Thirty lbs by Christmas



  • shoui16
    shoui16 Posts: 90 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm happy at the rate that I'm losing weight. It could be faster but I dare not try because I'm scared of possible rebounds. I still stumble along the way but what's important is I get up and move onward towards my goal. A 30lb loss by Christmas is wonderful but my real target is at least 40lbs. Almost halfway through. Yey! Yey! Yey!
  • I need to loose 20 by Xmas or before ! I'm in
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    I did not loose anything this week. Feeling a little bummed about it.
    I have to keep at it. It's so hard to stay motivated. I just want junk food and to be lazy.
  • mamarh
    mamarh Posts: 95 Member
    hi @Piqueaboo I'd love to join this. Let me know how to get started!
  • mamarh
    mamarh Posts: 95 Member
    SW: 170
    CW: 167
    GW: 147
  • mamarh
    mamarh Posts: 95 Member
    although if I get to 155 by xmas I'll be thrilled.
  • rickvogt444
    rickvogt444 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in... I'm down 60 pounds now... My goal is to lose 90. So that's 30 for me, I want to lose by Dec too1 Feel free to add me as a friend! I don't have many on here... thanks!
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    Well-no loss this week, discouraging, but not unexpected with 4 days away w/friends. This is where I typically say screw it and give up. NOT THIS TIME! Back to planning, prep & portions....that's the combo I have most success with.
    Thanks for being here- I think it helps to know I need to check in at beginning of the week.

    8/14 170
    8/21 167
    8/28 165
    9/4 161
    9/11 163
    9/18 163
  • keopeo
    keopeo Posts: 13 Member
    *waves* im in!
  • sonnshine27
    sonnshine27 Posts: 13 Member
    edited September 2017
    Im in! Down 7 lbs over last three weeks, 20 to go! Im weighing in every week
  • DiaGetsFit182
    DiaGetsFit182 Posts: 37 Member
    A little late with updating, but as of yesterday, I am 190 pounds, making my total loss 4.6 pounds since we started! Hope everyone is having a good week so far!! :)
  • furiousmunchkin
    furiousmunchkin Posts: 40 Member
    I am going on a cruise next Friday. I think that might set me back a few weeks! All the reason to work hard now :)
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm having a hard time this week too. We can do it!
  • CVC422
    CVC422 Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost almost 70lbs and want to lose 30 more by Christmas. Anyone with me?

    I'm totally in! My goal was to lose 20 by Christmas but I like this challenge even better!

    Current weight: 139.8

    Goal for Christmas 2017: 109.8

    Thanks for the challenge and motivation! :)
  • staceyh8989
    staceyh8989 Posts: 34 Member
    Can I join? I'm a bit late lol I've lost 4lb since 11 sept
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    I'm having a hard time this week too. We can do it!

    I am really struggling to make healthy eating choices but also to get myself to workout. Anyone have suggestions on how to snap out if it?
  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    smithy08js wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time this week too. We can do it!

    I am really struggling to make healthy eating choices but also to get myself to workout. Anyone have suggestions on how to snap out if it?

    Make that 3 of us.
    I did well and reached my 25lb target. Then managed to put 3lb back on in the space of a week. Here's hoping it'll come back off soon.
    As for exercise I just can't get past turning walking into running
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    After 3 weekends of social events, which I've not handled so well , this weekend is free & clear and I WILL stick to my plan!
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sw: 194lbs
    Gw: 140lbs

    30th june: 194lbs
    7th july: 192lbs
    14th july: 187lbs
    21st july: 186lbs
    28th july: 184lbs
    4th aug: 181lbs
    11th aug: 180lbs
    18th aug: 178lbs
    25th aug: 176 lbs
    1st Sept: 172lbs
    8th Sept: 171lbs
    15th Sept: 169lbs
    22nd Sept: 167lbs

    Total weight lose so far: 27lbs
  • k_braddock
    k_braddock Posts: 51 Member
    Is it too late to join? I've lost 16 lbs since July 27. I need to lose 19 more. This will help me stay on track.
  • LMDlove230
    LMDlove230 Posts: 63 Member
    Only down .6 this week :( Ovulation week, and a cheat day last Sunday, made it difficult to rebound.

    Here's hoping for a bigger drop next week! So close to being back under 200...
  • DebElayne
    DebElayne Posts: 13 Member
    10.8 pounds down since I started August 13th! I may actually make the 30 pounds by Christmas!
  • Mamaof2UK
    Mamaof2UK Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in
  • Whit_88
    Whit_88 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in, I just started reusing the app, lost 15 pounds on my own but need to lose 70 more. 30 by Christmas would be amazing. Feel free to add me peeps.
  • Julani34
    Julani34 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in :D
  • Julani34
    Julani34 Posts: 36 Member
    Is there a spreadsheet?
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    How did everyone do this week?
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    I gained a couple pounds this week. I need to step up my game.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    I need to stop drinking more than 1-2 glasses at a time, it throws me off my game. I had a visitor from thursday - sunday so there was a lot of wine, eating out and cake. Not beating myself up though!