The rudest people!



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.



  • DianaPrinceDET
    DianaPrinceDET Posts: 54 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.

    you win; I need more coffee
  • DianaPrinceDET
    DianaPrinceDET Posts: 54 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.

    you win; I need more coffee

    Why don’t I FEEL like I won?
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    edited October 2017
    I ignored the one where he said I look 200 pounds even though I was secretly devastated and when I was pregnant I was emotional so I bawled

    At 6, 200 was complementing you. They don't understand age and measurements like weight yet. 200 means "that's the biggest number I can think of and so you are that number cause you are bigger than anyone else in my eyes!" (This is a good thing).. It's the Same as kids in kindergarten arguing over whose mommy is the oldest and biggest. The older and bigger, the better. If he called you fat, that be a whole nother matter, but again, isn't necessarily bad in their eyes.. Your kid saying you looked fat in a certain dress was his way of helping you out so you look your best. Just needs to learn how to say it better.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.

    you win; I need more coffee

    Why don’t I FEEL like I won?

    we'll send you a trophy...

    and on mfp, that can mean a lot of different things

  • DianaPrinceDET
    DianaPrinceDET Posts: 54 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.

    you win; I need more coffee

    Why don’t I FEEL like I won?

    we'll send you a trophy...

    and on mfp, that can mean a lot of different things win then
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was called a fat *kitten*, just this week.




    That’s possible then.

    you win; I need more coffee

    Why don’t I FEEL like I won?

    we'll send you a trophy...

    and on mfp, that can mean a lot of different things win then

    no, no..... that's okay; I prefer my safe space of: runner-up.

    It's my comfort zone and besides, life is best spent under the radar.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Years ago with my ex his mom calls me into her bedroom and says to close the door. She puts her hand on my stomach and asks, " Is there a bun in the oven?" O_O I don't remember what I said but just no and got the eff out of there. Time passes. I'm wearing a winter coat and even though I'm sweating I don't take it off bc I feel fat and one of her friends is helping me and my ex move. I guess he noticed and told my ex's mom about it. The next day we're at his mother's and she goes to hug me but puts her hand on my stomach again and asks me again about being pregnant. Brought up the coat story like I was trying to hide it. I hated her for that alone bc otherwise she was a nice enough lady. It was insulting not only bc she made me feel fat but bc she thought I was going to hide a pregnancy.
  • pbandwine
    pbandwine Posts: 1,236 Member
    I was 7 months pregnant in a wedding and the photographer told me to move my bouquet so people could tell I was pregnant and not just fat. This was a female photographer.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    At different points in life I've heard and been offended by:

    "Look at little you", made me feel singled out and self conscious.

    "Don't you think this weight loss has gone too far", it was unintentional weight loss, I started wearing 2 pairs of pants and 3 baggy shirts to try to hide it.

    "Are you pregnant" um really? I gained 10 lbs. I said no and it was hilarious, she started saying stuff like "omg, you're so skinny, of course you aren't pregnant"
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    My 6 year old stepson looked at me serious as can be and said "I know how much you weigh 200 pounds" not saying 200 pounds is an insult to some people but I'm naturally small so I was highly offended even though he's only 6. I'm 5'4 130 pounds and I've been dieting for 3 months now so I did feel discouraged that it hasn't looked like I lost that much. Also when I was like 12 weeks pregnant I wore a dress and my stepson straight out told me "you look fat in that dress." Mind you I didn't start showing until 6 months along.

    if I took offense to every comment a child made about me, i'd be on a psych hold. he's a child and has no clue what 200 lbs even means.
    My 6 year old stepson looked at me serious as can be and said "I know how much you weigh 200 pounds" not saying 200 pounds is an insult to some people but I'm naturally small so I was highly offended even though he's only 6. I'm 5'4 130 pounds and I've been dieting for 3 months now so I did feel discouraged that it hasn't looked like I lost that much. Also when I was like 12 weeks pregnant I wore a dress and my stepson straight out told me "you look fat in that dress." Mind you I didn't start showing until 6 months along.

    if I took offense to every comment a child made about me, i'd be on a psych hold. he's a child and has no clue what 200 lbs even means.

    Right? I’ll put stock into what a 6 year old days NEVER. Why anyone would is far beyond me. Even the most brilliant and gifted 6 year old practically needs a helmet.

    Lmao but my son does know what things weigh. He knows that his pappy weighs 200 pounds (so he's saying I'm as big as my dad or my fiancés dad) and he can pretty much guess the weight of things around him. I said I know that he is only 6 but even when a child tells you that you are still taken back. Lol
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited October 2017
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    I ignored the one where he said I look 200 pounds even though I was secretly devastated and when I was pregnant I was emotional so I bawled

    At 6, 200 was complementing you. They don't understand age and measurements like weight yet. 200 means "that's the biggest number I can think of and so you are that number cause you are bigger than anyone else in my eyes!" (This is a good thing).. It's the Same as kids in kindergarten arguing over whose mommy is the oldest and biggest. The older and bigger, the better. If he called you fat, that be a whole nother matter, but again, isn't necessarily bad in their eyes.. Your kid saying you looked fat in a certain dress was his way of helping you out so you look your best. Just needs to learn how to say it better.

    I guess I could look at it this way. His real mom is a bad influence on him so he was probably told to say that. He has been told to say bad things from his mom so that's why his mom isn't in the picture much. But at first we had problems bonding so he might of said this to get me fired up, but I didn't yell at him or anything. He knows that calling someone fat is a bad thing. He isn't a big child but he would cry if someone said something like that but I was pregnant and emotional so I cried lmao.
    Other than that it hasn't bothered me much. I mean the 200 pound comment bothered me a little just because I've been working so hard on my weight loss and he just said it randomly so I was taken back. Lol
    But he's 6 and I understand he's doesn't quite understand weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Angall08 wrote: »
    To those who have had problems gaining or losing weight:

    We all know people can be rude. The world is full of cruel people always making fun of someones weight. The good thing is always having family and friends to be there with you through it all. Also having apps and trainers to help you reach your goal is great.

    My question is. What are some hateful things people have said to you about your weight and how did you respond to it??

    In high school when I hit my growth spurt I was rail thin and had a hard time putting on weight...people used to make fun of me for being really skinny. I was very self conscious about it...especially my neck because I felt like a giraffe. I wasn't very outgoing or confident.

    I gained a little good weight in my 20s and that made me feel a lot less self conscious and I became more confident in my own skin.

    I put the bulk of my weight on in my 30s and nobody really ever said anything about my weight. I always carried it pretty well and even at my highest of 220, most people thought I was in the 190s...maybe 200. My maintenance is 182ish and most people think I'm high 160s...I carry weight pretty proportionately...
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    Either I live in an area with very polite people or I just don't look like the kind of guy you want to piss off. Of course I don't know what they might say behind my back lol. I've had just two situations in supermarkets where a very young child has said "Mommy look at the fat man" or "That man is very fat" lol. Both times the parent has been mortified and quickly shushed the child saying thats not nice.. And Both times I've smiled and said something along the lines of Yeah, but they have a good point. lol. 3 year old kids are like mirrors, brutally honest.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Fyreside wrote: »
    Either I live in an area with very polite people or I just don't look like the kind of guy you want to piss off. Of course I don't know what they might say behind my back lol. I've had just two situations in supermarkets where a very young child has said "Mommy look at the fat man" or "That man is very fat" lol. Both times the parent has been mortified and quickly shushed the child saying thats not nice.. And Both times I've smiled and said something along the lines of Yeah, but they have a good point. lol. 3 year old kids are like mirrors, brutally honest.