Age = less attractiveness?



  • QUEENxo1992
    QUEENxo1992 Posts: 69 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    but will my age, affect my level of attractiveness to others or is this all just in my head?

    Well, yeah. Of course it will.

    You are a different person than you were yesterday. You will be a different person tomorrow. Someone in the world would have found you beautiful yesterday. Someone in the world will find you beautiful tomorrow. Maybe not the same person or even types of people but who cares? Unless you are not really into the monogamy thing you only require one soulmate. Even if only 10 people find you attractive out of the billions of people in the world that is more than most people will end up being intimate with over a lifetime. The odds are very much in your favour.

    What a person finds attractive can change over time and as they age as well. I am 42. Would a 21 year old find me attractive? Nope. Would I find a 21 year old attractive? Nope. Even if there was a shared physical attraction it would be over as soon as we started a conversation given the gulf in our shared interests, lived experience, stage of life, intellectual and emotional development and so on. And for many people those things really matter when it comes to attraction (not speaking for everyone of course.)

    In short enjoy your life right now and remember none of us are getting out of this thing alive so don't wait ;)

    Such a smart observation! And thank you so much, I agree with this fully.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    More evidence that boomers rule,


    Let's be real though - other than white hair and I guess a few lines on his forehead, there are no obvious signs of aging on those two!

    Yeah...she looks 30-something and he is probably like 44 haha

    Definitely *NOT* boomers, that is for sure. Possibly Gen X.

    He's 47 (according to Google.) His name is Alessandro Manfredini.

    Gen X credentials confirmed.


  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Of course age impairs your attractiveness. I think that I have aged fairly well, but if my current face would have reflected in the mirror that I was staring into as a 20-year-old it would have been very disturbing!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    More evidence that boomers rule,


    Lol, 99% of the boomers (and probably a majority of Gen Xers, let's be honest) do not look like this.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    edited September 2017
    jgnatca wrote: »
    More evidence that boomers rule,


    That is not a boomer. That is Alessandro Manfredini and he's my age, 47. LOL

    edit: I'm also trying to find the info but if I remember correctly the woman in that picture is in her late 20's. ;)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yeah, she's a cutie. My point is; why is white hot now? Blame the boomers.
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    When I left my husband at age 28, my self esteem was that low I thought I would be single the rest of my life (that was better than being with him). "Who would want an overweight single mum?" Well I found once I hopped onto a dating site there were many men out there that don't care what size you are, if you have kids, or the baggage you may carry.
    Your almost better off meeting a guy that accepts your overweight self than one that is going just for looks (like when you become a major hotty). Just make sure it's guys that support your weight loss, some guys like their woman big.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Google septuagenarian.


    Baby boomers are slowly losing their edge, but when they say "trending", marketers say, "how high"? It has never been a better time to fashionably age.

    P.S. This is Beatrix Ox. Gorgeous isn't she?

    I have always LOVED the hyper-fashionable older ladies of New York City. Absolutely one of it's most endearing features.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    When I left my husband at age 28, my self esteem was that low I thought I would be single the rest of my life (that was better than being with him). "Who would want an overweight single mum?" Well I found once I hopped onto a dating site there were many men out there that don't care what size you are, if you have kids, or the baggage you may carry.
    Your almost better off meeting a guy that accepts your overweight self than one that is going just for looks (like when you become a major hotty). Just make sure it's guys that support your weight loss, some guys like their woman big.

    I need to find these men! lol! :wink:
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Attractive to whom? It's so subjective. I'm 48 and I feel more attractive now than I did at 28. But, I'm far more comfortable in my skin now than I was then. Attractiveness, to me, is more than just skin deep. And that was true for me as a younger woman, too. I didn't date much then because I just didn't meet anyone who seemed worth the effort. Until I was 32 and met my now husband. His looks are attractive, yes. But, his mind and character is also attractive. If you are looking for a relationship then it has to be based on more than physical attraction. We all age, we have good times and bad. He's been heavy, I've been heavy. We still love each other.