Thirty lbs by Christmas



  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    I took my first spinning class today. It was tough and o felt like throwing up but I loved it. I already feel healthier. However, I then had a burger with fries and beer tonight for dinner. I am telling myself it was a treat and I can't do it frequently.
    I need to stay motivated and focused.
  • ncruz1987
    ncruz1987 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in I would like to lose 40 by Christmas
  • ecpelletan
    ecpelletan Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 161 (overweight), so I am in! :blush:
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Sw: 194lbs
    Gw: 140lbs

    30th june: 194lbs
    7th july: 192lbs
    14th july: 187lbs
    21st july: 186lbs
    28th july: 184lbs
    4th aug: 181lbs
    11th aug: 180lbs
    18th aug: 178lbs
    25th aug: 176 lbs
    1st Sept: 172lbs
  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    Start: 175
    Goal: 145

    Sept. 7:
    Sept. 14:
    Sept. 21:
    Sept. 28:
    Oct. 5:
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member

    Those that just joined please feel free to add yourselves to the spreadsheet!
  • shoui16
    shoui16 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey guys! Let's stay on track this weekend!!! There's ALWAYS an excuse to over indulge! Birthdays, anniversaries, company in town, holiday weekends with beer and bbqs! Results come from consistency! Yes those ribs and potato salad are good, but stepping on that scale Monday and maintaining or even losing is even better! We can do it! Think ahead and plan for those land mines in your diet or go for that hike with the kids! Labor Day weekend with my family will NOT set me back!!!

    I agree. It's Sunday now and I'm hanging in here to resist those salads and other desserts. I can feel Temptation right beside me. :D
  • LMDlove230
    LMDlove230 Posts: 63 Member
    Added my weight for the week! Disappointed in only a 1.4lb weight loss, but I just got my monthly visitor this morning... so, I'm sure that's a factor.
    Hopefully a bigger loss next week!

    I'm allowing myself a little bit of a cheat night tonight - pizza and s'mores. But, I'll be back at it tomorrow! :smile:
  • Shaydayglam
    Shaydayglam Posts: 45 Member
    please add me I would love to lose 30 by Christmas !!!
  • furiousmunchkin
    furiousmunchkin Posts: 40 Member
    edited September 2017
    My 30th birthday was yesterday and there was a bit of alcohol involved. Right back on track today though! :) hope everyone is having a great long weekend!
  • Kakramme
    Kakramme Posts: 18 Member
    Hoping everyone is having a great weekend!. Weight unchanged from last week, but have been within calories and on the eliptical everyday from friday. That's new for me.

    I have a NSV of being able to see the veins in my feet. Up to a couple of weeks ago, I had balloon ankles at the end of the day. So some progress. :)
  • PerfectlyMe2017
    PerfectlyMe2017 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all, I would love to join for the motivation!! I would like to loss 20-30 by Xmas.
  • Tanstaaflt
    Tanstaaflt Posts: 22 Member
    Boy, two restaurant meals with huge desserts, and the scale goes up!

    I wonder how it knew...?

    Congratulations to those who yielded not to temptation!
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    Wasn't perfect over weekend, but mid week efforts helped. Grateful for Monday to purge refrigerator of company food & get back to basics. Let's do this for month of September!

    8/14 170
    8/21. 167
    8/28 165
    9/4 161
  • smithy08js
    smithy08js Posts: 36 Member
    Well... :( I did not go down at all this week. However, looking back I can see why there was no change.
    I need to try harder this week.
  • ctshorebird
    ctshorebird Posts: 24 Member
    smithy08js- Recognizing the "why" is so key! Good for you- that will move you towards success this week!
  • papercut2k
    papercut2k Posts: 83 Member
    Gained 3lbs. :'(

    I hope it's just monthly bloat. Will try harder this week.
  • smh_cliff
    smh_cliff Posts: 146 Member
    I have laptop access tomorrow so can update then at last. Cant remember what i started at on here but im 7 down in total since I started over all x
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    So how did we do? Did we stay on track? Each day and each meal is a new chance to eat better and make healthier choices.