Does Slim Fast really work? Well it has for me..



  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Came in to say "yes it works for some who otherwise eat sensibly."

    Left when you got too snarky when someone gave you a valid and reasoned opinion, which you sought out with this post.

    Do what you want, OP.

    Same as above, if you post (with appalling grammar, by the way) in a public forum and expect a completely positive response you're a bit oblivious to the real world.

    Anyway, I, personally, have only seen Slimfast work well with one person out of a rough estimate of about twenty and only after she joined MFP. After she'd lost the weight, she looked terribly thin at the end she gained weight back a bit to regain a 'healthy look', then struggled to keep the rest off. I then suggested she used MFP and she's doing well now.

    Enjoy your nutritionally poor life style <3
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You also have to realize that when trying to lose 120 lbs there's always going to be a lot of bang for your buck in the first month or so if you start cutting calories. Whether is be the miracle of Slimfast, some other shake, or just cutting to a 1200 calorie diet they will all work quickly at first. My hubby is substantially over weight and managed to lose 12 lbs in one week just by cutting out his soda addiction. Don't place too much credit on the wonders of Slimfast for this banging kickstart to your diet. The calorie deficit is what took the weight off, the Slimfast was just the distraction to get you to do it.

    I often hear people touting the wonders of their new diets. "Oh I had 800 calories yesterday and I was soooooo full". That's the mental game in the beginning of wanting to lose the weight. The reality is that 800 or 1200 calories is not keeping you sooo full. The mind game you play with yourself is where that effect comes from. The same person that could eat 3,000 calories last week and be looking for more food had not had a miraculous transformation that leads to being full on a couple of shakes. 90% of weight loss occurs between your ears. If you think you can, are full, are happy, etc then you are. It's the same effect as those that whine and complain that they just can't lose. They can't because they don't think they can.

    For me I think Slimfast would be a super diet program. I'm severely lactose intolerant so I'm pretty sure it would be a miracle cure for me if I every got out of the john!
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I never realized talking positive about what Slim Fast has done for me would generate such a firestorm of criticism. Wow.. The whole reason I started Slim Fast was because my weight loss was going nowhere. I was eating very healthy and exercising.. Trying to do things the "right way". I was lucky to lose 2 lbs a month. That is not very motivating for someone who has a lot to lose. My motivation was very low and I needed something to "kickstart" things. I am happy about my success so far and wanted to share it. I feel bad for those this did not work for. Everyone is different and I hope those people have found something that does. I wish everyone in here good luck on their journeys to a happier healthier you. :wink:

    If healthy eating and exercise part did not work for you, means you did not get that part right. That's what predicts failure, even if we put horrible nutrition composition of Slimfast aside. You have to get the eating and fitness part right, and one indicator of that is being on track with your (reasonable) goal. If you are eating well and are active and are not loosing weight, you are off in your estimates of either what you are eating or what you are burning. That is it.

    Food scale is the best weightloss aid money can buy.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You missed the point it HAS worked for her, it's doing exactly what she wanted it to do. It's kickstarted her weight loss and when she feels she's had enough then she'll go to adding food in. No where has she said she's going to use slimfast thru out her entire journey. So in fact even if she stops drinking it today it did do exactly what she wanted it to do.

    I didn't miss the point. She hasn't reached the point yet. She very well may. She hasn't yet.

    No one has ever said Slim Fast will not help someone lose weight. Ever. Never. Not ever. So her claim that is has worked for her -- in such an argumentative manner as the OP states it -- is untrue. IT IS WORKING AT THE MOMENT. There isn't enough evidence to show that this path will work for her long-term. I hope for her sake it does.

    There is an important distinction in the terms that YOU are missing.

    OH NO it's YOU that are missing the POINT, she's using it to "kickstart" her weight loss, even if she only lost 6lbs it did what she wanted it to do. It gave her a headstart on weight loss. She has clearly stated she does NOT want to use it long term and somehow people keep telling her it's not sustainable for long term use. She knows that, she clearly knows what she's doing and it's clearly working for her. All she wants is it to "WORK FOR THE MOMENT" and it's doing that. Again YOU missed the fact that she knows she's NOT going to use it for long term weight loss.

    I think that anyone using the term "kickstart" is denying the truth and they know it. Truth is you can do it without meal replacement magic.

    The success story here, if any, is from the OP's deep rooted determination to lose weight.

    I see nothing wrong with kickstarting your weight loss, people do it everyday all day long. I did it and decided I like what I was doing to kickstart it and stuck with it for 19 months and lost 207 lbs. Got 55 or so to go and I'll be learning how to maintain the loss. The "truth" is sometimes a swift kick is what you need to stay on board and from where I sit it's an awesome thing. I'm actually thinking of doing another kickstart to get the scale moving again. It's been lagging the last couple of months and I'm ready to be at goal. And yeah I know it's supposed to slow up the closer you get to goal but I'm one of those who don't wait around for months for something to happen, I'm going to "make" it happen.
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    Came in to say "yes it works for some who otherwise eat sensibly."

    Left when you got too snarky when someone gave you a valid and reasoned opinion, which you sought out with this post.

    Do what you want, OP.

    Same as above, if you post (with appalling grammar, by the way) in a public forum and expect a completely positive response you're a bit oblivious to the real world.

    Anyway, I, personally, have only seen Slimfast work well with one person out of a rough estimate of about twenty and only after she joined MFP. After she'd lost the weight, she looked terribly thin at the end she gained weight back a bit to regain a 'healthy look', then struggled to keep the rest off. I then suggested she used MFP and she's doing well now.

    Enjoy your nutritionally poor life style <3

    So if my grammar was better, I would get more positives? :drinker:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    congratulations you paid slim fast to do something that MFP will do for free, create a calorie deficit...
    The site is free. You know what she paid for? Food.
    Just like you buying chicken or hummus or whatever it is you eat, she paid for food.

    right, but I always pay for food...
    I do not pay extra for shakes, bars, cleanses, etc...
    slight difference...

    She isn't buying EXTRA food. She's buying different food. Btw, no cleanses in slimfast
    She bought the meal replacement shake for breakfast instead of your box of cereal... Fruits and veggies for snacks like you would... Meal replacement bar for lunch instead of rice and chicken and what you would buy for dinner.
    It's not EXTRA. It's DIFFERENT. How about you learn what the diet is before you start talking.

    OK but if you did not do slim fast AND just ate less THEN you would NOT need to spend money on slim fast...

    Wowzers, is that so hard to understand.....

    I understand the is meal replacement shakes that provide no real lifestyle change and then you gain the weight back, as other posters, who have done slim fast, previously indicated in this thread.

    OP - congrats on your loss! I look forward to your "help, I gained all the weight back" thread...
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Came in to say "yes it works for some who otherwise eat sensibly."

    Left when you got too snarky when someone gave you a valid and reasoned opinion, which you sought out with this post.

    Do what you want, OP.

    Same as above, if you post (with appalling grammar, by the way) in a public forum and expect a completely positive response you're a bit oblivious to the real world.

    Anyway, I, personally, have only seen Slimfast work well with one person out of a rough estimate of about twenty and only after she joined MFP. After she'd lost the weight, she looked terribly thin at the end she gained weight back a bit to regain a 'healthy look', then struggled to keep the rest off. I then suggested she used MFP and she's doing well now.

    Enjoy your nutritionally poor life style <3

    So if my grammar was better, I would get more positives? :drinker:

    What kind of "positives" were you looking for? Only "attagirl", "congrats", and/or "Slim Fast is the best!"?

    My impression wasn't that some were "mean", seemed to me rather you received a variety of input and food-for-thought ~ IMO that's a good thing.
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    I never realized talking positive about what Slim Fast has done for me would generate such a firestorm of criticism. Wow.. The whole reason I started Slim Fast was because my weight loss was going nowhere. I was eating very healthy and exercising.. Trying to do things the "right way". I was lucky to lose 2 lbs a month. That is not very motivating for someone who has a lot to lose. My motivation was very low and I needed something to "kickstart" things. I am happy about my success so far and wanted to share it. I feel bad for those this did not work for. Everyone is different and I hope those people have found something that does. I wish everyone in here good luck on their journeys to a happier healthier you. :wink:

    If healthy eating and exercise part did not work for you, means you did not get that part right. That's what predicts failure, even if we put horrible nutrition composition of Slimfast aside. You have to get the eating and fitness part right, and one indicator of that is being on track with your (reasonable) goal. If you are eating well and are active and are not loosing weight, you are off in your estimates of either what you are eating or what you are burning. That is it.

    Food scale is the best weightloss aid money can buy.

    I was working with a registered Dietician. I was following a very specific 1500 calorie meal plan. I never cheated. Ever.. No sugar drinks.. I did EVERYTHING the dietician told me to do. I exercise everyday.. It might be hard to believe but that just didn't work for me.. Two pounds a month is not a good weight loss for me.. I needed something more motivating and this did it.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I never realized talking positive about what Slim Fast has done for me would generate such a firestorm of criticism. Wow.. The whole reason I started Slim Fast was because my weight loss was going nowhere. I was eating very healthy and exercising.. Trying to do things the "right way". I was lucky to lose 2 lbs a month. That is not very motivating for someone who has a lot to lose. My motivation was very low and I needed something to "kickstart" things. I am happy about my success so far and wanted to share it. I feel bad for those this did not work for. Everyone is different and I hope those people have found something that does. I wish everyone in here good luck on their journeys to a happier healthier you. :wink:

    If healthy eating and exercise part did not work for you, means you did not get that part right. That's what predicts failure, even if we put horrible nutrition composition of Slimfast aside. You have to get the eating and fitness part right, and one indicator of that is being on track with your (reasonable) goal. If you are eating well and are active and are not loosing weight, you are off in your estimates of either what you are eating or what you are burning. That is it.

    Food scale is the best weightloss aid money can buy.

    I was working with a registered Dietician. I was following a very specific 1500 calorie meal plan. I never cheated. Ever.. No sugar drinks.. I did EVERYTHING the dietician told me to do. I exercise everyday.. It might be hard to believe but that just didn't work for me.. Two pounds a month is not a good weight loss for me.. I needed something more motivating and this did it.

    Do you think your more rapid loss was not so much due to Slim Fast as to reducing your calories from your dietician recommendation of 1500 down to approx. 1200 daily calories?
    From an earlier post of yours: "...I do make sure I get no less than 1200 cal a day on this plan.. The shakes are low cal so I make up for that with my healthy snacks and with dinner to make sure my calories are not below 1200..."
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    Came in to say "yes it works for some who otherwise eat sensibly."

    Left when you got too snarky when someone gave you a valid and reasoned opinion, which you sought out with this post.

    Do what you want, OP.

    Same as above, if you post (with appalling grammar, by the way) in a public forum and expect a completely positive response you're a bit oblivious to the real world.

    Anyway, I, personally, have only seen Slimfast work well with one person out of a rough estimate of about twenty and only after she joined MFP. After she'd lost the weight, she looked terribly thin at the end she gained weight back a bit to regain a 'healthy look', then struggled to keep the rest off. I then suggested she used MFP and she's doing well now.

    Enjoy your nutritionally poor life style <3

    So if my grammar was better, I would get more positives? :drinker:

    What kind of "positives" were you looking for? Only "attagirl", "congrats", and/or "Slim Fast is the best!"?

    My impression wasn't that some were "mean", seemed to me rather you received a variety of input and food-for-thought ~ IMO that's a good thing.

    No I wasn't looking for any praise at all actually. My family gives me enough and that's good enough for me. I just wanted to share something that has been working for me.. I like varied opinions but "reading between the lines", some in here have struck me as kind of mean spirited. That's ok though. It just makes me even more determined than ever to prove them all wrong..
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    I was starting to think starting this forum thread was a bad idea..:ohwell: Now I think it was a damn good one.. I feel more motivated than ever to prove to all the "non believers" I can do this and it is possible to lose weight with Slim Fast and keep it off once you go back to so called normal eating. So thank you for the criticism(constructive and not so nice)... Thank you to those who have been supportive.. It's exactly what I needed.. :drinker:
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I never realized talking positive about what Slim Fast has done for me would generate such a firestorm of criticism. Wow.. The whole reason I started Slim Fast was because my weight loss was going nowhere. I was eating very healthy and exercising.. Trying to do things the "right way". I was lucky to lose 2 lbs a month. That is not very motivating for someone who has a lot to lose. My motivation was very low and I needed something to "kickstart" things. I am happy about my success so far and wanted to share it. I feel bad for those this did not work for. Everyone is different and I hope those people have found something that does. I wish everyone in here good luck on their journeys to a happier healthier you. :wink:

    If healthy eating and exercise part did not work for you, means you did not get that part right. That's what predicts failure, even if we put horrible nutrition composition of Slimfast aside. You have to get the eating and fitness part right, and one indicator of that is being on track with your (reasonable) goal. If you are eating well and are active and are not loosing weight, you are off in your estimates of either what you are eating or what you are burning. That is it.

    Food scale is the best weightloss aid money can buy.

    I was working with a registered Dietician. I was following a very specific 1500 calorie meal plan. I never cheated. Ever.. No sugar drinks.. I did EVERYTHING the dietician told me to do. I exercise everyday.. It might be hard to believe but that just didn't work for me.. Two pounds a month is not a good weight loss for me.. I needed something more motivating and this did it.

    Why do you believe that is? The only reasonable answer is a difference in calorie consumption. That means you need to work on your calorie estimation.

    Do you weigh ALL your food? Especially any oil that goes into the salads, your salad dressings, on your skillet, etc.

    Measurements in GRAMS (not "cups", "spoons", "dollops" or "filets".

    I know it is a pain at first, but it is the only way to really understand what a healthy portion is supposed to be. Our society has a very skewed perception of it. After a while of doing that, you will develop a sense of what and how much you can eat. It will take months, but it is an irreplaceable skill.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I see nothing wrong with kickstarting your weight loss, people do it everyday all day long. I did it and decided I like what I was doing to kickstart it and stuck with it for 19 months and lost 207 lbs. Got 55 or so to go and I'll be learning how to maintain the loss. The "truth" is sometimes a swift kick is what you need to stay on board and from where I sit it's an awesome thing. I'm actually thinking of doing another kickstart to get the scale moving again. It's been lagging the last couple of months and I'm ready to be at goal. And yeah I know it's supposed to slow up the closer you get to goal but I'm one of those who don't wait around for months for something to happen, I'm going to "make" it happen.

    I think you are shorting yourself by using that term, YOU buckled in and lost weight and stuck with it. Awesome job regardless of my opinion of that term. I just don't like giving credit to things that are unnecessary.
  • UnleashingLovely
    I'd like to just add that i only ever had 20 pounds to lose...
    I lost the first 10 thanks to Slim Fast...
    And the last 10 using snack and meal ideas I got from Slim Fast 321....
    My weight is still off. And I do not desire to lose anymore.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I'd like to just add that i only ever had 20 pounds to lose...
    I lost the first 10 thanks to Slim Fast...
    And the last 10 using snack and meal ideas I got from Slim Fast 321....
    My weight is still off. And I do not desire to lose anymore.
    You should contact them to be in their commercial. I am sure they would appreciate successes like you..
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    thanks for the post.. hey.. if it is working for you that is great. most people gain their weight back no matter what diet.. even calorie counting exercise types.

    It is great to come to the forums and see what is working for different we can help each other out.

    Good luck in your weightloss journey.
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    I'd like to just add that i only ever had 20 pounds to lose...
    I lost the first 10 thanks to Slim Fast...
    And the last 10 using snack and meal ideas I got from Slim Fast 321....
    My weight is still off. And I do not desire to lose anymore.

    Great job!
  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    thanks for the post.. hey.. if it is working for you that is great. most people gain their weight back no matter what diet.. even calorie counting exercise types.

    It is great to come to the forums and see what is working for different we can help each other out.

    Good luck in your weightloss journey.

    Thank you and continued good luck in your journey too!
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I could loose weight eating snicker bars daily. It's all about caloric deficit.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'd like to just add that i only ever had 20 pounds to lose...
    I lost the first 10 thanks to Slim Fast...
    And the last 10 using snack and meal ideas I got from Slim Fast 321....
    My weight is still off. And I do not desire to lose anymore.

    Once again it worked because you were at a calorie deficit not because is was Slimfast. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that there is no magic elixir that causes weight loss. I lost 20 lbs (not that great of a feat) without using Slimfast in 3 months and have kept it off for 2 years.