JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 16



  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    9/10 - No Scale
    9/11 - 194.5
    9/12 - 193.8 Yesterday I was a good girl and it's paying off!!! Today I will try to do even better! (Less cheese and less sugar)
    9/13 - 193.0 This morning it flashed 192.8 before stopping stubbornly at 193. But that's ok. I'm being a very good girl. It will drop again, I'm sure of it.
    9/14 - 191.8!!! (I got on 5x! It's the real number)
    9/15 - 192.2 I figured that yesterday was too much of a drop.
    9/16 - 190.8!!! 0.2 to go before I hit 10 lbs!!! Loving these whooshes!!!
    9/17 - No Scale
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 664 Member
    dlhollin1 wrote: »
    9/17 255.3 boo hiss

    @dlhollin1 1.7 lb loss in 8 days ... great going!!

    I've been bouncing up n down the same 5lbs for 40 days now .. I know the feeling :)

    Man, I need a reboot get it together round , crap.
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Count me in again!
    Round 15 ending weight: 157.0 pounds
    Ultimate goal weight: 144 pounds

    Round 16 (My round 5) For this round I will set my goal to 154.X pounds.

    10 September - 156.1
    11 September - 159.1
    12 September - 154.8
    13 September - 154.8
    14 September - 154.5
    15 September - 153.3
    16 September - 152.9 Happy Birthday to Me!!
    17 September - 154.7
    18 September -
    19 September -
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited September 2017
    Starting weight 2012: 201
    Starting weight 2017: 184

    9/10: 175 lbs. I made worse food choices today than I have in over a month. I did log everything, at least, and stuck to no sugar.
    9/11: 175 lbs. My day off, I lazed around. The day isn't over but so far I'm staying well within my calories and no sugar. Not enough protein, though.
    9/12: 175.5 lbs, ugh, still paying for Sunday's cheese binge maybe. Well, I'm under my daily calories again today, no added sugar, no impulse eating. Been doing well on getting enough water. Haven't been eating after 8:00 pm.
    9/13: 175 lbs. Staying in my calories, no added sugar, no impulse eating, plenty of water, decent amt of protein, it's early yet but no reason to eat after 8pm. Boring work day but decent diet day.
    9/14: 173 lbs. :p I know it's a fluctuation, but I'll take it! I was stuck in a 175.5/175/175.5 loop for 10 days so I needed a win. I'm now officially 10+ lbs down from when I rejoined MFP this time.
    9/15: 174 lbs. I knew yesterday wasn't for real, oh well. Stayed in calories, no added sugar, no impulse eating.
    I'm a little concerned about tomorrow, I have a physical event at work and there will be lots of snacks. Bringing nuts and dried apricots for an energy boost so i can avoid the sugary granola bars. I might be very hungry if I stay in my calories for the day but it won't really be loggable exercise. (A lot of standing in the sun & carrying things around.)
    9/16: 175 lbs. Nooooooo not again. I'm eating fewer than 1500 calories, not sure what's going on.
    Work event went fine, tired but I didn't need to snack.
    Side note, It's been more than 6 weeks since I quit *almost* every form of added sugar or sugar substitute, and I've been patting myself on the back about not having sugar cravings. Then last night I had a detailed dream about eating a giant tray of cookies while drinking a sweet liqueur. So maybe I haven't quite beat my little sugar addiction yet.

    9/17: 175 forever
    Ate a little sugar for the first time in weeks, the BF took me to an Italian Food Festival and we shared pasta, a lemonade and a cannoli. Not at all a binge, hard to feel sorry but it remains to be seen if this affects my ability to keep sugar out of my daily life.
