Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh, funny thought just occurred to me. I have curry from my favourite curry place in the city in the freezer, that I said was going to be goal celebration meal. I am not remotely interested in eating curry in this heat!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I volunteer for the curry.. I love all curries, but japanese curry is my weakness. Extra spicy. ohgawd
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    I volunteer for the curry.. I love all curries, but japanese curry is my weakness. Extra spicy. ohgawd

    It's mine, dammit!! Just need it to not be 5 billion degrees out (or in). Maybe for breakfast one morning? I wonder if I can find gluten-free naan...
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    Time for a pet break? I'm gonna assume you all said yes. :p

    This is Ana. She's one of two rescue kittens that we got earlier this year. I previously had two cats that both lived to 18 years. I had to put one down last year and one this year. :'( After that, I suggested to my hubby and kids that we wait a few months before we get more. {Narrator's voice: This lasted one week.}

    Ana was apparently in a very bad way when she was rescued from the pound. She runs to greet us when we pull in to the driveway, wags her tail (seriously!) and keeps trying to accompany me on my evening walks. The kids have had to bring her back home when she tries to follow them to the school bus. So she's basically a dog.

    We think she might be a Turkish Van mix, which has helped explain some things including the expressive tail, which is apparently a common trait. I'd try her on a leash but, although she is very affectionate, she hates being restrained (another Turk Van thing).

    She's absolutely beautiful! Enjoy :smiley:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Time for a pet break? I'm gonna assume you all said yes. :p

    This is Ana. She's one of two rescue kittens that we got earlier this year. I previously had two cats that both lived to 18 years. I had to put one down last year and one this year. :'( After that, I suggested to my hubby and kids that we wait a few months before we get more. {Narrator's voice: This lasted one week.}

    Ana was apparently in a very bad way when she was rescued from the pound. She runs to greet us when we pull in to the driveway, wags her tail (seriously!) and keeps trying to accompany me on my evening walks. The kids have had to bring her back home when she tries to follow them to the school bus. So she's basically a dog.

    We think she might be a Turkish Van mix, which has helped explain some things including the expressive tail, which is apparently a common trait. I'd try her on a leash but, although she is very affectionate, she hates being restrained (another Turk Van thing).

    OMG she is beautiful, Jo!! Rescue cats rock.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited December 2017
    Oh and Jo, I said I wouldn't add anymore cats in 2012 when my Indiana passed (already had the twins), mostly so I could do that travel the world thing in a few (hopefully still several) years without worrying about my children. I flat out denied Toby was my cat for 2 1/2 years after he turned up, since he chose to remain outside and not be touched. Didn't even give him a proper name. Finally conceded when I knew I was going to be moving earlier this year. So we've actually been each other's for a little over three years now :)

    This is another of my pets, Giles the Golden Apple snail. He is very elderly for a snail, was quite worried about him a couple of months ago, but he's made a comeback and is enjoying his twilight years and daily watermelon. He is utterly mesmerising to watch.

  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    Giles is AWESOME. He looks like he's conducting an orchestra...adagio movement! Then he gets a bit carried away with the music and topples off the podium.

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited December 2017
    Giles is AWESOME. He looks like he's conducting an orchestra...adagio movement! Then he gets a bit carried away with the music and topples off the podium.

    Several more where that came from :)

    (that link should take you to his playlist, click top left corner on vid)

    I will be devastated when he departs. He's 4 1/2, so already on borrowed time (life expectancy usually 2-4 years). He got very sluggish about 6 weeks ago, but increasing the tank temp a bit (usually kept at the lower end of tropical just for him, apple snails live longer in cooler water) seems to have perked him up again. My hunting all over the place for watermelon that's not actually in season here yet is far more for him than it is for me.
  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    My daughter just watched all Giles's videos with me. They are great! We lol'ed all through the dancing one.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    She's beautiful Jo! Took me 6 months to be able to have another when Dave went but it was sudden and a huge shock, plus he was my soulmate cat. And I still had my two girls so I wasn't left with an empty home, that would have been unbearable.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Now I'm bitter everyone is getting faster than expected losses. *Wanders off swearing under my breath*

    Your day will come. You will have the mother of all whooshes and put us all to shame.

    Just remember, I've been sitting here watching you for the past year while I've been slowly gaining all that time.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Maxxitt wrote: »
    Time for a pet break? I'm gonna assume you all said yes. :p

    This is Ana. She's one of two rescue kittens that we got earlier this year. I previously had two cats that both lived to 18 years. I had to put one down last year and one this year. :'( After that, I suggested to my hubby and kids that we wait a few months before we get more. {Narrator's voice: This lasted one week.}

    Ana was apparently in a very bad way when she was rescued from the pound. She runs to greet us when we pull in to the driveway, wags her tail (seriously!) and keeps trying to accompany me on my evening walks. The kids have had to bring her back home when she tries to follow them to the school bus. So she's basically a dog.

    We think she might be a Turkish Van mix, which has helped explain some things including the expressive tail, which is apparently a common trait. I'd try her on a leash but, although she is very affectionate, she hates being restrained (another Turk Van thing).

    She's absolutely beautiful! Enjoy :smiley:

    I agree! A gorgeous cat!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Jo, your cat is my dream cat. Just gorgeous.

    An update from me. I wanted to collect more data without Thanksgiving muddying the waters. Another week, another faster than expected loss. I think one more week of this and I'll make definite adjustments.

    I'm down a pound a half from my previous low. Which is way too fast for my current weight.

    I will also add that I think that this is down partially to implementing this process. It makes weight loss very efficient.

    It really does, doesn't it? Please take over as new poster child, since I inadvertently messed up at the last minute :D
    Now I'm bitter everyone is getting faster than expected losses. *Wanders off swearing under my breath*

    Eczema diet. I'm telling ya.

    So I flared big time yesterday. No rash, pred seems to still be holding that at bay (last dose was yesterday morning), but my skin dried out incredibly, and I just hurt - skin, bones, muscles. Ended up just going and curling up on my bed after dinner. I'm going to be super, duper, ridiculously over the top with emollient cream today, total body every few hours and hot spots the second they don't feel greasy.