Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Sorry to hear about your fish Nony, and your water heater mph.

    I'm having a very, very hungry day today, so I'm just eating all the things and not really caring. I'm also horribly fatigued and worn out. I will be well over calories for the day and don't care.

    I'm still majorly struggling with fatigue. I haven't needed to sleep this much in a long time. Might up the vit D supplement to see if that helps. At this point I'm fairly sure I'll have to cancel going to my friend on Christmas day, I am in no state to be doing 1+ hour drives there and back never mind trying be jolly for the day on top. My brain will do all the noping out of it all.

    I also ate all the things yesterday. Was way over. But had a restrained week and haven't been as hungry today so all on track for not gaining this week, hurrah! 1 break week down, two to go.

    I’m finishing off antibiotics from an infection I apparently got from the flu shot injection where the needle went in. My arm was killing me for a couple weeks after, but looked ok on the outside. Finally had an MRI done last weekend and there’s a spot there, on the inside. In spite of the wiping with the alcohol swab, it apparently is extremely rare, but can happen when bacteria on the skin is pushed inside with the needle. It’s getting better, but no Yoga/weights all week has been killing me just a little. Leave it to me to get sick from the precautions I took to not get sick. :neutral:

    actually did it for my mom. She has Alzheimer’s and is in a home. Last year, late in flu season, It rant rampant and two people died. Some of them are too vulnerable to get the shot. They sent a letter this year in October begging everyone to get the vaccine before visiting this year.

    Back to yoga tomorrow!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It is crazy windy here. Just picked up 5.5kg of grapefruits that had fallen off the tree. Uh, not sure what I'm going to do with those!! And presumably more will shake loose throughout the day.

    Potato salad was a hit with my tastebuds and my belly. Had that, a couple of veg sausages and some cucumber for lunch.

    Lunch sounds yummy!

    Our winds our still so high, the darn Santa Ana winds (nothing to do with Christmas). And the Thomas Fire is only 40% contained after 2 and 1/2 weeks, thousands of fire fighters and one fire fighter death. RIP Cory Iverson. :disappointed:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh yeah, my Fitbit strap broke last night (actually finally at about 3.20 this morning). Really it broke, or a bit of it did some time ago, and I procrastinated on the whole replacement thing (even though I was in the damn shop I bought it at the other week when I got my new blender). So, I have been in, hoping they'd just give me a replacement band on the spot (I have an extended warranty through them), but no, they have to check with Fitbit that it is covered (it will be), so it will be a couple of days. This has also made me get around to ordering a pretty strap for it, which will also probably not be here for a couple of days. So Fitbit is now living in my pocket. No heart rate data for me!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Wrestled with my grape vines for a good three hours tonight, running wire, training vines, pruning vines (yeah, should have done that first, but I kind of had to do the training to actually see what and where I could cut. I tried to be ruthless, and I was reasonably, but it's really hard cutting out bunches of fruit, even when you know it will make the other bunches bigger. Anything truly pathetic went. I think I should probably sacrifice anything that's never going to see any sun as well. Still need to cut back some of the growth on the strands with grapes on, but have to be careful to leave enough mature leaves to feed them (yay Youtube!). Next year, assuming I'm still living in this house (please, Universe) I need to be more ruthless with initial prune, and a lot better at training the vine.

    None of this activity was recorded by Fitbit, other than the meagre amount of steps involved, but I feel justified in the extra 100 or so cals in order to have bedtime shake.

    Today was also brought to you by ALL of the chocolate*

    *exaggeration, there's still two bags of mini bars, some choc covered ginger, at least one dark choc sante bar, and the Christmas cherry liqueurs (minus one).
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Moving to a new town has made me grateful for less social occassions and contacts. Reading through so many topics on mfp about all the temptations I realize how this can be a fortunate outcome for some of us. I resolve my chocolate temptations by having it everyday in my yogurt, I jst spoon cocoa in and enjoy it. Life is too short, especially at my age, to be downing those disgusting things they used to tell you to for brakfast, like kale smoothies. yikes.

    I was disinherited about 17 years ago too, so family gatherings and all the drama that creates is not a thing I have to face. It can be lonely though, and for many years December was a dreaded month as it brought out deep saddness and depression for me, but we have developed a way of living after some years that is peaceful and contented, for ourselves anyway. So for others who may find themselves out on a limb in some way, take heart, it does get better with time. As an old adage goes: Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.

    Sometimes I think there is so much more time to be creative and develope into a more unique individual when family ties get severed. Something to think about.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Gamliela wrote: »
    Moving to a new town has made me grateful for less social occassions and contacts. Reading through so many topics on mfp about all the temptations I realize how this can be a fortunate outcome for some of us. I resolve my chocolate temptations by having it everyday in my yogurt, I jst spoon cocoa in and enjoy it. Life is too short, especially at my age, to be downing those disgusting things they used to tell you to for brakfast, like kale smoothies. yikes.

    I was disinherited about 17 years ago too, so family gatherings and all the drama that creates is not a thing I have to face. It can be lonely though, and for many years December was a dreaded month as it brought out deep saddness and depression for me, but we have developed a way of living after some years that is peaceful and contented, for ourselves anyway. So for others who may find themselves out on a limb in some way, take heart, it does get better with time. As an old adage goes: Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.

    Sometimes I think there is so much more time to be creative and develope into a more unique individual when family ties get severed. Something to think about.

    @Gamliela, I struggle a lot in December because of family things - Christmas was a big thing for my mum and me, although there was only 3 in my family, we had lots of traditions and made things special. She passed away just before I met my husband, and my relationship with my dad weakened. My husband doesn't have the best relationship with his family, and they don't "do Christmas" like I do. It's often a case of I'd rather do nothing than something that doesn't mean Christmas to me. (and I apparently go too OTT and make too much effort).... We have some friends who have had us over as Christmas orphans a couple of times, which is lovely, but not expected as I don't want to impose myself on other people! Without them, I still struggle with out my mum, and making a big effort just for the two of us doesn't seem like much fun. We have been away for Christmas before, and intend to get away next year - it makes it a bit easier, but there's still a sense of loneliness...
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited December 2017
    I know that loneliness, I try not to fight it, just sitting with it for a time seems to help making it a part of me and somehow it can turn around into peace. I don't even know how that works, but at least I don't turn to destructive eating behaviors if there is acceptance. It seems to be a matter of developing new habits. I do know what you mean about not having much motivation during the season with just two of us and the cat, so now I just go with that and call it relaxation. :)

    editd: because I have such a hard time getting all the letters right on this ipad keyboard.
  • Terebynthia
    Terebynthia Posts: 75 Member
    edited December 2017
    My husband and I always spend Christmas at home - it started when we lived in Japan and didn't always come back for the holidays, and continued because quite frankly we prefer it. Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs with buck's fizz, then roast goose (saving the fat for roast potatoes) is the plan, along with blessed peace and quiet. We go away for the New Year as well. I guess we just aren't really into the family thing at all! (we will do a day before Christmas with my mum and step-dad, but I don't speak to my father and relations with his family are always strained so we haven't done Christmas with them for over 10 years). Life is too short to put up with passive aggressive nonsense from my unpleasant sister in law or having to deal with their spoilt children.

    I R antisocial Tere :D
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

    Thank you :)

    How is your girl doing? Any improvement?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

    Thank you :)

    How is your girl doing? Any improvement?

    She is back to eating regularly, but her energy is still a bit low. I am hoping she has turned a corner given that her appetite is back.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

    Thank you :)

    How is your girl doing? Any improvement?

    She is back to eating regularly, but her energy is still a bit low. I am hoping she has turned a corner given that her appetite is back.

    Excellent, eating is always a good sign. You probably already know this, but one of the best things you can do for sick fish is keep their water ultra clean, so small water changes (10%) every day. Increasing oxygen if you can may also help.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

    Thank you :)

    How is your girl doing? Any improvement?

    She is back to eating regularly, but her energy is still a bit low. I am hoping she has turned a corner given that her appetite is back.

    Excellent, eating is always a good sign. You probably already know this, but one of the best things you can do for sick fish is keep their water ultra clean, so small water changes (10%) every day. Increasing oxygen if you can may also help.

    Yep, we've been doing that exact process with her but I appreciate the advice. She is the first fish we've had and there is so much to learn!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Oh that sucks @mph323 :\

    Where's my goddam pms bloat gone??? Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus, Christmas bonus...

    Also, my partitally broken Fitbit strap fully broke during the night, so now I really do need to get on to contacting them for a replacement.

    Little fishy has gone to the stream at the Rainbow Bridge. Buried her last night :(

    So sorry to hear about your fish. :(

    Thank you :)

    How is your girl doing? Any improvement?

    She is back to eating regularly, but her energy is still a bit low. I am hoping she has turned a corner given that her appetite is back.

    Excellent, eating is always a good sign. You probably already know this, but one of the best things you can do for sick fish is keep their water ultra clean, so small water changes (10%) every day. Increasing oxygen if you can may also help.

    Yep, we've been doing that exact process with her but I appreciate the advice. She is the first fish we've had and there is so much to learn!

    Yep, fish are easy, until they're not. If you don't have a testing kit to check your water parameters from time to time, I can highly recommend getting one. Quick and easy way to either identify the problem, or rule things out. Plus you get to do sciencey things with test tubes in your kitchen.

    I need to do some restocking, though I will probably start with more albino cories, since they're down to three (should be in a group of at least six), rather than another glowlight tetra and harlequin rasbora. They're both down to five, but okay with that for a bit. Putting another five fish in all at once is asking for trouble.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Gamliela wrote: »
    Moving to a new town has made me grateful for less social occassions and contacts. Reading through so many topics on mfp about all the temptations I realize how this can be a fortunate outcome for some of us. I resolve my chocolate temptations by having it everyday in my yogurt, I jst spoon cocoa in and enjoy it. Life is too short, especially at my age, to be downing those disgusting things they used to tell you to for brakfast, like kale smoothies. yikes.

    I was disinherited about 17 years ago too, so family gatherings and all the drama that creates is not a thing I have to face. It can be lonely though, and for many years December was a dreaded month as it brought out deep saddness and depression for me, but we have developed a way of living after some years that is peaceful and contented, for ourselves anyway. So for others who may find themselves out on a limb in some way, take heart, it does get better with time. As an old adage goes: Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.

    Sometimes I think there is so much more time to be creative and develope into a more unique individual when family ties get severed. Something to think about.

    :heart: Sorry to hear about your family experience. There are several years I've been on call for the December holidays and therefore can't travel. I received much sympathy, but actually I quite enjoyed the peace and quiet. Maybe being alone at a traditionally "family" time should bother me more than it did. But being out-of-sorts wasn't going to change anything. And I had family to go if I wasn't scheduled to work. #familyisaprivilege.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Gamliela wrote: »
    Moving to a new town has made me grateful for less social occassions and contacts. Reading through so many topics on mfp about all the temptations I realize how this can be a fortunate outcome for some of us. I resolve my chocolate temptations by having it everyday in my yogurt, I jst spoon cocoa in and enjoy it. Life is too short, especially at my age, to be downing those disgusting things they used to tell you to for brakfast, like kale smoothies. yikes.

    I was disinherited about 17 years ago too, so family gatherings and all the drama that creates is not a thing I have to face. It can be lonely though, and for many years December was a dreaded month as it brought out deep saddness and depression for me, but we have developed a way of living after some years that is peaceful and contented, for ourselves anyway. So for others who may find themselves out on a limb in some way, take heart, it does get better with time. As an old adage goes: Time heals all wounds and wounds all heels.

    Sometimes I think there is so much more time to be creative and develope into a more unique individual when family ties get severed. Something to think about.

    @Gamliela, I struggle a lot in December because of family things - Christmas was a big thing for my mum and me, although there was only 3 in my family, we had lots of traditions and made things special. She passed away just before I met my husband, and my relationship with my dad weakened. My husband doesn't have the best relationship with his family, and they don't "do Christmas" like I do. It's often a case of I'd rather do nothing than something that doesn't mean Christmas to me. (and I apparently go too OTT and make too much effort).... We have some friends who have had us over as Christmas orphans a couple of times, which is lovely, but not expected as I don't want to impose myself on other people! Without them, I still struggle with out my mum, and making a big effort just for the two of us doesn't seem like much fun. We have been away for Christmas before, and intend to get away next year - it makes it a bit easier, but there's still a sense of loneliness...

    :heart: It's so hard going through those experiences after those who made them so meaningful and special to us are gone.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member

    I do have an invitation this year but the closer it gets the less I am feeling it. I'm just too exhausted and anxious to spend a day putting on a show. We shall see how I feel at the end of the week.

    This is why spending the holidays at my sister's is not a "vacation" for me. Here's to spending the holidays in ways which are caring and meaningful to us.