she obviously wouldn't be substituting her nutrition with meal replacements.